14 research outputs found

    Information Technology and generating business value: an analysis in industrial SMEs.

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    RESUMEN. Objeto: La literatura analiza la relación entre tecnologías de la información y resultados empresariales principalmente mediante relación directa entre inversión en tecnologías de la información (TI) y medidas financieras. Esto ha generado disparidad de resultados y falta de consenso y por tanto, la necesidad de profundizar en este tema. En este sentido, el presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar en pymes industriales los efectos que la utilización de las TI tiene en distintas variables financieras y no financieras vinculadas a los resultados. Diseño/metodología/enfoque: El trabajo sigue el esquema clásico de investigación con revisión de la literatura, proposición de hipótesis y aplicación de metodología empírica cuantitativa, recogiendo información mediante cuestionarios enviados por correo electrónico, para el posterior tratamiento y contraste estadístico mediante modelos ANOVA, que permiten obtener resultados y conclusiones. Aportaciones y resultados: El trabajo aporta un enfoque más allá de la clásica búsqueda de relación directa entre inversión en TI y medidas financieras, utilizando en su lugar como variable explicativa la “utilización de las TI” y como variables explicadas las dimensiones del cuadro de mando integral, que considera las financieras e introduce otras más cualitativas como clientes, recursos humanos y procesos internos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que las TI contribuyen a la generación de valor no solo a través de la rentabilidad sino también de otros factores más cualitativos.ABSTRACT. Purpose: The literature examines the relationship between information technologies and business results mainly through direct relationship between investment on Information Technologies (IT) and financial measures. This has resulted in disparity of results and lack of consensus, and therefore, the necessity to deepen this topic. In this sense, this paper aims to analyze in industrial SMEs the effects of the use of IT on different financial and non-financial variables related to business value. Design/methodology: The work follows the classical research scheme with literature review, statement of hypotheses and application of quantitative empirical methodology, collecting information through questionnaires sent by email, for further processing and statistical testing using ANOVA models, which allow get results and conclusions. Findings: The study provides an approach beyond classical search of direct relationship between IT investment and financial measures, using instead as an explanatory variable the "use of IT" and as explained variables the Balance scorecard dimensions, which considers the financial ones and introduces other more qualitative as customers, human resources and internal processes. The obtained results show that IT contributes to the generation of value not only through the profitability but also other more qualitative factors

    Information systems in Latin American universities: their impact in international rankings

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    RESUMEN. Globalización, mayor calidad, reputación internacional, rendición enfrentan las universidades en Latinoamérica. Los Sistemas de Información (SI) juegan un papel importante para alcanzar estos objetivos, debido a que aseguran la administración de los procesos académicos, de gestión e investigación. Existe poca literatura que permita identificar los SI que tienen un impacto en los rankings. Los resultados de la investigación revelan que la implementación de sistemas de Gestión de I+D+i, Data Warehouse, Website en inglés, Sistemas de Apoyo a la Decisión (DSS/EIS) y Portal (Intranet) contribuyen a que las universidades tengan una mejor posición en los rankings internacionales.ABSTRACT. Globalization, higher quality, international reputation, accountability and digital transformation, are challenges that universities in Latin America are facing. Information Systems (IS) play an important role to achieve these goals, because they ensure academic, management and research processes. There is little research to identify the IS that have an impact on rankings. The investigation results reveal that the implementation of R&D and innovation Management Systems, Data Warehouse, Decision Support Systems (DSS/EIS) and Portal (Intranet) help universities to have a better position in international rankings

    Organizational practices as antecedents of the information security management performance

