18 research outputs found

    Kajian Literatur: Peran Orang Tua yang Bekerja dengan Perkembangan Sosial Anak Usia Prasekolah

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    Abstrak: Usia prasekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai bersosialisasi, hal ini membutuhkan peran orang tua dalam membimbing, menyayangi, mengajarkan dan mengasuh anak. Orang tua yang bekerja memiliki waktu yang kurang dalam menjalankan perannya. Literatur ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagiamana hubungan peran orang tua yang bekerja dengan perkembangan sosial anak usia sekolah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu penelusuran artikel penelitian ini melalui Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO, dan Springer menggunakan kata kunci dan kriteria inklusi dalam jangka waktu artikel dari tahun 2015-2020. Hasilnya yaitu setelah penyaringan diapatkan 20 jurnal yang berhubungan dan hasil matriks sintesis dikelompokkan menjadi 3 kategori yaitu input, proses, dan output. Dalam literatur ini terdapat 5 penelitian tentang kelekatan orang tua, 13 penelitian tentang pola asuh dan 3 penelitian tentang status sosial ekonomi. Orang tua yang bekerja berperan dalam menjalin kelekatan, memberikan pengasuhan positif dan meningkatkan status sosial ekonomi untuk meningkatkan perkembangan sosial anak. Kata Kunci: Orang Tua Bekerja; Perkembangan Sosial Abstract: Preschool age is a time when the child starts socializing, it requires the role of parents in guiding, loving, teaching and parenting. Working parents have less time in their roles. The purpose of this literature is to know how the relation between the role of parents working with the social development of preschool. The method used the search for this research article through Google Scholar, ProQuest, EBSCO, and Springer uses keywords and inclusion criteria within the period of the article from 2015-2020. The result is there are 20 journals which related and results of matrix synthesis into 3 categories: input, process, and output. There are 5 studies on parent attachment, 13 studies on parenting and 3 studies on socioeconomic status. The role of working parents is building the attachment, providing good parenting and improving the socio-economic status to improve children’s social development. Keywords: Working Parents; Social Developmen

    Relationship between Age and Improvement of Nutritional Status of Stunting Children

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    Aim: to find out the relationship between stunting children's age and improvement in stunting children's nutritional status Methods: This type of research is a descriptive correlational study with a cross sectional approach and uses the total sampling method with 45 respondents. Collecting data using a questionnaire that includes the age of the child, and improvement of nutritional status. Data analysis using chi-square Results: children aged 1-15 months experienced an improvement in nutrition 37% while the same nutritional status was 78%, children aged 16-30 months experienced an improvement in nutritional status 13.3% while those who did not experienced nutritional improvement were 86.7%, aged 46¬- 60 months as much as 50% and did not experience an improvement in nutrition as much as 50%. After the Ch-Square test was carried out with a P-Value of 0.022 that there was no significant relationship between stunting children's age and improvement in stunting children's nutritional status. Conclusions: the improvement of nutritional status in stunted children is not related to the child's age. Other studies on enhancing balanced nutrition could be conducted by other researchers


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    Abstrak: Efektifitas Perawatan Bayi BBLR dan pelaksanan metode kangguru tergantung pengetahuan orang tua. Pengetahuan diberikan sampai orang mampu melakukan secara mandiri baru bayi BBLR diperbolehkan pulang kerumah. Tujuan Kegiatan: Meningkatkan Pengetahuan tentang Perawatan Bayi BBLR dan Pelaksanaan Metode Kangguru. Metode Kegiatan: Melalui penyuluhan yang dilakukan di Ruang Perinatologi dengan metode ceramah dan role play. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilakukan dengan memberikan materi tentang Perawatan Bayi BBLR dan Pelaksanaan Metode Kangguru, Melakukan sesi tanya jawab dan evalausi. kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 14 peserta orang tua yang memiliki bayi BBLR dirawat Diruang Perinatologi. Hasil Kegiatan. Terdapat peningkatan 88,7% pengetahuan terkait Perawatan Bayi BBLR dan Pelaksanaan Metode Kangguru.Abstract: The effectiveness of BBLR infant care and the implementation of the kangaroo method depends on the knowledge of the parents. Knowledge is given until people are able to do it independently and then BBLR babies are allowed to go home. Activity Objectives: Increase Knowledge about BBLR Infant Care and the Implementation of the Kangaroo Method. Activity Method: Through counseling conducted in the Perinatology Room with lecture and role play methods. This outreach activity was carried out by providing material on BBLR Baby Care and the Implementation of the Kangaroo Method, Conducting question and answer sessions and evaluations. This activity was attended by 14 participants, parents who have LBW babies who are treated in the Perinatology Room. Activity Results: There was an 88.7% increase in knowledge related to LBW Baby Care and the Implementation of the Kangaroo Method


