11 research outputs found

    Penerapan Latihan Range of Motion (ROM) menggunakan Bola Terapi Tangan pada Pasien Pasca Stroke

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    Latar belakang: Kelemahan otot penderita stroke khususnya non hemoragik dapat memengaruhi kontraksi otot. Kontraksi otot disebabkan berkurangnya suplai darah ke otak, sehingga bisa menghambat saraf-saraf utama otak dan medula spinalis. Penderita stroke non hemoragik memerlukan penanganan baik untuk mencegah kecacatan fisik dan mental. Latihan range of motion (ROM) adalah latihan yang dilakukan untuk mempertahankan atau memperbaiki tingkat kesempurnaan kemampuan menggerakan persendian secara normal dan lengkap untuk meningkatkan massa otot dan tonus otot.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui penerapan latihan Range of Motion (ROM) dengan bola terapi tangan dan ROM tanpa bola terapi tangan pada pasien pasca stroke di Desa Kebagusan Wilayah Gedong Tataan.Metode: Penelitian praeksprimental dengan sampel yang diambil adalah 10 orang yang latihan ROM dan bola terapi tangan dan 10 orang yang latihan ROM.Hasil: Karakteristik kelompok usia terbanyak yang menderita stroke yaitu >50 tahun, riwayat penyakit terbanyak penyakit hipertensi (53%) yang mengalami penyakit hipertensi, berdasarkan jenis kelamin terbanyak berjenis kelamin perempuan (65%), berdasarkan jenis pekerjaan terdapat (65%) tidak bekerja. Kekuatan otot genggam tangan kanan (p-value 0,008) dan tangan kiri (p-value 0,012) yang melatih dengan ROM dan terapi bola tangan, dan ada perbedaan di tangan kanan (p-value 0,008) dan tidak ada perbedaan pada tangan kiri (p-value 0,089) yang melatih dengan ROM saja.Kesimpulan: Adanya perbedaan kekuatan otot genggam tangan sebelah kanan dan kiri yang melatih dengan ROM dan terapi bola tangan, dan Ada perbedaan di tangan kanan dan tidak ada perbedaan pada tangan kiri yang melatih dengan ROM saja. Pasien stroke yang mengalami hemiparesis, hemiplegia dapat melakukan latihan menggunakan ROM dan Terapi bola tangan untuk dapat meningkatkan kekuatan otot genggam

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Implementasi Skrining Awal Persalinan

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    The Maternal Mortality Rate is still found to be high in Bandar Lampung City with 19 maternal deaths throughout 2016. This city has the highest ranking of MMR cases out of 15 cities/districts in Lampung Province on Maternal Mortality Rates for Pregnant Women. Teluk Betung Selatan District has a history of fluctuating MMR (KIA Bakung Health Center) and the Rawat Bakung Health Center was chosen because every year there are maternal deaths. The high MMR in Bandar Lampung City is due to the long decision-making to refer from the screening results obtained during the delivery process. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors associated with a screening at the start of labor in the City of Bandar Lampung in 2017. The design of this study was an analytic survey using a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was midwives in the Working Area of the Bakung Health Center. The number of samples is the total population of 45 people. Questionnaire as an instrument and analysis of frequency distribution data using chi-square and logistic regression. The results of the study obtained a p-value of 0.000, so there was a significant relationship between age, education, length of work, APN training, and the implementation of early delivery screening at BPM Bandar Lampung City. The need to increase efforts to socialize health workers and stakeholders by seeking regular meetings with stakeholders and colleagues in direct handling of early labor screening results. wife's health during pregnancy clearly and also in detail

    Apgar Score and the Amount of Blood of Mother in Labour in Delayed Cord Clamping Period

