97 research outputs found

    Photon-pair generation in photonic crystal waveguides

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    In this thesis, I overcome the challenges and fill the gaps in knowledge for the design and analysis of photonic crystal slab waveguides (PCSWs) as spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) sources of photon-pairs, as well as to investigate their potential for engineering the properties of the photon-pair quantum state. I have developed the required formalism for analyzing both the quantum process of SPDC and its classical counterpart of second-harmonic generation (SHG). In studying SHG, I verified my formalism through comparing its results with direct nonlinear simulations. In these formulations, special attention was given to treating lossy modes, as they prove to be an inherent part of the SPDC designs in PCSWs. Moreover, I have found a practical set of PCSW designs, phase-matched for three-wave-mixing processes, while demonstrating that PCSWs can offer a strong control over the phase-matching configuration. This includes reaching phase-matching between modes of different propagation directions, reaching simultaneous phase-matching between multiple processes, and controlling the group velocity of the modes at the point of phase-matching. These capabilities proved to be the key to discovering the unique strength of PCSWs for the SPDC application. Through the use of various phase-matching configurations, I showed how compact SPDC sources can be designed using PCSWs that are capable of creating entanglement and tuning its extent in different degrees of freedom, with specific examples for path and spectral degrees of entanglement, all in a fully integrated way and directly at the generation step. This work also includes my experimental results on characterizing lithium niobate nanostructured ridge waveguides, demonstrating phase-matched SHG. Finally, I propose the concept of atom-mediated SPDC, for interfacing a single-emitter source with a photon-pair source, relying on the bandgap evanescent modes of a periodic waveguide

    Lithium niobate on insulator: An emerging platform for integrated quantum photonics

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    Due to its properties, lithium niobate is one of the most suitable material platforms for the implementation of integrated optical quantum circuits. With the commercialization of lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) substrates in the recent years, the lithium niobate nanostructuring technology has progressed immensely. Now nanostructured LNOI components can be fabricated with a quality on par with any other material platform, and could act as effective building blocks for integrated quantum circuits. The advanced nanostructuring technology combined with its favorable material properties make the LNOI platform a real contender for the realization of large‐scale optical quantum circuits. The aim of this perspective article is to examine the utility of the LNOI platform toward this goal. To do this, first the availability of the individual components that can act as the building blocks for such circuits is investigated. Afterward, a fully on‐chip implementation of a multiplexed source of single photons on the LNOI platform is envisioned, which is a highly challenging task in all material platforms. Based on the performance of the state‐of‐the‐art components on the LNOI platform, the performance of such a device is quantified and the areas in which more progress is needed are pointed out

    Non-perturbative theory of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in open and dispersive optical systems

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    We develop a non-perturbative formulation based on the Green-function quantization method, that can describe spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the high-gain regime in nonlinear optical structures with arbitrary amount of loss and dispersion. This formalism opens the way for description and design of arbitrary complex and/or open nanostructured nonlinear optical systems in quantum technology applications, such as squeezed-light generation, nonlinearity-based quantum sensing, and hybrid quantum systems mediated by nonlinear interactions. As an example case, we numerically investigate the scenario of integrated quantum spectroscopy with undetected photons, in the high-gain regime, and uncover novel gain-dependent effects in the performance of the system

    Group-index-matched frequency conversion in lithium niobate on insulator waveguides

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    Sources of spectrally engineered photonic states are a key resource in several quantum technologies. Of particular importance are the so-called factorizable biphoton states, which possess no spectral entanglement and hence, are ideal for heralded generation of high-purity single photons. An essential prerequisite for generating these states through nonlinear frequency conversion is the control over the group indices of the photonic modes of the source. Here, we show that thin-film lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) is an excellent platform for this purpose. We design and fabricate periodically poled ridge waveguides in LNOI to demonstrate group index engineering of its guided photonic modes and harness this control to experimentally realize on-chip group index matched type-II sum-frequency generation (SFG). Also, we numerically study the role of the top cladding layer in tuning the dispersion properties of the ridge waveguide structures and reveal a distinctive difference between the air and silica-clad designs which are currently among the two most common device cladding configurations in LNOI. We expect that these results will be relevant for various classical and quantum applications where dispersion control is crucial in tailoring the nonlinear response of the LNOI-based devices

