1,447 research outputs found

    Multiple policymakers and the social value of public information

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    In most economies, macroeconomic policy is conducted by two or more independent authorities. In general, each policymaker has a different piece of information about the state of the economy, and this information is different from the one held by the private sector. We extend the model of James and Lawler [2011], of asymmetric and imperfect information, to account for the existence of two independent policymakers. The active policymakers can choose optimally what policy rule to follow, what information to share with the other policymakers, and what information to share with the public. This paper studies the social value of public information when the policymakers are active. We find that improving the quality of the signals transmitted to the private sector can increase the expected value of welfare. If both policymakers seek to maximize expected welfare, full information sharing between authorities achieves higher expected welfare than no information sharing at all.Macroeconomic Policy, Asymmetric Information, Policy Coordination. Classification JEL: D82, D83, E52, E61, E62.

    Uncertainty in conflicts

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    This paper theoretically assesses the role that uncertainty plays in the intensity of conflicts. The standard two-player rent-seeking contest model (Tullock, 1980) is extended to allow for privately known subjective values of the prize. The conflict is modeled as a Bayesian game on which each player´s valuation is drawn independently from arbitrary distributions. We find sufficient conditions for when first-order and second-order stochastic refinements in the distributions cause predictable movements in the conflict´s dissipation. We focus on arbitrary contest success functions and arbitrary independent distributions for each player, allowing us to extend our analysis beyond the case of symmetric equilibria.conflict, uncertainty, monotone comparative statics, Bayesian games

    De ángeles domésticos y laboriosos. Arquetipos de feminidad en el republicanismo decimonónico

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    Son muchos los nichos que todavía permanecen sin explorar para que podamos afirmar que poseemos un conocimiento profundo del republicanismo decimonónico español. Colaboraré a esta tarea analizando los modelos de feminidad ideal de algunos de sus prosélitos. Concluiré que el discurso del ángel del hogar, que con matices defendió Francisco Pi y Margall, no puede generalizarse porque otros republicanos, como Ceferino Tresserra y Antonio Altadill imaginaron mujeres-tipo ideales absolutamente contrapuestos. No obstante, en todos, la familia constituyó la célula social básica y la mujer el agente de moralización colectiva.There are many niches that remain without replenish so we can say that we have a thorough knowledge of the Spanish nineteenth-century republicanism. I'll collaborate in this task by analyzing the ideal femininity models of some of its adherents. I'll conclude by that the language of the angel in the house, defended by Francisco Pi y Margall cannot be generalized for the whole of this political culture, because there were other Republicans, as Ceferino Tresserra and Antonio Altadill, who imagined ideal women-kind absolutely opposed. However, in all, the family was the basic social unit, and the woman a moralizing agent


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    We examine the value market assigns to components of the cash flow to equity including potential dividends. We study non financial publicly traded firms from five Latin American countries. The model includes four variables: market value of equity, dividends paid, change in equity investment and change in liquid assets (potential dividends) and are regressed with actual equity value as dependent variable. Tests applied give robust results. The main conclusions: Market assigns less than one dollar to a future dollar for any of the variables studied. Potential dividends destroy value. A dollar invested in liquid assets has a negative Net Present Value and it is not zero NPV investments. We confirm the agency costs of keeping undistributed cash flows.Cash flow to equity, potential dividends, equity value.

    Estudio teórico y experimental del comportamiento del hormigón con materiales no convencionales: fibras de vidrio y fibras de carbono, sometido a esfuerzos de compresión

