50 research outputs found

    Analcime geopolymers as sorbents in water treatment

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    Zeolite mineral, analcime [Na16(Al16Si32O96)·16H2O], is formed in mining industry as lithium carbonate is produced from spodumene (LiAlSi2O6) using sodium pressure leaching process (1). Zeolite structure possess aluminosilicate framework and pores occupied by water and exchangeable cations (2). Zeolites act as cation exchangers due to which they have been applied as sorbents in water treatment (2). Geopolymers (GP) consist of an anionic framework of corner-sharing SiO4 and AlO4, and the exchangeable cations are located in the voids in the same way as in zeolites (3). However, GP are x-ray amorphous unlike zeolites. Also, GP are excellent sorbent materials in water treatment for e.g. As3+, Cu2+, NH4+ Ni2+, Sb3+ (4-6). The ion-exchange capacity of analcime at room temperature is quite low (Querol et al. 2002) and therefore analcime was geopolymerized with a 1:1 mixture of 10 M sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (SiO2:Na2O = 3.1-3.4) to improve the sorption properties of analcime. Then analcime GP were applied as sorbents in the removal of different anions and cations (e.g. ammonium, nitrate, potassium). Before sorption experiments, the GP were crushed and sieved to a particle size \u3c500 \u3eµm and washed with deionized water until pH was stable. Experiments were conducted in batch mode with synthetic wastewater. The effect of sorbent dosage, sorption time, temperature, and anion/cation solution concentration on the anion/cation removal efficiencies of analcime GP were studied. The results indicate that analcime GP could be used as sorbents in water treatment. The use of the analcime GP in water treatment could lead to cost savings in water treatment as a low-cost by-product based GP are used instead of the commercial ion exchange resins. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    A comprehensive review of the reclamation of resources from spent lithium-ion batteries

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    Due to the increased application of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), the number of spent LIBs has increased significantly in recent years, which has resulted in new waste management challenges for the recycling industry. The recycling of spent LIBs has gained enormous interest globally, as this can mitigate resource shortages and reduce the detrimental environmental impact of spent LIB waste. As the demand for LIBs continues to grow, it is important to recycle spent LIBs to establish a sustainable supply chain for the critical materials required for battery production. This comprehensive review addresses different strategies for resource recovery from LIBs and covers state-of-the-art processes for recycling LIBs. Additionally, the challenges and strategies for resource recovery from LIBs are highlighted. Furthermore, the advantages and disadvantages of different recycling processes are addressed

    Mentors' self‐assessed competence in mentoring nursing students in clinical practice: A systematic review of quantitative studies

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    Aims and objectives: To examine registered nurses' self‐evaluation of their competence in mentoring nursing students in clinical practice. Background: Clinical mentors have significant roles and responsibility for nursing students' clinical learning. Moreover, the mentors' role is becoming increasingly important internationally, as the role of nurse teachers in mentoring students in clinical practice has declined. However, in most EU countries there are no specific educational requirements for clinical mentors, although they need targeted education to increase their competence in mentoring nursing students. Design: The systematic review of quantitative studies was designed according to guidelines of the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and PRISMA protocol. Methods: Studies published during 2000–2019 that met inclusion criteria formulated in PiCOS format were systematically reviewed by three independent reviewers. CINAHL (Ebsco), PubMed (MEDLINE), Scopus, ERIC and Medic databases were used to retrieve the studies. Three independent reviewers conducted the systematic review process. The studies were tabulated, thematically compared and narratively reported. Results: In total, 16 peer‐reviewed studies met the inclusion criteria. The studies identified various dimensions of mentors´ competence and associated environmental factors. Generally, participating mentors rated competences related to the clinical environment, mentoring, supporting students' learning processes and relevant personal characteristics fairly high. They also rated organisational practices in their workplaces, resources in the clinical environment and their mentor–student and mentor–stakeholder pedagogical practices, as respectable or satisfactory. Conclusion: The results indicate considerable scope for improving mentors' competence, particularly through enhancing organisational mentoring practices and relevant resources in clinical environments. Relevance for clinical practice: Pedagogical practices of mentors in relations with both students and stakeholders should be enhanced to improve future nurses' learning. This systematic review addresses a gap in knowledge of mentors' self‐evaluated competence that could assist the formulation of effective educational programmes for mentors internationally and improving clinical environments.We would like to acknowledge European Commission, Erasmus+, KA2: Strategic partnership for providing funding for the project Quality mentorship for developing competent nursing students (QualMent)