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    A delay in cutting the umbilical cord in infants can increase the Apgar score in infants who experience asphyxia. Besides that, it can prevent postpartum hemorrhage from occurring. Most deaths from postpartum hemorrhage occur during the first 24 hours after delivery. This increase in the Apgar value proves that the longer the delay in the umbilical cord is carried out, even until it doesn't pulsate, the better the baby's body will be, which results in an increase in hemoglobin in the baby's body. The population in this study were all mothers in the 3-4 stage of labor in the city area. Bandar Lampung. The sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population with 120 maternal. It is known the length of time delayed cord Clamping is performed on babies born (<30 seconds) as many as 3 (2.5%) respondents, while umbilical cord clamping is delayed for 30-180 seconds as many as 117 (97.5%) respondents, the Apgar score in newborns in the category of mild asphyxia - not asphyxia as much as 100%, the amount of blood that came out <250 grams was 93 (77.5% ) respondents and the amount of blood that came out 250 grams were 27 (22.5%) respondents. Delayed cord clamping does not increase the incidence of asphyxia and bleeding in laboring mothers, so immediate umbilical cord clamping can be performed by observing the baby's birth condition

    Pengaruh Konsumsi Daun Torbangun terhadap Produksi ASI

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    Babies who are not breastfed will be susceptible to infectious diseases. In 2016 the exclusive breastfeeding rate in South Lampung Regency was 49.76% while in 2018 it decreased to 47.08%. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of torbangun leaf decoction on breast milk production in postpartum mothers. The research design used is a true experimental design, researchers can control all external variables that affect the course of the experiment. Researchers conducted measurements before and after the treatment/intervention was given to the treatment group/experimental group. By giving Torbangun leaf steeping water to determine its effect on breast milk production in postpartum mothers, there is an effect on breast milk production for breastfeeding mothers after consuming Torbangun leaf drink. The results of the study obtained data that the dependent t-test obtained a t-count value of 17.169 with a p-value of 0.000. It can be seen that the p-value indicates that there is a significant difference in milk production before and after the administration of the torbangun leaf drink. The average milk production of breastfeeding mothers as seen from the baby's weight in the control group was 108.3 grams. The average milk production of breastfeeding mothers as seen from the baby's weight in the experimental group was 356.6 grams. There is an effect of breastfeeding mothers' milk production after consuming torbangun leaf drink

    Management Analysis of Early Initiation of Breastfeeding in The New Habit Era

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    There are still a number of Independent Midwives who have not implemented the early initiation of breastfeeding management in the New Normal Era. As early as 2020, newborns should be separated from their Covid-19 infected mothers. This study aims to analyze the management of the early initiation of breastfeeding in the New Normal Era from the point of view of the midwives' knowledge and the relationship between Midwives' knowledge and the implementation of the early initiation of breastfeeding in the New Normal Era. The research method used is quantitative analysis with a cross-sectional design. The design of this study is quantitative analytic with a cross-sectional research design. The population was all Operative Independent Midwives in East Tanjungkarang District of Bandar Lampung City, which amounted to 42 people, and the entire population was sampled. Data analysis used frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi-square. Based on the research results from 42 respondents, most had good knowledge about the early initiation of breastfeeding in the new habit era of 29 people (69%), and most midwives had implemented the early initiation of breastfeeding by complying with the Covid-19 protocol, of which 28 people (66.7%). The results of the chi-square analysis obtained a p-value of 0.015, which shows a relationship between midwives' knowledge of the suitability of the early initiation of breastfeeding implementation and the Covid-19 protocol in the New Habit Era of 2022. It is expected that midwives can consistently increase their knowledge and follow the overall developments as the health workers who play a role in the implementation of the early initiation of breastfeeding so that they can implement the early initiation of breastfeeding following the management of newborns babies in Indonesia as a first step to succeeding in exclusive breastfeeding

    Literature Review: Management of Depression with Physical Exercise on Changes in Blood Sugar Levels in the Family of Diabetes Mellitus

