18 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi Pemasaran Jagung di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    Maize is one of important agricultural commodity which can be used for food and feed. However, the marketing of this commodity still inefisient. The purpose of this research is to analyze marketing efficiency of maize of West Nusa Tenggara Province via marketing channel, market structure, market behavior, market performance and marketing strategy. Sampling was conducted by simple random sampling and the number of sample used is 30 people. The method used is SCP analysis that consists of margin, price-share, market integration and marketing mix. The result shows marketing inefficiency presence, where 48.66 percent of farmers use second channel, to sell directly to wholesalers. Market structure tendency is oligopsony, where the wholesalers influence price. The margin distribution among the three channels are differs. Vertical market integration is strong in the short and long run, but only on wholesaler level. Marketing strategy on wholesaler level could not increase marketing efficiency due to the homogenous nature of product sold, dry shelled corn. The price is determined by quality and production cost. Promotion done via words of mouth and most sellers choose to sell along the main road although fifty percent of them live in the countryside

    Hubungan Tingkat Depresi dengan Kualitas Hidup pada Penderita Hiv/aids di Rumah Sakit Santa Elisabeth Batam Tahun 2018

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Aciqired Immuno Deficinc Syndrome (HIV-AIDS) is a global problem and is one of the public health problems in Indonesia. Researchers presurveyed at Santa Elisabet Batam Hospital on May 28, 2018 obtained data from medical records, the number of each month was HIV / AIDS patients who visited the hospital from January as many as 110 people, February as many as 121 people, March as many as 127 people, April as many as 122 people and in May 152 people. The amount from January to May 2018 is 632 people, from the data above that routinely visits 30 months. The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between the level of depression and quality of life in people with HIV / AIDS at Santa Elisabeth Batam Hospital in 2018. The study design used an analytical survey method with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all patients suffering from HIV / AIDS who were treated at Santa Elisabeth Hospital in Batam. The sample technique uses purposive sampling with a total sample of 30 people. The study was conducted on June 26 to July 17 2018. Collecting data by questionnaire. Data analysis used is univariate and bivariate with Chi-Square test to see the relationship of two variables. The results obtained by the results of p value = 0.02

    Uji Kinerja Alat Pengering Hybrid Tipe Rak Pada Pengeringan Chip Pisang Kepok

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    Lampung Province was one of the banana production centers areas in Indonesia, one of them is kepok banana. Bananas don\u27t have a long shelf life, so that it needs an alternative treatment to prolong shelf life so it can provide the value-of banana fruit. Drying system with hybrid is an alternative option. The purpose of this study is to test the performance of the hybrid dryer shelves type for drying banana chips. This research was conducted with three treatments, they were drying using solar energy, drying using electrical energy, and drying using solar energy and electricity, which was using 5 kg banana chips for each treatments. The three treatments of this research showed different results. It took 9 hours to drying banana chips until it reached the water content 10%-12% on drying using solar energy, while drying using electrical energy needed 11 hours, and 8 hours on drying using solar energy and electricity. Energy produced on drying using solar energy amounted to 55859,52 kJ, drying using electrical energy amounted to 27680,4 kJ and drying using solar energy and electricity was 64417,17 kJ

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (Pbl) dan Example Non Example terhadap Prestasi Belajar untuk Siswa Kelas VIII di Mts Negeri 7 Gunungkidul

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan: (1) untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif model Problem based Learning dengan example non example, (2) untuk mengetahui  apakah penggunaan model pembelajaran Problem based Learning dengan example non example lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan penggunaan model Problem based Learning tanpa example non example terhadap prestasi belajar materi kubus dan balok untuk siswa kelas VIII MTs Negeri 7 Gunungkidul tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu. Instrument yang digunakan adalah tes prestasi belajar. Data dianalisis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa prestasi belajar siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem based Learning dengan example non example dengan rerata 82,33 termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran Problem based Learning dengan example non example lebih efektif dibanding dengan model pembelajaran Problem based Learning tanpa example non example dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar matematika. Hal ini ditunjukkan pada hasil uji-t dengan thitung = 2,832 > ttabel = 2,010635.

    Application of the Make A Match Model Assisted with Esapi Media to Improve Students' Learning Outcomes

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    This research aims to describe the application of the model a make a match assisted by ESAPI media to improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SDN Wonoketingal 02. Classroom action research was conducted in class IV SDN Wonoketingal 02 with a research subject of 20 students. This study uses design classroom action research from Kemmis and MC. Taggart and last for 2 cycles. The independent variable of this study is the make a match model and ESAPI media, while the dependent variable in this study is student learning outcomes. Data collection methods used are qualitative and quantitative data. The result showed an increase in mastery learning outcomes aspects of knowledge in the first cycle of 73.3% and an increase in the second cycle of 77.2% in good qualifications. The completeness of both cycles is 3.9% with a good category. This proves that the application of the make a match model assisted by ESAPI media can improve student learning outcomes in grade IV SDN Wonoketingal 02