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    ABSTRACT: Purpose The purpose of this paper is to expand current knowledge about the security organizational practices and analyze its effects on the information security management performance. Design/methodology/approach Based on the literature review, the authors propose a research model together with hypotheses. The survey questionnaires were developed to collect data, which then validated the measurement model. The authors collected 111 responses from CEOs at manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that had already implemented security policies. The hypothesized relationships were tested using the structural equation model approach with EQS 6.1 software. Findings Results validate that information security knowledge sharing, information security education and information security visibility, as well as security organizational practices, have a positive effect on the information security management performance. Research limitations/implications The consideration of organizational aspects of information security should be taken into account by academics, practitioners and policymakers in SMEs. Besides, the work helps validate novel constructs used in recent research (information security knowledge sharing and information security visibility). Practical implications The authors extend previous works by analyzing how security organizational practices affect the performance of information security. The results suggest that an improved performance of information security in the industrial SMEs requires innovative practices to foster knowledge sharing among employees. Originality/value The literature recognizes the need to develop empirical research on information security focused on SMEs. Besides the need to identify organizational practices that improve information security, this paper empirically investigates SMEs' organizational practices in the security of information and analyzes its effects on the performance of information security

    Social Media Technologies' Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing, and Its Effects on Industrial SMEs' Innovation

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    The effective use of technologies supporting decision making is essential to companies? survival. Recent studies analyzed social media technologies (SMT) in the context of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing to the discussion on SMT benefits from the marketing perspective. This article focuses on the effects of SMT use on innovation. Our findings provide empirical evidence on the positive effects of SMT use for acquiring external information and for sharing knowledge and innovation performance

    Cloud computing in industrial SMEs: Identification of the barriers to its adoption and effects of its application

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    ABSTRACT: Cloud computing is a new technological paradigm that may revolutionize how organizations use IT by facilitating delivery of all technology as a service. In the literature, the Cloud is treated mainly through a technological approach focused on the concept definition, service models, infrastructures for its evelopment and security problems. However, there is an important lack of works which analyze this paradigm adoption in SMEs and its results, with a gap between the technological development and its adoption by organizations. This paper uses a qualitative technique methodology -group meetings with managers- and a quantitative one-survey- and identifies which factors act as barriers to Cloud adoption and which positive effects its application generates in 94 industrial SMEs. The conclusion is that the main barriers are of a cultural type and that the positive effects go well beyond reducing costs

    Information technologies and enterprise management : software contribution analysis as generator of value in IBEX 35 companies

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    Resumen: Que las tecnologías de la información inciden en todos los ámbitos de la actividad humana como factores críticos, muy especialmente en la empresarial, es aceptado tanto por la comunidad científica como por la profesional. En este sentido, en el presente proyecto fin de máster se intenta analizar las Tecnologías de la Información y sus efectos en las empresas conjugando ambos enfoques académico y profesional. Para ello, en primer lugar desde un punto de vista académico se revisa la evolución teórica que han tenido las tecnologías de la información dentro de la administración y dirección de empresas, donde han pasado de ser consideradas un elemento de contexto a tener un carácter transversal. En esta línea, una de las cuestiones con mayor vigencia e interés tanto para académicos como para profesionales es la evaluación del valor que generan dichas tecnologías en las organizaciones. En concreto, ya desde un punto de vista más profesional, dentro de las tecnologías de la información emergen en los últimos años como elemento distintivo el software, tanto por su evolución tecnológica y nuevas aplicaciones empresariales como por el volumen de inversión que las empresas realizan en este activo inmaterial. No obstante y pese a su importancia, hay una carencia de estudios que analicen cuantitativamente la existencia de relación entre este componente de los Sistemas de Información y su contribución a la generación de valor en las empresas. Por tanto, el presente trabajo se centrará en analizar la existencia de relación entre la inversión en software y distintos indicadores de generación de valor para la empresas del IBEX 35.Abstract: That the impact of information technologies in all areas of human activity as critical factrors, especially in the business, is accepted both by the scientific community as the professional. In this sense, this project attempts to analyze the master and its impact on IT companies combining both areas. To do this, first from an academic standpoint, we review the theoretical developments that have taken the information technology within the administration and business management, where they have gone from being considered an element of context to have an overall theme. In this line, one of the issues in greater relevance and interest to both academics and professionals is to assess the value generated by these technologies in organizations. In particular, and from a professional point of view, within the emerging information technologies in recent years as distinctive feature software, both for its technological developments and new business applications and the volume of investment that companies make in this intangible asset. However, and despite its importance, there is a lack of studies to analyze quantitatively the existence of a relationship between this component of the Information Systems and their contribution to generating business value. Therefore, this paper will focus on analyzing the existence of a relationship between investment in software and other indicators of creation of value for the IBEX 35 companies.Máster en Empresa y Tecnologías de la Informació