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    The increase in blood sugar in type 2 diabetes mellitus is a big problem because it can have physical and psychological impacts. Type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause lifestyle changes, physical weakness, vision problems, and potentially death. All the physical issues that arise indeed have the opportunity to cause emotional problems and depression in people with diabetes mellitus. This review aims to identify research articles on managing depression with physical exercise on changes in blood sugar levels in families with diabetes mellitus. The methods used in compiling this literature review are (1) identifying variables in the literature, (2) identifying relevant literature based on topics and titles, (3) obtaining literature in complete reading form, and (4) analyzing the results of various variables in the literature. A literature search was attempted on several databases, such as US Proquest, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. The results of this review were obtained from a total of 10 evidence bases, found one qualitative study, two quasi-experiments, four cross-sectionals, 2 Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses, and one randomized controlled trial (RCTs). The conclusions based on this review explain that research on the application of physics exercise for families with diabetes mellitus who are depressed with blood sugar levels above normal has decreased, which means it has a significant effect

    Literature Review: Management of Depression with Physical Exercise on Changes in Blood Sugar Levels in the Family of Diabetes Mellitus

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    The increase in blood sugar in type 2 diabetes mellitus is a big problem because it can have physical and psychological impacts. Type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause lifestyle changes, physical weakness, vision problems, and potentially death. All the physical issues that arise indeed have the opportunity to cause emotional problems and depression in people with diabetes mellitus. This review aims to identify research articles on managing depression with physical exercise on changes in blood sugar levels in families with diabetes mellitus. The methods used in compiling this literature review are (1) identifying variables in the literature, (2) identifying relevant literature based on topics and titles, (3) obtaining literature in complete reading form, and (4) analyzing the results of various variables in the literature. A literature search was attempted on several databases, such as US Proquest, ScienceDirect, Pubmed, and Google Scholar. The results of this review were obtained from a total of 10 evidence bases, found one qualitative study, two quasi-experiments, four cross-sectionals, 2 Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) and meta-analyses, and one randomized controlled trial (RCTs). The conclusions based on this review explain that research on the application of physics exercise for families with diabetes mellitus who are depressed with blood sugar levels above normal has decreased, which means it has a significant effect

    Brownies daun kelor dan tempe tinggi protein serta zat besi bagi ibu hamil anemia

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    Indonesia has a significant problem with iron deficiency or anemia in pregnant women. Therefore, alternatives to iron supplementation are needed to prevent iron nutritional anemia. The study aimed to assess the organoleptic acceptance and nutritional value (proximate test, Fe and Energy) of moringa brownie cake substituted with tempeh flour. The research design used a Randomized Control Trial (RCT) design with five replications. Brownies and organoleptic tests were made at the Nutrition Laboratory of the Tanjungkarang Health Polytechnic. Proximate, iron, and energy tests were conducted at the POLINELA Agricultural Technology Laboratory in 2021. Moringa leaves were added to the brownies. There are five treatments with different compositions in brownies, namely 100%:0 (F1), 85%:15 (F2), 75%:25 (F3), 65%:35 (F4), and 55%:45 (F5). Data processing was done organoleptically. Data analysis used the ANOVA test and DMRT test. The results showed that the best and most preferred brownie cake was in formula F3 (p= 0,007) with a 75% wheat flour ratio: 25% tempeh flour. The best brownie cake has a nutritional content of 21,08% water; 23,41% fat; 5,53% protein; 1,15% ash; 1,17% crude fiber, and 49.64% carbohydrates, Fe value of 10.2 mg, an energy value of 492 kcal/100g. In conclusion, substituting tempeh flour affects the organoleptic test of various moringa brownies. The best moringa brownie cake was obtained in formulation F3

    Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning Pada Siswa Kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar

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    Guru merupakan seseorang yang mengajarkan ilmu. Seorang guru mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mengajarkan ilmu pengetahuan kepada siswa-siswanya. Dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tepat, diharapkan seorang guru dapat menyalurkan ilmu pengetahuannya kepada siswa-siswinya. Permasalahan yang akan dikaji pada jurnal ini yaitu efektivitas model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada siswa kelas 5 Sekoah Dasar. Adapun metode penelitian yang penulis gunakan yaitu metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning efektif untuk digunakan pada siswa kelas 5 Sekolah Dasar