44 research outputs found

    Polisens utredningar av brott med Heder som motiv

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    Sammanfattning Denna uppsats undersöker sambandet mellan polisens utredningsÄtgÀrder och personuppklaring och lagföring vid hedersrelaterad brottslighet. Det övergripande syftet Àr att redogöra för vilken betydelse rÀtt kunskap, förstahandsÄtgÀrder och utredningsmetodik spelar för den fortsatta lagföringen. Jag vill ocksÄ undersöka om den kunskapssatsning som gjorts av regeringen och rikspolisstyrelsen har lett till att polisen idag jobbar kunskapsbaserat med hedersrelaterade brott. Jag vill ocksÄ ta reda pÄ huruvida en förÀndring i polisens arbetssÀtt har möjlighet att öka lagföringen eller personuppklaringen för de hedersrelaterade brotten. I uppsatsens första del redogörs för hedersbegreppet, bÄde historiskt och hur situationen ser ut idag. Det hedersrelaterade vÄldet behandlas sÀrskilt och uppsatsen ger en redogörelse för hur förtrycket kan se ut och en bild av vilka som Àr mÄlsÀgande, gÀrningsperson samt en överskÄdlig redogörelse för hur brottsligheten ser ut. I nÀstkommande del gÄr uppsatsen in pÄ att redogöra för polisens förmÄga att utreda hedersrelaterade brott. Den inleds med att redovisa vilket eller vilka uppdrag polisen har fÄtt vad gÀller hedersrelaterad brottslighet och vilka direktiv polismyndigheten har gett utifrÄn detta. Uppsatsen har sedan undersökt vilka ÄtgÀrder som vidtagits för att uppfylla dessa direktiv. Polisens arbetssÀtt redovisas genom att först redogöra för polisens förstahandsÄtgÀrder och sedan för den fortsatta förundersökningen i samverkan med Äklagare. I nÀsta avsnitt redovisas polisens kunskap kring hedersrelaterad brottslighet genom att redogöra för vilka utbildningar som finns i Àmnet för polisen samt vilka handböcker och metodstöd som finns tillgÀngligt. En empirisk studie av kunskapen om hedersrelaterad brottslighet hos poliserna har ocksÄ gjorts i polisomrÄde Malmö genom intervjuer med utredande poliser. I uppsatsens sista del redogörs för den rÀttsliga regleringen av omrÄdet. De brott som Àr vanligast vid hedersrelaterad brottslighet gÄs igenom och Àven de speciella svÄrigheter som utredningsmÀssigt kan uppstÄ vid de olika brotten tas upp. Vid hedersrelaterad brottslighet Àr det inte ovanligt att det Àr flera gÀrningsmÀn och uppsatsen redogör för den rÀttsliga regleringen av detta. Att ett brott begÄs med ett hedersrelaterat motiv kan verka i straffskÀrpande riktning och uppsatsen redogör Àven för den rÀttsliga regleringen av detta samt gÄr igenom vilka krav som stÀlls pÄ bevisningen. Avsnittet om rÀttslig reglering avslutas med att redogöra för de tillgÀngliga siffror som finns för lagföring. Den avslutande analysen visar pÄ att bristen pÄ statistik gör att det Àr svÄrt att fÄ fram tillförlitligt underlag kring de hedersrelaterade brotten och att detta Àven ger en inverkan pÄ den utredande verksamheten. Analysen visar ocksÄ att polisen idag inte jobbar kunskapsbaserat med hedersrelaterat vÄld i den utstrÀckning som skulle kunna vara möjlig och att den modell som polismyndigheten hittills valt för kompetenshöjning och arbetssÀtt inte Àr det mest optimala för att korrekta förstahandsÄtgÀrder skall kunna vidtas. Analysen ger vidare förslag till att polisen kan jobba annorlunda genom att förlÀgga kompetensen hos utredarna och pÄ sÄ vis sannolikt förbÀttra möjligheterna till lagföring och personuppklaring.This thesis investigates the connection between police investigative measures, solved crimes and prosecution concerning honour related crime. The overall aim is to account for what significance correct knowledge, first measures taken and methods used during the investigation have for the following prosecution. I also wish to investigate whether the augmentation of knowledge initiated by the government and the national police has led to police today working knowledge-based with honour related crime. In addition to this I wish to find out if changes in police work can increase solved crimes and prosecution concerning honour related crime. The first part of the thesis accounts for the concept of honour historically and in present time. Honour related violence is depicted through a description of the victims, the offenders and how the honour related oppression might look together with a lucid statement upon the character of honour related crime. In the following part the thesis focuses on the policeŽs ability to investigate honour related crime. The policeŽs assignment and the police AuthorityŽs terms of reference concerning honour related crime are accounted for. The thesis also explores the measures taken to fulfil these terms of reference. Police methods are accounted for by explaining first measures taken and the continuing investigation in cooperation with prosecutor. Then police knowledge regarding honour related crime is stated for through a report on education, manuals and method support available. An empirical study has also been performed amongst investigating policemen in the police district of Malmö. The policemen were interviewed concerning their knowledge about honour related crime. In the last part of the thesis legal regulation is reviewed. The crimes most common regarding honour related crime are presented as well as the particular difficulties that can occur in the investigation process. When it comes to honour related crime it is not unusual with several perpetrators and the thesis explains the legal regulation on this. Crimes committed with honour related motives can result in harsher punishments. This thesis accounts for the legal regulation of this as well as the demands put on evidence. The section on legal regulation closes with a statement of available numbers on prosecution. The final analysis shows the lack of statistics which makes it difficult to find reliable facts about honour related crime and this affects the investigations. The analysis also shows that policemen today do not work knowledge-based with honour related crime to the extent possible and that the model chosen by the police Authority for improving skills and working methods is not the most optimal way to implement correct first measures. Furthermore the analysis suggests that the police by placing the qualifications on the investigators very likely can improve the possibilities to solve crimes and prosecute