    Mukana kuljetettava jalkatuki : tuotekehitys lyhytkasvuisen istumisen ergonomian parantamiseksi

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    Tämä opinnäytetyö on käyttäjälähtöinen tuotekehitystyö, jossa tavoitteena on suunnitella mukana kuljetettava jalkatuki lyhytkasvuisen henkilön istumisen ergonomian parantamiseksi. Lyhytkasvuisella henkilöllä jalat eivät yletä maahan istuessa. Tästä seurauksena on huono istuma-asento ja suuren paineen kohdistuminen reisien takaosaan. Huonosta istuma-asennosta aiheutuu erilaisia oireita, kuten jalkojen kipeytymistä ja puutumista sekä selkäkipuja ja niska- ja hartiaseudun kireyttä. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin yhteistyössä Lyhytkasvuiset – Kortväxta ry:n kanssa. Sähköinen kysely suoritettiin yhdistyksen jäsenille. Kyselyn tuloksista saatiin jalkatuelle kriteerit, käyttöympäristöön liittyvää tietoa ja toiveita tuotteelle. Opinnäytetyöhön on koottu tietoa lyhytkasvuisuudesta, istumisen ergonomiasta, käyttäjälähtöisestä tuotekehityksestä ja ergonomiasta suunnittelussa. Teoriaosuudessa esitellään lyhytkasvuisuutta, sen aiheuttajia ja oireita sekä yleisimmin käytössä olevia apuvälineitä ja niiden merkitystä lyhytkasvuisen henkilön arjessa. Opinnäytetyössä tehtiin käytännön toteutuksena prototyyppi mukana kuljetettavasta jalkatuesta. Ajatus tähän tuotekehitystyöhön lähti Lyhytkasvuiset - Kortväxta ry:n jäsenien keskuudessa ilmenneestä tarpeesta. Suunnittelussa ja prototyypin valmistuksessa vaatimukset tuotteelle saatiin kohderyhmältä. Yhdistyksen jäsenille suoritetun sähköisen kyselyn tulosten perusteella tärkeimmiksi kriteereiksi osoittautuivat keveys, pieni koko ja käyttäjän koon mukainen säädettävyys. Nämä tekijät huomioitiin valmistuksessa materiaali valinnoissa ja toiminta periaatteessa. Prototyyppiä testattiin yhdistyksen aluepäivillä, joilla kerättiin palautetta ja kehittämisehdotuksia prototyypille.This thesis is a product development, where the goal was to design a portable footrest to improve the ergonomics of sitting for persons of short stature. Their feet cannot reach the ground when seated and the consequence is bad seating position and a high pressure against the back of the thighs. Bad sitting position causes a variety of symptoms such as soreness and numbness in the legs, as well as back pain and tension in the neck and shoulder area. For this thesis information about short stature, sitting ergonomics, user-driven product development and ergonomics in the design was acquired. The thesis also looks into the causes and symptoms of short stature, as well as the most commonly used assistive devices and their role in the everyday life of a person of short stature. The thesis was carried out by developing a prototype product. The idea of this development work came from Lyhytkasvuiset Association and the need among the members. The requirements for the design and manufacture of the product were provided by the association members. The thesis was made in cooperation Lyhytkasvuiset Association. The members of the association answered an electronic survey that had questions about the criteria for the footrest, information of the using environment and expectations related to product. Based on the results of the survey the most important criteria turned out to be light weight, small size and adjustability according to the user’s size. These factors were taken into account during the preparation in the choice of materials and functions of the footrest. The prototype was tested in the association’s gathering, where I collected feedback and development proposals for the prototype

