1,088 research outputs found

    Tunneling in Polymer Quantization and the Quantum Zeno Effect

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    As an application of the polymer quantization scheme, in this work we investigate the one dimensional quantum mechanical tunneling phenomenon from the perspective of polymer representation of a non-relativistic point particle and derive the transmission and reflection coefficients. Since any tunneling phenomenon inevitably evokes a tunneling time we attempt an analytical calculation of tunneling times by defining an operator well suited in discrete spatial geometry. The results that we come up with hint at appearance of the Quantum Zeno Effect in polymer framework.Comment: 21pp,3 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    DAKS: An R Package for Data Analysis Methods in Knowledge Space Theory

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    Knowledge space theory is part of psychometrics and provides a theoretical framework for the modeling, assessment, and training of knowledge. It utilizes the idea that some pieces of knowledge may imply others, and is based on order and set theory. We introduce the R package DAKS for performing basic and advanced operations in knowledge space theory. This package implements three inductive item tree analysis algorithms for deriving quasi orders from binary data, the original, corrected, and minimized corrected algorithms, in sample as well as population quantities. It provides functions for computing population and estimated asymptotic variances of and one and two sample Z tests for the diff fit measures, and for switching between test item and knowledge state representations. Other features are a function for computing response pattern and knowledge state frequencies, a data (based on a finite mixture latent variable model) and quasi order simulation tool, and a Hasse diagram drawing device. We describe the functions of the package and demonstrate their usage by real and simulated data examples.


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    The aim of this study is to compare the physical activity levels of university students studying in different departments. The universe of the study consists of students studying at the College of Physical Education and Sports of the Kafkas University and the sample of the study. The sample consists of 600 people aged between 17-35 years studying in these departments. Mean, standard deviation analysis techniques were used for data analysis. To determine differences One Way Anova, Mann Whitney U and correlation test it was used. The obtained data were statistically evaluated at p <0.05 level. As a result of the analysis; Physical Activity (FA) levels of BESYO students who participated in the study were 0 inactive, 76 people were minimal active, 224 people; has been found to be very active. The physical activity category of the students of the Faculty of Education is as follows: 0 people Inactive, 176 people have minimal active and 124 persons; has been found to be very active. As a result, it was observed that the FA levels of BESYO students were higher than the students of the Faculty of Education, to make physical activity improvement programs within the university, the importance of physical activity, to add the exercise to our lives,, can be said to help reduce this difference with less panels.  Article visualizations

    Invariant and univariant eutectic solidification in ternary alloys

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    While solidification structures with a large variety of morphologies and scales continue to be promising candidates for advanced applications in addition to the conventional ones, solidification science has been focused on understanding and building the bridges between theory and application, aiming to describe the solidification process at all length scales and enabling enhanced control over the final microstructure and resulting material properties. The knowledge of solidification built over the decades has been mostly based on simple cases like single phase formation one or two component or coupled growth in peritectic or eutectic alloys, whereas the understanding on much more complex multiphase solidification is very limited. As a result of this, multiphase structure formation, which has been mostly approached as extensions of the simpler cases mentioned above, has many open questions regarding dynamics of the process. Ternary alloys serve as a good example for the onset of understanding of multiphase solidification, where different kinds of reactions could take place along a solidification path. With additional degree of freedom, most of these reaction have different characteristic than their simpler counterparts, and many important aspects which can be disregarded for simpler cases come into play. The main goal of the present study is to understand and quantify the microstructural evolution during directional solidification of ternary Al-Cu-Ag system by focusing on different aspect of formation dynamics. Among many different possibilities with respect to phase and morphology, we focus ternary invariant eutectic, univariant coupled eutectic growth, and finally binary eutectic growth. The first challenge taken is quantification and parameterization of ternary invariant structures. Secondly, we focused on univariant two-phase coupled growth and examined the effect of convection, finally we study the texture selection in binary eutectic as an initiation of understanding this process in ternary and higher order eutectics. During our experimental studies, we have also come across two more subtopics which are important for comprehensive understanding of microstructural evolution. These are the quantification of the effect of solid state reaction causing deviation from the true solidifications in ternary invariant eutectic Al-Cu-Ag and the other one is effect of pre-holding period which alters the front and in results changing the initial stages of solidification which are carried until the end of the process

