6 research outputs found
Studi Korelasi Jurusan Sekolah dan Prestasi Akademik (IPK) dengan Skor Uji Kompetensi Perawat
Perbedaan kemampuan dan kualitas input mahasiswa menentukan prestasi akademik dan menjadi tolok ukur keberhasilan suatu proses pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Nilai prestasi akademik atau IPK sebagai hasil dari proses pembelajaran seharusnya berbanding lurus dengan hasil uji kompetensi perawat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah teridentifikasinya hubungan antara asal jurusan dan prestasi akademik dengan skor uji kompetensi perawat. Penelitian ini merupakan deskriptif korelatif yang dilakukan secara retrospektif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross-sectional. Sebanyak 50 orang lulusan diploma III keperawatan yang mengikuti Ujian Kompetensi Nasional Perawat pada bulan Oktober 2017 dilibatkan secara total sampling. Analisis deskriptif menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Sementara, analisis korelasi menggunakan Uji Kruskal Wallis dan Uji Spearman Rank Rho. Hasil penelitian membuktikan adanya hubungan positif yang kuat (rs = 0,536) dan bermakna secara statistik (p-value = 0,000) antara prestasi akademik (IPK) dengan skor uji kompetensi perawat. Dengan demikian, semakin tinggi prestasi akademik maka akan diikuti semakin tingginya nilai uji kompetensi perawat. Sementara itu, tidak ditemukan hubungan (p-value = 0,214) antara asal jurusan dengan skor uji kompetensi perawat. Hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi rujukan bagi para praktik dalam menentukan strategi dan tolok ukur keberhasilan mahasiswa untuk meraih kelulusan uji kompetensi perawat nasional
The society human immunodeficiency virus health literacy scale: the development and psychometric assessment
Society human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) related health literacy is an essential behavioural skill that contributes to understanding the disease and responding to people living with HIV. Measuring HIV health literacy in the community requires reliable tools to produce an objective health literacy index. This study aimed to design and examined the society HIV health literacy scale's (SHIVAL) psychometric properties. A cross sectional study was conducted on 381 people without HIV. Sample recruitment used convenience sampling. Instrument development and psychometric analysis include item pool construction and content validity examination, consistency reliability test, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. A standardized four factor model fits the HIV health literacy measure well. This scale has 15 items with good Cronbach's Alpha reliability index and content validity index. The final SHIVAL Scale has been determined reliable and appropriate for measuring health literacy related to HIV. Nurses or healthcare professionals can use this scale to predict an individual's HIV health literacy, thereby influencing the social intervention of HIV disease and enabling effective community health literacy strategies
Dental fluorosis adalah gangguan pada gigi yang mengakibatkan gigi mengalami tampilan bernoda dan rapuh karena toksisitas fluorida kronis. Dental fluorosis berakibat negatif terhadap psikis karena dapat menurunkan nilai persepsi diri terkait penampilan dan kualitas hidup seseorang dengan menurunkan nilai estetika gigi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan dental fluorosis dengan socio emotional wellbeing pada penduduk di pemukiman tanah berkapur Desa Darmakradenan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Jumlah responden sebanyak 90 orang berusia 8-15 tahun yang dipilih dengan metode purposive sampling. Responden dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yaitu dental fluorosis dan normal (tidak dental fluorosis). Pemeriksaan status dental fluorosis menggunakan Indeks Dean dan dan socio emotional wellbeing diukur menggunakan kuesioner COHIP-SF 19. Uji Mann-Whitney U memperlihatkan hasil bahwa terdapat hubungan dental fluorosis dengan socio emotional wellbeing dengan nilai p = 0,033 (p < 0,05). Simpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu terdapat hubungan bermakna antara dental fluorosis dengan socio emotional wellbeing.Dental fluorosis is a dental disorder that results in teeth experiencing a stained and brittle appearance due to chronic fluoride toxicity. Dental fluorosis has a negative psychological impact because it can reduce the value of self-perception regarding a person's appearance and quality of life by reducing the aesthetic value of teeth. This study aims to determine the relationship between dental fluorosis and socio emotional wellbeing in karst area population of Darmakradenan Village. The research used a cross sectional approach. The number of respondents was 90 people aged 8-15 years who were selected using the purposive sampling method. Respondents were divided into 2 groups, namely dental fluorosis and normal (no dental fluorosis). Dental fluorosis status was examined using the Dean Index and socio emotional wellbeing was measured using the COHIP-SF 19 questionnaire. The Mann-Whitney U test showed that there was a relationship between dental fluorosis and socio emotional wellbeing with a value of p = 0.033 (p < 0.05). The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant relationship between dental fluorosis and socio emotional wellbeing
Permasalahan sosial yang banyak terjadi di masyarakat adalah kaum marjinal yang terpinggirkan seperti anak terlantar, anak jalanan, pengemis, dan sebagainya. Salah satu upaya mengatasi masalah kaum marjinal yaitu dengan didirikan lembaga sosial berupa panti asuhan anak. Sejak masa pandemi, anak di Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara Surakarta jarang mendapat layanan kesehatan dan ada keterbatasan ruang gerak anak-anak. Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk membantu panti asuhan dalam memantau pertumbuhan dan perkembangan penghuni dan pengelola Panti Asuhan Misi Nusantara di Surakarta. Metoda pelaksanaan berupa pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang anak, Penyuluhan Hidup Bersih dan Sehat, pemeriksaan Status Gizi Anak, penyuluhan cara menyikat gigi yang benar, pemeriksaan kesehatan pengelola panti asuhan serta pelatihan penanggulangan bencana. Hasil pemeriksaan Kesehatan pada penghuni dan pengelola panti didapatkan sebagian besar (52,6%) penghuni panti berjenis kelamin laki-laki, hampir setengahnya berusia rata-rata 21-60 tahun, Sebagian besar (68,4%) tekanan darah <140/90 mmHg, Sebagian besar (73,1%) berstatus gizi normal, hampir seluruhnya (94,4%) glukosa darah <126 m/dL dan asam urat <8 mg/dL. Secara umum keadaan warga panti asuhan dalam keadaan baik
Social problems that often occur in society are abandoned children, street children, beggars, disabled people, neglected elderly, poor families, families with social problems, and so on. Children and poor people should have their human rights fulfilled by the State of Indonesia. However, in reality there are many children whose needs are not met, such as parents who are unable to provide for the child's needs or the child does not have parents. One effort to overcome this is to establish social institutions in the form of orphanages. Since the pandemic, children at the Mission Nusantara Surakarta Orphanage rarely receive health services and there is limited space for children to move. The purpose of this community service is to assist the orphanage in monitoring the growth and development of residents and managers of the Mission Nusantara Orphanage in Surakarta. The implementation method is in the form of examinations on child growth and development, Counseling on Clean and Healthy Living, checking on the Nutritional Status of Children, counseling on how to brush their teeth properly, health checks for orphanage managers and training on disaster management. 6%) of the residents of the orphanage are male, almost half of them are aged 21-60 years, most (68.4%) have blood pressure < 140/90 mmHg, most (73.1%) have normal nutritional status, almost all (94.4%) blood glucose < 126 m/dL and uric acid > 8 mg/dl. Similar activities are needed to see general body health and must be monitored periodically, so that the residents of the orphanage can find out their health status, especially now that they are still in a pandemic condition Covid-1
Kegiatan Mewarnai sebagai Dukungan Psikologis Anak Didik di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 bersama Anak Sekolah Dasar di Dusun Ruva Bakubakulu, Kecamatan Palolo
ABSTRAKĀ Salah satu dampak dari adanya Pandemi Covid-19 utamanya bagi dunia pendidikan terpaksa meniadakan pembelajaran langsung. Dusun Ruva merupakan salah Dusun terpencil, yang berada di Kecamatan Palolo, Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Anak ā anak Sekolah Dasar di Dusun Ruva mendapatkan pendidikan dengan program kelas jauh yang hanya memiliki pengajar satu orang guru. Dimasa pandemi ini, pengajaran tetap dilakukan dengan langsung, akan tetapi kunjungan dari beberapa komunitas pemerhati pendidikan daerah terpencil mulai dibatasi. Kegiatan ekstrakurikuler berupa mewarnai bersama anak-anak SD sebagai dukungan psikologis dimasa pandemik covid-19 di Dusun Ruva, Desa Bakubakulu, Kecamatan Palolo. Metode kegiatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa tahapan, yaitu survei kelompok sasaran, identifikasi kebutuhan program, persiapan sarana dan prasarana kegiatan mewarnai, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Hasil evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara observasi kegiatan mewarnai secara keseluruhan terlihat 100% anak bisa mewarnai gambar yang ada. Selanjutnya dipilih 3 gambar yang telah diwarnai dengan tampilan menarik dan rapi. Gambar yang terpilih terdiri dari 2 gambar tumbuhan dan 1 gambar hewan yang diwarnai 90% hampir sama dengan warna sesungguhnya. Adanya kegiatan mewarnai ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai momentum untukĀ mendukung psikologis anak didik di masa pandemi Covid-19, sehingga kesehatan mental tetap dapat terjaga dengan baik dan harapan anak-anak untuk dapat bersosialisasi danĀ peningkatan pengetahuan segera dapat tercapai.Ā Kata Kunci: Anak SD, Pandemi, Mewarnai, Gambar, PsikologisĀ Ā ABSTRACTĀ One as the impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic, especially for the world of education was forced to eliminate direct learning. Ruva Village is one of the remote area, which is located in Palolo District, Central Sulawesi Province. Elementary school children in Ruva Village receive education with a remote class program that only has one teacher. During the pandemic, teaching continues to be carried out directly, but visits from some communities of education observers in remote areas are starting to be limited. Extracurricular activities in the form of coloring with elementary school children as psychological support during the covid-19 pandemic in Ruva Village, Bakubakulu, Palolo District. Research Method: The activity method used in this community service activity is carried out using several stages, consist of a survey of the target group, identification of program needs, preparation of facilities and infrastructure for coloring activities, implementation and evaluation. The results of the evaluation were carried out by observing the coloring activities as a whole, it was seen that 100% of the children could color the pictures. Furthermore, 3 images that have been colored with an attractive and neat appearance are selected. The selected images consist of 2 images of plants and 1 image of animals which are colored 90% almost the same as the actual color. The existence of this coloring activity can be used as a momentum to support the psychology of students during the Covid-19 pandemic, so that mental health can be maintained properly and the hope of children to be able to socialize and increase knowledge can soon be achieved.Ā Keywords: Elementary School Children, Pandemic, Coloring, Drawing, Psychologica
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development
This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (ICCEESD 2022) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7th-8th December 2022.Ā ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEIās activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has āStrengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagementā as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs.Ā
Conference Title:Ā 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable DevelopmentConference Theme:Ā Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community EngagementConference Acronyms:Ā ICCEESD 2022Conference Date: 7th-8th December 2022Conference Location: Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Organizer: Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesi