1,225 research outputs found

    Design of Coated Magnetic Iron-Oxide Nanogels for Drug Delivery Systems

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    Intelligent and more advanced therapeutic agents, capable of sensing and responding to their environment, are required to treat more complicated and complex diseases. Among all recently developed therapeutic agents, hydrogels are not only intelligent to sense and respond to external stimulus, but also they can be synthesized and designed in the cellular and sub-cellular size scale, which enhance their therapeutic ability. Most body physiological processes are regulated as a consequence of pH gradient in different compartments of the body; besides, changes in pH are also associated with disease or damaged sites within the body. A unique feature of hydrogels is that they can provide a network for loading and release of drugs. Therefore, the drug loaded within pH-responsive nanogels are able to locally release onto the target sites because of their small size, and capability to sense and respond to environmental changes. The goal of this research is to design and implement novel pH-responsive magnetic nanogels for drug delivery that respond to changes in pH. Semi-continuous emulsion polymerization was conducted to synthesize polyampholyte nanogels comprising of methacrylic acid (MAA) and 2-(diethylamino) ethyl methacrylate (DEAEMA) in the presence and absence of steric stabilizer poly (ethylene glycol) methacrylate (PEGMA). The synthesized nanogels demonstrated swelling behavior at both acidic and basic pHs. Herein, procaine hydro chloride (PrHy) was utilized as cationic drug to investigate the release behavior from synthesized nanogels under different conditions. PrHy was loaded within nanogels through hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen bonding, as confirmed by isothermal titration calorimetry. The release study of PrHy molecules from nanogels was conducted by applying the versatile and easy technique of drug selective electrode, in which the concentration of released drug was measured as a function of time. In order to facilitate the purification and enhance the detection of nanogels, iron oxide particles (Fe3O4) were co-precipitated within nanogels to form magnetic nanogels. Subsequently, layer-by-layer coating of polyelectrolytes were performed to control and eliminate the initial burst release of PrHy from nanogel by increasing the diffusion barrier and manipulating the permeability of nanogels. For the purpose of this research low molecular weight chitosan (CS) was used as polycation and poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS) was acted as polyanion to coat magnetic nanogels. The more layers was applied, the more reduction in burst release was observed, which was revealed by using drug selective electrode to measure the concentration of the released drug from coated nanogels. Besides, layer-by-layer coating prolonged the time require to reach the steady state drug release. Therefore, this synthesized polyampholyte coated iron-oxide nanogels demonstrate great potential for use in controlled drug delivery systems

    Fabrication et caractérisation de dispositifs photoniques en verre hybride synthétisé par voie de sol-gel

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    Sol-gel pour la photonique -- Synthèse du verre hybride par voie sol-gel (VHSG) -- Caractérisation de guides plans -- Fabrication des guides d'ondes optique polyglass -- Photolithography fabrication of sol-gel ridge Waveguide -- SEM and AFM studies of polyglass ridge waveguides -- Composant photonique pour la télécommunication -- Polyglass integrated optics devices for lightwave communication -- Sol-gel waveguide and grating on silicon -- Sol-gel integrated optics devices : star coupler and dense WDM

    Vom Weg und Irrweg der Etymologie. Eine lexikalische Ermittlung der Verwandtschaft, der Ăśbernahme und der akzidentiellen Ăśbereinstimmung: Mit Blick auf Koeffizienten der Ă„hnlichkeit in deutsch-persischen Wortpaaren

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    Durch etymologische Untersuchungen, die gleichermaßen im Dienste der „Historischen Sprachwissenschaft“ und „Lexikographie“ stehen, treten noch die Wege und nicht selten Irr- bzw. Abwege der etymologischen Forschung (u. a. Volksetymologien) zutage. Dies setzt eine sowohl affirmative als auch negierende Auseinandersetzung mit der Lexik der zu erforschenden Sprache/n voraus. Erstere ist zwar allgemeingültiger als letztere, nichtsdestoweniger gehören beide zur Grundlage der etymologischen Forschung schlechthin. Denn eine negierende Etymologie ist auch als etymologische Beschäftigung mit den Lexemen einer bzw. zweier/mehrerer Sprachen aufzufassen. In theoretischer und praktischer Hinsicht beziehen sich die sprachenpaarbezogenen lexikalischen Ähnlichkeiten bekanntermaßen primär auf diejenigen Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen, die aufgrund einer (möglichen) gemeinsamen Ursprache (vgl. Sprachgenealogie) sowie Entlehnung (vl. Sprachkontaktforschung) zustande gekommen sind, und sekundär auf einige zufallsbedingte Übereinstimmungen. Letztere hat man bis dato fast ausschließlich als Falsche Freunde und z. T. Onomatopoetika verstanden und erforscht. Eine weitere Möglichkeit für die Identifizierung solcher vergleichbaren Wortpaare wurde bisher entweder nicht erkannt bzw. für verschiedene Erscheinungen eines vermeintlichen Substratwortes gehalten (vgl. Kluge 2011: 163), oder gar abgelehnt (vgl. Kroschewski 2000: 49). In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird zum ersten Mal eine neue Unterkategorie der akzidentiellen Lexempaare, nämlich „Unbewusste Freunde“, die von rein zufälligen formal-inhaltlichen Ähnlichkeiten oder – seltener – Gleichheiten eines (beliebigen) Sprachenpaars zeugen, vorgestellt (vgl. etwa folgende deutsch-persische Lexempaare: /Gösch/ vs. /guš[e]/; /immun/ vs. /imen/; /Nock/ vs. /nok/ usw.). Diese interlingualen Wörter werden samt weiteren, vorhin genannten Subklassen der gemeinsamen Wörter eines idealtypischen Sprachenpaars wie Deutsch-Persisch, – anhand der v. a. gegenwartsbezogenen sowie historisch-etymologischen und indogermanischen (Sprach)Wörterbücher und Lexika derer, die als Speicher der Korpora dieser Arbeit fungieren –, ausführlich und ganzheitlich, d. h. mit mustergültigen Beispielen im Hauptteil und schließlich im Glossar, ins Auge gefasst (vgl. Kapitel 6 und 7). Die restlichen Teile dieser Arbeit (vgl. Kapitel 1-5) gelten vielmehr als hinführende bzw. informativ-interpretative Grundlage für die Gegenüberstellung, Beschreibung und Analyse der Wortpaare dieser Sprachen

