32 research outputs found


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    Nursing supervision is intended to lead to nurses in providing nursing care. Implementation of supervision by a good head room can affect the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation and documenting the results more efficiently if supervision is carried out by the head of the room goes well. This study aims to determine the relationship of supervision of the implementation of head room with the performance of nurses in the nursing documentation in patient wards of Sari Mutiara Medan 2015. This study used a descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The number of samples in this study were 43 respondents were divided from each inpatient room. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The result showed the supervision of the head of the most space is good that 27 respondents (62.8%) and the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation that most of the good that is 30 respondents (69.85%). This shows there is a significant correlation between the implementation of the supervision of the head of the room with the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation (pvalue = 0.004) <0.05. Suggestions for hospitals need to supervise periodically the documentation of nursing for nurses is expected to be more professional in doing nursing care documentation with respect to the standards specified documentation of nursing care by hospitals


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    ABSTRAKNilai profesional sangat penting dalam memenuhi peningkatan jumlah pasien yang berkunjung ke rumah sakit, karena merupakan salah satu indikator loyalitas pasien untuk kembali di sebuah rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji korelasi antara profesional pasien rawat inap dengan loyalitas berkunjung kembali. Sampel penelitian adalah 98 orang pasien rawat inap yang diambil dengan cara konsekutif sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan kuisioner data demografi, nilai profesional dan loyalitas pasien berkunjung kembali. Uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan Chi-square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, diperoleh bahwa persepsi nilai profesional rumah sakit berada pada kategori baik (85,7%), dan untuk loyalitas pasien berkunjung kembali mayoritas loyal (80,6%). hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara nilai profesional pasien rawat inap dengan loyalitas pasien berkunjung kembali dengan nilai p-value 0,000. Semakin baik nilai profesional pasien rawat inap maka akan semakin tinggi pula tingkat loyalitas pasien untuk berkunjung kembali. Disarankan kepada pihak rumah sakit untuk mengevaluasi pelayanan yang diberikan kepada pasien dan membuat kebijakan dalam pemberian pelayanan sehingga pasien merasa puas dan loyal untuk berkunjung kembali. Kata kunci: nilai profesional, loyalitas ABSTRACTProfessional value is very important in fulfilling the increase in the number of patients who visit a hospital because it is one of the indicators in motivating patients to revisit a hospital. The objective of the research was to verify the correlation between inpatients professional values and loyalty to revisit. The samples were 98 inpatients, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. The instruments were questionnaires of demographic data, professional values and loyalty to revisit. The result of the research showed that the hospital professional was in good category (85,7%), and inpatients loyalty to revisit was in loyalty category (80,6%). This indicated that there was the correlation between inpatients professional and their loyalty to revisit at p-value = 0,000. The better the inpatients professional values were the higher their loyalty to revisit. It is recommended that the management of the hospital evaluate the service to patients and make a policy in providing service for patients in order that they will be satisfied and loyalty to revisit.Keywords: Loyalty, Professional Value


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    Nursing supervision is intended to lead to nurses in providing nursing care. Implementation of supervision by a good head room can affect the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation and documenting the results more efficiently if supervision is carried out by the head of the room goes well. This study aims to determine the relationship of supervision of the implementation of head room with the performance of nurses in the nursing documentation in patient wards of Sari Mutiara Medan 2015. This study used a descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The number of samples in this study were 43 respondents were divided from each inpatient room. The sampling technique used was accidental sampling. The result showed the supervision of the head of the most space is good that 27 respondents (62.8%) and the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation that most of the good that is 30 respondents (69.85%). This shows there is a significant correlation between the implementation of the supervision of the head of the room with the performance of nurses in nursing care documentation (pvalue = 0.004) <0.05. Suggestions for hospitals need to supervise periodically the documentation of nursing for nurses is expected to be more professional in doing nursing care documentation with respect to the standards specified documentation of nursing care by hospitals