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    Abstrak: Pemberian ASI pada Ibu Bekerja terhambat pada waktu menyusui karena intensitas pertemuan Ibu dan Bayi berkurang. Alternatif yang bisa ditempuh adalah pemberian ASI Perah. Tujuan Kegiatan: meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang Pemberian Asi Eksklusif Dan Asi Perah. Metode Kegiatan: melalui penyuluhan dengan Pertemuan via virtual dilakukan dengan metode ceramah. Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilakukan dengan menampilkan materi tentang ASI Eksklusif dan ASI Perah, melakukan sesi tanya jawab dan evalausi, kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 57 peserta diantaranya ibu rumah tangga, Bidan Desa, Mahasiswa. Hasil Kegiatan. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan, wawasan ibu terkait pemberian ASI Eksklusif dan ASI Perah. Abstract: Breastfeeding for working mothers is hampered during breastfeeding because the intensity of the meeting between mother and baby is reduced. An alternative that can be taken is giving expressed breast milk. Activity Objective: to increase knowledge about Exclusive Breastfeeding and Expressing Breastfeeding. Activity Method: through counseling with virtual meetings carried out with the lecture method. This outreach activity was carried out by presenting material on Exclusive Breastfeeding and Expressing Breastfeeding, conducting a question and answer session and evaluation, this activity was attended by 57 participants including housewives, village midwives, students. Activity Results. There is an increase in knowledge and insight of mothers related to exclusive breastfeeding and expressed breast milk by the time the evaluation was carried out with the interview method


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    Abstrak: Kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh setiap anak yang dirawat di rumah sakit, sehingga menimbulkan respon anak seperti ketakutan, menangis dan menolak dilakukan tindakan keperawatan. Hal ini dapat membuat tim keperawatan kesulitan melakukan intervensi. Tujuan Kegiatan: Menurunkan tingkat kecemasan anak yang sedang dirawat dirumah sakit. Metode Kegiatan: Kegiatan penyuluhan ini dilakukan melalui terapi bermain pada anak yang mengalamai kecemasan di ruang perawatan anak Rumah sakit di kota tangerang dengan Teknik dramatic Play. Sebelum dilakukan kegiatan orang tua sudah diberikan kuesioner terkait kecemasan, setelah mengetahui anak yang Mangalam kecemaasan anak tersebut dan orang tua akan diajak untuk berkumpul dengan anak yang lainnya u mengikuti terapi bermain story teeling dramatic play. Kegiatan dilakukan selama 40 menit. Setelah itu orang tua akan diberikan kembali kuesioner kecemasan. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 36 peserta orang tua. Hasil Kegiatan: Tingkat kecemasaan anak menurun setelah dilakukan terapi bermain dilihat dari kuesioner sebelum dan setelah kegiatan terjadi penurunan kecemasan sebanyak 98,9 %.Abstract: Anxiety is felt by every child who is hospitalized, giving rise to child responses such as fear, crying and refusing to take nursing action. This can make it difficult for the nursing team to intervene. Activity Objective: To reduce the anxiety level of children who are being treated at the hospital. Activity Method: This counseling activity is carried out through play therapy for children who experience anxiety in the child care room of a hospital in Tangerang city with the dramatic play technique. Before the activities were carried out, the parents were given a questionnaire related to anxiety. After knowing that the child was experiencing anxiety, the child and the parents were invited to gather with other children to take part in storytelling dramatic play therapy. Activities carried out for 40 minutes. After that the parents will be given another anxiety questionnaire. This activity was attended by 36 parent participants. Activity results: The child's anxiety level decreased after playing therapy was carried out. It was seen from the questionnaire before and after the activity that there was a decrease in anxiety by 98.9%


