371 research outputs found

    A metabolomics perspective on 2 years of high-intensity training in horses

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    The plasma metabolomic profile of elite harness horses subjected to different training programmes was explored. All horses had the same training programme from 1.5 until 2 years of age and then high-intensity training was introduced, with horses divided into high and low training groups. Morning blood samples were collected at 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3.5 years of age. The plasma was analysed using targeted absolute quantitative analysis and a combination of tandem mass spectrometry, flow-injection analysis and liquid chromatography. Differences between the two training groups were observed at 2 years of age, when 161 metabolites and sums and ratios were lower (e.g. ceramide and several triglycerides) and 51 were higher (e.g. aconitic acid, anserine, sum of PUFA cholesteryl esters and solely ketogenic AAs) in High compared with low horses. The metabolites aconitic acid, anserine, leucine, HArg synthesis and sum of solely ketogenic AAs increased over time, while beta alanine synthesis, ceramides and indole decreased. Therefore high-intensity training promoted adaptations linked to aerobic energy production and amino acid metabolism, and potentially also affected pH-buffering and vascular and insulin responses

    Locomotion asymmetry in young Standardbred trotters in training and links to future racing career

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    This study evaluated whether front and hind limb symmetry patterns observed from 1.5 through 3 years of age in Standardbred trotters in training affect racing activity at older age. The hypothesis tested was that asymmetries observed during this period are linked to reduced number of lifetime races and low earnings. Sixteen Standardbreds were subjected to a controlled training and dietary programme from the age of 1.5 years until December as 3-year-olds (P1) and then continued their career with other trainers. On 17 occasions during P1, locomotion asymmetry (vector sum) in front and hind limbs during trot in hand was recorded with a sensor-based system. By 10 years of age, data on lifetime number of races and earnings of the horses were obtained from the Swedish Trotting Association. Horses were divided in groups based on the number of lifetime races performed, i.e. more or less than the median of the cohort born the same year. Mean asymmetry levels did not differ between horses performing more or less lifetime races than the cohort median. However, horses that showed the poorest lifetime race activity showed elevated hind limb asymmetry in August at the age of 3 years, compared to horses with more races (group median: 6±2 mm (P=0.02)). There were no correlations between individual mean and peak asymmetries and lifetime earnings. It is concluded that locomotion symmetry observed during trot in hand at the age of 1.5-year-olds to December as 3-year-olds was not a simple and straight-forward predictor of future racing career. However, hind limb asymmetries of around 10 mm in the late season as 3-year-olds could be a warning of impaired future performance

    Straw as an Alternative to Grass Forage in Horses-Effects on Post-Prandial Metabolic Profile, Energy Intake, Behaviour and Gastric Ulceration

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    Simple Summary Many leisure horses have low energy requirements and obesity is common. Straw has a low energy content and could be a forage option for these horses. However, a previous study suggested that providing straw as the only forage was associated with an increased risk for gastric ulcers. This study evaluated replacing 50% of the daily forage allowance with a good hygienic quality wheat straw. Six horses were fed both the control diet (grass forage only, CON) and the straw diet (50:50 grass forage and straw, S). Each diet was fed for three weeks and all horses were evaluated on both diets. Diet did not affect the prevalence of gastric ulcers. Feed intake time was longer and daily energy intake lower on diet S, compared to CON. Plasma insulin levels were lower on diet S compared to CON, which could be beneficial for horses with overweight or insulin dysregulation. The results suggest that good hygienic wheat straw provided at 50% of the forage ration does not cause gastric ulcers, but may prolong feeding time and promote a metabolic profile more suitable for overweight horses. Including straw as part of the ration therefore may improve welfare for horses with low energy requirements. Straw's low energy content means it is a roughage option for horses with low energy requirements. Previously, in a field study, straw was associated with an increased risk for gastric ulcers. This study evaluated the effect on gastric ulcers, metabolic profile and behaviour of replacing, in a forage-only ration, 50% of the daily allowance with wheat straw. Six equines were studied in a 2 x 21-day cross-over design. The control diet (CON: 100% grass forage) and the straw diet (S: 50% grass forage and 50% straw [DM basis]) were iso-energetic. Gastroscopy was performed prior to the study and on day 21 and blood samples were collected and behavioural observations were performed. Diet did not affect squamous or glandular gastric ulcer scores (p > 0.05). Feed intake time was longer (p < 0.05) plus energy intake and plasma insulin concentrations were lower on diet S compared to CON (p < 0.0001). Plasma serotonin concentrations tended to be higher on diet S compared to CON (p = 0.05). The results suggest that good hygienic quality wheat straw can be included for up to 50% of the diet without causing gastric ulcers and that it can extend feeding time and promote a metabolic profile more suitable for overweight horses

