20 research outputs found

    Sea-level related resedimentation processes on the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank (Middle Pleistocene to Holocene)

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    Middle Pleistocene to Holocene sediment variations observed in a 26 metre long core taken during a cruise of the RV Marion Dufresne are presented. Core MD992202 was retrieved from the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank and provides an excellent example for sedimentation processes in a mid-slope depositional environment. The sediment composition indicates sea-level related deposition processes for the past 375 000 years (marine isotope stages 1 to 11). The sediments consist of: (i) periplatform ooze (fine-grained particles of shallow-water and pelagic origin) with moderate variations in carbonate content, carbonate mineralogy and grain-size; and (ii) coarser intervals with cemented debris consisting of massive, poorly sorted, mud-supported or clast-supported deposits with an increased high-magnesium calcite content. During interglacial stages (marine isotope stages 1, 5, 7, 9 and 11) periplatform oozes (i) are characterized by higher aragonite contents, finer grain-size and higher organic contents, whereas during glacial stages (marine isotope stages 2 to 4, 6, 8 and 10), increased low-magnesium and high-magnesium calcite values, coarser grain-size and lower organic contents are recorded. These glacial to interglacial differences in mineralogy, grain-size distribution and organic content clearly show the impact of climatically controlled sea-level fluctuations on the sedimentation patterns of the northern slope of Little Bahama Bank. The coarser deposits (ii) occur mainly at the transitions from glacial to interglacial and interglacial to glacial stages, and are interpreted as redeposition events, indicating a direct link between sediment properties (changes in mineralogy, grain-size distribution, variations in organic contents) and sea-level fluctuations. Changes in hydrostatic pressure and the wave base position during sea-level changes are proposed to have triggered these large-scale sediment redepositions

    Local reactions to mass tourism and community tourism development in Macau

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    By 2014, it became apparent that a popular debate was emerging in many destinations about the “annoyances” felt by local residents in the face of an upsurge in inbound tourism. This study investigates residents’ attitudes toward mass tourism and tourism development in Macau. It comprises an examination of three emotional solidarity factors of residents’ perceptions of the contribution of tourism to the community and the community's experiences of so-called “annoyances” from tourists that may ultimately influence residents’ attitudes toward community tourism development. The results of this study reveal that three emotional solidarity factors play different roles in influencing residents’ attitudes about community tourism and community tourism development. The theoretical contributions, as well as implications, are discussed and future research opportunities are proposed