9 research outputs found

    Faktor Risiko yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Keparahan Luka Tekan pada Lansia di Masyarakat

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    Kejadian luka tekan pada lansia di rumah merupakan masalah global yang terus diupayakan untuk diminimalisir risikonya. Luka tekan pada lansia di rumah telah diketahui memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda dengan luka tekan yang terjadi pada pasien lansia di rumah sakit atau rumah perawatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi faktor risiko dominan berdasarkan pengukuran skala Braden serta kekuatan hubungan diantara faktor risiko tersebut yang mempengaruhi keparahan luka tekan pada lansia di masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang (cross sectional) terhadap 35 orang lansia yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dari 325 orang lansia di masyarakat yang ditemui dan dipilih secara acak. Data dianalisis dengan rumus korelasi Pearson menggunakan software Matlab. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi tingkat keparahan luka tekan pada lansia di masyarakat adalah faktor aktivitas (r=0.9437), mobilisasi (r=0.9200) dan gesekan (r=0.8603). Sebaliknya, faktor kelembaban dan nutrisi memiliki hubungan paling rendah. Interaksi faktor gesekan dengan faktor aktivitas dan mobilitas sangat kuat mempengaruhi kejadian luka tekan pada lansia di masyarakat dengan nilai r berturut turut adalah 0.8405 dan 0.8200. Hasil penelitian merekomendasikan adanya upaya untuk meminimalkan faktor gesekan pada bagian tubuh lansia di masyarakat


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    Nurses are the backbone of the healthcare system, being the key providers of primary healthcare as they comprise 60-80% of the total health workforce, and provide 90% of all heath care services in the primary healthcare arena.  This study aimed to evaluate the concordance  of family nursing and community health nursing curriculum with international standards and national needs for undergraduate nursing education in West Java.This study used evaluation research design using BEKA framework as a tool to perform curriculum analysis which included Benchmarking, Evidencing, Knowing, and Applying stages. The international standards competency for family nursing and community health nursing, course study guide and samples of students reports were collected and analysed using content analysis. In addition participants from six nursing schools were interviewed to identify application of the curriculums. The results show that some of the competencies outlined in the course study guide were not aligned with international standards of family nursing from International Family Nursing Association. Four dimensional framework of family nursing and community health nursing curriculums were proposed to improve the alignment between international standards as well as local and government needs for family nursing and community health nursing curriculums. School of nursing can apply this framework as guidance to develop their own learning plans based on international standards, national, local and institutional needs. Keywords: curriculum analysis, evaluation, family nursing, community health nursing

    Kebutuhan Masyarakat Sekolah Tentang Media Edukasi Dalam Meningkatkan Personal Hygiene Pada Anak Di SD Sukagalih

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    ABSTRAKPendahuluan: Kebutuhan masyarakat sekolah tentang media edukasi kesehatan  dalam meningkatkan personal hygiene anak masih belum banyak dikembangkan. Pendidikan kesehatan dengan menggunakan media edukasi dapat meningkatkan kemampuan kritis anak. Personal hygiene atau kebersihan diri perorangan perlu diaplikasikan pada diri pribadi serta keluarga agar terhindar dari penyakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggali ide-ide atau persepsi masyarakat sekolah tentang kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan Personal hygiene pada anak di SD Sukagalih. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif eksploratif untuk menggali ide-ide secara mendalam dari partisipan. Pemilihan partisipan menggunakan teknik purposive sample, berdasarkan kriteria inklusi. Sebanyak sembilan belas orang partisipan yang bersedia terlibat dalam penelitian ini. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam pada orangtua, guru, masyarakat, dan tenaga kesehatan, sedangkan pada anak-anak dilakukan focus group discussion (FGD). Waktu penelitian pada bulan September sampai dengan bulan November 2017, analisis data menggunakan teori Braun and Clarke (2006). Hasil: Penelitian didapatkan empat tema yaitu; kebutuhan akan media, kriteria media yang baik, jenis media yang dibutuhkan, dan penyitaan waktu dalam kebiasaan bermain. Diskusi: Bahwa masyarakat sekolah membutuhkan media dan metode untuk meningkatkan personal hygiene pada anak. Diperlunya kerjasama masyarakat sekolah untuk meningkatkan personal hygiene anak dan akan kebutuhan media edukasi yang dapat membantu pengetahuan, motivasi anak, dan  mendidik anak kearah yang lebih baik dalam kesehatan personal hygiene. ABSTRACTIntroduction: The needs of the school community about health education media in improving child hygiene are still not widely developed. Health education by using educational media can improve children's critical ability. Personal hygiene or personal hygiene needs to be applied to personal and family to avoid disease. The purpose of this study was to explore the ideas or perceptions of the school community about the need to improve personal hygiene in children in SD Sukagalih. Method: This study was conducted using a qualitative explorative design to explore the ideas in depth from the participants. The selection of participants was used purposive sample technique, based on the inclusion criteria. Nineteen participants were agreed to join in the study. Data collection used in-depth interview techniques for parents, teachers, communities, and health workers, while in children focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted. During the study period from September to November 2017, data analysis used Braun and Clarke's theory (2006). Result: The research found four themes; the need for media, good media criteria, the type of media required, and the seizure of time in play habits. Discussion: That the school community needs media and methods to improve personal hygiene in children. There is a need for school community co-operation to improve the child's personal hygiene and the need for educational media that can help knowledge, motivate children, and educate children towards better health of personal hygiene.Â

    Knowledge and attitude of community nurses on pressure injury prevention : a cross‐sectional study in an Indonesian city

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    The objectives of this study were to examine the knowledge and attitude of Indonesian community nurses regarding Pressure Injury (PI) prevention. A cross-sectional design was used and included the community nurses permanently working in the Public Health Center (Puskemas) in Bandung, West Java Indonesia. Knowledge was measured using the Pressure Ulcer Knowledge Assessment Tool (PUKAT 2.0). Attitudes were measured using a predesigned instrument which included 11 statements on a five point Likert scale. All data were collected using paper-based questionnaires. The response rate was 100%. Respondents (n = 235) consisted of 80 community nursing program coordinators (34.0%) and 155 community nurses (66.0%). Regarding knowledge, the percentage of correct answers in the total group of community nurses on the PUKAT 2.0 was 30.7%. The theme "Prevention" had the lowest percentage of correct answers (20.8%). Community nurses who had additional PI or wound care training had a higher knowledge score compared with community nurses who did not have additional PI training (33.7% vs 30.3%; Z = -1.995; P = 0.046). The median attitude score was 44 (maximum score 55; range 28-55), demonstrating a positive attitude among participants towards PI prevention. Further, the higher the education status of participants, the more positive the attitudes (H = 11.773; P = 0.003). This study shows that community nurses need to improve their basic knowledge of PI prevention. Furthermore, research should be performed to explore what community nurses need to strengthen their role in PI prevention

    Pengetahuan tentang HIV berhubungan dengan Ketertarikan Mengikuti Voluntary Counselling and Testing pada Pasangan Usia Subur: Penelitian Observasional

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    Every year there are 5,100 new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections among housewives, 33% of whom are infected by their partners who engage in risky sexual behavior. Therefore, utilization of HIV screening through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services is important especially for those with high risk. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between knowledge of couples of childbearing age in Garut Regency, especially in Ciwalen Village with interest in participating in HIV screening through VCT. This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out on May 2-June 2, 2023 and was located in one of the Ciwalen Villages in Garut Regency, West Java. The study population was one of the couples of childbearing age who lived permanently in one of the villages in Garut Regency with purposive sampling technique totaling 121 married men or women of childbearing age. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire that included information on respondent characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included information on respondents' characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (Version 21), frequency distribution analysis and chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of couples of childbearing age (78 people, 64.5%) had poor knowledge about HIV/AIDS and only a few (26.4%) of them were interested in following HIV screening through VCT. Interest in VCT was more prevalent among couples of childbearing age who had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS (P < 0.05). To increase the interest of couples of childbearing age in HIV screening, efforts should be made to increase their knowledge about HIV/AIDS.Setiap tahunnya terdapat 5.100 infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) baru  pada kelompok ibu rumah tangga dan sebagian besar 33% tertular dari pasangannya yang melakukan tindakan seks berisiko. Oleh sebab itu, Pemanfaatan skrining HIV melalui layanan voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) menjadi penting terutama pada mereka dengan risiko tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pasangan usia subur di Kabupaten Garut khususnya di Kelurahan Ciwalen dengan ketertarikan mengikuti skrining HIV  melalui VCT. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada 2 Mei–2 Juni 2023 dan berlokasi di salah satu Kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat. Populasi penelitian adalah salah satu dari pasangan usia subur yang  tinggal menetap di salah satu kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut  dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling  sejumlah 121 laki-laki atau perempuan usia subur yang sudah menikah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang meliputi informasi karakteristik responden, pertanyaan terkait ketertarikan mengikuti VCT yang digabungkan dengan kuesioner HIV-KQ-18 untuk mengkaji pengetahuan responden tentang HIV/ AIDS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software SPSS (Versi 21), analisis distribusi frekuensi dan Uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas pasangan usia subur (78 orang, 64,5%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS dan hanya sedikit (26,4%) diantara mereka yang tertarik mengikuti skrining HIV melalui VCT. Ketertarikan mengikuti VCT lebih banyak dijumpai pada pasangan usia subur yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS (P < 0.05). Untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan pasangan usia subur melakukan skrining HIV perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/ AIDS

    Pengetahuan tentang HIV berhubungan dengan Ketertarikan Mengikuti Voluntary Counselling and Testing pada Pasangan Usia Subur: Penelitian Observasional

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    Every year there are 5,100 new Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infections among housewives, 33% of whom are infected by their partners who engage in risky sexual behavior. Therefore, utilization of HIV screening through voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) services is important especially for those with high risk. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between knowledge of couples of childbearing age in Garut Regency, especially in Ciwalen Village with interest in participating in HIV screening through VCT. This study is a quantitative study with a cross sectional approach. Data collection was carried out on May 2-June 2, 2023 and was located in one of the Ciwalen Villages in Garut Regency, West Java. The study population was one of the couples of childbearing age who lived permanently in one of the villages in Garut Regency with purposive sampling technique totaling 121 married men or women of childbearing age. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire that included information on respondent characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were collected using a questionnaire that included information on respondents' characteristics, questions related to interest in attending VCT combined with the HIV-KQ-18 questionnaire to assess respondents' knowledge about HIV/AIDS. Data were analyzed using SPSS software (Version 21), frequency distribution analysis and chi-square test. The results showed that the majority of couples of childbearing age (78 people, 64.5%) had poor knowledge about HIV/AIDS and only a few (26.4%) of them were interested in following HIV screening through VCT. Interest in VCT was more prevalent among couples of childbearing age who had good knowledge about HIV/AIDS (P < 0.05). To increase the interest of couples of childbearing age in HIV screening, efforts should be made to increase their knowledge about HIV/AIDS.Setiap tahunnya terdapat 5.100 infeksi Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) baru  pada kelompok ibu rumah tangga dan sebagian besar 33% tertular dari pasangannya yang melakukan tindakan seks berisiko. Oleh sebab itu, Pemanfaatan skrining HIV melalui layanan voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) menjadi penting terutama pada mereka dengan risiko tinggi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan pasangan usia subur di Kabupaten Garut khususnya di Kelurahan Ciwalen dengan ketertarikan mengikuti skrining HIV  melalui VCT. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Pengumpulan data dilaksanakan pada 2 Mei–2 Juni 2023 dan berlokasi di salah satu Kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat. Populasi penelitian adalah salah satu dari pasangan usia subur yang  tinggal menetap di salah satu kelurahan Ciwalen di Kabupaten Garut  dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling  sejumlah 121 laki-laki atau perempuan usia subur yang sudah menikah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang meliputi informasi karakteristik responden, pertanyaan terkait ketertarikan mengikuti VCT yang digabungkan dengan kuesioner HIV-KQ-18 untuk mengkaji pengetahuan responden tentang HIV/ AIDS. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan software SPSS (Versi 21), analisis distribusi frekuensi dan Uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukan mayoritas pasangan usia subur (78 orang, 64,5%) memiliki pengetahuan yang kurang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS dan hanya sedikit (26,4%) diantara mereka yang tertarik mengikuti skrining HIV melalui VCT. Ketertarikan mengikuti VCT lebih banyak dijumpai pada pasangan usia subur yang memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang HIV/ AIDS (P < 0.05). Untuk meningkatkan ketertarikan pasangan usia subur melakukan skrining HIV perlu dilakukan upaya-upaya peningkatan pengetahuan mereka tentang HIV/ AIDS