    Föräldrars upplevelser av hur deras barns föreningsaktiviteter påverkar deras aktivitetsbalans i vardagen

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    Bakgrund: Många föräldrar upplever att det är svårt att få en balans mellan arbete och familjeliv. Barnens intressen kräver även föräldrars engagemang och ett fullspäckat eftermiddagsschema med barnens föreningsaktiviteter kan alltså leda till en upplevd aktivitetsobalans och stress. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur föräldrar upplevde att deras barns föreningsaktiviteter påverkade aktivitetsbalansen i vardagen. Upplevelserna beskrevs utifrån arbetsterapimodellen ValMO. Metod: En kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie har genomförts för att kunna sammanställa upplevelserna utifrån ett stickprov. Resultat: Resultatet visade att 34 % upplevde att barnens föreningsaktiviteter påverkade balansen i vardagen så pass att de ibland eller ofta upplevde stress. Många föräldrar spenderade mer tid i och kring föreningsaktiviteterna än vad barnen själva gjorde. Majoriteten av föräldrarna upplever i hög grad att de känner glädje, njutning och att de får uppskattning i aktiviteter i och kring barnens föreningsutövande. Konklusion: Det är vanligt att man som förälder i mer eller mindre grad upplever stress och obalans i samband med barnens föreningsutövanden. Det finns många olika aspekter som spelar in på upplevd obalans, men generellt är det att passa bestämda tider, transport till och från aktiviteter och hänsynstagande till syskon

    Effects of “Rätt Metod Slutavverkning” and ground conditions on quantity of the harvested slash volume

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    Ökade uttag av avverkningsrester som grenar och toppar (GROT) och markskonande åtgärder vid drivning är ett aktuellt ämne i dagens skogsverige. Stora Enso har utformat drivningskonceptet RMSA (Rätt Metod Slutavverkning), vars syfte framförallt består i att med en bra planering och ett gemensamt arbetssätt minimera markskador och få, generellt sett, ett högre uttag av GROT. Enligt Stora Enso förväntas konceptet även resultera i en högre produktivitet och bättre arbetsmiljö. Analys på huruvida medelskotningsavståndet och bränsleförbrukningen påverkas av RMSA har tidigare gjorts. Men studier som analyserar GROT-uttaget har inte genomförts, då konceptet är relativt nytt. Studiens syfte var således att analysera hur volymen uttagen GROT påverkades av införande av RMSA i jämförelse mot den tidigare konventionella metoden. I studien ingick tre arbetslag under två tidsperioder (2011 och 2013). Studien behandlade huruvida GROT-uttagen påverkats av metoden med avseende på markförhållanden som grundförhållande, ytstuktur och lutning (GYL). Även hur uttagen förändrats i genomsnitt samt om det funnits förändringar i volymuppskattningen av GROT efter införandet analyserades. Resultaten visar att en markant ökning i GROT-uttag fanns efter införandet av RMSA. Då en ökning av inmätt GROT har skett från 6,91m3f/ha (2011) till 13,14m3f/ha (2013) i medeltal och med avseende på den totala arealen. Uppskattningarna av volymen GROT har generellt blivit sämre i och med det nya konceptet. En ökning i uttag har skett på marker med sämre drivningsförhållanden med avseende på grundförhållande, ytstruktur och lutning.Increased removal of logging residues (slash) and ground-protecting measures while driving in the forest is today topical. Stora Enso has developed a logging concept named RMSA aimed primarily in having a good planning, a common approach to minimize soil damage and a higher general extraction of slash. According to Stora Enso the concept also expects to result in higher productivity and better work environment for the machine drivers. Analysis on whether the mean forwarding distance and fuel consumption is affected by the method has been done. But no study analyzing the changes in slash-volume exists yet, due to the fact that the concept is relatively new. The purpose of this study was therefore to analyze how the volume of slash is affected by implementing the RMSA method in comparison to the conventional method. The study involved three working teams during two time periods (2011 and 2013). The study considered whether the slash part was influenced by the method with respect to ground condition, surface texture and slope. Even the change in average volume of sampled slash, and if there have been changes in the volume estimate of slash after the introduction, was analyzed. The results indicated that a significant increase in removal of slash was found after the introduction of RMSA. An increase of the measured slash volume has been made from 6.91 m3s/ha (2011) to 13.14 m3s/ha (2013), given in average values with respect to the total area. The precision in estimates of the volume of slash have generally become lower as the new concept has begun to be used. An increase in slash volume occurred on soils with poor driving conditions with respect to the ground condition, surface texture and slope

