36 research outputs found

    Créer : le phénomÚne de la création en donnant la réplique à Antonin Artaud

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : ThĂšses et mĂ©moires - FAS - DĂ©partement de littĂ©rature comparĂ©e]Le phĂ©nomĂšne de la crĂ©ation dans le cadre d’un discours sur la crĂ©ation – la production littĂ©raire et artistique – ne va pas de soi. La tĂąche de le circonscrire comme un objet est antinomique : l’expĂ©rience du discours est en soi une crĂ©ation. Alors que le langage Ă©crit semble au plus souvent «supprimer» l’auteur, le processus de crĂ©ation implique un «Je» crĂ©ateur qui pense, qui se transforme, qui vit et dont la pensĂ©e s’imbrique Ă  son objet qui, quant Ă  lui, est «supprimé»; car il n’est pas extĂ©rieur Ă  la pensĂ©e mais en relation avec elle. Ce travail, qui dĂ©montre le rapport complexe entre l’objet, la critique, le sujet et le commentaire, se penche donc sur l’«avant», le «pendant» et l’«aprĂšs» de la crĂ©ation, dans un acte de mĂ©moire, qui dĂ©coule d’une performance littĂ©raire sur la crĂ©ation. Des forces motrices informes et inconscientes, Ă  la mise en forme jusqu’à la transmission, qui lui redonne un caractĂšre d’informe, la crĂ©ation est en mouvement, comme le savoir est toujours prisonnier d’un «work in progress». Tributaire d’Antonin Artaud, le texte s’inscrit Ă  partir de l’artiste en guise d’archĂ©type existentiel, et s’y rĂ©fĂšre constamment pour tĂ©moigner de la crĂ©ation sans la dĂ©tacher de la vie et de ses expĂ©riences. Pour accĂ©der au mystĂšre du processus de crĂ©ation, liĂ© Ă  la pensĂ©e subjective, inobjectivable et irrĂ©ductible au discours linĂ©aire, ce travail met l’accent sur les associations de la pensĂ©e qui procĂšde, exprimĂ©es par un «Je» exemplaire omniprĂ©sent, tatouĂ© par l’expĂ©rience, mais Ă  la position ambiguĂ« Ă  titre d’auteur. Processus de vie, de pensĂ©e et de crĂ©ation sont non seulement entremĂȘlĂ©s, mais traversĂ©s par le champ du tout autre, historique, mondial et social, en perpĂ©tuelle Ă©volution. Le rĂŽle du crĂ©ateur n’est pas de ne crĂ©er qu’à partir des connaissances extĂ©rieures Ă  lui, mais Ă  partir de lui-mĂȘme – de son moi multiple et de sa pensĂ©e imprĂ©gnĂ©e de lectures et de ce qui le traverse et l’habite dans un temps donnĂ© – pour aboutir Ă  la mise en forme d’un texte cohĂ©rent, d’une gravure particuliĂšre de l’esprit en marche vers le savoir, qui se situe toujours dans le devenir.The creation phenomenon within a discourse on creation – the literary and artistic production – is not self-evident. The task to define it as an object is antinomic; the experience of discourse is in itself creative. While written language seems often to “suppress” the author, the creation process actually implies a creative “self” who thinks, lives and transforms itself, and whose thoughts are overlapping into its object, which is thus “suppressed” because it is not outside of thought, but bound to it. This work, showing the complex relationship between object, criticism, subject and comment, is focussed on the “before”, “during” and “after” portions of the creative process, in an act of memory that stems from a literary performance about creation. From the shapeless and unconscious forces at its origin, to the its shaping, and then transmission, which gives it back its shapeless form feature, creation is in motion as knowledge is always captive of the work in progress. Tributary of Antonin Artaud, the text acts as an existentialist archetype of the artist and refers to him constantly to show creation without separating it from life and its experiences. To access the mystery of the creative process, linked to subjective, non-objectivable tought irreducible to linear discourse, this work focuses on the associations within the mind that proceeds, expressed through an ever present and exemplary “self”, tainted by experience, but in the ambiguous position of author. The processes of life, thought and creation are not only intertwined but infused by the “outside”, which is historical, global, social and in perpetual evolution. The creator's function is not to create based solely on his external knowledge, but from within himself – from his multiple selves and his mind filled by what he reads, what goes through his mind and inhabits him at a given time – to eventually shape a coherent text, a specific engraving of the soul as it marches towards the knowledge always hiding in the becoming

    Correspondence between hair cortisol concentrations and 30-day integrated daily salivary and weekly urinary cortisol measures

