16 research outputs found

    Heterotic Hyper-Kahler Flux Backgrounds

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    We study Heterotic supergravity on Hyper-Kahler manifolds in the presence of non-trivial warping and three form flux with Abelian bundles in the large charge limit. We find exact, regular solutions for multi-centered Gibbons-Hawking spaces and Atiyah-Hitchin manifolds. In the case of Atiyah-Hitchin, regularity requires that the circle at infinity is of the same order as the instanton number, which is taken to be large. Alternatively there may be a non-trivial density of smeared five branes at the bolt.Comment: 19 page

    Modeling Non-Covalent Interatomic Interactions on a Photonic Quantum Computer

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    Non-covalent interactions are a key ingredient to determine the structure, stability, and dynamics of materials, molecules, and biological complexes. However, accurately capturing these interactions is a complex quantum many-body problem, with no efficient solution available on classical computers. A widely used model to accurately and efficiently model non-covalent interactions is the Coulomb-coupled quantum Drude oscillator (cQDO) many-body Hamiltonian, for which no exact solution is known. We show that the cQDO model lends itself naturally to simulation on a photonic quantum computer, and we calculate the binding energy curve of diatomic systems by leveraging Xanadu's Strawberry Fields photonics library. Our study substantially extends the applicability of quantum computing to atomistic modeling, by showing a proof-of-concept application to non-covalent interactions, beyond the standard electronic-structure problem of small molecules. Remarkably, we find that two coupled bosonic QDOs exhibit a stable bond. In addition, our study suggests efficient functional forms for cQDO wavefunctions that can be optimized on classical computers, and capture the bonded-to-noncovalent transition for increasing interatomic distances. Remarkably, we find that two coupled bosonic QDOs exhibit a stable bond. In addition, our study suggests efficient functional forms for cQDO wavefunctions that can be optimized on classical computers, and capture the bonded-to-noncovalent transition for increasing interatomic distances.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures; published version, added various comments and a figur

    Gaussian Entanglement Measure: Applications to Multipartite Entanglement of Graph States and Bosonic Field Theory

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    Computationally feasible multipartite entanglement measures are needed to advance our understanding of complex quantum systems. An entanglement measure based on the Fubini-Study metric has been recently introduced by Cocchiarella and co-workers, showing several advantages over existing methods, including ease of computation, a deep geometrical interpretation, and applicability to multipartite entanglement. Here, we present the Gaussian Entanglement Measure (GEM), a generalization of geometric entanglement measure for multimode Gaussian states, based on the purity of fragments of the whole systems. Our analysis includes the application of GEM to a two-mode Gaussian state coupled through a combined beamsplitter and a squeezing transformation. Additionally, we explore 3-mode and 4-mode graph states, where each vertex represents a bosonic mode, and each edge represents a quadratic transformation for various graph topologies. Interestingly, the ratio of the geometric entanglement measures for graph states with different topologies naturally captures properties related to the connectivity of the underlying graphs. Finally, by providing a computable multipartite entanglement measure for systems with a large number of degrees of freedom, we show that our definition can be used to obtain insights into a free bosonic field theory on Rt×S1\mathbb R_t\times S^1, going beyond the standard bipartite entanglement entropy approach between different regions of spacetime. The results presented herein suggest how the GEM paves the way for using quantum information-theoretical tools to study the topological properties of the space on which a quantum field theory is defined.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, corrected typos, reformatted introduction, added figur

    Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories and Modular Linear Differential Equations

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    We define Modular Linear Differential Equations (MLDE) for the level-two congruence subgroups Γϑ\Gamma_\vartheta, Γ0(2)\Gamma^0(2) and Γ0(2)\Gamma_0(2) of SL2(Z)\text{SL}_2(\mathbb Z). Each subgroup corresponds to one of the spin structures on the torus. The pole structures of the fermionic MLDEs are investigated by exploiting the valence formula for the level-two congruence subgroups. We focus on the first and second order holomorphic MLDEs without poles and use them to find a large class of `Fermionic Rational Conformal Field Theories', which have non-negative integer coefficients in the qq-series expansion of their characters. We study the detailed properties of these fermionic RCFTs, some of which are supersymmetric. This work also provides a starting point for the classification of the fermionic Modular Tensor Category.Comment: 63 pages, 4 figures, 19 tables, references added, minor correction

    Bootstrapping fermionic rational CFTs with three characters

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    peer reviewedRecently, the modular linear differential equation (MLDE) for level-two congruence subgroups Γξ, Γ0(2) and Γ0(2) of SL2(â„€) was developed and used to classify the fermionic rational conformal field theories (RCFT). Two character solutions of the second-order fermionic MLDE without poles were found and their corresponding CFTs are identified. Here we extend this analysis to explore the landscape of three character fermionic RCFTs obtained from the third-order fermionic MLDE without poles. Especially, we focus on a class of the fermionic RCFTs whose Neveu-Schwarz sector vacuum character has no free-fermion currents and Ramond sector saturates the bound hR ≄ C24, which is the unitarity bound for the supersymmetric case. Most of the solutions can be mapped to characters of the fermionized WZW models. We find the pairs of fermionic CFTs whose characters can be combined to produce K(τ), the character of the c = 12 fermionic CFT for Co0 sporadic group

    Heterotic compactifications with flux

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    We study various aspects of heterotic compactifications with torsion. We de- fine and compute the dressed elliptic genus associated to Fu-Yau compactifications, and use this result to compute one-loop threshold corrections to various BPS-saturated cou- plings in the four-dimensional effective supergravity action. Finally, we study non-compact supersymmetric solutions which generalize, among others, the known heterotic solutions on the conifold.Nous Ă©tudions diffĂ©rents aspects liĂ©s aux compactifications hĂ©tĂ©rotiques avec torsion. Nous dĂ©finissons et calculons le genre elliptique vĂȘtu associĂ© aux compactifications Fu-Yau, et exploitons ce rĂ©sultat pour calculer les corrections de seuil Ă  une boucle de diffĂ©rents couplages BPS-saturĂ©s dans l’action effective de supergravitĂ© Ă  quatre dimen- sions. Enfin nous nous intĂ©ressons Ă  des solutions supersymĂ©triques non-compactes qui gĂ©nĂ©ralisent, entre autres, les solutions hĂ©tĂ©rotiques connues sur le conifold

    Threshold corrections in heterotic flux compactifications

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    Abstract We compute the one-loop threshold corrections to the gauge and gravitational couplings for a large class of N = 2 N=2 \mathcal{N}=2 non-KĂ€hler heterotic compactifications with three-form flux, consisting in principal two-torus bundles over K3 surfaces. We obtain the results as sums of BPS-states contributions, depending on the topological data of the bundle. We analyse also the worldsheet non-perturbative corrections coming from instantons wrapping the torus fiber, that are mapped under S-duality to D-instanton corrections in type I flux compactifications