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    ABSTRAKDiare merupakan gangguan buang air besar dengan frekuensi lebih dari 3 kali sehari, konsistensi cair, bisa disertai darah dan atau lender. Tujuan Kegiatan: Untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan orang tua dalam penanganan diare pada anak dengan benar dan salah satu terapi komplementernya adalah menggunakan madu. Metode Kegiatan: Penyuluhan kesehatan dengan sasaran 15 anak dan orang tua yang dilakukan secara online dengan Google Meet. Hasil Kegiatan: terdapat 14 (93,3%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang memahami mengenai penanganan diare pada anak dan 1 (6,6%) orang tua (ayah/ibu) yang aktif bertanya dalam kegiatan. Kata kunci: diare; anak; penyuluhan kesehatan ABSTRACTDiarrhea is a bowel disorder with a frequency of more than 3 times a day, liquid consistency, can be accompanied by blood and / or mucus. Activity Objective: To increase parents' knowledge in handling diarrhea in children properly and one of the complementary therapies is using honey. Activity Method: Health education targeting 15 children and parents conducted online with Google Meet. Activity Results: there were 14 (93.3%) parents (father / mother) who understood the handling of diarrhea in children and 1 (6.6%) parents (father / mother) who actively asked questions in activities. Key words: diarrhea; children; health educatio


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    Abstrak: Perilaku mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun dan handsanitizer untuk memutuskan mata rantai penularan penyakit dan penggunaan masker adalah salah satu langkah pencegahan yang dapat membatasi penyebaran penyakit-penyakit saluran pernapasan tertentu yang diakibatkan oleh virus. Tujuan Kegiatan : Meningkatkan pengetahuan anak dan juga orang tua mengenai cara cuci tangan dan  penggunaan masker yang benar. Metode Kegiatan : Melalui penyuluhan dengan menggunakan video pembelajaran dan praktik langsung dengan handsanitizer, kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 20 anak dan kegiatan dilakukan secara daring dan luring. Hasil Kegiatan : Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan anak dan kemandirian anak dalam pengetahuan dan praktek cara cuci tangan dan penggunaan masker yang benar sebesar (85%). Abstract:The behavior of washing hands using soap and handsanitizer to break the chain of disease transmission and the use of masks is one of the preventive measures that can limit the spread of certain respiratory diseases caused by viruses. Activity Objective: Increase the knowledge of children and parents about how to wash hands and use masks correctly. Activity Methods: Through outreach using instructional videos and hands-on hands-on practice, this activity was attended by 20 children and activities were carried out online and offline. Results of the activity. There was an increase in children's knowledge and independence in the knowledge and practice of how to wash hands and use masks correctly (85%)


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    Pendahuluan: Kejang Demam (KD) merupakan gangguan kejang yang paling umum di masa kanak-kanak. Anak dengan KD sebelumnya berisiko tinggi mengalami KD berulang. Di Tangerang, belum ditemukannya penelitian tentang faktor yang memengaruhi KD berulang pada anak. Tujuan dari penelitan ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi KD berulang pada anak. Metode: Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross isectional. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan random sampling. Sampel penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah 112 anak berusia 6 bulan sampai 5 tahun di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak (RSIA) Assyifa Tangerang. Instrument penelitian berupa lembar observasi. Hasil: Hasil ipenelitian ididapatkan ibahwa iterdapat ipengaruh iantara ifaktor isuhu tubuh saat idemam i(p-Value i0,00), ifaktor iusia ipertama mengalami KD (p-Value i0,00), faktor riwayat ikejang ikeluarga i(p-Value i0,00), idan ifaktor ijenis ikelamin i(p-Value 0,00) dengan ikejadian ikejang idemam iberulang ipada ianak idi iRSIA iAssyifa iKota Tangerang. Kesimpulan: Terdapat 5 faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kejadian KD berulang pada anak diantaranya adalah suhu tubuh saat demam, usia pertama KD, riwayat KD keluarga, serta jenis kelamin.   Kata Kunci: Anak; Faktor-Faktor; Kejang Demam Berulang   ABSTRACT Introduction i: Febrile seizures (FS) are the most common seizure disorder in childhood. Children with previous febrile seizures are at high risk of recurrent febrile seizures. In Tangerang, there has been no research on the factors that affect recurrent FS in children. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors that affect recurrent KD in children.. Method: Quantitative research with a Crossectional approach. Sampling techniques used random sampling. The study sample in this study was 112 children aged 6 months to 5 years in RSIA Assyifa Tangerang. Result: iThe imajority iof itoddlers iaged i30 imonths iare i68 itoddlers i(60.7%), ithe imajority iof ithe igender iof itoddlers iis imale iwhich iis i70 itoddlers i(65.4%), ithe imajority iof itoddlers ihave ia imoderate ifever i(38.3-39.5ºC) iwhich iis i68 itoddlers i(63.6%), ithe imajority iof itoddlers ihave ithe ifirst ifever iat ithe iage iof i12 i(<a12 imonths) iwhich iis i57 itoddlers i(53.3%), ithe imajority iof itoddlers ihave ia ifamily iwith ia ihistory iof iseizures iof i72 itoddlers i(67.3%) iand ithe imajority iof itoddlers ihad irecurrent ifever iseizures ias imany ias i69 irespondents i(63.4%). i Conclusion: i There are 5 factors that affect the occurrence of recurrent FS in children including body temperature during fever, first age of FS, family history of FS,, and gender.   Keywords: Children; Factors ; Repeated Fever Seizures     &nbsp