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónSe realiza un estudio experimental, donde el objetivo principal es estudiar el comportamiento del concreto sometido a esfuerzos de compresión, con materiales no convencionales: Fibras de Vidrio y de Carbono. En la práctica de laboratorio se realizan 24 probetas cilíndricas de 300mm x 150mm, con dosificación 1:2:3. Donde 8 de ellos son de concreto simple, utilizados como patrón para la comparación, los 8 siguientes tiene las mismas características pero esta vez con el 0,8% de la fibra de vidrio del peso total de la mezcla, los 8 especímenes finales se realizan con 0,24% de la fibra de carbono del peso total de la mezcla, luego de realizar el diseño de mezcla y obtener las 24 probetas, se inicia el proceso de curado a los 7, 14, 21 y 28 días.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Estrategias de uso eficiente y ahorro de agua en centros educativos, caso de estudio, edificio facultad de ciencias ambientales – Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

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    El uso eficiente de agua a nivel mundial se ha convertido en una necesidad crucial para garantizar la sostenibilidad del recurso hídrico, considerándolo como un “recurso finito y vulnerable, esencial para sostener la vida, el desarrollo y el medio ambiente”, teniendo en cuenta que su “gestión debe basarse en un enfoque participativo, involucrando a usuarios, planificadores y los responsables de las decisiones a todos los niveles” (Conferencia internacional sobre el Agua y el Medio Ambiente, Dublín 1.992). Es bien sabido que un adecuado abastecimiento de agua potable es condición previa e indispensable para mantener la vida humana, los ecosistemas y lograr un desarrollo sostenible (Topfer, 1.998). Los usuarios del agua en abastecimientos urbanos se clasifican básicamente en institucionales, residenciales, comerciales, industriales y públicos. Cada uno de estos usuarios demanda el recurso de acuerdo a sus necesidades, El Sayed et al, (2.010) destacan que las autoridades de muchos países están luchando para satisfacer la creciente demanda del recurso hídrico y del saneamiento, y al mismo tiempo mantener la sostenibilidad del sistema de suministro urbano del recurso. Dentro de los usos urbanos, llama la atención un uso específico debido a su comportamiento y dadas las magnitudes en los consumos de agua, en cuanto a dicho uso, se hace referencia al consumo y gestión del recurso hídrico en instituciones educativas, las cuales por su tamaño y demanda de agua (servicios, aseo, laboratorios, cafeterías, riego y jardín) son categorizados como altos consumidores del recurso. Para ilustrar, Bonet et al, (2.001) señalan que los usos del agua en centros universitarios de gran tamaño son similares a los usos que se dan en ciudades de tamaño medio y que comprender esto es importante para realizar procesos de gestión ambiental en las instituciones

    The use of multiple skills learned by the professional of modern languages to be focused in the business part of the hotel and tourism sector

