72 research outputs found

    A novel compound β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside isolated from Azadirachta indica effectively induces apoptosis in leukemic cells by targeting G0/G1 populations

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    27-32Azadirachta indica, popularly known as ‘Neem’, is an important plant in the Ayurveda system of medicine. It is known to prevent about at least 40 types of diseases in home-practice. A previous report showed that the methanolic extract of this plant can effectively control proliferation of leukemia cells. Here, we explored the eEthanolic extract dried neem leaves for a new molecule with potent anti-leukemic property.Four biomolecules were isolated viz. rutin, isoquercetin, quercetrin and β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside from the ethanolic extract by repeated column chromatography and HPLC.Quercetrin structures of the isolated molecules were confirmed by Mass, 1HNMR, 13C NMR spectra analysis. MTT assay revealed that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside effectively reduced the proliferation of MOLT 4 leukemic cells in a dose and time dependent manner. DAPI staining with confocal microscopy indicated that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside efficiently induced nuclear DNA fragmentation in MOLT 4 cells. Finally, flow cytometry after PI staining showed that the compound has potential to check the cell cycle progression at sub G1 phase. With the available results, it can be concluded that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside has potential to be good therapeutic drug in leukemia treatment

    A novel compound β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside isolated from Azadirachta indica effectively induces apoptosis in leukemic cells by targeting G0/G1 populations

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    Azadirachta indica, popularly known as ‘Neem’, is a very important plant in the Ayurveda system of medicine. It is known toprevent about 40 types of diseases in home-practice. A previous report showed that the methanolic extract of this plant can effectively control the proliferation of leukemia cells. Therefore, this research focuses on searching for a new molecule with potent anti-leukemic property. Ethanolic extract was prepared from the dried leaves. Four bio-molecules were isolated viz. rutin, isoquercetin, quercetrin and β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside from the ethanolic extract by repeated column chromatography and HPLC. Quercetrin structures of the isolated molecules were confirmed by Mass, 1HNMR, 13C NMR spectra analysis. MTT assay revealed that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucosideeffectively reduced the proliferation of MOLT 4 leukemic cells in a dose and time dependent manner. DAPI staining with confocal microscopy indicated that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside efficiently induced nuclear DNA fragmentation in MOLT 4 cells. Finally, flow cytometry after PI staining showed that the compound has potential to check the cell cycle progression at sub G1 phase. In summary, we can conclude that β-sitosterol-3-O-β-D-glucoside has potential to be good therapeutic drug in leukemia treatment in future

    Therapy of pancreatic cancer via an EphA2 receptor-targeted delivery of gemcitabine.

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    First line treatment for pancreatic cancer consists of surgical resection, if possible, and a subsequent course of chemotherapy using the nucleoside analogue gemcitabine. In some patients, an active transport mechanism allows gemcitabine to enter efficiently into the tumor cells, resulting in a significant clinical benefit. However, in most patients, low expression of gemcitabine transporters limits the efficacy of the drug to marginal levels, and patients need frequent administration of the drug at high doses, significantly increasing systemic drug toxicity. In this article we focus on a novel targeted delivery approach for gemcitabine consisting of conjugating the drug with an EphA2 targeting agent. We show that the EphA2 receptor is highly expressed in pancreatic cancers, and accordingly, the drug-conjugate is more effective than gemcitabine alone in targeting pancreatic tumors. Our preliminary observations suggest that this approach may provide a general benefit to pancreatic cancer patients and offers a comprehensive strategy for enhancing delivery of diverse therapeutic agents to a wide range of cancers overexpressing EphA2, thereby potentially reducing toxicity while enhancing therapeutic efficacy

    Autophagy switches to apoptosis in prostate cancer cells infected with melanoma differentiation associated gene-7/interleukin-24 (mda-7/IL-24)