    Statistics and Data with R: An Applied Approach Through Examples

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    Novel treatment approaches based on identification of molecular determinants in neuropsychiatric diseases

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    Es ist bekannt, dass bei bedeutenden neuropsychiatrischen Krankheiten, einschließlich Schizophrenie und manisch-depressiven Erkrankungen/bipolaren Störungen, höhere Gehirnfunktionen beeinträchtigt werden. Dies führt zu desorganisiertem Denken und kognitiven Verschlechterungen bei den Betroffenen. Vorhandene Behandlungsmöglichkeiten können zwar die Leitsymptome beider Krankheiten reduzieren, allerdings sind kognitive Beeinträchtigungen nicht behandelbar. Um die Bedeutung der Kognition und die damit zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen für wichtige neuropsychiatrische Krankheiten besser zu verstehen und neue Behandlunsgwege für diese zu entwickeln, haben wir Mausmodelle hierfür entwickelt. Wir haben gezeigt, dass Erythropoietin (EPO), ein hämatopoietischer Wachstumsfaktor mit vielseitigen neuroprotektiven Eigenschaften, sich auch positiv auf kognitive Leistungen auswirkt; dies trifft sowohl unter gesunden wie unter pathologischen Bedingungen zu. Eine dreiwöchige Behandlung von jungen (28 Tage alten), gesunden Mäusen mit EPO resultiert in einer signifikanten Verbesserung in Hippocampus abhängigen Kontext-Gedächtnis Aufgaben. Elektrophysiologische and histologische Analysen an hippocampalen Schnitten von EPO-behandelten Mäusen zeigen, dass EPO excitatorische und inhibitorische Neurotransmission moduliert ohne die Gesamtzahl der Synapsen zu beeinflussen. Um eine eingehende Untersuchung der EPO Effekte unter pathologischen Bedingungen zu ermöglichen, haben wir ein Tiermodell entwickelt, bei dem jungen Mäusen stereotaktisch eine standardisierte unilaterale parietale Verletzung zugefügt wird. Diese am rechten parietalen Cortex durchgeführte Kälteläsion führt zu kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen und bilateraler Gehirnatrophie; dies erinnert stark an die Pathophysiologie, die bei der Schizophrenie beobachtet wird. Während die Gesamtanzahl der Neuronen und Astrocyten in verschiedenen Gehirnregionen unverändert bleibt, was auf eine nicht-gliotische Neurodegeneration (wie bei Schizophrenie) hinweist, verursacht die Läsion dennoch einen eindeutigen Phänotyp. Es kommt zu einer frühen und bleibenden Aktivierung von Mikroglia Zellen, einer Erniedrigung von Oligodendroyten-/Myelin-assoziierten Proteinen, einem relativen Anstieg von Determinanten der GABAergen Neurotransmission und einer Reduktion eines präsynaptischen Proteins, Synapsin 1. Globale Gehirnatrophie und kognitive Verschlechterungen sowie die Veränderungen in der zellulären Zusammensetzung / Proteinexpression können durch frühe EPO Intervention verhindert werden. Obwohl der genaue Mechanismus noch geklärt werden muss, öffnen diese tiefgreifenden EPO Effekte neue Wege für Prophylaxe und Therapie neuropsychiatrischer Erkrankungen, wie z.B. Schizophrenie

    Acquisition of citizenship by investment (ius pecuniae) : the case of Turkey

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    It’s an indisputable fact that economic challenges are widely seen all around the world in the 21st century. Unfortunately, these challenges more seriously affect small and mid-size economies. In order to lure in more capital, countries often offer permanent residency or even citizenship to foreign investors. Several national laws provide for simplified naturalization procedures in certain cases. In some countries, residency is required before applying for citizenship, however, some others allow investors to acquire citizenship without previous residency. In order to make it easier for investors to acquire Turkish citizenship, the Turkish legislator has adopted the institution of extraordinary naturalization based on investment. This paper explains briefly the acquisition methods of Turkish citizenship, and following this, it examines the issue of citizenship by investment in Turkey. Last but not least, it gives suggestions how to improve the current regulation taking into consideration practices of other states

