688 research outputs found

    Series of divergence measures of type k, information inequalities and particular cases

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    Information and Divergence measures deals with the study of problems concerning information processing, information storage, information retrieval and decision making. The purpose of this paper is to find a new series of divergence measures and their applications, discuss the mathematical tools for finding convexity of the functions. Applications of convex functions in information theory, relationship between new and well-known divergence measures are discussed. Also some new bounds have been established for divergence measures using new f divergence measures and its properties

    MHD Flow Past An Oscillating Infinite Vertical Plate With Variable Temperature Through Porous Media

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    Abstract: This paper analyzes MHD flow with heat and mass transfer on flow past an oscillating infinite vertical plate with variable temperature in a porous media. The dimensionless governing partial differential equations are solved by using Laplace transform method. Exact analytical solutions satisfy governing equations and the conditions are obtained. The velocity profiles are studied for different physical parameters. It is observed that the solutions are significantly affected by the phase angle (ωt), magnetic field (m), thermal Grash of number (Gr), mass Grash of number (Gc), permeability parameter (K), Schmidt number (Sc) and time t

    Emission and Performance Analysis of Green Gas in a VCR Engine

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    634-638The current advancement in producing the organic-based fuels, the gaseous fuel such as Green gas promises to be used in the vehicular engine. The gasification technique is used to gasify biomass such as rice husk, bagasse, wood chips resulting in production of organic green gas. It is prepared by gliding air and steam through the thick coal at different temperature range. Due to inertness, knocking tendency is higher in green gas, use of green gas tends to higher emission of CO, especially at lean condition through gasification technique. In our results of emission analysis, there is significant reduction in SOx and NOx from the engine running on green gas dual fuel operation. The use of green gas as an alternative fuel is founded as the sustainable and eco-friendly energy source

    Hydrographic changes in the Agulhas Recirculation Region during the late Quaternary

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    The strength of Southern Hemisphere westerlies, as well as the positions of the subtropical front (STF), Agulhas Current (AC) and Agulhas Return Current (ARC) control the hydrography of the southwestern Indian Ocean. Although equatorward migration of the STF and reduction in Agulhas leakage were reported during the last glacial period, the fate of ARC during the last glacial–interglacial cycle is not clear. Therefore, in order to understand changes in the position and strength of ARC during the last glacial–interglacial cycle, here we reconstruct hydrographic changes in the southwestern Indian Ocean from temporal variation in planktic foraminiferal abundance, stable isotopic ratio (δ<sup>18</sup>O) and trace elemental ratio (Mg/Ca) of planktic foraminifera <i>Globigerina bulloides</i> in a core collected from the Agulhas Recirculation Region (ARR) in the southwestern Indian Ocean. Increased abundance of <i>G. bulloides</i> suggests that the productivity in the southwestern Indian Ocean increased during the last glacial period which confirms previous reports of high glacial productivity in the Southern Ocean. The increased productivity was likely driven by the intensified Southern Hemisphere westerlies supported by an equatorward migration of the subtropical front. Increase in relative abundance of <i>Neogloboquadrina incompta</i> suggests seasonally strong thermocline and enhanced advection of southern source water in the southwestern Indian Ocean as a result of strengthened ARC, right through MIS 4 to MIS 2, during the last glacial period. Therefore, it is inferred that over the last glacial–interglacial cycle, the hydrography of the southwestern Indian Ocean was driven by strengthened westerlies, ARC as well as a migrating subtropical front

    Effect of Nozzle Divergence Angle on Plume Expansion In Outer-Space Conditions

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    We carry out numerical simulations to investigate the effect of nozzle divergence angle on back flow of plume expansion into rarefied atmosphere. Results are obtained using open source compressible computational fluid dynamics (CFD) solver. Non-equilibrium slip and jump boundary conditions for velocity and temperature are implemented to capture rarefaction rarefaction effects in the slip flow regime. The solver has been validated with the experimental data for a nozzle flow in the slip flow regime. We explore the non-linear non-equilibrium gas flow physics of a supersonic jet expansion. We report results of pressure, heat and drag coefficients for different divergent angles ( 12 0 , 15 0 and 20 0 ) at 80 km altitude conditions. The slip based results for heat loads significantly under-predict the no-slip ones, while for pressure and drag coefficients, deviations are found to be minute. It is noticed that thrust coefficient of nozzle increases with increase in divergence angle, however, nozzle with divergent angle of 15 0 led to minimum drag and heat transfer load on the critical region. The current study is important from the perspective of the overall aero-thermodynamic design of a typical supersonic rocket model operating under rarefied conditions

    Effect of plant canopy shape and flowers on plant count accuracy using remote sensing imagery

