108 research outputs found
Penerapan Putusan Pengadilan Agama dalam Perkara Perceraian di Kota Malang (Studi di Wilayah Pengadilan Agama Kota Malang)
Penerapan putusan Pengadilan Agama Dalam Perkara Perceraian di Kota Malang(Studi di wilayah pengadilan Agama Kota Malang)The Implementation of The Religious Court Decisions in Matters of Divorce in Malang (Study in a Region of Malang Religious Court)Muhammad SarifStaf Pengajar Jurusan Ahwal Syakhshiyyah, Fakultas Agama IslamUniversitas Muhammadiyah MalangEmail: [email protected] Religious courts is one of the first level courts that handle specific matters citizen of Indonesia who are Muslims (the principle of personality to the Islamization), a product of the judiciary is a decision which has the force of law, but in society, not all religious court carried out by the litigants, for example, about the obligation of a husband to provide for children in divorce cases are not executed by the husband. What matters is the cause of the decision shall not be implemented in this research study, so the purpose of this study was to determine the cause of no religious court decision is implemented. To find out the cause then conducted in-depth interviews of the parties relating to such matters, between the ex-wife and to the judges who have competence in the field of religious court. In this study researchers found the conclusions Factor The causes are not implemented the decision of the Religious of the divorce case that has had permanent legal force include 1) the wife was quite happy with the decision for divorce from the Religious Court, while living children a burden on the former wife of 2) the wife does not understand his rights after a divorce 3). the wife does not want to sue if the husband is not religious court because the procedure is perceived to provide for long. So that the suggestions in this study are: 1) should be given legal counseling to couples who are divorcing on the rights and obligations after divorce 2) The officials who have competence in Religious Court for more leverage in securing the implementation of the decision of the Court of Religion 3) To be more simplified procedures that litigants in the courts adhere to the principle of a simple, rapid and low cost.Keywords: Implementation of Decisions PA, Survey, interview, the Religious MalangABSTRAKPengadilan Agama merupakan salah satu lembaga peradilan tingkat pertama yang menangani perkara-perkara khusus warga negara Indonesia yang beragama Islam (azas personalitas ke Islaman), produk dari lembaga peradilan tersebut adalah sebuah putusan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum, namun dalam masyarakat, putusan pengadilan agama tidak semuanya dilaksanakan oleh para pihak yang berperkara, misalnya tentang kewajiban seorang suami untuk memberi nafkah kepada anak dalam perkara perceraian tidak dilaksanakan oleh suami. Hal-hal apa saja yang menjadi penyebab tidak dilaksanakannya putusan tersebut menjadi kajian dalam penelitian ini, sehingga tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penyebab tidak dilaksanakannya putusan Pengadilan Agama tersebut. Untuk mengetahui penyebabnya maka dilakukan interview mendalam terhadap pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan perkara tersebut, antara kepada bekas isteri maupun kepada para hakim yang memiliki kompetensi dalam bidang peradilan Agama tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menemukan kesimpulan fator-faktor penyebab tidak dilaksanakannya putusan Pengadilan Agama dari perkara perceraian yang telah memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap antara lain 1) pihak isteri sudah cukup puas dengan putusan cerai dari Pengadilan Agama tersebut, sedangkan nafkah anak menjadi beban mantan istri 2) pihak isteri tidak memahami hak- haknya setelah terjadi perceraian 3). pihak isteri tidak ingin menggugat ke Pengadilan Agama apabila suami tidak memberi nafkah karena prosedurnya diangap lama. Sehingga saran-saran dalam penelitian ini adalah; 1) perlu diberikan penyuluhan hukum pada pasangan yang akan bercerai tentang hak-hak dan kewajibannya setelah perceraian 2) Para pejabat yang memiliki kompentensi di PengadilanAgama agar lebih maksimal dalam mengamankan pelaksanaan putusan Pengadilan Agama 3) Agar lebih dipermudah prosedur berperkara di lembaga peradilan yang menganut azas sederhana, cepat dan biaya ringan.Kata Kunci : Penerapan Putusan PA, Survey, interview, Pengadilan Agama Kota Malan
Integrating multimedia learning theory in assistive courseware for low vision learners
This paper reports an ongoing study regarding the development of Assistive Courseware (AC) that is specifically designed to cater the needs of low vision learners in learning activities.Currently, as reported in the previous studies, low vision learners are facing various difficulties in their learning activities particularly in terms of information accessibility, navigationability, and pleasure. Previous literatures also state that, most of the available courseware means too little to them especially in terms of content presentation.Therefore, this study attempts to solve the problem by developing an AC which is named as AC for Low Vision Learners (AC4LV). The AC was developed by utilizing Multimedia Learning
Theory as guidance. In addition, three basic steps, which are pre-production, production,
and post-production have been utilized in developing the AC.As a result, an AC4LV based
on Multimedia Learning Theory was successfully produced. Future works of this study is to