    Pengaruh Perawatan Metode Kangguru terhadap Stress Hemodinamik pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah di RS Annisa Tangerang 2020

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    Conditions in Neonatology in the form of noise, lighting, smells, the use of tools and procedures that can cause stress and pain greatly contribute to morbidity. Newborns are often exposed to a number of procedures that cause pain, both diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures, and installation of monitoring tools. Physiological parameters. All of these actions can put stress on the baby. The impact if the baby is stressed is a change in  the baby's physiological functions, such as hypothermia, an increase in the baby's heart rate, the frequency of breath will cause repeated apnea, the presentation of hemoglobin bound by oxygen (SPO2) tends to decrease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Kangaroo Treatment Method on Physiological Stress in Low Birth Weight Infants at Rs Annisa Tangerang 2020. The research method used in this study was a quasi experimental design: one group pre test and post test design. The population in this study amounted to 35 respondents. The technique used for data collection is accidental sampling. Results: Based on the statistical test that the p-value <0.05, it can be stated that HO is rejected, meaning that there is an influence between Kangaroo Method Treatment on Physiological Stress in Low Birth Weight Infants at Rs Annisa Tangerang 2020. There is an influence between Kangaroo  Treatment  Methods  on  Stress Physiology of Low Birth Weight Babies at Rs Annisa Tangerang 2020.Kondisi di Neonatologi berupa kebisingan, pencahayaan, bau-bauan, penggunaan alat dan prosedur yang dapat menimbulkan stress dan nyeri sangat berkontribusi terhadap morbiditas. Bayi baru lahir sering terpapar dengan sejumlah prosedur yang menyebabkan nyeri baik prosedur diagnostic, prosedur terapeutik, maupun pemasangan alat untuk monitoring parameter fisiologis. Semua tindakan ini bisa menimbulkan stress pada bayi. Dampak jika bayi stress adalah perubahan pada fungsi fisiologis bayi, seperti hipotermi, peningkatan denyut jantung bayi, frekuensi nafas akan menyebabkan apneu berulang, presentasi Hemoglobin yang di ikat oleh oksigen (SPO2) cenderung menurun. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh perawatan metode kangguru terhadap stress hemodinamik pada bayi berat lahir rendah di Rumah Sakit Annisa tangerang 2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimental design: one group pre test and post test design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 35 responden. Tehnik yang digunakan untuk pengambilan data adalah accidental sampling. Hasil penelitian: Berdasarkan uji statistik bahwa p-value < 0,05 maka dapat dinyatakan HO ditolak artinya ada pengaruh antara Perawatan Metode Kangguru Terhadap Stress Hemodinamik Pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Di RS Annisa Tangerang 2020. ada pengaruh antara Perawatan Metode Kangguru Terhadap Stress Hemodinamik Pada Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah Di Rs Annisa Tangerang 2020