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    MDA-7/IL-24 has noteworthy potential as an anticancer therapeutic because of its diversity of antitumor properties, its lack of toxicity toward normal cells and tissues, and its safety and efficacy as evidenced in a phase I clinical trial. In a recent study, we document that Ad.mda-7-induced ER stress and ceramide production leads to early autophagy that subsequently switches to apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. During the apoptotic phase, the MDA-7/IL-24 protein physically interacts with Beclin 1 and this interaction might inhibit Beclin 1 function culminating in apoptosis. Conversely, Ad.mda-7 infection leads to calpain-mediated cleavage of the Atg5 protein that might also facilitate a biochemical switch from autophagy to apoptosis. Our recent paper reveals novel aspects of the interplay between autophagy and apoptosis that underlie the cytotoxic action of MDA-7/IL-24 in prostate cancer cells. These new insights into MDA-7/IL-24 action provide intriguing leads for developing innovative combinatorial approaches for prostate cancer therapy

    Novel ZnO hollow-nanocarriers containing paclitaxel targeting folate-receptors in a malignant pH-microenvironment for effective monitoring and promoting breast tumor regression

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    Low pH in the tumor micromilieu is a recognized pathological feature of cancer. This attribute of cancerous cells has been targeted herein for the controlled release of chemotherapeutics at the tumour site, while sparing healthy tissues. To this end, pH-sensitive, hollow ZnO-nanocarriers loaded with paclitaxel were synthesized and their efficacy studied in breast cancer in vitro and in vivo. The nanocarriers were surface functionalized with folate using click-chemistry to improve targeted uptake by the malignant cells that over-express folate-receptors. The nanocarriers released ~75% of the paclitaxel payload within six hours in acidic pH, which was accompanied by switching of fluorescence from blue to green and a 10-fold increase in the fluorescence intensity. The fluorescence-switching phenomenon is due to structural collapse of the nanocarriers in the endolysosome. Energy dispersion X-ray mapping and whole animal fluorescent imaging studies were carried out to show that combined pH and folate-receptor targeting reduces off-target accumulation of the nanocarriers. Further, a dual cell-specific and pH-sensitive nanocarrier greatly improved the efficacy of paclitaxel to regress subcutaneous tumors in vivo. These nanocarriers could improve chemotherapy tolerance and increase anti-tumor efficacy, while also providing a novel diagnostic read-out through fluorescent switching that is proportional to drug release in malignant tissues

    Multifunction Protein Staphylococcal Nuclease Domain Containing 1 (SND1) Promotes Tumor Angiogenesis in Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma through Novel Pathway That Involves Nuclear Factor κB and miR-221

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    Staphylococcal nuclease domain-containing 1 (SND1) is a multifunctional protein that is overexpressed in multiple cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Stable overexpression of SND1 in Hep3B cells expressing a low level of SND1 augments, whereas stable knockdown of SND1 in QGY-7703 cells expressing a high level of SND1 inhibits establishment of xenografts in nude mice, indicating that SND1 promotes an aggressive tumorigenic phenotype. In this study we analyzed the role of SND1 in regulating tumor angiogenesis, a hallmark of cancer. Conditioned medium from Hep3B-SND1 cells stably overexpressing SND1 augmented, whereas that from QGY-SND1si cells stably overexpressing SND1 siRNA significantly inhibited angiogenesis, as analyzed by a chicken chorioallantoic membrane assay and a human umbilical vein endothelial cell differentiation assay. We unraveled a linear pathway in which SND1-induced activation of NF-κB resulted in induction of miR-221 and subsequent induction of angiogenic factors Angiogenin and CXCL16. Inhibition of either of these components resulted in significant inhibition of SND1-induced angiogenesis, thus highlighting the importance of this molecular cascade in regulating SND1 function. Because SND1 regulates NF-κB and miR-221, two important determinants of HCC controlling the aggressive phenotype, SND1 inhibition might be an effective strategy to counteract this fatal malady