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    Älgar (Alces alces ssp) hĂ„lls i hĂ€gn pĂ„ flera stĂ€llen runt om i Sverige. För att ta reda pĂ„ hur Ă€lgar hĂ„lls i hĂ€gn skickades en webbaserad enkĂ€t ut till 20 ansvariga för Ă€lghĂ€gn i Sverige. EnkĂ€ten innehöll frĂ„gor om bland annat hĂ€gnstorlek, populationens storlek, upplevda problem med aggression och andra problembeteenden. För att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else för Ă€lgens beteende gjordes Ă€ven en litteraturstudie. EnkĂ€tsvaren visade pĂ„ att hĂ€gnen var förhĂ„llandevis stora och med en varierad miljö. Aggressionsproblem var vanligt förekommande, med aggressiva beteenden riktade sĂ„vĂ€l mot andra Ă€lgar i hĂ€gnet som mot mĂ€nniskor och fordon. NĂ„gra övriga beteenderelaterade problem förekom enligt djurhĂ„llarna inte. Enligt enkĂ€tsvaren hĂ„lls ofta flera Ă€lgar i samma hĂ€gn, trots att Ă€lgar egentligen Ă€r solitĂ€ra djur. Älgars respons pĂ„ konkurrenter Ă€r att driva bort dem. I ett hĂ€gn Ă€r detta oftast inte möjligt, vilket resulterar i aggressioner. Att hĂ„lla Ă€lgar i grupp Ă€r dock ingen omöjlighet. Om miljön erbjuder stora ytor med siktbarriĂ€rer och bra födotillgĂ„ng bör risken för skador minska och stressen i Ă€lggruppen hĂ„lls ner. DjurhĂ„llare upplevde inte att det förekom nĂ„gra andra beteenderelaterade problem med hĂ€gnad Ă€lg. Vi vet inte mycket om Ă€lgars beteende i fĂ„ngenskap, vilket kan göra att det Ă€r svĂ„rt att avgöra vad som Ă€r ett naturligt beteende och vad som orsakas av stress. I framtiden behöver det göras mer beteendestudier av Ă€lgar i hĂ€gn för att se hur de hanterar fĂ„ngenskapen

    Victimization, Positioning, and Support

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    Victimization, Positioning, and Support

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    Victimization, Positioning, and Support : Young Victims' Experiences of Crime

