55 research outputs found

    Kreativitas Guru SD di Pontianak dalam Mengubah dan Menulis Syair Lagu Sesuai Ritme Lagu

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    Ā Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sejauh mana kreativitas guru SD dalam mengubah syair lagu anak sesuai dengan pola ritme lagu. Ketertarikan ini didasari oleh rasa penasaran peneliti terkait kemampuan menulis lirik lagu yang diubah sesuai dengan pola ritme lagu, karena beberapa penelitian menuliskan bahwa Guru TK dan SD memanfaatkan lagu sebagai alat untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran, bahkan terkadang guru mengubah syair lagu sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran. Penelitian ini, penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan Kualitatif. Sumber utama penelitian adalah Guru SD baik kelas rendah maupun kelas tinggi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Ā Keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Analisis data menggunakan teori Miles dan Huberman yaitu Reduksi data,Verifikasi data, penyajian data. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa Kreativitas guru SD dalam mengubah syair lagu sudah baik dan pada umumnya sesuai dengan karakter musik anak. Namun kreativitas ini belum sepadan dengan kemampuan menuliskan syair lagu yang diubah sesuai dengan ritme lagunya. Sehingga terkadang syair yang dibuat tidak sesuai dengan ritme lagu, yang menyebabkan kesulitan melafalkan kata yang tepat saat bernyanyi

    Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Etika Profesi dan Kecerdasan Emosional Terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Bagi Auditor (studi Empiris Pada Kantor BPKP Perwakilan Provinsi Riau)

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    This study aims to determine: (1) The Effect of Professional Ethics on Decision Making for Auditors (2) The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Decision Making for Auditors. Sampling in the study using probability sampling method with simple random sampling method and the number of samples taken was 40 respondents. Data collection was carried out by distributing 40 questionnaires to BPKP Riau Province internal auditors. This study uses the trimming model path analysis as its analysis technique using SPSS software version 19.0. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Decision Making for Auditors has a significant effect on Professional Ethics (2) Emotional Intelligence has a Significant effect on Decision Making for Auditors (3) Professional Ethics and Emotional Intelligence simultaneously and significantly influences Decision Making for Auditors

    Analisis Faktor Loyalitas pelanggan kartu simPATI: Survei pada mahasiswa pelanggan kartu simPATI di Malang

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    ABSTRAK Mengingat semakin berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi telekomunikasi seluler di era globalisasi seperti sekarang ini, menyebabkan banyaknya bermunculan berbagai macam operator. Banyaknya operator yang bermunculan tersebut terjadi persaingan yang semakin ketat antar operator seluler dalam menarik konsumen agar tertarik untuk menggunakan produknya. Salah satu bentuk usaha yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan pelanggan menjadi loyal dan terus meningkatkan faktor -faktor loyalitas tersebut agar pelanggan tetap loyal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (a) Faktor-faktor apa yang menyebabkan pelanggan menjadi loyal sebagai pengguna produk simPATI, (b) Mengapa faktor tersebut (sebagaimana hasil point 1) menjadi penentu loyalitas pengguna kartu simPATI. Lokasi penelitian di Malang pada mahasiswa yang menggunakan kartu simPATI, adapun alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan uji validitas dan uji realibilitas alat instrumen serta menggunakan analisis faktor. Variabel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor loyalitas yang meliputi; nilai, citra, kenyamanan dan kemudahan, kepuasan, pelayanan, garansi dan jaminan, core offering, tingkat elastisitas, marketplace. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa, hasil rotasi dengan metode analisis faktor responden pengguna kartu simPATI disimpulkan bahwa 9 variabel dapat direduksi menjadi 6 faktor yaitu;(a) pelayanan (b) kenyamanan dan kemudahan (c) kepuasan (d) nilai (e) citra Dan (f) garansi dan jaminan. Faktor yang paling dominan dipertimbangkan pelanggan kartu simPATI untuk tetap loyal adalah faktor pelayanan. ABSTRACT Realizing the growth of technology on telecommunication in the globalization era nowadays, there are varieties of operators that emerge. These varieties led competition in gaining customers. One of which is through knowing the factors that makes customers to be loyal and try to keep these factors. The aims of this research are a) What are factors that makes customers to be loyal to the simPATI's products, b) Why are those factors, as in 'a', become the main point to the loyality of simPATI's customers. The location of this research is in Malang. I did research on university students that use simPATI. The analysis tools used in this research are validity test, reliability test on instruments tool, and factor analysis. The variable used here is loyality factors that include: value, image, comfort, easiness, satisfaction, service, guarantee, core offering, elasticity level, and marketplace. The founding of this research shows that the result of rotation by using respondent analysis factor method of simPATIā€Ÿs customers is that among 9 variables lays; we can reduce it to be 6 factors, that are : a) service b) comfort and easiness c) satisfaction d) value e) image and f) guarantee. The most dominant factor that simPATIā€Ÿs customer consider is the service


