29 research outputs found

    Lipofilnost salicilamida

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    Molecular lipophilicity was studied using salicylamide as a model drug. Log P value for the target compound was experimentally determined by the "shake-flask" method and calculated using nine different computer programs based on atom/fragment contributions, structural parameters, atom-type electrotopological-state indices and neural network modeling, and on topological structure descriptors. Our analysis demonstrates good agreement between the experimentally observed log P value of salicylamide and the value calculated by the CSLogP program, based on topological structure descriptors and electrotopological indices.U radu je dan pregled istraživanja molekularne lipofilnosti na primjeru salicamida. Log P vrijednost određena je eksperimentalnom (Ā«shake-flashĀ») metodom i izračunata je pomoću devet različitih računalnih programa koji se temelje na atom/fragmentarnoj metodi, strukturnim parametrima, atom elektrotopologijskim indeksima uz modeliranje putem neuronskih mreža i topologijskim deskriptorima. Statistička obrada dobivenih rezultata pokazala je najbolju korelaciju eksperimentalno dobivene vrijednosti s log P vrijednoŔću dobivenom računalnim programoma CslogP, koji se temelji na topologijskim deskriptorima i elektrotopologijskim indeksima

    Effectiveness of applying dietary recommendations for energy and fat intake in kindergartens in the city of Zadar over a ten-year period

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    U Hrvatskoj su 2007. godine objavljene preporuke i standard za organizaciju prehrane u predÅ”kolskim ustanovama, pri čemu je jedan od ciljeva bio regulacija unosa masti i masnih kiselina. Stoga, cilj ovog rada je bio procijeniti i usporediti energijsku vrijednost i količinu masti i masnih kiselina u obrocima koji se nude u 5 predÅ”kolskih ustanova na području grada Zadra, nakon desetgodiÅ”nje implementacije novih preporuka i standarda. Ukupno 45 cjelodnevnih jelovnika (4 obroka) prikupljalo se tijekom 2007./2008. i 2018./2019. godine, pri čemu je masa namirnica u normativima izvagana, a sastojci i način pripreme prikupljani su intervjuom s kuhinjskim osobljem. Energijska vrijednost te količina masti i masnih kiselina izračunata je pomoću Američkih i Danskih tablica s kemijskim sastavom hrane i pića. U oba perioda prikupljanja energijska vrijednost jelovnika manja je od dnevnih preporučenih vrijednosti (80-84 %), kao i unosi ukupnih masti i masnih kiselina. Primijećeni je porast vrijednosti Ļ‰-6 masnih kiselina u 2018./2019. godini naspram 2007./2008. (3,4 g/dan vs. 4,5 g/dan; p=0,015). Nadalje postoje velike varijacije u količini ukupnih masti i masnih kiselina unutar jelovnika. Skupina meso, perad, riba i jaja (18 %) pridonose najvećem unosu ukupnih masti, potom mlijeko i mliječni proizvodi (14 %) te žitarice i proizvodi, krumpir i riža (11 %). Nije utvrđeno sustavno unaprjeđenje jelovnika te je potrebno identificirati kritične elemente u sustavu zbog kojih je unatoč postojanju preporuka i standarda izostalo unaprjeđenje prehrane.In 2007, the new dietary recommendations for the organization of nutrition in kindergartens were published in Croatia, and one of the most important goals in them was to regulate the intake of fats and fatty acids. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the energy value and the amount of fats and fatty acids in 5 kindergartens in the city of Zadar at an interval of 10 years after the implementation of the new dietary recommendations. A total of 45 daily menus (4 meals) were collected in 2007/2008 and 2018/2019, from which the amount of food was weighed to determine the portion size of the meals and their composition. The energy value and the amount of fats and fatty acids from the daily menus were calculated using the American and Danish food and beverage nutrient databases. The results show that in both periods of menu collection, the energy value was reduced (80-84% of recommendations) and the amounts of total fats and fatty acids were below recommendations. An increase in the amount of Ļ‰-6 fatty acids was observed in 2018/2019 compared to 2007/2008 (3.4 g / day vs. 4.5 g / day; p = 0.015). In addition, there were large differences in the amount of fats and fatty acids within the menus. The meat, poultry, fish and eggs group (about 18%) contributes to the highest intake of total fats, followed by milk and dairy products (about 14%) and grains, grains products, potatoes and rice (11%). No systematic improvement of the menus in the kindergartens was observed and it is necessary to identify the critical elements in the system due to which there has been no improvement in nutrition despite the existence of recommendations

    Chemical composition and in vitro herbicidal activity of five essential oils on Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense [L.] Pers.)