    Modeling of reaction-diffusion transport into a core-shell geometry

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    Fickian diffusion into a core-shell geometry is modeled. The interior core mimics pancreatic Langerhan islets and the exterior shell acts as inert protection. The consumption of oxygen diffusing into the cells is approximated using Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The problem is transformed to dimensionless units and solved numerically. Two regimes are identified, one that is diffusion limited and the other consumption limited. A regression is fit that describes the concentration at the center of the cells as a function of the relevant physical parameters. It is determined that, in a cell culture environment, the cells will remain viable as long as the islet has a radius of around 142μm142 \mu m or less and the encapsulating shell has a radius of less than approximately 283μm283 \mu m. When the islet is on the order of 100μm100 \mu m it is possible for the cells to remain viable in environments with as little as 4.6×102mol/m34.6\times10^{-2} mol/m^{-3} O2O_2. These results indicate such an encapsulation scheme may be used to prepare artificial pancreas to treat diabetes

    The issue of interest rate under the CISG and related judicial practice

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    Az Egyesült Nemzeteknek az áruk nemzetközi adásvételi szerződéseiről szóló Bécsi Egyezménye úgy rendelkezi, hogy ha valamelyik szerződő fél elmulasztja a vételár megfizetését vagy bármely más összeg megfizetésével hátralékba esik, akkor a másik fél kamatra jogosult ezekre az összegekre. Ugyanakkor, az Egyezmény nem rendelkezik a kamat mértékéről, ami fontos aspektus. A kamat mértékének meghatározását illetően az utóbbi évtizedekben több megoldást is alkalmaztak a bíróságok, illetve a jogirodalomban is több elmélet alakult ki. A Bécsi Vételi Egyezmény Tanácsadó Testülete megalkotott egy véleményt a kamat kapcsán (14. számú vélemény), mely kihangsúlyozza a kamat kapcsán, hogy a legnagyobb problémát a jogegységesítés tekintetében a kamat mértéke jelenti. Ezzel összefüggésben a vélemény 8. pontja megállapítja, hogy a felek szabadon megegyezhetnek a kamat mértékében. A következő pont pedig kimondja, hogy amennyiben a felek ebben nem egyeztek meg, a kamat mértéke az lesz, amit a hitelező telephelye szerinti bíróság alkalmazna egy hasonló adásvételnél. Ennek az az indoka, hogy a hitelező feltételezhetően a saját telephelye szerinti országban fektetné be a pénzét. Az elmúlt évek esetjoga, a jogirodalom, valamint a Tanácsadó Testület véleménye alapján a tanulmány azt vizsgálja, hogy kialakult-e a kamat mértékének megállapítása tekintetében egy egységes joggyakorlat az utóbbi néhány évben, valamint, hogy a bíróságok figyelembe veszik-e a Tanácsadó Testület véleményét

    Crimes and Crime Dispersion in Urban Areas in Turkey

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    Crime is a phenomenon that arises from the interaction between social, political, economic, physical, psychological circumstances and geographical factors. Since crime occurs in geographical locations, the relationship between crime and location is worth discussing characteristics of a location occur in differents ways. Not only natural geographical factors but also human geographical factors may lead to crime. In this study, the situation, distribution of crimes in the cities which are in the police service zone are dealt with. In addition to crime dispersion in the cities and crimes committed to people and property, crimes committed by month is also studied. In this context, it is seen that since city centres are composed of dense population and urban functions, they feed crime, social control weakens in those areas and they create opportunities for criminals. This causes weakness in society and social capital apart from economic losses in cities. The number of crime incidents, which was 229,513 in 1995, in Turkey, has risen to 785,510 in 2006 with a 3.4 fold increase. 41% of the crimes which were committed in the year of 2006 were against people, 59% were against property