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa batasan level dan bagaimana pengaruh penggunaan campuran pod kakao dan ampas tahu fermentasi dengan Pleurotus ostreatus (PKATF) dalam ransum terhadap kualitas telur dan income over feed cost (IOFC) puyuh. Penelitian ini menggunakan 200 ekor puyuh (Coturnix-coturnix japonica) yang berumur 7 minggu. Kandang yang digunakan adalah kandang baterai dengan ukuran 45x20x30 cm terbuat dari kawat sebanyak 20 unit yang ditempati 10 ekor puyuh per unit. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan (0%, 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20% PKATF dengan Pleurotus ostreatus) dan 4 ulangan. Peubah yang diamati yaitu berat telur (gr/butir), kolesterol kuning telur (mg/100g), lemak kuning telur (%) dan income over feed cost (Rp/Kg). Hasil analisis keragaman menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan campuran pod kakao dan ampas tahu fermentasi dengan Pleurotus ostreatus berpengaruh berbeda nyata (P0,05) terhadap lemak kuning telur. Hasil uji DMRT menunjukkan bahwa berat telur pada perlakuan A berbeda tidak nyata dibandingkan perlakuan B dan C tetapi nyata (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan D dan E. Kolesterol kuning telur puyuh pada perlakuan A berbeda tidak nyata dibandingkan dengan perlakuan B, tetapi nyata (P<0,05) lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan perlakuan C, D dan E. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah penggunaan campuran pod kakao dan ampas tahu fermentasi dengan Pleurotus ostreatus sampai level 15% dalam ransum dapat meningkatkan kualitas telur puyuh. Pada kondisi ini diperoleh berat telur 10,10 gr/butir, kolesterol 759,85 mg/100g, lemak 28,27 % dan income over feed cost Rp. 3.328/kg. Kata Kunci : Ampas tahu, fermentasi, kualitas telur, Pleurotus ostreatus, pod kakao


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    AbstractThe background of the research is the researcher interest toward the existence of Drum band extracurricular at Elementary School in Southeast Pontianak which still unknown due to the unavailable data of the total unit, the condition, and other data. The purpose of this research were 1) to describe the history of drum band in Elementary School in Southeast Pontianak. 2) to describe the composition of drum band unit in Elementary School in Southeast Pontianak. 3) to describe the rehearsal activities and the achievement in Elementary School in Southeast Pontianak. The methodology of this research is descriptive research with qualitative research. The data was taken from several techniques namely observation technique, interview technique, and documentation study. The technique to validate the data was the extension of the observation and triangulation technique. The result of this research were 1) the history formed of drumband in each school had average reasons. 2) the unit composition in drumband extracurricular in each school had different of composition. 3) The achievemnts in the Drum Band in elementary schools in southeast Pontianak are different, this is influenced by several factors, namely the training system, student interest, the composition of instrument, and school activeness in participating in competition.Keywords: existence, drumband, extracurricula


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    Abstract Function This research is motivated by the development of music in the digital world, it is also used by people as a medium for studying music through music software applications, one of which is Guitar Pro. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of the Guitar Pro music software application and describe the functions and benefits of the Guitar Pro music software. The research method used in this research is qualitative with the data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The research instrument was the researcher himself and was assisted by data collection tools such as observation guides and interviews. The data validity technique uses technical triangulation, and data analysis according to Miles and Huberman is data collection, then the data is reduced, followed by verification and finally concluding. The results of the research are First, the use of Guitar pro music software is fairly easy, and can be learned in not too long. Both guitar Pro software have very functions that can support someone to practice the notes or chords of music on a guitar musical instrument. There is also this function is to support someone if they want to make a musical composition or practice playing melodies and keys on the guitar, as well as enrich their knowledge regarding music symbols, both symbols of notation, numbers and other music symbols related to guitar playing techniques. In addition, learning to play guitar using Guitar Pro can inspire enthusiasm for learning, because of its appearanceand using Guitar Pro is very easy to understand. Furthermore, the use / utilization of the Guitar Pro software media in practicing guitar playing is quite beneficial, namely being able to understand the song material quickly, can make someone enthusiastic about learning, and the time used is more efficient and effective. The suggestion of this research is that the Guitar Pro music software should be available in any music studio, so that the music studio can be used as a place to learn music, either independently or mentally. Keywords: Guitar Pro music software, Learning Guitar
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