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    The quality demands of implementing nursing care are greatly influenced by the workload of nurses, the workload of nurses must also be in accordance with the abilities and work motivation of a nurse so that it is in accordance with nursing care standards. This study aims to determine the relationship of workload with nurses' work motivation in carrying out nursing care in the inpatient room of Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam Hospital. Descriptive correlation research design with cross sectional study design. The population in this study were all nurses in the inpatient ward with a total of 56 people, the sampling technique used total population. Data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis with Chi-Square test. The results showed a high workload of nurses 69.6% and motivation of nurses to carry out low nursing care 67.8%. Chi-Square test results there is a relationship of workload with nurse work motivation in implementing nursing care with a p-value of 0.017. Then it can be concluded that the workload has a relationship with the work motivation of nurses in implementing nursing care. It is recommended that the hospital adjust the number of nurses to the number of available patients and pay attention to the performance of nurses in carrying out nursing care

    Tipe Kepribadian Berhubungan dengan Perilaku Caring Perawat

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between personality types and nurses' caring behavior at the Porsea Regional Hospital. The research design used is correlation analytic with the cross-sectional approach. This study's results are introverted personality types with good caring majority behavior, 62.2%, and extrovert personality types with good caring majority behavior 94.3%. Statistical test results showed a significant relationship between personality types and nurses caring action at the Porsea Regional Hospital (p = 0.010; p <0.05). In conclusion, the majority of nurse personality types have an extroverted personality, and the majority of nurse caring behavior has good caring practice. There is a relationship between personality type and caring nurse behavior. Keywords: Nurse, Caring Behavior, Personality Typ


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    Caring is a dynamic approach, in which nurses work to further increase their attention to the clients. Generally, clients would expect the comfort and caring attitude from nurses, and nurses are also expected to provide attention, prayers, and motivation to the patients. The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation of nurse education level with the caring behavior at the inpatient ward of Datu Beru Hospital of Takengon in 2018. This research applied the analytic correlation method using a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was all nurses working at the inpatient ward of Datu Beru Hospital with a total number of 196 persons. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with total respondents of 67 persons. To obtain data from the respondents the researcher used a questionnaires sheet that was analyzed using chi-square test analysis. This study found that the majority of the nurses hold D3 Degree (59,7%) and the majority of the nurses’ behavior was good (47,8%). The result statistic test showed that there was a correlation between nurse education level and caring behavior on the patients at the inpatient ward with p-value = 0,028 (P <0,05), thus it was concluded that the level of education of nurses correlated with the caring behavior of nurses in the inpatient care room because the higher level of nurses education, the better-caring behavior was provided towards their patients. The results of this study became inputs for nurses to pursue further studies to improve their insight into caring behavior in providing nursing care


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    Job satisfaction is an employee's attitude towards work related to work situations, cooperation between employees, rewards received at work, and matters relating to physical and psychological factors. In Indonesia, there are 55.8% of nurses in government hospitals experiencing low job satisfaction. There are several factors that influence job satisfaction including salary earned, organizational culture, relationships with coworkers, supervision, and career development. Career level is one of the efforts to realize nurse job satisfaction. Nursing career level is the implementation of several career plans that have been determined to provide nurses with positions/levels that are in accordance with the education, abilities, skills and competencies of nurses. The purpose of this study was to find out the career level relationship  with  Job Satisfaction of nurses at Sari Mutiara General Hospital Lubuk Pakam. The research design used is descriptive correlation with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all nurses at Sari Mutiara General Hospital Lubuk Pakam. The sample in this study amounted to 56  people obtained by using total sampling. The data collection tool uses a questionnaire sheet. The statistical test used was the chi square test. The results showed the majority of respondents had a high career level 69,6% and respondents’ performance satisfaction was satisfied as much as 67,8%. Based on the results of the Chi-Square statistical test value = 0,017 (p <0,05) which means that there is arelationship of career level with the satisfaction of nurse performance at Sari Mutiara General Hospital Lubuk Pakam It is recommended for nurses to improve their skills through training and education facilitated by hospitals

    Skrining Dan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pada Masyarakat Dengan Masalah Diabetes Mellitus Di Desa Kramat Gajah Deli Serdang