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    The evaluation of the inhibition effect achieved by essential oils of dill (Anethum graveolens L.), oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), juniper (Juniperus communis L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.) and winter savory (Satureja montana L.) on seed germination and shoot growth of Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense L.) was tested in laboratory. The chemical composition of essential oils was analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The major constituents were carvon (40.5%) and limonene (32.2%) for A. graveolens essential oil, carvacrol (73.7%) for O. vulgare essential oil, Ī±-pinene (43.5%) for J. communis essential oil, b-thujone (32.7%) and camphor (17.2%) for S. officinalis essential oil, thymol (44.6%) and p-cimene (13.4%) for S. montana essential oil. The in vitro study on herbicidal activity was carried out on seed germination and shoots length of S. halepense; A. graveolens, O. vulgare, S. montana essential oils significantly inhibited the germination and shoot length and their herbicidal activity could be attributed mainly to their high content of carvone, carvacrol and thymol. A. graveolens, O. vulgare and S. montana essential oils reduced seed germination by 61.5%, 52.7% and 47.3%, respectively, while J. communis and S. officinalis essential oils stimulated germination (7.7% and 2.2%, respectively). The shoot growth reduction for almost all essential oils, except J. communis essential oil, was more than 30%. The solution of A. graveolens, O. vulgare and S. montana essential oils exhibited more powerful bio-herbicidal effect compared to J. communis and S. officinalis essential oils on the germination and shoot growth of S. halepense.

    Motivations Associated with Food Choices among Adults from Urban Setting

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    Motivation for food choices is one of the most important determinant of eating behavior, because it comes from within the person. The aim of this study was to observe food choice motivations and estimate differences in demographic and health characteristics towards food choice motives in the adult population (n = 675; 54% women, ā‰„18 years) from urban setting. Food choice motivations were assessed using an online questionnaire validated by the EATMOT project. Using K-Means cluster analysis, participants were divided into two clusters of six motivational categories for food choices. Regarding the most and least important motivations, participants in cluster 1 chose food based on emotional motivations, and in cluster 2, they chose based on environmental and political motivations. In addition, younger and obese individuals had more pronounced emotional motivations. In conclusion, this study emphasizes the need to address emotional motivations for healthier food choices among overweight and young people. In addition, the prevalence of health motivations and growing awareness of sustainability indicate a willingness to take actions that benefit personal health and the environment. Apart from providing education, it is societyā€™s responsibility to create an environment that promotes the implementation of acquired knowledge and changes in dietary habits.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Drama u nastavi Engleskog jezika

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    Drama je prepoznata kao važno i učinkovito sredstvo u procesu učenja i poučavanja stranog jezika. Dramske tehnike omogućavaju nastavnicima da učenike kognitivno i emocionalno uključe u proces učenja jezika te na taj način potaknu razvoj različitih vjeÅ”tina. Cilj je ovog rada bio ispitati stavove budućih učitelja engleskog jezika o koriÅ”tenju dramskih tehnika u nastavi, uključujući i samoprocjenu vlastitih znanja i sposobnosti u ovom području. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 40 ispitanika, studenata učiteljskog studija Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu i Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Analizom anketnog upitnika vidljivo je da studenti nisu adekvatno pripremljeni za koriÅ”tenje dramskih tehnika u svom budućem radu. Usprkos poznavanju svih dobrobiti implementacije dramskih postupaka u nastavni proces, može se zaključiti da oni nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u kontekstu formalnog poučavanja Engleskog jezika

    The response of weedy sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to nicosulfuron: an examination of vegetative parameters and acetolactate synthase activity

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    Genetic and morphological interpopulation variability of weed species is often responsible for variable responses to herbicides. As weedy sunflower, an invasive form of Helianthus annuus L., possesses high morphological and genetic variability, very different responses of its populations to herbicides can be expected. This species is one of the dominant weed species in row crops, including maize, in many European countries in which nicosulfuron is intensively used for weed control. There are little available data about the response of this sunflower form to nicosulfuron or of the interpopulation variability of its response to other herbicides. The responses of three weedy sunflower populations to nicosulfuron were studied in field dose-response experiments, and acetolactate synthase (ALS) enzyme activity at different herbicide concentrations was determined in vitro. Interpopulation variability in the response to nicosulfuron was confirmed. Populations WS2 and WS3 were more that 20-fold and 30-fold less susceptible to nicosulfuron, respectively, than population WS1, based on fresh weight, whereas the differences were not so prominent based on other parameters, including plant height, leaf area and ALS activity, and ranged from 2 to 12-fold

    Drama u nastavi Engleskog jezika

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    Drama je prepoznata kao važno i učinkovito sredstvo u procesu učenja i poučavanja stranog jezika. Dramske tehnike omogućavaju nastavnicima da učenike kognitivno i emocionalno uključe u proces učenja jezika te na taj način potaknu razvoj različitih vjeÅ”tina. Cilj je ovog rada bio ispitati stavove budućih učitelja engleskog jezika o koriÅ”tenju dramskih tehnika u nastavi, uključujući i samoprocjenu vlastitih znanja i sposobnosti u ovom području. Ispitivanje je provedeno na uzorku od 40 ispitanika, studenata učiteljskog studija Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu i Fakulteta za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti u Osijeku. Analizom anketnog upitnika vidljivo je da studenti nisu adekvatno pripremljeni za koriÅ”tenje dramskih tehnika u svom budućem radu. Usprkos poznavanju svih dobrobiti implementacije dramskih postupaka u nastavni proces, može se zaključiti da oni nisu dovoljno zastupljeni u kontekstu formalnog poučavanja Engleskog jezika

