14 research outputs found

    Organizational Ambidexterity: Ketangguhan yang Dibutuhkan untuk Keberlangsungan Kinerja Organisasi Masa Depan

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    Organizational ambidexterity has emerged as a new research paradigm in organizational theory, but some fundamental issues in this debate remain controversial. Ambidexterity is the ability to exploit existing capabilities and to explore new opportunities. Achieving exploitation and exploration enables organizational success, even organizational resilience to improve and maintain sustained superior performance, but creates tensions and challenging. The ambidextrous organization excels in utilizing existing products to enable additional innovation and to explore new opportunities to drive more radical innovation, but related research is limited. This article aims to advance our understanding of the prerequisites of organizational prerequisites, approaches to achieving them, and to address the impact of each level of individuals and organizations for the sustainability of ambidexterity organizational achievements keywords: organizational ambidexterity, exploration-exploitation

    Peran Locus Of Control pada Hubungan Job Insecurity, Komitmen dan Kepuasan Kerja

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationships between job insecurity and its outcomes (job satisfaction and commitment), also to examine the moderator role of locus of control in this relationship. Data were collected from 143 employees across different industries, and also different job levels. A series of regressions are employed to test the hypotheses. The results showed that job insecurity was directly and negatively related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research findings also showed that locus of control moderated relations between job insecurity and two studied outcomes (job satisfaction and commitment). This study offers implications for managerial practices. This result suggest for manager how to overcome the impact of job insecurity on commitment and job satisfaction through locus of control. Keywords: job insecurity, locus of control, job satisfaction, commitmen

    Ekstrasi Dedak Padi sebagai Pengayaan Sumber Makanan Berprotein Tinggi di Sumatera Barat

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    West Sumatra is an area that still has a high poverty rate is as much as 407,470 people or 8.14% of the total population. One of the effect of this situation is approximately 0.9% of West Sumatra children still suffer from malnutrition due to lack of nutrition, especially protein. By extracting the rice bran, will be acquired proteins that can be used to ensure adequate intake of proteins which have not fulfilled. It's caused by soybean price instability which has been used as a source of protein for most of the population of West Sumatra. By varying the alkaline solution, pH and extraction time will be obtained optimum conditions to obtain the highest protein concentrate that can be used as an alternative protein source. For the determination of protein content contained in each sample was used Kjeldahl method. Having done this research, was obtained the optimum conditions is KOH solution with extraction time was 3 hours and pH 10. Based on the results of ANOVA test shows that the extraction time and extraction pH have significant effect on the yield of concentrate protein. But, extraction solution factor didn't have significant effect

    Kepemimpinan Pemberdayaan dalam Memfasilitasi Peningkatan Kreativitas Karyawan di Era 4.0: Peran Efikasi Diri Kreatif dan Religiosity

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    This study aims to analyze and test the factors that increase employee creativity. This study examines moderating religiosity on the relationship between leadership, empowerment and employee level mediated by creative self-efficacy among employees in Jakarta. The research population was taken from the academic community of the National University, including employees, working students and alumni who have worked. The data was collected using a survey method by distributing questionnaires. The sample measurement was based on consideration of the good social research sample size according to the experts and was determined at 150. The sampling technique used was convenient sampling. The analytical method used in this research is testing moderation mediation with Macro Process 3.15V with model 15. The results show that leadership empowerment increases employee creativity both directly and indirectly. The indirect effect of empowerment leadership on employee creativity is through an increase in employee creative self-efficacy. The results also show additional insight that the level of employee religiosity moderates the influence of empowerment leadership on creativity in a negative direction. But the level of religiosity does not moderate the effect of employee creative self-efficacy on employee creativity. Practical implications are presented in this study

    Auditor Switching, Kenapa?

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh bukti empiris tentang faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi auditor switching secara voluntary. Variabel independen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah opini audit, ukuran KAP, ukuran Perusahaan, financial distress, komite audit. Objek penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan pada sektor manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia selama 2014-2018. Data dianalisis menggunakan analisis regresi logistic. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa opini audit, ukuran Perusahaan, ukuran KAP, financial distress dan komite audit tidak berpengaruh terhadap auditor switching

    Increasing Production of Fish Consumption Based on Local Wisdom with Culture Based Fisheries (Cbf) Technolog

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    One of the aquaculture techniques is Culture Based Fisheries (CBF). CBF or Cultivation-Based Capture Fisheries is a capture fishery activity where the caught fish come from cultured fish seeds that are spread into water bodies, and the stocked fish seeds will grow by utilizing available natural food in increasing consumption fish production based on local wisdom. The purpose of this activity is to add insight and information for teachers and students about aquaculture using the CBF technique. The method used is the observation and preparation stage, the coordination stage, the tool and material preparation stage, and finally the implementation stage. The results of PKM activities The target audience in this Community Service activity is the community in general, but specifically it is addressed to the Santri/Students and Teachers at MA Bahrul Ulum Muliasari Tanjung Lago, Banyuasin Regency, which specifically has been attended by 41 people. During the PKL implementation, activities were carried out in 3 activities, the first was a speech from the head of MA Bahrul Ulum and also the PKL Team Leader, in the second session followed by a presentation session of 6 materials and the last was a demonstration activity or practice of measuring water quality as well as socialization of aquaculture study programs. fish. The results of this PKM are used to increase the willingness and knowledge of the community through students/teachers in developing their area to apply CBF technology to develop the fisheries sector in the area which looks quite promising