    Comparison of 1 versus 3 Days Post-operative Catheterization after Anterior Colporrhaphy

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    With attention to the fact that after anterior colporrhaphy surgery and stitches on vaginal mucus, inserting urinary catheter is requested, according to scientific references and in order to prevent from urinary retention, it has been said that the catheter should be inserted for 3 days. But inserting the catheter leads to infections of bladder and pain. So, in the present study, we compared the removal of the catheter 24 hours versus 72 hours after the surgery, considering urinary infections, urinary retention, patient’s ease and hospitalization. Within two groups of 70 patients, which has been assimilated based on basic factors (devided into two groups accidently with excel table) urinary catheter fixed for 1 and 3 days. After that, patients were compared considering urinary retention, urinary infections and the rate of patient satisfaction. Urinary retention was 28.6% in the test group and 22.9% in a controlling group which was not statistically meaningful (P=0.78). Urinary infections were 22.9% in the test group and 34.3% in the controlling group (P=0.42) and the rate of patient’ssatisfactions was 57.1% in the test group and 40% in controlling group (P=0.23). The hospitalization period in the test group and in the control group was 2.91±0.61 and 3.94± 0.59 days respectively with a significant difference (P=0.001). The results showed that short time catheterization is more satisfactory in comparison long catheterizations

    Referral pattern and co-management of keratoconus patients in primary eye care: A survey of three European countries

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose: To explore current primary care practices in keratoconus management in Portugal and compare with previous reported results in two European countries (the UK and Spain), with a special focus on interdisciplinary collaboration and referral practice patterns. Methods: An online survey adapted to European professional practice was distributed (via newsletters) by the Portuguese Optometrist Association to explore keratoconus patient management and referral practice patterns among Portuguese practitioners. Results: Responses of 119 optometrists were compared with previous reported of 464 eye-care practitioners (126 in the UK and 338 in Spain). Most respondents (79% in Portugal, 71% in the UK and 76% in Spain; p = 0.31) had < 5 new keratoconus patients each year. No accepted referral criterion was found (p < 0.01) because small number of the respondents (14%) in Portugal referred out at initial diagnosis (50% in the UK and Spain); 32% referred out when progression was detected (17% in the UK and 30% in Spain); and a minority (10% in Portugal, 9% in the UK, and 6% in Spain) referred out when visual acuity was affected. A majority of respondents (83%) in Portugal reported no co-management with ophthalmologists (60% in the UK and 73% in Spain; p < 0.01). Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to encourage interdisciplinary collaboration between practitioners to improve referral of patients with suspected keratoconus to an ophthalmology specialist to change the course of this disease, to reduce keratoconus progression and visual acuity impairment and to minimize the impact of this disease on patients’ quality of life

    Studying the ShcD and ERK interaction under acute oxidative stress conditions in melanoma cells.