    Gestión de las tecnologías de la información en las organizaciones : análisis de su adopción, seguridad y generación de valor

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    RESUMEN: En esta tesis abordamos en primer lugar el efecto que tiene el uso de las TI en la generación de valor de las organizaciones, desde una perspectiva de gestión empresarial. En segundo lugar, dado que la Seguridad de la Información aparece como un proceso clave para garantizar y proteger el recurso valioso que es la información, se analiza la Seguridad de la Información y sus efectos en la organización combinando enfoques tecnológicos con los de gestión, vinculando la seguridad de la información con el variables y procesos de negocio relacionados con la generación de valor. Por último, como el rasgo característico de las empresas competitivas es tomar ventaja de los nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos para encontrar nuevas oportunidades, y dentro de este contexto, aparece un nuevo tipo de TI con gran proyección que es el Cloud Computing, hemos realizado un trabajo pionero que analiza los factores que afectan a su adopción y los beneficios que se generan de su aplicación, considerando aspectos y procesos de gestión empresarial, tecnológicos y de seguridad de la información. Señalando además, que el estudio se ha realizado en Pymes, que representan más del 99% del sector empresarial de las economías desarrolladas (OCDE 2010; Eurostat 2015) y son menos tratadas en la literatura, y que debido a sus recursos reducidos, son las organizaciones que más necesitan estas investigaciones (EITO 2014; World Economic Forum 2014; Taylor 2015). En concreto, pertenecen al sector industrial porque es un sector que ha ido perdiendo peso en la economía, especialmente en la crisis, convirtiéndose en un tipo de empresas que necesita políticas de apoyo y medidas que ayuden a mejorar su competitividad (OCDE 2011; Comisión Europea 2013).ABSTRACT: In this thesis we address firstly the effects of the use of IT in the value creation of the organizations, from the perspective of the business management. Secondly, since the Information Security appears as a key process to ensure and protect the valuable resource which is the information, information security and its effects in the organizations are discussed combining technological and management approaches, linking the security of the information with the variables and business processes related to the generation of value. Finally, as the characteristic feature of competitive enterprises is to take advantage of the new technological developments to find new opportunities, within this context, a new type of IT with great projection is the Cloud Computing, having done a pioneering work that analyzes the factors which affect its adoption and the benefits generated from its application, considering business processes, technology management and information security. Noting further that the study will be in SMEs, which represent over 99% of the business sector (OECD 2010; Eurostat 2015) and are less treated in the literature, and because of their limited resources, are the organizations that most need these investigations (EITO 2014; World Economic Forum 2014; Taylor 2015). In particular, they belong to the industrial sector because it is a sector that has been losing weight in the economy, especially in the crisis, becoming a kind of companies that need support policies and measures to help the improvement of their competitiveness (OECD 2011; Chamber of Cantabria Commerce 2012; European Commission 2013

    State-of-the Art and trends in the Systematic Development of Rich Internet Applications

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    Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) are widely adopted Web applications that add the richer interaction, presentation, and client-side computation capabilities of desktop applications to the Web. However, the evolution from Web applications towards RIAs comes at the cost of increased complexity in their development. For this reason, a wide variety of tools and technologies have been proposed in order to streamline their development effort. This paper investigates the current state of the art of the RIA development approaches. The review shows that the current industrial development practice lacks a comprehensive approach to RIA development, supporting all the development steps from the design to implementation, test and maintenance, and helping identifying correct design choices. This is in part due to the severe fragmentation of current RIA technologies that prevents the adoption of a commonly recognized set of best practices resulting in ad-hoc development processes. These aspects are in part treated by research methodologies and some innovative industrial solutions, but also these approaches present some limitations. The paper identifies future research directions for RIAs to fully support their development process and to support their design in a more comprehensive and systematic way, from both industrial and research perspectives