25 research outputs found

    Dediščina knjige Liberalism, Community, and Culture

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    This article introduces the thematic section of Two Homelands celebrating the 25th anniversary of the publication of Will Kymlicka’s Liberalism, Community and Culture, one of the seminal books on multiculturalism and contemporary political theory in general. It contextualizes this symposium [thematic section] by identifying some of the assumptions that the then-existing liberal conceptions of justice were based upon when addressing issues related to cultural diversity. At the same time, it summarizes the argument for cultural rights advanced by Kymlicka in Liberalism, Community and Culture. It then presents the papers that are part of this symposium [thematic section] and their contribution to the understanding the liberal conception of multiculturalism has had on all subsequent theorizing over cultural diversity and civic equality.Prispevek predstavlja tematski sklop revije Dve domovini, ki obeležuje 25-letnico izida knjige Willa Kymlicke Liberalism, Community and Culture, ene od utemeljitvenih del multikulturalizma in sodobne politične teorije nasploh. Prispevek simpozij [tematski sklop] kontekstualizira skozi identifikacijo nekaterih predpostavk, na katerih so temeljila liberalna pojmovanja pravičnosti pri reševanju vprašanj, povezanih s kulturno raznolikostjo. Hkrati povzema argument Willa Kymlicke za kulturne pravice, predstavljen v knjigi Liberalism, Community and Culture. Sledi predstavitev člankov, ki so del simpozija [tematskega sklopa] ter njegovega prispevka k razumevanju vloge liberalnega pojmovanja multikulturalizma pri vseh poznejših teoretiziranjih kulturne raznolikosti in državljanske enakosti

    tensions, problems and challenges

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    Raznolikost nas bogati = La diversità ci arricchisce

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    Dvojezična publikacija vsebuje strokovna izhodišča o vzgoji za raznolikost, o izseljevanju in priseljevanju v Slovenijo in Italijo ter iz teh dveh držav, o razumevanju integracije, večjezičnosti, o sobivanju v raznolikosti, zakonodajna izhodišča v Sloveniji in Italiji, o pomenu društev priseljencev in o sestavljeni identiteti. Bogatijo jo kratki opisi izkušenj preseljevanja in vključevanja šestih priseljencev (in njihovih družin) v Slovenijo in Italijo. Ciljna skupina so predvsem osnovnošolci v zadnjem triletju osnovne šole in srednješolci v Sloveniji oz. učenci nižjih in višjih srednjih šol v Italiji

    Državljanstvo, družbene spremembe in izobraževanje

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    In recent decades, discussions regarding citizenship and citizenship education have evolved from a marginal issue in political philosophy and the philosophy of education to one of the most pressing topics in contemporary discussions about the civic aims of public schooling. The place and contribution of citizenship education in public schools have become central points of discussion and debate in terms of theory, research, policy, and practice. Yet, existing conceptions of citizenship education differ considerably over various issues, including the basic motivational impulses associated with the civic aims of public education. In particular, the recent upsurge of phenomena as diverse as hate speech, populism, the shrinking civic space, radicalisation, and violent extremism have shifted the main justificatory impulse from consequentialist to urgency-based arguments. This shift of emphasis has had some unreflected consequences related to the justification for citizenship education in public schools. The central purpose of this article is to expound on the two main impulses associated with the civic aims of public schools and their interrelationship with social changes. The main part contrasts these two opposing motivational impulses associated with the justification of citizenship education. Each of the two impulses is presented and then clarified with an example to shed light on the basic justificatory procedure associated with it. The concluding part of this paper sketches the most distinctive challenges of the alternative conception of justifying citizenship education and its interplay with social change. (DIPF/Orig.

    Violence and social (in)justice: An interview with Vittorio Bufacchi

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    An Interview with Robert K. Fullinwider

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    Pomen vključevanja različnosti v vzgoji in izobraževanju

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    This article examines the issue of engagement with diversity and the various problems, tensions and challenges we are likely to encounter when including diversity in classrooms and other educational settings. The introductory section of this article deals with some preliminary considerations associated with the educational significance of engagement with diversity. I then introduce the three basic dimen- sions of diversity we are likely to encounter when discussing inclusion of diversity in any non-ideal educational environment. In Section III I examine the educational significance of engagement with diversity and identify the different functions engagement with diversity performs. In Section IV I examine the main controversies and the associated shortcomings any intuitive account of engagement with diver- sity is likely to face. In the conclusion, I specify how we should understand the idea of the fair treatment of engagement with diversity which is consistent with the commitment of educating students so as to recognise and respect one another as free and equal members of a polity.Avtor v članku obravnava načine spoprijemanja z raznolikostjo ter težave, napetosti in izzive ob vključe- vanju različnosti v učilnice in druga izobraževalna okolja. V uvodnem delu predstavi nekaj preliminarnih vprašanj o vlogi in pomenu spoprijemanja z različnostjo v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Sledi predstavitev treh temeljnih dimenzij različnosti, s katerimi se srečujejo neidealna izobraževalna okolja. V tretjem razdelku avtor predstavi vlogo in pomen spoprijemanja z različnostjo v vzgoji in izobraževanju ter identificira različne funkcije spoprijemanja z različnostjo. V četrtem razdelku analizira temeljna protislovja ter z njimi povezane težave, s katerimi se soočajo poenostavljene različice spoprijemanja z različnostjo. V sklepnem delu avtor podrobneje predstavi način spoprijemanja z različnostjo, zavezanega procesu vzgoje in izobraževanja, v katerem učenci spoznavajo in spoštujejo drug drugega kot svobodne in enakopravne člane politične skupnosti