137 research outputs found

    An Update on Canine Duodenal Disorders

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    Duodenal disorders are difficult to identify clinically because of the non-specific symptoms. They may or may not be identifiable through routine radiographic, ultrasonographic, or laboratory evaluation methods, because many diseases of duodenum primarily involve the mucosal surface. Duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are the duodenal disorders. Duodenoscopy is an efficient way of identifying the abnormalities of mucosal irregularities, distortion, ulceration, neoplasia, and inflammation, and it is also useful for obtaining mucosal biopsy and duodenal juice for routine histopathological and bacteriological studies. This paper will provide more detail about the advanced diagnostic methods and therapeutic measures for various duodenal disorders

    Prologue on DISEASES OF DOGSĀ -Ā for Practioners

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    Peritoneal Fluid Analysis in Canine Disease Diagnosis

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    Abdominal effusion is a relatively common problem in small animal practice. Proper collection and evaluation of peritoneal effusion can provide valuable information about the disease which is responsible for the fluid accumulation in the body cavity. The classification of effusions based on their underlying etio-pathology is clinically useful for the clinician to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Present article reports briefly regarding pathophysiology of effusion, sample collection, physical, microscopic, biochemical changes, and their clinical significance in various disease conditions

    The Relationship Between Abnormal Inventory Growth and Future Earnings for U.S. Public Retailers

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    In this paper we examine the relationship between inventory levels and one-year ahead earnings of retailers using publicly available financial data. We use benchmarking metrics obtained from operations management literature to demonstrate an inverted-U relationship between abnormal inventory growth and one-year ahead earnings per share for retailers. We also find that equity analysts do not fully incorporate the information contained in abnormal inventory growth of retailers in their earnings forecasts resulting in systematic biases. Finally, we show that an investment strategy based on abnormal inventory growth yields abnormal returns of 11.8% (p<0.001)

    Estimating the Impact of Understaffing on Sales and Profitability in Retail Stores

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    In this paper we use micro-level data on store traffic, sales and labor from 41 stores of a large retail chain to identify the extent of understaffing in retail stores and quantify its impact on sales and profitability. We show how traffic data can be leveraged in making staffing decisions through use of a structural model that captures the relationship between traffic, sales and labor. Assuming that store managers aim to maximize profits, we estimate the contribution of labor to sales and impute the cost of labor for each store in our sample. We find significant heterogeneity in the contribution of labor to sales as well as imputed cost of labor across these stores and across time. Using the estimated parameters, we establish the presence of systematic understaffing during peak hours. Aligning staffing levels with changing traffic patterns can result in a 6.15% savings in lost sales and a 5.74% improvement in profitability. We describe a pilot implementation of our approach at another large retailer where we identify periods of understaffing in their stores and document the impact on conversion rate and lost sales

    Identifying the miRNA Signature Association with Aging-Related Senescence in Glioblastoma.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor and its malignant phenotypic characteristics are classified as grade IV tumors. Molecular interactions, such as protein-protein, protein-ncRNA, and protein-peptide interactions are crucial to transfer the signaling communications in cellular signaling pathways. Evidences suggest that signaling pathways of stem cells are also activated, which helps the propagation of GBM. Hence, it is important to identify a common signaling pathway that could be visible from multiple GBM gene expression data. microRNA signaling is considered important in GBM signaling, which needs further validation. We performed a high-throughput analysis using micro array expression profiles from 574 samples to explore the role of non-coding RNAs in the disease progression and unique signaling communication in GBM. A series of computational methods involving miRNA expression, gene ontology (GO) based gene enrichment, pathway mapping, and annotation from metabolic pathways databases, and network analysis were used for the analysis. Our study revealed the physiological roles of many known and novel miRNAs in cancer signaling, especially concerning signaling in cancer progression and proliferation. Overall, the results revealed a strong connection with stress induced senescence, significant miRNA targets for cell cycle arrest, and many common signaling pathways to GBM in the network

    Effect of Moringa oleifera soup on primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls

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    Background: Dysmenorrhea causes a substantial burden on the quality of life of female adolescents. The prevalence estimates range from 25 to 90%. Hence this study aimed to evaluate the effect of Moringa oleifera (MO) soup on primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent girls.Methods: This interventional clinical study was conducted on 111 adolescent college-going girls. Age, anthropometric data (height, weight), age of menarche, presence and absence of primary dysmenorrhea (PD), menses irregularities and other associated symptoms were collected primarily through the prepared standard questioners. Based on the collected data, 40 primary dysmenorrheal participants were selected and further, the information was collected regarding primary dysmenorrhea associated symptoms like back pain, abdominal pain, headaches, leg cramps, painful/tender breasts, acne, tiredness, anger, mood swing, insomnia, altered appetite, nausea/vomiting or diarrhea. The hemoglobin and red blood count were evaluated in the PD participants. Both the hematological and dysmenorrhea-associated parameters were assessed before and after treatment of MO leaf soup.Results: Our study results showed that the prevalence of dysmenorrhea is 36%. Dysmenorrhea participants had the most frequent (every month), painful, irregular and longer length of the menstrual cycle. The dysmenorrheal pain was most frequent, shorten, moderately intense and the higher percentage in the lower abdomen, lower side and pain at a different locations. Dysmenorrhea-associated illnesses like tiredness, abdominal pain, back pain, anger and irritability, leg cramps, and mood swings were higher in participants with dysmenorrhea. After administration of MO leaf soup significantly improves the hemoglobin and RBC levels in PD participants. Also, improve the menstrual as well as pain-associated symptoms of PD.Conclusions: In conclusion intake of MO soup effectively improves the primary dysmenorrhea associated menstrual as well pain as symptoms and corrects the anemia condition by increasing the hemoglobin and RBC levels in adolescent girls with dysmenorrhea.

    Functionalization of textile cotton fabric with reduced graphene oxide/MnO2/polyaniline based electrode for supercapacitor

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    In this work, a new cotton electrode has been synthesized by coating ternary materials of reduced graphene oxide (rGO), manganese dioxide (MnO2), and polyaniline (PANi) on textile cotton fabric. First, Graphene oxide was deposited on cotton fibers by a simple 'dip and dry' method and chemically reduced into rGO/cotton fabric. MnO2 nanoparticles were accumulated on rGO/cotton fabric by in situ chemical deposition method. PANi layer was coated on rGO/MnO2/cotton fabric by in situ oxidative polymerization technique. A thin PANi coating layer acts as a protective layer on rGO/MnO2/cotton fabric to restrain MnO2 nanoparticles and rGO from dissolution in H2SO4 acidic electrolyte. The specific surface area of cotton electrode was measured using the Brenauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) results show that the cotton electrode has good capacitive behavior. The ternary cotton electrode exhibits high specific capacitance values of 888 F g(-1) and 252 F g(-1) at a discharge current density of 1 A g(-1) and 25 A g(-1) in 1MH(2)SO(4) electrolyte solution. The high areal specific capacitance of 444 Fcm(-2) was achieved for as-fabricated electrode. Also, the cotton electrode retains around 70% of specific capacitance after 3000 cycles at charge-discharge current density of 15 A g(-1). The slow decrease in specific capacitance is observed with increased discharge current density which proves its excellent rate capability. These results of rGO/MnO2/PANi/cotton fabric electrode show that this can be an excellent electrode for supercapacitor in energy storage devices

    Phenolic Composition, Fermentation Profile, Protozoa Population and Methane Production from Sheanut () Byproducts

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    Sheanut cake (SNC), expeller (SNE) and solvent extractions (SNSE) samples were evaluated to determine their suitability in animal feeding. The CP content was highest in SNSE (16.2%) followed by SNE (14.7%) and SNC (11.6%). However, metabolizable energy (ME, MJ/kg) was maximum in SNC (8.2) followed by SNE (7.9) and SNSE (7.0). The tannin phenol content was about 7.0 per cent and mostly in the form of hydrolyzable tannin (HT), whereas condensed tannin (CT) was less than one per cent. The in vitro gas production profiles indicated similar y max (maximum potential of gas production) among the 3 by-products. However, the rate of degradation (k) was maximum in SNC followed by SNE and SNSE. The t1/2 (time taken for reaching half asymptote) was lowest in SNC (14.4 h) followed by SNE (18.7 h) and SNSE (21.9 h). The increment in the in vitro gas volume (ml/200 mg DM) with PEG (polyethylene glycol)-6000 (as a tannin binder) addition was 12.0 in SNC, 9.6 in SNE and 11.0 in SNSE, respectively. The highest ratio of CH4 (ml) reduction per ml of the total gas, an indicator of the potential of tannin, was recorded in SNE (0.482) followed by SNC (0.301) and SNSE (0.261). There was significant (p<0.05) reduction in entodinia population and total protozoa population. Differential protozoa counts revealed that Entodinia populations increased to a greater extent than Holotricha when PEG was added. This is the first report on the antimethanogenic property of sheanut byproducts. It could be concluded that all the three forms of SN byproducts are medium source of protein and energy for ruminants. There is a great potential for SN by-products to be incorporated in ruminant feeding not only as a source of energy and protein, but also to protect the protein from rumen degradation and suppress enteric methanogenesis

    Synthesis and preclinical validation of novel P2Y1 receptor ligands as a potent anti-prostate cancer agent.

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    Purinergic receptor is a potential drug target for neuropathic pain, Alzheimer disease, and prostate cancer. Focusing on the structure-based ligand discovery, docking analysis on the crystal structure of P2
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