    Utilisation of gasification carbon residues:activation, characterisation and use as an adsorbent

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    Abstract Gasification is an energy conversion method for the utilisation of biomass for obtaining energy (heat and power). In the gasification process carbon residue is formed as a waste. For improving the cost-effectiveness of the gasification process the utilisation of this waste is important and the present legislation also creates requirements for the utilisation of waste material. Activated carbon is typically used for purification of water, for example, wastewaters as well as gaseous emissions. Consequently, commercial activated carbon is fairly expensive and its preparation is energy consuming. However, this inhibits sometimes its widespread use in wastewater treatment and therefore there is a need to develop cost-effective adsorbents from alternative biomass-based low-cost raw materials to remove harmful substances from aqueous solutions. The first aim of this thesis was to determine physical and chemical properties of carbon residues from wood gasification, and fly ashes from burning processes were used as reference samples. The properties are essential to known when evaluating the potential utilisation applications for unknown carbon residue samples. Properties of carbon residue indicate that it would be suitable adsorbent due to the high carbon content but its activation or modification is needed. The second aim was to modify this industrial carbonaceous by-product by physical and chemical activation and chemical modification methods to maximise the adsorption capacity of material. Based on our results, adsorption properties can be enhanced by using zinc chloride as a chemical activating agent, carbon dioxide as a physical activating agent and ferric chloride in the chemical modification and adsorbents with specific surface areas 285, 590 and 52 m2 g-1 were produced, respectively. The third aim was to test produced adsorbents to anions removal. Chemically activated carbon residue removes phosphate well and physically activated carbon residue removes phosphates and nitrates. Chemically modified carbon residue was observed to be suitable sorbent for sulphate removal. Optimal initial pH and concentration were determined and effect of time was studied and kinetic calculations and isotherm analysis was done for studied adsorbents.Tiivistelmä Kaasutus on tehokas tapa hyödyntää biomassaa sähkön- ja lämmöntuotannossa. Kaasutuksessa muodostuu jätteenä hiilijäännöstä, jonka hyödyntäminen on tärkeää kaasutusprosessin kustannustehokkuuden parantamiseksi. Myös nykyinen lainsäädäntö asettaa vaatimuksia jätemateriaalien hyödyntämiselle. Aktiivihiiltä on tyypillisesti käytetty mm. jäteveden sekä kaasujen puhdistukseen. Aktiivihiili on kuitenkin kallista ja sen valmistaminen on energiaa kuluttava prosessi, mikä rajoittaa sen käyttöä. Tämän vuoksi tarvitaan uutta tietoa myös kustannustehokkaampien adsorbenttien valmistamiseen soveltuvista vaihtoehtoisista biomassapohjaisista raaka-aineista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli aluksi määrittää puun kaasutuksessa muodostuneen hiilijäännöksen fysikaalisia ja kemiallisia ominaisuuksia, joiden tunteminen on tärkeää arvioitaessa soveltuvia hyödyntämiskohteita kyseiselle tuntemattomalle jätemateriaalille. Referenssinäytteinä käytettiin polttolaitoksilla muodostunutta lentotuhkaa. Hiilijäännöksen ominaisuuksien perusteella se voisi olla soveltuva adsorbentti, mutta aktivointi tai modifiointi on välttämätöntä hiilijäännöksen adsorptiokapasiteetin parantamiseksi. Työn toinen tavoite oli parantaa hiilijäännöksen adsorptio-ominaisuuksia fysikaalisesti ja kemiallisesti aktivoimalla tai kemiallisesti modifioimalla. Tulosten perusteella adsorptio-ominaisuuksia voidaan parantaa parhaiten käyttämällä sinkkikloridia kemiallisessa aktivoinnissa, hiilidioksidia fysikaalisessa aktivoinnissa ja rautakloridia kemiallisessa modifioinnissa, jolloin valmistettujen adsorbenttien ominaispinta-alat olivat 285, 590 ja 52 m2 g-1. Työn kolmas tavoite oli tutkia valmistettujen adsorbenttien adsorptiokykyä anionien poistossa laboratoriomittakaavassa. Kemiallisesti aktivoitu hiilijäännös poistaa tehokkaasti fosfaattia, fysikaalisesti aktivoitu fosfaattia ja nitraattia ja kemiallisesti modifioitu hiilijäännös on hyvä sorbentti sulfaatinpoistossa. Adsorptiokokeissa määritettiin optimaalinen alku pH ja alkukonsentraatio ja lisäksi tutkittiin ajan vaikutusta adsorptioon. Tulosten perusteella tehtiin kinetiikkamallinnusta sekä isotermianalyysi