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    The current final project of career consists on the elaboration for the creation and starting up of an academy of languages in Bogota’s city focused in hospitality and tourism. Since it is about a private academy of languages, we will begin placing it inside the sector of the educational services, and for it, we are going to differ between the legal and not legal formation, being the last the one that belongs to our company. Also we will elaborate a DOFA to synthesize the strong and weak points we’ve detected our academy has. Regarding to the operations’ plan, first the suitable place will be decided to establish the physical center where the activity is going to carried out, for which, we have to have in mind aspects like: the best zone to locate it and if there is availability for businesses which collect enough characteristics that fulfill what we are looking in a near future.1. Introduction 8 2. Problem statement 9 3. Mission 10 4. Vision 10 5. Objetives 11 5.1 Main goal 11 5.2 Specific goals 11 6. Methodology 12 7. Theorical framework 13 7.1 General framework 13 7.1.1 National backgrounds 13 7.1.2 International backgrounds 18 8. Definition of the geographical area 20 9. Delimitation of the project for product 20 10. Frame of reference 20 10.1 Name of the project 20 10.2 Capital 20 10.4 Slogan 21 10.5 Economic activity 21 11. Legal framework 21 11.1 Procedures in the chamber of trade 21 11.2 Documents in the chamber of trade 22 12. Market Analysis 37 12.2 Segmentation for individuals 37 12.3 Segmentation for Legal people 37 13. Analysis of the demand 38 13.1 Projection of the Demand in least squares 38 13.2 Determination of the Elasticity Price of the Demand 38 13.3 Determination of the Elasticity Income of the Demand 38 14. Analysis of the product 38 14.1 Physical element of the Product 38 15. Package of the Product 39 18. Distribution and Coverage of the Product 40 19. Competition’s analysis in base of the life cycle of the products 41 20. Fieldwork 42 20.1 General goal from the fieldwork 42 20.2 Specific goals of the fieldwork 43 20.3 Franchaise details of the fieldwork 43 21. Determination of the Size of the Sample 43 21.1 Determination of the Type of Sampling 43 21.2 Definition and construction of the form 44 21.3 Tabulation and analysis of the result 44 22. Survey analysis 51 P a g e 5 | 83 23. Strategic formulation of the Project 51 23.1 Guide of questions for formulation of the Mission 51 23.2 Guide of questions for formulation of the Vision 51 24. Determination of the Corporate Targets 52 24.1 Determination of the corporate values 53 25.1 Construction of the Profile of Internal (CPI) 54 25.2 External Competitiveness Profile (ECP) 55 25.3 Strategic Crossing of the Project 57 25.4 Formulation Introduction to the market 57 26. Determination of the Functional Areas of the Project 59 26.2 Manuals to follow 60 27. Determination of Project Location 68 27.2 Analysis and Justification of Location 70 28. Size of the project 70 28.1 Determination of Each Functional 70 28.3 Determination of the Construction 71 29 Technical Evaluation of Raw Materials 72 29.1 Obtaining Technical Information about Products 72 29.2 Selection of the Process or Production System 72 29.3 Selection of Machinery and Equipment 73 30.1 Budget of Direct Production Costs 74 30.1.1 Cost for Raw Material 74 30.1.2 Cost for Other supplies 74 30.1.3 Cost per Production Workforce 74 32. Budget of Indirect Production Costs 75 33 Classification of Total Costs 78 34 Project Financing 78 34.1 Quantification of Resources in the Project 78 34.2 Credit Amortization Plan 79 35 Economic Analysis of the Project 80 35.3 Internal rate of return 80 36. Conclusions 81 37. BibliographyPregradoProfesional en Lenguas Moderna

    Moving Technical Reports Forward

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    Technical reports have always posed problems for libraries and librarians. They are often bibliographically inconsistent, difficult to source, and published to varying standards of quality. In some science and technical fields, these reports are also large in number and central in importance. Additionally, established workflows for acquiring and preserving technical reports in distributed repositories have been undermined by the transition from print to digital. Overall, the grey literature challenges librarians face have increased. This paper presents three case studies of how academic libraries have found innovative ways to face the problems of technical reports and improve their production, dissemination, and preservation; thus reducing the duplication of research efforts and saving public funds. Transportation is one example of the disciplines where these described changes are taking place, and the opportunities for libraries to improve the technical report workflow in this field will be a particular focus of the session. Readers can expect to learn about the challenges of handling technical reports in the digital age and the opportunities that exist for improving discoverability and dissemination in the networked environment. A particular focus will be on new roles for libraries and librarians, and how library publishing and data management services can offer new opportunities for partnerships with researchers