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    Characterization of cortisol production, regulation and function is of considerable interest and relevance given its ubiquitous role in virtually all aspects of physiology, health and disease risk. The quantification of cortisol concentration in hair has been proposed as a promising approach for the retrospective assessment of integrated, long-term cortisol production. However, human research is still needed to directly test and validate current assumptions about which aspects of cortisol production and regulation are reflected in hair cortisol concentrations (HCC). Here, we report findings from a validation study in a sample of 17 healthy adults (mean ± SD age: 34 ± 8.6 yrs). To determine the extent to which HCC captures cumulative cortisol production, we examined the correspondence of HCC, obtained from the first 1cm scalp-near hair segment, assumed to retrospectively reflect 1-month integrated cortisol secretion, with 30-day average salivary cortisol area-under-the curve (AUC) based on 3 samples collected per day (on awakening, +30 min, at bedtime) and the average of 4 weekly 24-hr urinary free cortisol (UFC) assessments. To further address which aspects of cortisol production and regulation are best reflected in the HCC measure, we also examined components of the salivary measures that represent: 1) production in response to the challenge of awakening (using the cortisol awakening response [CAR]), and 2) chronobiological regulation of cortisol production (using diurnal slope). Finally, we evaluated the test-retest stability of each cortisol measure. Results indicate that HCC was most strongly associated with the prior 30-day integrated cortisol production measure (average salivary cortisol AUC) (r = 0.61, p = 0.01). There were no significant associations between HCC and the 30-day summary measures using CAR or diurnal slope. The relationship between 1-month integrated 24-hr UFC and HCC did not reach statistical significance (r = 0.30, p = 0.28). Lastly, of all cortisol measures, test-retest correlations of serial measures were highest for HCC (month-to-month: r = 0.84, p < 0.001), followed by 24-hr UFC (week-to-week: r’s between 0.59 and 0.68, ps < 0.05) and then integrated salivary cortisol concentrations (week-to-week: r’s between 0.38 and 0.61, p’s between 0.13 and 0.01). These findings support the contention that HCC provides a reliable estimate of long-term integrated free cortisol production that is aligned with integrated salivary cortisol production measured over a corresponding one-month period

    Co-production of the quality of patient-centered outcomes research partnerships instrument for people with mental health conditions

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    Mounting scientific evidence over the past decades in the field of psychiatry has shown community engagement in research produces more relevant research, increased uptake of research findings, and better clinical outcomes. Despite the need for the integration of community engagement methodologies into the scientific method, doctoral and master\u27s level competencies in the field of psychiatry commonly do not include dedicated training or coursework on community engagement methodologies. Without appropriate training or research experience, attempts to facilitate community engagement are often ineffective and burdensome and leave stakeholders feeling disenfranchised. The goal of this study was to co-produce an instrument designed to improve the quality of community engagement research practices by measuring the degree to which researchers have partnered with psychiatric patient stakeholders. The development of the Quality of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Partnerships Instrument included an iterative co-production process with psychiatric patient stakeholders and scientists, including item formulation, followed by two phases of cognitive interviews with psychiatric patient stakeholders to assess and refine instrument items. A pilot study was conducted to assess acceptability and feasibility. The pilot study of the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Partnerships Instrument suggested feasibility and acceptability among psychiatric patient stakeholders. The Quality of Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Partnerships Instrument may be a valuable tool to enhance the quality of community engagement research practices within the field of psychiatry. Experience Framework This article is associated with the Innovation & Technology lens of The Beryl Institute Experience Framework (https://www.theberylinstitute.org/ExperienceFramework). Access other PXJ articles related to this lens. Access other resources related to this len

    Cushing's Syndrome and Fetal Features Resurgence in Adrenal Cortex–Specific Prkar1a Knockout Mice

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    Carney complex (CNC) is an inherited neoplasia syndrome with endocrine overactivity. Its most frequent endocrine manifestation is primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD), a bilateral adrenocortical hyperplasia causing pituitary-independent Cushing's syndrome. Inactivating mutations in PRKAR1A, a gene encoding the type 1 α-regulatory subunit (R1α) of the cAMP–dependent protein kinase (PKA) have been found in 80% of CNC patients with Cushing's syndrome. To demonstrate the implication of R1α loss in the initiation and development of PPNAD, we generated mice lacking Prkar1a specifically in the adrenal cortex (AdKO). AdKO mice develop pituitary-independent Cushing's syndrome with increased PKA activity. This leads to autonomous steroidogenic genes expression and deregulated adreno-cortical cells differentiation, increased proliferation and resistance to apoptosis. Unexpectedly, R1α loss results in improper maintenance and centrifugal expansion of cortisol-producing fetal adrenocortical cells with concomitant regression of adult cortex. Our data provide the first in vivo evidence that loss of R1α is sufficient to induce autonomous adrenal hyper-activity and bilateral hyperplasia, both observed in human PPNAD. Furthermore, this model demonstrates that deregulated PKA activity favors the emergence of a new cell population potentially arising from the fetal adrenal, giving new insight into the mechanisms leading to PPNAD