    Development and psychometric evaluation of an instrument to assess Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Caregivers at Preventing Pressure Injuries (KAP-PI) in Indonesian community-dwelling older adults

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    Background The prevalence of pressure injuries among community-dwelling older adults in countries worldwide is still a serious problem. In Indonesia, older adults mostly rely on family members for (medical) care. Therefore, involving family members in the prevention and treatment of pressure injuries (PIs) could potentially decrease its prevalence rates. However, family members are usually not trained for such tasks. Hence, it is essential to first get more insight into the current state of affairs on family members' knowledge, attitude and actual practice of preventing PIs. Due to the lack of an existing instrument to measure knowledge, attitude and practice of family caregivers in preventing PIs, this study focuses on the development and evaluation of psychometric properties of such an instrument. Methods Three phases of instrument development and evaluation were used, including item generation, instrument construction and psychometric testing of the instrument. A total of 372 family caregivers of community-dwelling older adults who randomly selected participated in this study. Principal factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha were performed to evaluate factor structure and internal consistency of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Family Caregivers at Preventing Pressure Injuries (KAP-PI) instrument. Results The final version of the KAP-PI-instrument consists of a 12-item knowledge domain, a 9-item attitude domain, and a 12-item practice domain with Cronbach's Alpha values of 0.83, 0.93 and 0.89, respectively. The instrument appeared to be both reliable and valid. Conclusion The KAP-PI instrument can be used in family nursing or community nursing practice, education, and research to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of pressure injury prevention of family caregivers

    E-Growth Monitoring System (EGMS) sebagai Upaya Penurunan Prevalensi Stunting

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    ABSTRAKPemerintah Indonesia melalui Stranas Percepatan Pencegahan Anak Kerdil (stunting) 2018-2024 memprioritaskan pencegahan dan penurunan prevalensi stunting dengan menyasar berbagai penyebab langsung dan tidak langsung yang memerlukan kerjasama dan koordinasi lintas sektor di seluruh tingkatan pemerintah, swasta, dunia usaha dan masyarakat, terutama di Posyandu. EGrowth Monitoring System (EGMS) yang dirancang ini berfungsi untuk mengukur tumbuh kembang bayi dan balita, terutama mendeteksi terjadinya stunting dan gizi buruk sejak dini agar dapat dilakukan upaya perbaikan secara tepat. Implementasi produk inovasi ini menggunakan sensor ultrasonik dan load cell untuk mengukur tinggi badan dan berat badan bayi dan balita, di mana rentang error pembacaan sensor-sensor tersebut secara berturut-turut adalah 0,01 – 4,36% dan 0,00 – 1,43%.Kata kunci: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, berat badan, tinggi badan, posyandu ABSTRACTIndonesian government, through National Strategy for Preventing Child Stunting 2018-2024, prioritize both prevention and reduction of stunting prevalence by targeting the causes. It requires inter-sector coordinations between government, private companies, businesses, and citizens, especially in local clinics. E-Growth Monitoring System (EGMS) is proposed to measure the growth of infant and toddler, specifically to detect a possible stunting and bad nutrition as early as possible in order to devise an improvement effectively. The implementation of this innovation employs the use of both ultrasonic sensor and load cell to measure the body height and weight of infant and toddler. Its expected margin of error for the sensors are 0.01 – 4.36% and 0.00 – 1.43% for ultrasonic sensor and load cell, respectively.Keywords: stunting, e-growth monitoring system, weight, height, posyand