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    The newly identified melanoma-associated adaptor ShcD was found to translocate to the nucleus upon hydrogen peroxide treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identify the ShcD network in melanoma cells under oxidative stress. LC-MS/MS and GFP-trap were performed to study the ShcD phosphorylation status during acute severe oxidative stress. ShcD was found to be phosphorylated at threonine-159 (Thr159) in response to 5 mM H2O2 treatment. The GPS 2.1 phosphorylation prediction program predicted that the Thr159Pro motif, housed in the N-terminus of the ShcD-CH2 domain, is a potential phosphorylation site for MAPKs (ERK, JNK or p38). Co-immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that ShcD mainly interacts with ERK in B16 and MM138 melanoma cells under both hydrogen peroxide-untreated and -treated conditions. Moreover, ShcD interacts with both phosphorylated and un-phosphorylated ERK, although the interaction between ShcD and phospho-ERK was primarily observed after H2O2 treatment. A MEK inhibitor (U0126) enhanced the interaction between ShcD and unphosphorylated ERK under oxidative stress conditions. Furthermore, Thr159 was mutated to either alanine (A) or glutamic acid (E) to study whether the threonine phosphorylation state influences the ShcD/ERK interaction. Introducing the T159E mutation obliterated the ShcD/ERK interaction. To identify the functional impact of the ShcD/ERK interaction on cell survival signalling under oxidative stress conditions, caspase 3/7 assays and 7AAD cell death assays were used. The ShcD/ERK interaction promoted anti-survival signalling upon exposure to hydrogen peroxide, while U0126 treatment reduced death signalling. Our data also showed that the death signalling initiated by the ShcD/ERK interaction was accompanied by p21 phosphorylation. In summary, these data identified ShcD, via its interaction with ERK, as a proapoptotic protein under oxidative stress conditions

    Post-COVID-19 chest imaging evaluation: which patients should be prioritized for follow-up pulmonary assessment?

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    Objectives: The current study evaluated the long‑term lung abnormalities based on initial and follow‑up chest computed tomography (CT) images of COVID‑19 patients and investigates the possible factors associated with them. Methods: One hundred and twenty‑four hospitalized COVID‑19 patients who received a follow‑up chest CT scan in three hospitals in Tehran between February 20, 2021 and September, 2021, were included. Based on the presence of persistent lesions in the follow‑up images, patients were divided into residual and nonresidual groups, and logistic regression analysis was performed to investigate the association between different disease characteristics and long‑term lung abnormalities. Results: The most frequent abnormality in the initial imaging was ground‑glass opacities which was observed in 95.3% of patients, and residual lesions were observed in 39.8% of patients at the follow‑up date. Patients in the residual group were generally older, more frequently suffered from hypertension and dyspnea, and had lower oxygen saturation and lymphocyte count, and lymphopenia was more prevalent among them. Moreover, patients in the residual group had higher initial lung involvement score, and the presence of lymphadenopathy and consolidation was more frequent among them. After adjustment for age, gender, and intervals between the two imagings, logistic regression results showed that hospitalization period, dyspnea, decreased oxygen saturation, decreased lymphocyte count, lymphopenia, consolidation, lymphadenopathy, and high initial lung involvement were strongly associated with the presence of long‑term abnormalities. Conclusion: The current study revealed multiple discrepancies between residual and nonresidual groups, which can be used to better identify the patients at risk of long‑term COVID‑19 lung complications

    A Systematic Review of Psychometric Properties of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in Iranian Population

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    Background: Regarding adverse effects of postpartum depression on maternal mental health and the reduction of mother-infant attachment, there is a need to comprehensively understand Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). We aimed to review the validity and reliability of the EPDS in Iranian population to provide comprehensive information for the health providers. Materials and Methods The search procedure was fulfilled on the databases of Medline (via PubMed), Scopus, Cochran Library and Web of Science from inception to April 2018. The quality of studies was assessed by COSMIN checklist. Search keywords include (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale) AND (Psychometric Properties). Results: Three studies identified a two-factor structure and one study found a three-factor structure. Discriminant validity of the EPDS was able to differentiate three groups (minor depression, major depression, and healthy women); but failed to distinguish between women with caesarean section, and women with normal delivery. Internal consistency was reported by four studies. Cronbach’s alpha ranged from 0.7 to 0.79 for total EPDS score. Test-retest reliability was reported only in a study with Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) > 0.80. In terms of convergent validity, the EPDS was significantly positively correlated with General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) (r=0.76;

    Humanized celiac-prone epithelium in vitro express MHC-II and co-stimulatory molecules necessary for gluten peptide presentation

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    Background: The role intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) play in the breakdown of tolerance to gluten at an early stage in celiac disease (CeD) is unclear. Epithelial stress is a feature of CeD, and although the triggers are largely unknown, it is accompanied by expression of several markers that could be involved in initiation of inflammatory responses. IECs have been shown to express MHC class II (MHC-II) molecules and participate in antigen presentation in several models. Whether IECs can participate in gluten peptide presentation, the major environmental trigger in celiac disease, is unknown. To study this, a model expressing human MHC-II, HLA DQ8 or HLADQ2, would be required. Aims: To develop organoid monolayers from transgenic mice expressing human celiac risk genes: HLA-DQ8 and -DQ2. To investigate conditions leading to the induction of epithelial MHC-II and its main co-stimulatory molecules, CD80, CD86 and CD40, that could enable early gluten peptide presentation.Instituto de Estudios InmunolĂłgicos y FisiopatolĂłgico
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