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    Nousiainen, Enni; Salonen, Sanna; Sari, Laura & Tuomikoski, Elsa. Tietotesti nuorille papilloomaviruksesta. Kevät 2018, 54 s., 3 liitettä. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu, terveysalan koulutusohjelma, sairaanhoitaja / terveydenhoitaja (AMK). Opinnäytetyö on tehty yhteistyössä Syöpäjärjestöjen kanssa. Tarkoituksena oli tuottaa tietotesti nuorille Syöpäjärjestöjen ylläpitämälle fressis.fi-sivustolle. Tietotestin avulla nuoret voivat testata tietoaan papilloomaviruksesta eli HPV:sta sekä saada lisää ajantasaista ja luotettavaa tietoa. Tavoitteena on tukea nuoria tekemään terveyttä edistäviä valintoja. Opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin 7.–9.-luokkalaisten nuorten sekä 5.–6.-luokkalaisten vanhempien tietämystä HPV:sta. Kyselytutkimus toteutettiin keväällä 2017 verkkokyselynä. Kyselytutkimuksen perusteella voitiin todeta, että nuorten ja huoltajien tiedoissa papilloomaviruksesta ja HPV-rokotteesta on puutteita. Saatujen kyselytulosten pohjalta toteutimme tietotestin. Keskityimme tietotestissä asioihin joista nuoret tarvitsevat enemmän tietoa. Lopulta tietotestiin valikoitui yhdeksän kysymystä. Lopullisia kysymyksiä muokkasimme ymmärrettäväm-pään muotoon nuorten palautteen perusteella. Asiasanat: papilloomavirus, HPV, HPV-rokote, nuoret, tietotestiNousiainen, Enni; Salonen, Sanna; Sari, Laura & Tuomikoski, Elsa. Fact test for adolescents about human papillomavirus. Language: Finnish. Spring 2018, 54 p., 3 appendices. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing. Degree: Nurse / Public health nurse The thesis is made in collaboration with Cancer Society of Finland. The aim was to conduct a fact test for adolescents to fressis.fi website maintained by Cancer Society of Finland. With the fact test adolescents can test their knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV) and gain up-to- date and reliable information. The aim is to support adolescents to carry out choices that promote a healthy lifestyle. In the thesis the knowledge of 7–9.-graders and the parents of 5–6.-graders on HPV was examined. An online questionnaire was carried out in spring 2017. The questionnaire revealed shortage in human papillomavirus and HPV vaccination related knowledge on adolescents and their guardians. On the basis of the questionnaire results we conducted a fact test. In the fact test we focused on the issues from which adolescents need more information about. Eventually nine questions were selected for the fact test. The final questions were edited to be more understandable based on the feedback from adolescents. Keywords: papillomavirus, HPV, HPV-vaccination, adolescents, fact testEilen 17.3.2018 lataamani version voi poistaa,huomasimme tänään 18.3.2018 siinä olevan virheitä sisällysluettelossa. Eilen 17.3.2018 ladatun osoite: urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi:amk-20180317346

    Electrocoagulation Sludge Valorization—A Review

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    In the field of electrocoagulation (EC), various studies on pollutant removal and on the use of different EC technologies have already been made. An EC process generates sludge, which is considered waste, resulting in increased operational costs that come from waste disposal. Sludge contains valuable materials, such as the nutrients or metals removed during water purification, along with metals, such as aluminum or iron, which come from the electrodes used in an EC system. Based on the principles of circular economy or based on existing legislations, reducing the production of valuable wastes, and increasing the valorization rate of as many materials as possible are important endeavors. This study is mainly a review of the existing sludge valorization studies. This review highlights the valorization of sludge as a fertilizer (mainly as struvite), pigment, construction material (mainly as blocks), adsorbent, and catalyst. While it has already been found that EC sludge is valorizable, more studies on EC sludge valorization and on the quality of sludge produced from the effluent of EC processes are warranted

    Electrocoagulation sludge valorization:a review

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    Abstract In the field of electrocoagulation (EC), various studies on pollutant removal and on the use of different EC technologies have already been made. An EC process generates sludge, which is considered waste, resulting in increased operational costs that come from waste disposal. Sludge contains valuable materials, such as the nutrients or metals removed during water purification, along with metals, such as aluminum or iron, which come from the electrodes used in an EC system. Based on the principles of circular economy or based on existing legislations, reducing the production of valuable wastes, and increasing the valorization rate of as many materials as possible are important endeavors. This study is mainly a review of the existing sludge valorization studies. This review highlights the valorization of sludge as a fertilizer (mainly as struvite), pigment, construction material (mainly as blocks), adsorbent, and catalyst. While it has already been found that EC sludge is valorizable, more studies on EC sludge valorization and on the quality of sludge produced from the effluent of EC processes are warranted

    Phosphate and Ammonium Removal from Water through Electrochemical and Chemical Precipitation of Struvite

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    Batch electrocoagulation (BEC), continuous electrocoagulation (CEC), and chemical precipitation (CP) were compared in struvite (MgNH4PO4·6H2O) precipitation from synthetic and authentic water. In synthetic water treatment (SWT), struvite yield was in BEC 1.72, CEC 0.61, and CP 1.54 kg/m3. Corresponding values in authentic water treatment (AWT) were 2.55, 3.04, and 2.47 kg/m3. In SWT, 1 kg struvite costs in BEC, CEC, and CP were 0.55, 0.55, and 0.11 €, respectively, for AWT 0.35, 0.22 and 0.07 €. Phosphate removal in SWT was 93.6, 74.5, and 71.6% in BEC, CEC, and CP, respectively, the corresponding rates in AWT were 89.7, 77.8, and 74.4%. Ammonium removal for SWT in BEC, CEC, and CP were 79.4, 51.5, and 62.5%, respectively, rates in AWT 56.1, 64.1, and 60.9%. Efficiency in CEC and BEC are equal in nutrient recovery in SWT, although energy efficiency was better in CEC. CP is cheaper than BEC and CEC

    Comparison of batch and novel continuous electrocoagulation processes in the treatment of paint industry wash water

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    Abstract Water is crucial to all life forms on earth. Still, millions of people are suffering because of lack of fresh water. One of the most important reasons is industrial pollution. That is why more effective and economical water treatment systems must be developed and studied worldwide. In this study, a new design of continuous electrocoagulation systems is introduced and compared with widely studied batch process systems. This novel design improves the controllability of water flow and electricity. In the treatment of paint industry wash water, a batch system and a novel continuous electrocoagulation system with an aluminum (Al) anode and an iron (Fe) cathode were used. Two parallel analyses of both processes were conducted, and the average efficiency of chemical oxygen demand and Al removal were 68% and 79.8% in batch and 69.7% and 62.1% in the continuous system, respectively. The number of microbes decreased by 99.6% in the batch and by 99.8% in the continuous system. The calculated operational costs in this experiment were 1.63 €/m³ for the batch and 1.19 €/m³ for the continuous system. The novel continuous electrocoagulation process was as efficient as the batch process in this study