    Matriz de seguimiento para la gestión biomédica en IPS

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    En el presente documento se informa acerca de un trabajo práctico ejecutado en la institución prestadora de salud Virrey Solis IPS, con el fin de poder llevar la trazabilidad y seguimiento de las labores ejecutadas por parte de la coordinación Biomédica de esta institución. Aplicando conocimientos adquiridos en el proceso de formación como tecnólogo en eletromedicina, en este trabajo se realizó el desarrollo de diferentes matrices, las cuales permitieran obtener o cuantificar los niveles de gestión por parte de la coordinación biomédica de la IPS Virrey Solis, esto con el fin de garantizar los altos estándares de calidad con los cuales cuenta esta institución, buscando estar a fin con los procesos de tecno vigilancia establecidos por la ley colombiana. Mitigando de esta manera, los posibles eventos e incidentes adversos que se puedan presentar por el desgate o deterioró de un dispositivo o equipo biomédico. Como resultados se obtuvo información puntual que permitió identificar diferentes variables como los son, los tiempos de parada, tiempos de respuesta, cantidad de correctivos ejecutados, seguimiento de casos o reportes, efectividad en tiempo por parte de proveedores entre otros aspectos contables y manejo interno de la institución. Mediante el análisis realizado por los valores cuantificados mediante la matriz de seguimiento de casos y reportes, se logró concluir la viabilidad de la ejecución del desarrollo de un laboratorio o taller biomédico propio de la institución. Esto para garantizar el continuo funcionamiento de los dispositivos biomédicos, seguridad al paciente, altos estándares de calidad y de igual manera poder adquirir un costo beneficio para sí mismo.In the present document it reports there brings over of a practical work executed in the institution provider of health Virrey Solis IPS, in order to be able to take the traceability and follow-up of the labors executed on the part of the Biomedical coordination of this institution. Applying knowledge acquired in the process of formation as technologist in electromedicine, in this work there was realized the development of different counterfoils, which there were allowing to obtain or to quantify the levels of management on the part of the biomedical coordination of the IPS Virrey Solis, this in order to guarantee the standard high places of quality with which it counts this institution, seeking to be to end with the processes of techno vigilance established by the Colombian law. Mitigating hereby, the possible events and adverse incidents that they could present for the wear or it spoilt of a device or biomedical equipment. Since results there was obtained punctual information that allowed to identify different variables like them it are, the times of stop, times of response, quantity of executed corrections, follow-up of cases or reports, efficiency in time on the part of suppliers between other countable aspects and internal managing of the institution. By means of the analysis realized by the values quantified by means of the counterfoil of follow-up of cases and reports, it was achieved to conclude the viability of the execution of the development of a laboratory or biomedical own workshop of the institution. This to guarantee the continuous functioning of the biomedical devices, safety to the patient, standard high places of quality and of equal way to be able to acquire a cost I am of benefit for yes same.Glosario Resumen Abstract Introducción 1. Planteamiento del problema 1.1 descripción del problema 1.2 criterios 1.3 formulación del problema 2. Justificación 3. Objetivos 3.1 objetivo general 3.2 objetivos específicos 4. Marco de referencia 4.1 enfoque Virrey Solís 4.1.1 misión 4.1.2 visión 4.1.3 valores 4.1.4 servicios ofertados 5. Antecedentes 6. Marco teórico 6.1 tecno vigilancia 6.2trazabilidad 6.3 gestión de calidad 6.3.1inventario 6.3.2 acta de baja 6.3.3 control de costo mantenimiento 6.3.4 manejo de indicadores e informes de gestión realizada 6.4software en salud 6.5 base de datos 7 Metodología 7.1 enfoque metodológico 7.2 contexto de la matriz 7.3 reconocimiento de área 7.4 procedimientos 7.5 contratos virrey Solis IPS 8 Resultados 8.1 desarrollo matriz biomédica 8.1.1 fase 1 8.1.2 fase 2 8.1.3 fase 3 8.1.4 fase 4 8.1.5 fase 5 8.2 tabla general de resultados 8.3 de facturación 9 Conclusiones 10 Beneficios 11 Aportes ReferenciasPregradoTecnólogo en Mantenimiento de Equipos BiomédicosTecnología en Mantenimiento de Equipos Biomédico

    On the Connectedness and Diameter of a Geometric Johnson Graph

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in general position in the plane. A subset II of PP is called an \emph{island} if there exists a convex set CC such that I=PCI = P \cap C. In this paper we define the \emph{generalized island Johnson graph} of PP as the graph whose vertex consists of all islands of PP of cardinality kk, two of which are adjacent if their intersection consists of exactly ll elements. We show that for large enough values of nn, this graph is connected, and give upper and lower bounds on its diameter