9 research outputs found
Neural bases of handwriting in adults and children : from spelling to gesture
LâĂ©criture est une habiletĂ© qui nous parait si simple et commune quâon oublie parfois les annĂ©es d'entraĂźnements nĂ©cessaires Ă sa maĂźtrise. LâĂ©criture est fascinante car elle allie une expertise linguistique et une expertise motrice. LâĂ©tude des bases neurales de lâĂ©criture est un champ de recherche Ă©mergeant, et la nature des relations entre ses diffĂ©rentes composantes est encore largement dĂ©battue. En outre, on ne connait rien des bases cĂ©rĂ©brales de son apprentissage. Ce travail de thĂšse nous a permis de montrer, chez lâadulte, quâorthographe et geste ne sont pas indĂ©pendants. Nos donnĂ©es indiquent que les processus orthographiques sont toujours actifs quand lâĂ©criture est exĂ©cutĂ©e, et que les rĂ©gions cĂ©rĂ©brales codant le geste dâĂ©criture sont sensibles Ă la difficultĂ© orthographique des mots produits. Cette observation nous a permis de contribuer au dĂ©bat concernant lâindĂ©pendance des diffĂ©rents processus. De plus, nous avons pu caractĂ©riser le rĂ©seau cĂ©rĂ©bral sous-tendant lâĂ©criture chez des enfants de 8-11 ans. Nous avons montrĂ© que le rĂ©seau principal est dĂ©jĂ Ă©tabli et fonctionnel chez les enfants. Les diffĂ©rences entre enfants et adultes rĂ©sident principalement dans lâactivation de rĂ©gions cĂ©rĂ©brales impliquĂ©es dans des processus attentionnels et de contrĂŽle (cortex prĂ©frontal, cervelet). La suite immĂ©diate de cette Ă©tude sera de tester quelle est la sensibilitĂ© de ce rĂ©seau Ă la difficultĂ© orthographique des mots chez lâenfant en cours dâapprentissage. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement ce travail ouvre des perspectives pour une meilleure comprĂ©hension de la dysgraphie dĂ©veloppementale et de lâapprentissage moteur.Writing is a skill that seems so simple and common that we sometimes forget the years of training necessary to master it. Writing is fascinating because it combines linguistic and motor expertise. While the study of the neural bases of writing is an emerging field of research, the nature of the relationships between its different components is still being debated. Likewise, very little is known about the neural bases of learning how to write. This PhD work has allowed to highlight, in adults, the existence of an interaction between spelling and motor processes during writing. In addition, we were able to characterize the neural network of handwriting in children aged 8-11 years. Interestingly, the main network is already established and functional in children. The differences with adults lie in the activation of brain regions involved in attention and control processes (prefrontal cortex prĂ©frontal, cerebellum). The immediate perspective of this study will be the assessment of the sensitivity of this network to orthographic difficulty in children. More generally, my work opens the way for a better understanding of developmental dysgraphia and motor learning
Motor control of handwriting in the developing brain: A review
International audienc
The handwriting brain in middle-childhood
International audienceRunning title: The handwriting brain of children Research Highlights âą We used fMRI to uncover the brain correlates of writing acquisition and demonstrate that the network previously described in adults is also strongly activated in children. âą However, group effects in the right cerebellum and left fusiform gyrus indicate that the network continues to mature between middle childhood and adulthood. âą We also found group differences in prefrontal and precentral regions, which likely underpin changes in the control of writing with the acquisition of expertise. âą These results fill a considerable gap in the field of writing acquisition. Abstract While the brain network supporting handwriting has previously been defined in adults, its organization in children has never been investigated. We compared the handwriting network of 23 adults and 42 children (8 to 11 year old). Participants were instructed to write the alphabet, the days of the week and to draw loops while being scanned. The handwriting network previously described in adults (5 key regions: left dorsal premotor cortex, superior parietal lobule, fusiform and inferior frontal gyri, and right cerebellum) was also strongly activated in children. The right precentral gyrus and the right anterior cerebellum were more strongly activated in adults than in children while the left fusiform gyrus was more strongly activated in children than in adults. Finally, we found that, contrary to adults, children recruited prefrontal regions to complete the writing task. This constitutes the first comparative investigation of the neural correlates of writing in children and adults. Our results suggest that the network supporting handwriting is already established in middle-childhood. They also highlight the major role of prefrontal regions in learning this complex skill and the importance of right precentral regions and cerebellum in the performance of automated handwriting
CorrĂ©lats cĂ©rĂ©braux de lâĂ©criture manuscrite chez lâadulte et lâenfant