    MDA-9/syntenin is a key regulator of glioma pathogenesis

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    The extraordinary invasiveness of human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) contributes to treatment failure and the grim prognosis of patients diagnosed with this tumor. Consequently, it is imperative to define further the cellular mechanisms that control GBM invasion and identify promising novel therapeutic targets. Melanoma differentiation associated gene–9 (MDA-9/syntenin) is a highly conserved PDZ domain–containing scaffolding protein that promotes invasion and metastasis in vitro and in vivo in human melanoma models. To determine whether MDA-9/syntenin is a relevant target in GBM, we investigated its expression in tumor samples and involvement in GBM invasion and angiogenesis

    MDA-9/Syntenin (SDCBP) Is a Critical Regulator of Chemoresistance, Survival and Stemness in Prostate Cancer Stem Cells

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    Despite some progress, treating advanced prostate cancer remains a major clinical challenge. Recent studies have shown that prostate cancer can originate from undifferentiated, rare, stem cell-like populations within the heterogeneous tumor mass, which play seminal roles in tumor formation, maintenance of tumor homeostasis and initiation of metastases. These cells possess enhanced propensity toward chemoresistance and may serve as a prognostic factor for prostate cancer recurrence. Despite extensive studies, selective targeted therapies against these stem cell-like populations are limited and more detailed experiments are required to develop novel targeted therapeutics. We now show that MDA-9/Syntenin/SDCBP (MDA-9) is a critical regulator of survival, stemness and chemoresistance in prostate cancer stem cells (PCSCs). MDA-9 regulates the expression of multiple stem-regulatory genes and loss of MDA-9 causes a complete collapse of the stem-regulatory network in PCSCs. Loss of MDA-9 also sensitizes PCSCs to multiple chemotherapeutics with different modes of action, such as docetaxel and trichostatin-A, suggesting that MDA-9 may regulate multiple drug resistance. Mechanistically, MDA-9-mediated multiple drug resistance, stemness and survival are regulated in PCSCs through activation of STAT3. Activated STAT3 regulates chemoresistance in PCSCs through protective autophagy as well as regulation of MDR1 on the surface of the PCSCs. We now demonstrate that MDA-9 is a critical regulator of PCSC survival and stemness via exploiting the inter-connected STAT3 and c-myc pathways

    Targeted apoptotic effects of thymoquinone and tamoxifen on XIAP mediated Akt regulation in breast cancer.

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    X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) is constitutively expressed endogenous inhibitor of apoptosis, exhibit its antiapoptotic effect by inactivating key caspases such as caspase-3, caspase-7 and caspase-9 and also play pivotal role in rendering cancer chemoresistance. Our studies showed the coadministration of TQ and TAM resulting in a substantial increase in breast cancer cell apoptosis and marked inhibition of cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. Anti-angiogenic and anti-invasive potential of TQ and TAM was assessed through in vitro studies. This novel combinatorial regimen leads to regulation of multiple cell signaling targets including inactivation of Akt and XIAP degradation. At molecular level, TQ and TAM synergistically lowers XIAP expression resulting in binding and activation of caspase-9 in apoptotic cascade, and interfere with cell survival through PI3-K/Akt pathway by inhibiting Akt phosphorylation. Cleaved caspase-9 further processes other intracellular death substrates such as PARP thereby shifting the balance from survival to apoptosis, indicated by rise in the sub-G1 cell population. This combination also downregulates the expression of Akt-regulated downstream effectors such as Bcl-xL, Bcl-2 and induce expression of Bax, AIF, cytochrome C and p-27. Consistent with these results, overexpression studies further confirmed the involvement of XIAP and its regulatory action on Akt phosphorylation along with procaspase-9 and PARP cleavage in TQ-TAM coadministrated induced apoptosis. The ability of TQ and TAM in inhibiting XIAP was confirmed through siRNA-XIAP cotransfection studies. This novel modality may be a promising tool in breast cancer treatment