170 research outputs found

    CRNs Exposed: A Method for the Systematic Exploration of Chemical Reaction Networks

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    Formal methods have enabled breakthroughs in many fields, such as in hardware verification, machine learning and biological systems. The key object of interest in systems biology, synthetic biology, and molecular programming is chemical reaction networks (CRNs) which formalizes coupled chemical reactions in a well-mixed solution. CRNs are pivotal for our understanding of biological regulatory and metabolic networks, as well as for programming engineered molecular behavior. Although it is clear that small CRNs are capable of complex dynamics and computational behavior, it remains difficult to explore the space of CRNs in search for desired functionality. We use Alloy, a tool for expressing structural constraints and behavior in software systems, to enumerate CRNs with declaratively specified properties. We show how this framework can enumerate CRNs with a variety of structural constraints including biologically motivated catalytic networks and metabolic networks, and seesaw networks motivated by DNA nanotechnology. We also use the framework to explore analog function computation in rate-independent CRNs. By computing the desired output value with stoichiometry rather than with reaction rates (in the sense that X ? Y+Y computes multiplication by 2), such CRNs are completely robust to the choice of reaction rates or rate law. We find the smallest CRNs computing the max, minmax, abs and ReLU (rectified linear unit) functions in a natural subclass of rate-independent CRNs where rate-independence follows from structural network properties

    Memoized Symbolic Execution

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    This paper introduces memoized symbolic execution (Memoise), a novel approach for more efficient application of forward symbolic execution, which is a well-studied technique for systematic exploration of program behaviors based on bounded execution paths. Our key insight is that application of symbolic execution often requires several successive runs of the technique on largely similar underlying problems, e.g., running it once to check a program to find a bug, fixing the bug, and running it again to check the modified program. Memoise introduces a trie-based data structure that stores the key elements of a run of symbolic execution. Maintenance of the trie during successive runs allows re-use of previously computed results of symbolic execution without the need for re-computing them as is traditionally done. Experiments using our prototype embodiment of Memoise show the benefits it holds in various standard scenarios of using symbolic execution, e.g., with iterative deepening of exploration depth, to perform regression analysis, or to enhance coverage

    Directed Incremental Symbolic Execution

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    The last few years have seen a resurgence of interest in the use of symbolic execution -- a program analysis technique developed more than three decades ago to analyze program execution paths. Scaling symbolic execution and other path-sensitive analysis techniques to large systems remains challenging despite recent algorithmic and technological advances. An alternative to solving the problem of scalability is to reduce the scope of the analysis. One approach that is widely studied in the context of regression analysis is to analyze the differences between two related program versions. While such an approach is intuitive in theory, finding efficient and precise ways to identify program differences, and characterize their effects on how the program executes has proved challenging in practice. In this paper, we present Directed Incremental Symbolic Execution (DiSE), a novel technique for detecting and characterizing the effects of program changes. The novelty of DiSE is to combine the efficiencies of static analysis techniques to compute program difference information with the precision of symbolic execution to explore program execution paths and generate path conditions affected by the differences. DiSE is a complementary technique to other reduction or bounding techniques developed to improve symbolic execution. Furthermore, DiSE does not require analysis results to be carried forward as the software evolves -- only the source code for two related program versions is required. A case-study of our implementation of DiSE illustrates its effectiveness at detecting and characterizing the effects of program changes

    Property Differencing for Incremental Checking

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    This paper introduces iProperty, a novel approach that facilitates incremental checking of programs based on a property di erencing technique. Speci cally, iProperty aims to reduce the cost of checking properties as they are initially developed and as they co-evolve with the program. The key novelty of iProperty is to compute the di erences between the new and old versions of expected properties to reduce the number and size of the properties that need to be checked during the initial development of the properties. Furthermore, property di erencing is used in synergy with program behavior di erencing techniques to optimize common regression scenarios, such as detecting regression errors or checking feature additions for conformance to new expected properties. Experimental results in the context of symbolic execution of Java programs annotated with properties written as assertions show the e ectiveness of iProperty in utilizing change information to enable more ecient checking
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