    Nonlinear quantum spectroscopy with Parity-Time symmetric integrated circuits

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    We propose a novel quantum nonlinear interferometer design that incorporates a passive PT symmetric coupler sandwiched between two nonlinear sections where signal-idler photon pairs are generated. The PT-symmetry enables efficient coupling of the longer-wavelength idler photons and facilitates the sensing of losses in the second waveguide exposed to analyte under investigation, whose absorption can be inferred by measuring only the signal intensity at a shorter wavelength where efficient detectors are readily available. Remarkably, we identify a new phenomenon of sharp signal intensity fringe shift at critical idler loss values, which is distinct from the previously studied PT-symmetry breaking. We discuss how such unconventional properties arising from quantum interference can provide a route to enhancing the sensing of analytes and facilitate broadband spectroscopy applications in integrated photonic platforms

    Generation of counterpropagating and spectrally uncorrelated photon-pair states by spontaneous four-wave mixing in photonic crystal waveguides

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    In this work, we propose and theoretically analyze a new scheme for generation of counterpropagating photon pairs in photonic crystal waveguides through the process of spontaneous four-wave mixing. Using the fundamental properties of periodic Bloch modes in a standard photonic crystal waveguide, we demonstrate how modal phase-matching can be reached between forward-propagating pump modes and counterpropagating signal and idler modes, for generation of degenerate and non-degenerate photon pairs. We then show how this scheme can be used for generation of photon pairs that are nearly uncorrelated in the spectral degree of freedom. Such a source will be highly interesting as a heralded source of single photons, especially as the spectrally separable signal and idler photons are also spatially separated directly at the source. We conduct our investigation based on a design in silicon, yet our design concept is general and can in principle be applied to any nanostructured material platform

    Resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation using III-V semiconductor all-dielectric metasurfaces

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    Nonlinear optical phenomena in nanostructured materials have been challenging our perceptions of nonlinear optical processes that have been explored since the invention of lasers. For example, the ability to control optical field confinement, enhancement, and scattering almost independently, allows nonlinear frequency conversion efficiencies to be enhanced by many orders of magnitude compared to bulk materials. Also, the subwavelength length scale renders phase matching issues irrelevant. Compared with plasmonic nanostructures, dielectric resonator metamaterials show great promise for enhanced nonlinear optical processes due to their larger mode volumes. Here, we present, for the first time, resonantly enhanced second-harmonic generation (SHG) using Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) based dielectric metasurfaces. Using arrays of cylindrical resonators we observe SHG enhancement factors as large as 104 relative to unpatterned GaAs. At the magnetic dipole resonance we measure an absolute nonlinear conversion efficiency of ~2X10^(-5) with ~3.4 GW/cm2 pump intensity. The polarization properties of the SHG reveal that both bulk and surface nonlinearities play important roles in the observed nonlinear process

    Experimental analysis on image resolution of quantum imaging with undetected light through position correlations

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    Image resolution of quantum imaging with undetected photons is governed by the spatial correlations existing between the photons of a photon pair that has been generated in a nonlinear process. These correlations allow for obtaining an image of an object with light that never interacted with that object. Depending on the imaging configuration, either position or momentum correlations are exploited. We hereby experimentally analyse how the crystal length and pump waist affect the image resolution when using position correlations of photons that have been generated via spontaneous parametric down conversion in a nonlinear interferometer. Our results support existing theoretical models for the dependency of the resolution on the crystal length. In addition, we probe the resolution of our quantum imaging scheme for varying pump waists over one order of magnitude. This analysis reveals the intricate dependency of the resolution on the strength of the correlations within the biphoton states for parameter combinations in which the crystal lengths are much larger than the involved photon wavelengths. We extend the existing models in this parameter regime to properly take nontrivial effects of finite pump waists into account and demonstrate that they match the experimental results.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figure

    A Tunable Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Entangled Photon-Pair Source

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    Entangled photon-pair sources are at the core of quantum applications like quantum key distribution, sensing, and imaging. Operation in space-limited and adverse environments such as in satellite-based and mobile communication requires robust entanglement sources with minimal size and weight requirements. Here, we meet this challenge by realizing a cubic micrometer scale entangled photon-pair source in a 3R-stacked transition metal dichalcogenide crystal. Its crystal symmetry enables the generation of polarization-entangled Bell states without additional components and provides tunability by simple control of the pump polarization. Remarkably, generation rate and state tuning are decoupled, leading to equal generation efficiency and no loss of entanglement. Combining transition metal dichalcogenides with monolithic cavities and integrated photonic circuitry or using quasi-phasematching opens the gate towards ultrasmall and scalable quantum devices