    Restorative hospital environments : the importance of design and size for the outdoor environment

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    Naturen har betydelse för människans tillfrisknande och välmående och därför kan naturens olika egenskaper efterliknas i utformning av utemiljöer för att ge hälsofrämjande effekt.Det är högst relevant i sjukhusmiljöer där ett stort antal människor är i behov av välgörande miljöer. Samtidigt som studier visar att grönytor ger positiva effekter för hälsan pågår det förtätning i städerna. Förtätningen leder till att det ofta byggs på befintliga grönytor, och därmed försvinner eller förminskas grönområdena vid sjukhusen. Syftet med detta arbete var att studera utemiljöns storleks betydelse i relation till innehåll och utformning av restorativa miljöer. Målet var att undersöka vilka miljöegenskaper som är viktiga för restorativa upplevelser och hur dessa egenskaper samverkar med ytans storlek.Att studera om ytans storlek har betydelse för den restorativa upplevelsen är av värde för att veta vad den urbana miljön och i detta fall sjukhusområden, går miste om när grönytorminskar. En litteraturstudie kombinerades med fallstudier på Rigets Have, Rigshospitalet iKöpenhamn och Slingan, Ryhovsområdet i Jönköping, två utemiljöer som skiljer sig åt i storlek och utformning. I fallstudien gjordes en bedömning om huruvida miljöegenskaper som enligt litteraturstudien visats vara viktigt för den restorativa upplevelsen, kunde upplevas på de två olika sjukhusområdena. Resultat av litteraturstudie så väl som fallstudie är att restorativa upplevelser kan förminskas i utemiljöer som är alltför storleksmässigt begränsade. Begränsade ytor på grönområden är ett stort problem vid just sjukhus där det finns ett omfattande behov av utemiljöer av restorativ karaktär. Begränsade ytor har även högre sannolikhet att påverkas negativt av störande “grannmiljöer” (exempelvis vägar) än större grönytor, som själva kan gränsa av mot störningningsobjektet.Nature has an effect on human recovery and well-being and for that reason characteristics of nature can be imitated in outdoor environments to give health promotive effects. This is relevant for hospital environments where a large group of people are in need of beneficial environments. At the same time as studies show that green areas gives positive effects on health a densification in the cities is in progress. Densification is common in the green areas of cities and it leads to green areas being reduced in size or completely eliminated. The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to study the outdoor environment size in relation to the content and formation of restorative environments. The goal was to studywhich environmental characteristics are important for restorative experiences and how these characteristics co-operate with the size of the environment. Studies about whether the size influences the restorative experience is of value since it can show what the cities is missing out on when the green areas reduces. A literature study was combined with case studies at Rigets Have, Copenhagen and Slingan, in the area of Ryhov in Jönköping; two outdoor environments that differs in size and formation. In the case studies it was assessed whether or not the environmental characteristics that were found to be important for a restorative experience in the literature study, could be experienced in the two different hospital areas. The result of the literature study as well as the case studies have shown that size and design are important for the experience of restorative environments. Limited size is a big problemin hospital areas since there is a big need of restorative environments there. Areas of limited size also have bigger likelihood of being negatively affected by disturbing “neighbouringareas” (for example roads) then bigger areas, which by themselves create a border and distance to the disturbing object

    Reduced high-intensity training distance in growing horses had no effect on IGF-1 concentrations, but training onset interrupted time-dependent IGF-1 decline