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    Diabetes mellitus termasuk salah satu penyakit kronik yang serius dan terjadi baik saat pankreas tidak menghasilkan cukup insulin (hormon yang mengatur gula darah) maupun jika tubuh tidak dapat menggunakan insulin yang dihasilkan secara efektif. Penderita. Diabetes Mellitus kini menjadi masalah global  karena prevalensinya yang terus meningkat dan kian hari semakin mengkawatirkan. Oleh karena itu skrining dan pemeriksaan kesehatan perlu dilakukan oleh pasien yang mengalami Diabetes Mellitus. Tujuan dari Program Pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dalam penanganan Diabetes Mellitus dengan skrining dan pemeriksaan kesehatan. Metode kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan edukasi lalu diikuti dengan tes glukosa darah kapiler untuk mendeteksi pasien prediabetes dan diabetes. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini setelah dilakukan edukasi dan pemeriksaan tekanan darah 27 responden mengalami kadar gula darah  ≥ 200 mg/dL. Peranan petugas kesehatan sangat penting untuk memperbaiki sikap dan tindakan masyarakat dalam penanganan dan pencegahan komplikasi Diabetes mellitus


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    Caring is a dynamic approach, in which nurses work to further increase their attention to the clients. Generally, clients would expect the comfort and caring attitude from nurses, and nurses are also expected to provide attention, prayers, and motivation to the patients. The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation of nurse education level with the caring behavior at the inpatient ward of Datu Beru Hospital of Takengon in 2018. This research applied the analytic correlation method using a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was all nurses working at the inpatient ward of Datu Beru Hospital with a total number of 196 persons. The sampling technique was simple random sampling with total respondents of 67 persons. To obtain data from the respondents the researcher used a questionnaires sheet that was analyzed using chi-square test analysis. This study found that the majority of the nurses hold D3 Degree (59,7%) and the majority of the nurses’ behavior was good (47,8%). The result statistic test showed that there was a correlation between nurse education level and caring behavior on the patients at the inpatient ward with p-value = 0,028 (P <0,05), thus it was concluded that the level of education of nurses correlated with the caring behavior of nurses in the inpatient care room because the higher level of nurses education, the better-caring behavior was provided towards their patients. The results of this study became inputs for nurses to pursue further studies to improve their insight into caring behavior in providing nursing care


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    Abstrak Organisasi profesi yang berperan besar dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan di rumah sakit adalah keperawatan yang juga berpotensi mengalami konflik. Konflik mengakibatkan kerugian diantaranya stres kerja pada perawat pelaksana. Manajemen konflik merupakan prioritas utama kepala ruangan untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik integrating dan obliging dalam mengurangi stres kerja perawat pelaksana. Penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah perawat pelaksana di RS Imelda Pekerja Indonesia dan RS Martha Friska dimana teknik pengambilan sampel adalah simple random sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 105 orang perawat pelaksana. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa kuesioner yang dianalisis secara bivariat dengan menggunakan program komputer. Hasil penelitian: 1) terdapat pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik integrating terhadap stres kerja perawat pelaksana (p = <0,001;PR=1,28 95%CI 1,174-1,402), dan 2) terdapat pengaruh gaya manajemen konflik obliging terhadap stress kerja perawat pelaksana (p=<0,001;PR = 1,20 95%CI 1,124-1,295. Gaya manajemen konflik integrating dan obliging  kepala ruangan berpengaruh dalam mengurangi stres kerja perawat pelaksana. Kata Kunci: Integrating, Obliging, Stres Kerja Perawat Abstract Professional organizations that play a major role in the implementation of nursing care in hospitals are nursing that also has the potential to experience conflict. Conflicts result in losses including work stress on implementing nurses. Conflict management is the chief priority of the nurse manager to overcome this.To identify the influence of integrating and obliging conflict management styles in reducing the work stress of implementing nurses. This research is quantitative with cross sectional research design. The study population was implementing nurses at the Indonesian Hospital Imelda Worker and Martha Friska Hospital where the sampling technique was simple random sampling. The number of respondents was 105 implementing nurses. The instrument used was a questionnaire that was analyzed bivariately using a computer program.The results of the study were 1) there was an influence of integrating conflict management style on the work stress of implementing nurses (p=<0.001; PR=1.28 95% CI 1.174-1,402), and 2) there was an influence of obliging conflict management style on nurses work stress executor (p=<0.001; PR=1.20 95% CI 1.124-1.295). Integrating conflict management style and obliging head of the room influence in reducing the work stress of implementing nurses. Keywords: Integrating, Obliging, Nurse Stres