    Foetus dans rue

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    Juliette, deux ans et demi ou un neuroblastome stade IV

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    A la recherche d’évĂ©nements clĂ©s susceptibles d’expliquer le passage Ă  l’acte dans le parcours de vie d’hommes uxoricides

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    Les diffĂ©rentes recherches portant sur les homicides conjugaux, et plus spĂ©cialement des uxoricides, plus documentĂ©s parce que plus frĂ©quents, apportent de nombreuses informations pertinentes concernant le contexte entourant l'homicide, la relation entre les conjoints et son Ă©volution et mĂȘme, parfois, sur l’enfance de l’homme qui a posĂ© un tel geste sur sa conjointe ou ex-conjointe. Toutefois, des incohĂ©rences ont Ă©tĂ© relevĂ©es dans les Ă©crits sur le sujet faisant qu’il est difficile d’identifier la dynamique qui conduit des hommes Ă  tuer leur conjointe. Le dĂ©roulement de la vie des hommes ayant enlevĂ© la vie de leur conjointe, c’est-Ă -dire les Ă©vĂ©nements qu’ils ont vĂ©cus tout au cours de leur vie et qui ont pris un sens particulier pour eux, nous est apparue une avenue qui, Ă  notre connaissance, n’aurait pas Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e. Il a dĂšs lors Ă©tĂ© convenu que l’objectif principal de ce mĂ©moire de maĂźtrise en criminologie consisterait Ă  explorer s’il est possible d’identifier, dans la vie d’un Ă©chantillon d’hommes qui ont tuĂ© leur conjointe, un enchaĂźnement d’évĂ©nements qui pourrait contribuer Ă  la comprĂ©hension de la dynamique conduisant Ă  l’homicide conjugal. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, il s’agissait d’identifier les perceptions qu’ont ces hommes des diffĂ©rents Ă©vĂ©nements qu’ils considĂšrent comme ayant Ă©tĂ© marquants dans leur vie et les rĂ©actions qu’ont successivement produites ces perceptions. Le devis de cette Ă©tude est qualitatif. Dix hommes incarcĂ©rĂ©s forment l’échantillon. Tous ont Ă©tĂ© reconnus coupables du meurtre de leur conjointe ou ex-conjointe. Suite aux entrevues semi-structurĂ©es de type rĂ©trospectif et thĂ©matique, une reconstitution des lignes de vie inspirĂ©e de la thĂ©orie de Agnew (2006) ainsi qu’une analyse thĂ©matique des rĂ©cits recueillis ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es. Bien que les Ă©vĂ©nements de la vie de chacun des hommes leur soient particuliers, il ressort nĂ©anmoins une structure commune aux lignes de vie. Cette structure est marquĂ©e d’un Ă©vĂ©nement ou de conditions de vie marquants se rapportant Ă  l’enfance, d’un Ă©vĂ©nement porteur d’une remise en question survenue plus tard et d’un Ă©vĂ©nement dĂ©clencheur conduisant au meurtre. L’évĂ©nement porteur d’une remise en question paraĂźt occuper une place centrale dans la vie des hommes participant Ă  notre Ă©tude. Cet Ă©vĂ©nement porteur d’une remise en question vient modifier les comportements et attitudes de l’homme manifestĂ©s subsĂ©quemment. Ainsi, Ă  la lumiĂšre des rĂ©sultats de cette recherche, il apparaĂźt que l’ensemble du dĂ©veloppement de la vie des hommes uxoricides, et plus spĂ©cialement les Ă©vĂ©nements qu’ils identifient comme Ă©tant marquants, leur enchaĂźnement et, surtout, leur façon de percevoir ces Ă©vĂ©nements et d’y rĂ©agir doivent ĂȘtre pris en compte dans l’étude de la trajectoire qui a finalement abouti au passage Ă  l’acte homicidaire. Autre fait Ă  considĂ©rer, plusieurs des hommes interviewĂ©s ont mentionnĂ© qu’ils sentaient qu’un Ă©vĂ©nement de la sorte se prĂ©parait dans leur vie. Ceci suggĂšre une certaine prĂ©visibilitĂ© de l’acte qui pourrait ĂȘtre perceptible dans le rĂ©cit que font les hommes de leur vie et de leur perception d’eux en relation avec les Ă©lĂ©ments qu’ils identifient comme ayant Ă©tĂ© marquants pour eux au cours de celle-ci. Il reste toutefois beaucoup Ă  faire dans cette dĂ©couverte d’un outil de prĂ©vention de l’uxoricide.The different research concerning domestic homicides contribute numerous information relative to the context surrounding the actual homicide, the relationship between the spouses and the evolution, and occasionally on the childhood of the man who committed such an act towards his spouse or ex-spouse. However, certain incoherence’s have been raised among the research making it difficult to identify the pattern which leads husbands to kill their wives. The development of the lives of the men, who have killed their spouses, more precisely the significant events in their lives, is an avenue, to our knowledge, that has not been studied. The main objective of this Masters memoir in the field of criminology aims to explore, from a sample of men who have killed their wives, the possibility of identifying the chain of events that could contribute to the understanding of the pattern which leads to domestic homicide. More precisely, it aims at identifying the perceptions that men have of different events that they consider significant and the reactions which were caused by the said perceptions. The methodology used in this study is qualitative. The sample consists of ten incarcerated men. They all have been found guilty of murdering their wives or ex-wives. Following the semi-structured interviews, which were retrospective and thematic, a reconstruction of their lives, inspired by Agnew’s (2006) theory, was conducted Finally, thematic analysis of the events were also conducted. Although the significant events for each subject have their own specific characteristics, a common structure among the life lines is apparent. This structure is marked by an event or living conditions which had an impact on the subjects during childhood, hence an event which led the subjects to question themselves later on and an event which triggered the behavior leading to the murder. The event leading to the subjects questioning themselves seems to be central in the lives of the men who participated in our study. This questioning modify’s the behaviors and the attitudes manifested by the men. In light of these findings, it appears that the entire development of the lives of the uxoricides men, and more precisely the events they identify as significant and their chain reaction and, especially their self-perception during these events and the way they react must be taken into account when looking at the trajectory leading up to the homicide. Another factor to consider, is that many of the men interviewed mentioned that they felt that a dramatic event was about to take place in their lives. This suggests a certain predictability of the act that could be perceptible from their self-perception. There remains however much to do, in terms of transforming this discovery into a prevention tool applicable to uxoricide

    Adolescent Substance Use: Findings From a State-wide Pilot Parent Education Program

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    Background Adolescent substance use has long been a top public health priority. In Indiana, concerning recent trends show high rates of youth alcohol consumption coupled with increasing use of opioids, synthetic marijuana, and over-the-counter drugs. Based on research indicating that parent-based prevention efforts may be a particularly effective way to target adolescent substance use, and in a direct effort to address Indiana’s 2017 Strategic Plan to Address Substance Use, we conducted an applied research study targeting parents’ knowledge regarding adolescent substance use in Indiana. Methods This community-based applied research study included: (i) a needs assessment of Indiana Extension Educators’ concerns regarding adolescent substance use, (ii) creation and dissemination of an evidence-informed parent education program on adolescent substance use in collaboration with Purdue Extension (a key community stakeholder), and (iii) qualitative focus group discussions at the end of each program that assessed the challenges families face regarding adolescent substance use, the types of information and resources they wish they had, and the usefulness of our program. Results The needs assessment revealed that Indiana communities would most benefit from education regarding ways to spot and monitor substance use in teens, and strategies to communicate with teens about substance use. Additionally, Extension Educators thought that existing resources to tackle substance use largely did not match the needs of Indiana communities. Qualitative analysis of the focus group discussions across 8 pilot programs revealed five important themes: (1) The need for current, evidence-informed information regarding adolescent substance use among parents and youth-involved professionals in Indiana, (2) Concern regarding Indiana adolescents’ ease of access to substances and lack of healthy recreational activities, (3) Communicating with teens about substance use is crucial but difficult to implement, (4) Indiana communities’ need to prioritize funding for evidence-informed prevention programming, and (5) The need for community-based parent and caregiver support groups. Conclusions Overall, the program was well-received and participants indicated that there was a strong need for this programming in their communities, but suggested collaborating with schools or similar local community stakeholders to increase attendance. Findings from this pilot study can inform future community-based adolescent substance use prevention efforts state-wide