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    This study investigated plasma insulin like growth factor (IGF)-1 concentrations in 16 young Standardbred horses introduced to systematic high-intensity training at two different levels of intensity. Growth and locomotion asymmetry and correlations between these and plasma IGF-1 concentrations were also examined. From September as 1-year olds to March as 2-year olds (Period 1), all horses were subjected to the same submaximal training program. In March (start of Period 2), the horses were divided into two groups (n=8) and one group was introduced to regular high-intensity training. The other group was introduced to a program where the high-intensity exercise distances were reduced by 30%. These two training programs were maintained for the remaining 21 months of the study (Periods 2, 3, and 4). There was no effect of training group on plasma IGF-1 concentrations. A continuous decline in IGF-1 levels was observed throughout the study (PP>0.05). Front and hind limb asymmetry was elevated in Period 2 compared with Period 1. There were positive correlations between IGF-1 concentrations and changes in body condition score, and a negative correlation between IGF-1 concentration and weight. These results indicate that introduction to high-intensity training induces IGF-1 release in horses, but that a 30% difference in the distances used in high-intensity training does not affect IGF-1 levels. The temporary interruption in decline in IGF-1 release with the onset of high-intensity training may influence growth pattern and locomotion asymmetry, but further studies are needed to assess causality

    Chemical composition of horse hooves with functional qualities for competing barefoot

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    Barefoot racing is a common practice within the harness racing industry, but not all horses have hooves of sufficient quality to race sustainably without shoes. There is currently no objective approach available to assess whether a horse’s hooves are suitable for barefoot racing, raising animal welfare issues if trainers misjudge the functional qualities of hooves. This study compared chemical composition of the hoof wall and fatty acid (FA) composition of the digital cushion in a group of horses that had raced barefoot often (RB) and a group of horses that could not race barefoot and therefore raced with shoes (RS). Trimmings from the hind hoof wall were collected from the lateral quarters in one sub-cohort postmortem and in another sub-cohort of live horses and analyzed for macro- and microelements, nitrogen, dry matter (DM), and total and free amino acid content. For the postmortem horses, samples of the digital cushion were also collected and analyzed for total and free FAs. RB horses had lower concentrations of copper in the hoof wall (17.5 ± 3.9 vs. 32.8 ± 4.7 mg/kg DM, P = 0.02) than RS horses. RB horses also tended (

    Val av energieffektiviserande åtgärder: en studie av fastighetsägarnas investeringsbedömning vid renovering

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    In order to achieve the national climate goals in Sweden, energy-efficiency has been noticed as a strategic area. Despite of the possibility, investments in sustainable retrofit of building blocks are not prioritized among property owners. Instead, projects with a higher profit are chosen. Therefore, it is essential to scrutinize the decision-makers motivation during this investments and how the profitability are measured among property owners. The purpose of this master thesis is to highlight the property owners’ priorities and considerations when investing in energy-efficiency packages during sustainable retrofits. The study is designed with an explorative approach, where the phenomenon can be studied with a qualitative method. It is a combination of multiple case-studies and an interview study, which have been analyzed with the foundation of a theoretical framework consisting of investment planning and retrofits. The property owners prioritize the following aspects when investing in energy-efficiency packages during sustainable retrofits; the building's requirements, packages with a small investment cost, decrease operation costs and the property management. The building’s technical requirements determine the possibilities of investment and the available capital crucial. Three dimensions can be identified for the profitability assessment, to the extent of a formalized process; standardized (formal), routine and experience based (in formal).För att uppnå de nationella klimatmålen har energieffektivisering vid renovering av flerbostadshus uppmärksammats som ett strategiskt område. Dock väljer många fastighetsägare bort investeringar i energieffektiviserande åtgärder till förmån för projekt som anses vara mer lönsamma. Därmed är det av intresse att undersöka hur fastighetsägarna motiverar sina val vid investeringar i energieffektiviserande åtgärder och hur de bedömer lönsamheten i åtgärderna. Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att belysa vad fastig-hetsägarna beaktar vid en investering i energieffektiviserande åtgärder vid renovering av flerbostadshus. Studien utgår från en explorativ ansats, där ett empiriskt fenomen studeras utifrån en kvalitativ metod. Den är utformad som en kombination av multipla fallstudier och intervjustudier, som har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk inom investeringsbedömning och val av energieffektiviserande åtgärder. Fastighetsägarna prioriterar följande faktorer vid en investering i energieffektiviserande åtgärder vid en renovering; fastighetens behov, åtgärder med en liten investeringskostnad, minska fastighetens driftskostnad samt förvaltning av fastig-heten. Fastighetens tekniska behov avgör möjligheten till in-vestering, därefter är det ekonomiska investeringsutrymmet avgörande. Tre mönster synliggörs vid fastighetsägarnas vid lönsamhetsbedömning, utifrån graden av formalisering; stan-dardiserad (formell), slentrianmässig samt erfarenhetsbaserad (informell)