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    Victimization early in life can result in a number of different short and long-term consequences, for which young people might need help and support. However, from previous research it is unclear what kind of support young people perceive as supportive. The present dissertation therefore aims to theoretically and empirically investigate young people’s experiences of victimization and support. The aim is operationalized in three questions: (1) To what extent do young people with experiences of various types of victimization seek and receive support, both from professionals and from family and friends? (2) How do young people understand and construct themselves as victims? (3) How is support constructed, and which needs for support do young people perceive themselves as having after their victimization? The dissertation uses a mixed methods approach building on a quantitative dataset consisting of a survey with 2500 participants, and a qualitative dataset consisting of 19 narrative interviews with young victims of crime. The results show that few young victims seek and receive professional psychosocial support, while a greater percentage of them receive support from family and friends. Theoretically, this can be understood through how young victims construct their own victimhood, which affects what kind of support they received and perceived as supportive. Each individual describes what he or she perceived as supportive with regard to the victimization, which included firstly information and practical help, and secondly talking about the victimizing event. Information enabled the young victims to participate in the judicial and support process more on their own conditions, as they understood what was going to happen. Because of this, support as a concept needs to include various types of support adapted to the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. This means that specific types of support need to be constructed by the support provider together with the individual victim. This calls for a collaborative practice when supporting young victims of crime and for the support to be as individualized as possible

    Victimization, Positioning, and Support : Young Victims' Experiences of Crime

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    Victimization early in life can result in a number of different short and long-term consequences, for which young people might need help and support. However, from previous research it is unclear what kind of support young people perceive as supportive. The present dissertation therefore aims to theoretically and empirically investigate young people’s experiences of victimization and support. The aim is operationalized in three questions: (1) To what extent do young people with experiences of various types of victimization seek and receive support, both from professionals and from family and friends? (2) How do young people understand and construct themselves as victims? (3) How is support constructed, and which needs for support do young people perceive themselves as having after their victimization? The dissertation uses a mixed methods approach building on a quantitative dataset consisting of a survey with 2500 participants, and a qualitative dataset consisting of 19 narrative interviews with young victims of crime. The results show that few young victims seek and receive professional psychosocial support, while a greater percentage of them receive support from family and friends. Theoretically, this can be understood through how young victims construct their own victimhood, which affects what kind of support they received and perceived as supportive. Each individual describes what he or she perceived as supportive with regard to the victimization, which included firstly information and practical help, and secondly talking about the victimizing event. Information enabled the young victims to participate in the judicial and support process more on their own conditions, as they understood what was going to happen. Because of this, support as a concept needs to include various types of support adapted to the individual’s specific needs and circumstances. This means that specific types of support need to be constructed by the support provider together with the individual victim. This calls for a collaborative practice when supporting young victims of crime and for the support to be as individualized as possible

    Young people’s narrations of the meaning of support after criminal victimization

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    Criminal victimization early in life can lead to serious consequences such as mental health problems, behavioural changes, and school difficulties. To reduce these possible consequences, support is important; however, little is known from research about what support after victimization means. Therefore, using 19 narrative interviews, the present study analyzes how young people in Sweden construct their need for support, and what they perceive as supportive. The interviews are analysed with thematic narrative analysis, using the concepts of agency and communion. From the results, it is concluded that victimization risks damaging victims’ sense of agency and communion. To repair the damage, the young victims describe wanting information and psychosocial support from professionals, family, and friends. In particular, information is lacking, but professionals also need to focus on building trusting relationships. Because each individual constructs his or her own need for support based on the damages experienced, the support needs vary. Hence, support must be adapted to the individual, and to what he or she perceives as supportive in relation to the social setting.Brottsofferstöd i Sverige - Matchningen mellan ungdomars behov av stöd efter att ha utsatts för brott och det stöd som finns tillgĂ€ngligt för de

    Victimization and school : Young people’s experiences of receiving support to keep up with their schoolwork

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    Victimization early in life can have several serious consequences, one of which concerns young people’s schoolwork. The present study therefore aims to investigate what support young people need to keep up with their schoolwork, based on their needs following victimization. The material consists of narrative interviews with 19 young people who were the plaintiffs at trials when they were 15–19 years old. The results show that several of the young victims did not want to go to school due to the risk of meeting their perpetrator, and because of that their grades declined when they were not physically present in school, they lost their motivation to study. There is also variation between the young victims about whether they perceive that the schools supported them and/or made adaptations to make sure they could continue with their schoolwork. The schools have a responsibility to make some adaptations, but it is not clear how far this responsibility stretches or to what extent the young victims themselves have been a part of the process. For this reason, they might not have perceived the potential adaptations and support they received from their schools as supportive. Suggestions are given concerning what the schools and other authorities need to think about when working with young victims of crime to make sure they continue with their schoolwork as much as possible.Brottsutsatthetens pĂ„verkan pĂ„ skolgĂ„ngen för ungdomarBrottsofferstöd i Sverige - Matchningen mellan ungdomars behov av stöd efter att ha utsatts för brott och det stöd som finns tillgĂ€ngligt för de