test the experience of using AC4LV among the low vision learners particularly on primary
school children from age nine to twelve
Analisis Zona Bahaya Gempabumi Dengan Pendekatan Probabilitas Peak Ground Acceleration (Pga) Dan Geomorfologi Kabupaten Bantul Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Bantul, Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta berdekatan dengan zona subduksi lempeng Indo-Australia terhadap lempeng Eurasia. Kabupaten ini pernah terjadi gempa bumi Tanggal 27 Mei 2006, dengan kekuatan Mw = 5,9 SR. Aspek
geomorfologi merupakan faktor utama yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan intensitas terjadinya gempabumi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kabupaten Bantul
bertujuan untuk (1) Mengetahui sebaran zona bahaya gempabumi pada tiap satuan bentuklahan di Kabupaten Bantul, (2) Mengetahui tingkat bahaya gempabumi pada tiap satuan bentuklahan di Kabupaten Bantul. Penelitian ini merupakan
penelitian survey dengan perolehan data dilakukan melalui survey lapangan. Data dari hasil survey lapangan merupakan data primer sedangkan penggunaan data meramex sebagai data sekunder. Pendekatan geografi yang digunakan yaitu pendekatan spasial, untuk mengetahui tingkat persebaran bahaya gempabumi pada satuan bentuklahan. Secara umum hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat bahaya gempabumi tinggi diindikasikan dari nilai PGA dan intensitas yang tinggi serta memperhatikan kondisi unit bentuklahannya berupa perbukitan struktural. Kecamatan-kecamatan yang termasuk kedalam zona bahaya gempabumi tingkat tinggi adalah Piyungan, Banguntapan (bagian timur Sungai Opak), Pleret (bagian timur Sungai Opak), Dlingo, Imogiri, Pundong dan Kretek (bagian timur Sungai Opak), karena terdapat perbukitan struktural yang masih mengalami proses
perkembangan secara aktif. Nilai PGA pada tingkat bahaya tinggi berkisar antara 235,25 gal – 339,44 gal dengan skala intensitas VI – VIII. Secara dominan skala intensitas yang mendefinisikan tingkat bahaya tinggi adalah skala intensitas VII –
Optimised control using proportional-integral-derivative controller tuned using internal model control
Time delays are generally unavoidable in the designing frameworks for mechanical and electrical systems and so on.. In both continuous and discrete schemes, the existence of delay creates undesirable impacts on the under-thought which forces exacting constraints on attainable execution.The presence of delay confounds the design structure procedure also. It makes continuous systems boundless dimensional and also extends the readings in discrete systems fundamentally. As the Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller based on internal model control is essential and strong to address the vulnerabilities and aggravations of the model. But for an real industry process, they are less susceptible to noise than the PID controller.It results in just one tuning parameter which is the time constant of the closed-loop system λ, the internal model control filter factor.It additionally gives a decent answer for the procedure with huge time delays. The design of the PID controller based on the internal model control, with approximation of time delay using Pade’ and Taylor’s series is depicted in this paper. The first order filter used in the design provides good set-point tracking along with disturbance rejection
I'jaz Al-Quran in Linguistic Perspective and it’s Impact on The Readers
As a miracle given to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, Al Quran has miraculous aspects from various aspects, including editorial balance, scientific information, information of the past and future, as well as the beauty of the style of expression in terms of language. This miracle establishes that Al Quran is not only special in terms of its content, but also in terms of the letters, words, sentences, letters and section that make it up. The objectives of this research are: 1) Describe the definition, elements and meaning of I'jaz Al-Quran, 2) Describe the miracles and beauty of the style of expressing the Al-Quran from a linguistic perspective, 3) Describe the impact of I'jaz Al-Quran on readers. The results of this research: 1) Miracles in Al Quran are miracles that are owned or contained in Al Quran, rather than evidence of truth that comes from outside Al Quran or external factors, then the elements accompanying the miracle must be 'extraordinary', shown by a prophet , contains challenges, and the person challenged is unable to serve; 2) I’jaz Al-Quran from a linguistic aspect can be seen from the arrangement of words and sentences in the Al-Quran, including its tone and style, brevity and conciseness, editorial balance, and the presence of palindromes. Therefore, 3) Al Quran has an impact on those who read it by satisfying experts, thinkers, philosophers and lay people. Apart from that, the Al-Quran also satisfies the mind and soul, namely by means of conveying the Al-Quran which is varied, not monotonous, and in accordance with human nature
Digital Circuit Design Through Simulated Evolution (SimE)
Abstract- In this paper, the use of Simulated Evolution (SimE) Algorithm in the design of digital logic circuits is proposed. SimE algorithm consists of three steps: evaluation, selection and allocation. Two goodness measures are designed to guide the selection and allocation operations of SimE. Area, power and delay are considered in the optimization of circuits. Results obtained by SimE algorithm are compared to those obtained by Genetic Algorithm (CA)
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