    Lipofilnost salicilamida

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    Molecular lipophilicity was studied using salicylamide as a model drug. Log P value for the target compound was experimentally determined by the "shake-flask" method and calculated using nine different computer programs based on atom/fragment contributions, structural parameters, atom-type electrotopological-state indices and neural network modeling, and on topological structure descriptors. Our analysis demonstrates good agreement between the experimentally observed log P value of salicylamide and the value calculated by the CSLogP program, based on topological structure descriptors and electrotopological indices.U radu je dan pregled istraživanja molekularne lipofilnosti na primjeru salicamida. Log P vrijednost određena je eksperimentalnom (Ā«shake-flashĀ») metodom i izračunata je pomoću devet različitih računalnih programa koji se temelje na atom/fragmentarnoj metodi, strukturnim parametrima, atom elektrotopologijskim indeksima uz modeliranje putem neuronskih mreža i topologijskim deskriptorima. Statistička obrada dobivenih rezultata pokazala je najbolju korelaciju eksperimentalno dobivene vrijednosti s log P vrijednoŔću dobivenom računalnim programoma CslogP, koji se temelji na topologijskim deskriptorima i elektrotopologijskim indeksima

    Uticaj različitih temperatura na klijavost semena Avena fatua L. i Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.

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    Poznavanje ekologije semena korova je značajno za procenu potencijala invazivnosti neke korovske vrste, kao i za osmiÅ”ljavanje efikasnih programa za suzbijanje korova. Divlji ovas (Avena fatua L.) i ambrozija (Ambrosia artemisiifolia L.) su dve veoma rasprostranjene koĀ¬rovske vrste na području Srbije, pa je stoga neophodno pozavanje ekologije semena ovih vrsta. Klijavost njihovog semena je ispitivana na različitim temperaturama (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 i 40oC). Na osnovu svakodnevnog praćenja broja klijalih semena izračunata je stopa klijavosti, a 7 dana nakon postavljanja eksperimenta određen je finalni procenat klijavosti. Procenat klijavosti A. fatua je bio najveći pri temperaturi od 100C (90%), a najmani pri tem-peraturi od 350C (6,87%), dok je stopa klijavosti bila najveća na temperaturi od 250C (7,9 klijalih semena/dan), a najmanja na temperaturi od 300C (0,79 klijalih semena/dan). NasuĀ¬prot tome, procenat klijavosti A. artemisiifolia je bio najveći pri temperaturi od 250C (30%), a najmani pri temperaturi od 400C (2,08%), dok na temperaturama od 5 i 100C seme nije klijalo. Stopa klijavosti je bila najveća na temperaturi od 300C (7,84 klijalih semena/dan), a najmanja na temperaturi od 400C (0,7 klijalih semena/dan)

    Emotions and Food Consumption: Emotional Eating Behavior in a European Population

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    Emotion can reflect in the perception of food consumption. An increase in food intake during emotional and psychological conditions may have a negative impact on human health. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the associations between food consumption, emotional eating behavior, and emotional conditions such as stress, depression, loneliness, boredom eating, maintaining vigilance and alertness, and emotional food consolation. We used a Motivations for Food Choices Questionnaire (Eating Motivations, EATMOT) to determine the emotional aspects of food consumption in 9052 respondents living in 12 European countries between October 2017 and March 2018. Ordinal linear regression was used to identify the associations between the emotional eating behavior and emotional conditions such as stress, depression, loneliness, emotional consolation, and reasons to improve physical and psychological conditions. The regression models confirmed the associations between food consumption, emotional conditions, and emotional eating behavior. Associations were found between the emotional eating behavior and stress (odds ratio (OR) = 1.30, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.07ā€“1.60, p = 0.010), depressive mood (OR = 1.41, 95% CI = 1.40ā€“1.43, p < 0.001), loneliness (OR = 1.60, 95% CI = 1.58ā€“1.62, p < 0.001), boredom (OR = 1.37, 95% CI = 1.36ā€“1.39, p < 0.001), and emotional consolation (OR = 1.55, 95% CI = 1.54ā€“1.57, p < 0.001). Emotional eating was associated with an effort to improve physical and psychological conditions, such as controlling body weight (OR = 1.11, 95% CI = 1.10ā€“1.12, p < 0.001), keeping awake and alert (OR = 1.19, 95% CI = 1.19ā€“1.20, p < 0.001) and consumption to feel good (OR = 1.22, 95% CI = 1.21ā€“1.22, p < 0.001). In conclusion, emotions might provoke emotional eating behavior. The appropriate way to handle stress, depression, or other emotional states is important in conditions of being emotionally overwhelmed. The public should be educated on how to handle different emotional states. The focus should be moved somehow from emotional eating and the consumption of unhealthy food to healthy lifestyle practices, including regular exercise and healthy eating habits. Thus, it is necessary to halt these negative health effects on human health through public health programs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio