5 research outputs found

    Hubungan Self Care dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2

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    Diabetes melitus tipe 2 (T2DM) merupakan penyakit gangguan metabolisme kronis dengan karakteristik tingginya kadar glukosa darah akibat resistensi insulin, yang membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang  sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kualitas hidup seseorang, oleh karena itu sangatlah dibutuhkan  self care yang baik agar tidak terjadi efek yang lebih buruk. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 53 responden, teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling. Self care yang kurang sebanyak 11 orang (20,8%), self care yang cukup sebanyak 40 orang (75,5%) dan self care yang baik sebanyak 2 orang (3,8%), kualitas hidup kategori buruk sebanyak 7 responden (13,2%), sedang sebanyak 31 responden (58,5%), baik sebanyak 13 responden (24,5%), dan kualitas hidup sangat baik 2 responden (3,8%). Berdasarkan uji spearman rank (rho) diperoleh nilai r=(0,523) dan p-value= 0,001 (p < 0,05) artinya ada hubungan yang kuat antara self care dengan kualitas hidup pasien diabetes melitus tipe


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    The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between online learning based on google classroom and the learning motivation of STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research design used by the researcher is correlational. The sample in this study were 114 respondents, and the sampling technique in this study was total sampling. The measuring instrument is in the form of a questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using the Chi-square test. The results showed that Google Classroom-Based Online Learning was less effective (64%) and student learning motivation was quite good (55.3%). Based on the Chi-square statistical test, p value = 0.000 (&lt;0.05), it is concluded that there is a relationship between Google Classroom-Based Online Learning and learning motivation at STIKes Santa Elisabeth Medan during the 2021 Covid-19 Pandemic Period. It is hoped that students can improve the online learning process based on online by using google classroom, WhatsApp, google meeting, Edlink, zoom, and Edmodo so that online learning can be further enhanced in online learning motivation


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    The COVID-19 pandemic has caused changes to the learning methods used, which previously has to be done face-to-face, now have to be done online. Indirect online learning systems can be taken for granted by teachers, where each teacher must make new habits in its implementation, causing a psychological impact called stress. This study aims to identify the relationship between zoom learning and teacher stress levels during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 6 Medan in 2022. The research method uses a correlation design with a cross sectional design. The study population are 41 people with a total sample of 41 people. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data collection, collected directly by using a questionnaire. The results show that the zoom learning method was in the medium category (44.4%) and the teacher's stress level was in the medium category (48.9%). The results of the Fisher Exact Test found p-value = 0.003 (&gt;0.005), meaning that there is a relationship between the zoom learning method and the stress level of teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic at SMP Negeri 6 Medan in 2022, it is expected that respondents can practice using the Zoom meeting application, so that can increase knowledge in the zoom learning method and can manage stress &nbsp; &nbsp

    Pengabdian Masyarakat di Wilayah Kerja puskesmas Pancu Batu Kabupaten Deliserdang

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    ABSTRAK Untuk mencapai kesehatan yang panjang harus dimulai sejak dini. Pada usia dini, balita sangatlah berperan penting sebagai permulaan kehidupan yang akan datang. Tindakan kesehatan yang dapat dilakukan diawal kehidupan manusia adalah dengan adanya imunisasi. Imunisasi yang di berikan haruslah lengkap hingga batas usia dengan berbagai macam imunisasi yang akan diterima. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesehatan balita sejak dini. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah bayi dibawah umur 5 tahun yang akan menerima imunisasi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah balita yang dating mendapatkan imunisasi sesuai dengan umurnya. Diharapkan dengan dilaksanakannya pengabdian masyarakat ini, para ibu dapat rajin untuk membawa balita mereka untuk di bawa keposyandu secara rutin dan balita mendapatkan imunisasi lengkap guna memberikan kesehatan yang baik di masa yang akan dating dan mengurangi resiko sakit, cacat dan kematian pada balita. Kata Kunci :Posyandu, Balita ABSTRACT To achieve long health must start early. At an early age, toddlers are very important as the beginning of life to come. Health action that can be done early in human life is immunization. The immunization given must be complete up to the age limit with a variety of immunizations to be received. The purpose of this community service is to improve the health of toddlers from an early age. The target of this activity is infants under 5 years of age who will receive immunizations. The result of this activity is toddlers who come to receive immunizations according to their age. It is hoped that with the implementation of this community service, mothers can be diligent in bringing their toddlers to the Integrated Healthcare Center, regularly and toddlers get complete immunizations to provide good health in the future and reduce the risk of illness, disability and death in toddlers. Keywords: Integrated Healthcare Center, Toddle

    Penyuluhan Bantuan Hidup Dasar Pada Siswa/i di SMA Yayasan Anastasia Pancur Batu Kabupaten Deliserdang Sumatera Utara

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    ABSTRAK Kesehatan yang prima akan di dapatkan ketika tubuh mendapatkan  oksigen yang baik. Henti nafas diakibatkan melemahnya kerja jantung sampai dengan terhentinya kerja jantung dan dapat mengakibatkan tidak terpenuhinya oksigen dalam tubuh yang artinya kebutuhan dasar hidup tidak dapat terpenuhi. Tujuan dari penyuluhan bantuan hidup dasar adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan dan dapat melakukan tindakan secara mandiri untuk pertolongan bantuan hidup dasar di lingkungannya. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah siswa/i SMA Yayasan Anastasia Pancur Batu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyuluhan bantuan hidup dasar ini adalah dengan melakukan presentasi materi dan melakukan simulasi bantuan hidup dasar. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah siswa/i mempu mengetahui tentang dasar-dasar pemberian bantuan hidup dasar dan mampu melaksanakan pemberian bantuan hidup dasar di lingkungannya. Diharapkan dengan dilaksanakannya penyuluhan ini, pada siswa/i dapat sigap dan mampu memberikan bantuan hidup dasar guna memperkecil angka kematian. Kata Kunci : Bantuan Hidup Dasar, Penyuluhan Kesehatan ABSTRACT Excellent health will be obtained when the body gets good oxygen. Stopping breathing is caused by the weakening of the work of the heart to the cessation of the work of the heart and can result in not meeting oxygen in the body, which means that the basic needs of life cannot be fulfilled. The purpose of basic life support extension is to increase knowledge and be able to take action independently for basic life support assistance in their environment. The target of this activity is SMA Anastasia Pancur Batu Foundation. The method used in this basic life support extension is to present the material and perform basic life support simulations. The result of this activity is that students are able to know the basics of providing basic life support and are able to provide basic life support in their environment. It is hoped that with the implementation of this counseling, students can be alert and able to provide basic life support in order to reduce the mortality rate. Keywords: Basic Life Support, Health Education 