International audienceDans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons lâorganisation des aires cĂ©rĂ©brales impliquĂ©es dans lâĂ©criture manuscrite chez lâadulte, et nous dĂ©crivons des donnĂ©es rĂ©centes sur cette organisation dans le cerveau dâenfants en cours dâapprentissage. Chez lâadulte, le rĂ©seau impliquĂ© comprend un ensemble de rĂ©gions pariĂ©to-frontales gauches, le gyrus fusiforme gauche et le cervelet droit. Ces rĂ©gions codent les aspects orthographiques et moteurs de lâĂ©criture manuscrite. Chez lâenfant de huit Ă 11 ans, les rĂ©gions bien dĂ©crites chez lâadulte sont Ă©galement actives : le rĂ©seau delâĂ©criture est dĂ©jĂ structurĂ©. Cependant, des diffĂ©rences observĂ©es entre les deux groupes dans le niveau dâactivation de certains Ă©lĂ©ments du rĂ©seau, dans le recrutement dâautres rĂ©gions ou dans la latĂ©ralisation des activations tĂ©moignent dâun processus en cours dâautomatisation
The impact of spelling regularity on handwriting production: A coupled fMRI and kinematics study
International audienceCurrent models of writing assume that the orthographic processes involved in spelling retrieval and the motor processes involved in the control of the hand are independent. This view has been challenged by behavioral studies, which showed that the linguistic features of words impact motor execution during handwriting. We designed an experiment coupling functional magnetic resonance imaging and kinematic recordings during a writing to dictation task. Participants wrote orthographically regular and irregular words. The presence of an irregularity impacts both the initiation of the movement and its fine motor execution. At the brain level, the left inferior frontal and fusiform gyri, two regions belonging to the core of the written language system, were found to be sensitive to the presence of an irregularity and to its position in the word during writing execution. Moreover, the left superior parietal lobule, the left superior frontal gyrus and the right cerebellum, three motor-related regions, displayed a stronger response to irregular than regular words. These results constitute direct evidence that orthographic and motor processes occur in a continuous and interactive fashion during writing
Estimation of the cortical microconnectome from in vivo spiking activity in the macaque monkey
The typical range of local connectivity in the cerebral cortex delineates columnar microcircuits, within which the layer- and population-specific connectivities present features that are preserved across species and cortical areas. However, when considered in more detail, the internal connectivity structure, i.e. the microconnectome (MC), of such microcircuits is variable across cortical areas. Furthermore, the parameters describing the MC are largely unknown for most cortical areas.Models constructed based on structural data have been able to recover realistic first-order spike train statistics in early sensory cortical areas [1, 2]. These bottom-up models can be constructed owing to the availability of extensive anatomical and physiological data from early visual and somatosensory areas. However, such measurements are less abundant for higher-order cortices, limiting bottom-up modeling until further biological measurements are published.Here we present an analysis that aims to overcome some of the limitations in currently available anatomical data. We use experimentally measured electrophysiological activity from vision-related and motor areas to constrain the connectivity of cortical microcircuit models and infer area-specific features of the MC. The novel experimental data consist of simultaneous layer-resolved laminar recordings from macaque primary motor (M1) and premotor (PMd) cortices [3]; as well as acute simultaneous recordings of macaque dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) and visual area V4. All data were recorded during resting-state sessions, i.e. while the subjects were not performing any task. Data from the resting state are expected to deliver rich dynamics related to the underlying connectivity structure [4].We explore the parameter space of the MC with an evolutionary algorithm using biologically inspired spiking cortical microcircuit models. During the parameter estimation phase, a set of standardized statistical tests, based on established single-neuron and population statistics [5], are used to score the similarity between the simulated data and experimental recordings. The score is calculated based on the overlap between experimental and simulated data statistics via the Wasserstein distance. Parameter estimates are obtained by maximizing this score, and are then validated against a separate set of statistics, which were not used in the estimation phase. Finally, we assess the similarities and differences of estimated model parameters across areas.Future work will integrate these local visual and motor models into a large-scale visuomotor cortical multi-area model, extending the work in [2, 6].References:1. Potjans TC, Diesmann M. Cereb Cortex 2014, 24(3), 785â8062. Schmidt M, Bakker R et al. Brain Struct Func 2017, 223, 1409â14353. Kilavik BE. SfN 2018. Online4. DÄ
browska P, Voges N et al. On the complexity of resting state spiking activity in monkey motor cortex. In preparation5. Gutzen R, von Papen M et al. Front Neuroinform 2018, 12:906. Schmidt M, Bakker R et al. PLOS CB 2018, 14, e100635