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    Separate experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of plant canopy shape and presence of flowers on counting accuracy of container-grown plants.  Images were taken at 12 m above the ground.  Two species of juniper (Juniperus chinensis L. ‘Sea Green’ and Juniperus horizontalis Moench ‘Plumosa Compacta’) were selected to evaluate plant shape and Coral Drift ® rose (Rosa sp. ‘Meidrifora’) was used to evaluate the presence of flowers on plant count.  Counting algorithms were trained using Feature Analyst (FA).  Total counting error, false positives and unidentified plants were reported. There was no difference between all variables measured when an algorithm trained with an image displaying regular or irregular plant canopy shape was applied to images displaying both plant canopy shapes even though the canopy shape of ‘Sea Green’ is less compact than ‘Plumosa Compacta’.  There was a significant difference in all variables measured between images of flowering and non-flowering plants when non-flowering ‘samples’ were used the train the counting algorithm in FA; total counting errors and unidentified plants was greater for flowering plants.  In this specific case, applying an algorithm that did not include a training set displaying flowers, resulted in a less accurate count.  Algorithms developed using FA appears to be fairly robust under these conditions

    Multiphysics Experimental Approaches for Insight into the Hydrogen Bonded Structures of Ethylene Glycol and Glycerol Mixtures toward Green Solvent Technology

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    Alcohols and their mixtures are credited most important polar solvents for advances in pharmaceutical, chemical,biological, thermal, and material technologies. A rigorous study for the characterization of hydrogen bonded heterogeneousintermolecular structures that formed in a mixed solvent based on alcohols containing two and three hydroxyl groupsmolecules is crucial to specific technological and industrial applications. Hence, in this work, the multiphysics experimentalapproaches including the measurements of dielectric, electrical, viscous, acoustic, thermal, and optical properties are appliedand analyzed to confirm the behaviour of hydrogen bonded molecular structures of ethylene glycol (EG; dihydric alcohol)with glycerol (Gl; trihydric alcohol) over the entire concentration range of EG+Gl mixtures at 298.15 K. The static dielectricpermittivity, direct current electrical conductivity, low frequency relaxation time, and refractive index values of the EG+Glmixtures are reported. Additionally, dynamic viscosity, density, ultrasound velocity, adiabatic compressibility,intermolecular free length, acoustic impedance, free volume, Rao’s constant, Wada constant, and viscoacoustic relaxationtime of the EG+Gl mixtures are determined, and also explored their significance to these alcohols molecular interactions.Ultraviolet-visible range absorbance behaviour of the alcohol mixtures is characterized in detail and confirmed theelectronic transitions at higher energy ultraviolet radiations. The detailed analysis of all the experimental results along withthe consideration of excess properties evidenced the formation of heterogeneous intermolecular hydrogen bonded structuresin these Newtonian-type alcohols mixtures. A small to adequate variation in the thermodynamical and other investigatedproperties with the concentration variation showed that the EG+Gl mixture can be optimized as a green solvent according tothe prerequisite properties for huge advances in soft condensed matter technologies

    Assessment of Biomass Potential in Engine Emission Reduction

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    77-80The twin crisis of environmental degradation and fossil fuel depletion has confronted the world with the upcoming threat to seek the solution for some alternate fuel. The present condition of environment forces the search of some suitable alternate fuel. The present degradation of environment is also mainly influenced by the diesel vehicles. The emissions released by these diesel vehicles not only degrade the environment but also increase the number of health diseases. The present research on bio-fuels will lead to develop a sustainable solution to this problem and also create a harmonic relationship between the economy and ecosystem. The present research will provide the optimized blending ratio compression ratio and other operating parameters to be selected while approaching to sustainable output. The present study will depict the behavior of different bio-fuels poured in VCR engine at different compression ratio at different operating parameters. The outcomes of this research paper reveals the discussion on the potential assessment of different biofuels in the reduction of engine emissions

    Assessing the applicability of δ18O Globigerina bulloides to estimate palaeotemperature from the southwestern Indian Ocean

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    Modern sea-water temperature has been estimated using oxygen isotopic composition of planktic foraminiferal species, Globigerina bulloides recovered from the surface sediments collected from southwestern Indian Ocean (IO). The sea-water temperature estimated from δ18O G. bulloides has been compared with that measured on-board. Though a nearly constant offset is noticed between estimated and measured sea-water temperatures at locations south of 15°S latitude, the general trend is at tandem. The coherence between estimated and measured sea-water temperatures indicates that the δ18O G. bulloides palaeotemperature equation derived from laboratory culture experiments can be applied to infer past sea-water temperature variations from southwestern IO