    Who Cares? : A Study of the Social Services’ Responsibility for Crime Victims

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    The Swedish Social Services Act (2001:453) states that crime victims should be a priority group for the social services and that they have a responsibility to ensure that victims receive the needed help and support. The aim with this study was to examine how the Swedish municipal social services fulfil their responsibility for the psychosocial wellbeing of crime victims, by examining the collaboration between Victim Support and the social services. Interviews were conducted with crime victims, crime victim coordinators and social workers. The social services have an overall responsibility for the psy-chosocial support to crime victims. However, the study show that in reality the social services, in many cases, do not provide this help and support, as there is a view that it is not their responsibility. Instead, the victims are referred to various support organisations such as Victim Support, without really knowing what kind of support they are offering. Furthermore, the social services in some mu-nicipalities argue that there is no opportunity for them to collaborate with Victim Support due to con-fidentiality, even though it is possible in other municipalities. Through collaboration resources can be saved, and knowledge and awareness of the victims’ needs can be increased. This can eventually lead to that victims’ receive better care, which can result in shorter recovery time for crisis that may have occurred due to the experience of crime.I socialtjĂ€nstlagen (2001:453) framgĂ„r att brottsoffer ska vara en prioriterad grupp för socialtjĂ€nsten och att de har ansvar för att se till att brottsoffer fĂ„r hjĂ€lp och stöd. Syftet med denna studie var att un-dersöka hur socialtjĂ€nsten uppfyller sitt ansvar för det psykosociala stödet till brottsoffer, genom att undersöka samverkan mellan socialtjĂ€nsten och Brottsofferjouren. Studien genomförs genom intervju-er med brottsoffersamordnare, socialsekreterare och brottsoffer. Det framkommer att socialtjĂ€nsten, enligt socialtjĂ€nstlagen, har det övergripande ansvaret för det psykosociala stödet till brottsoffer. Re-sultatet frĂ„n studien visar dock att socialtjĂ€nsten i mĂ„nga fall inte ger hjĂ€lp och stöd till brottsoffer, dĂ„ det finns ett synsĂ€tt att de inte har ansvar för detta. IstĂ€llet hĂ€nvisas brottsoffren till olika stödorganisa-tioner sĂ„som Brottsofferjouren, utan att socialtjĂ€nsten har nĂ„gon djupare kunskap om vad dessa orga-nisationer erbjuder för stöd. Vidare menar socialtjĂ€nsten i vissa kommuner att det inte finns nĂ„gon möjlighet att samverka med Brottsofferjouren pĂ„ grund av sekretess, trots att andra kommuner kan göra det. Samverkan kan vara ett bra sĂ€tt att spara resurser, samtidigt som kunskapen och medveten-heten kring brottsoffers behov ökar. Detta kan pĂ„ sikt göra att brottsoffer fĂ„r ett bĂ€ttre omhĂ€nderta-gande, vilket i sin tur kan resultera i kortare Ă„terhĂ€mtningstider efter den kris som kan ha uppstĂ„tt i samband med brottsupplevelsen

    Safeguarding personal integrity while collecting sensitive data using narrative interviews – a research note

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    Narrative interviews with young victims of crime can provide information regarding their unique situations and how the victimization has affected their lives. However, the method can be intrusive, and not all young people are able to safeguard their personal integrity. This research note offers reflections on the use of narrative interviews with young victims of crime, and on interview situations that raised ethical quandaries about whether to discontinue the interviews to reduce the risk of harm. The note starts with a brief description of research on sensitive topics, the study, and the narrative method. After that, I reflect upon some interview situations that have left me wondering what I could have done differently, resulting in suggestions on what could be changed.Brottsofferstöd i Sverige - Matchningen mellan ungdomars behov av stöd efter att ha utsatts för brott och det stöd som finns tillgÀngligt för de