2,619 research outputs found

    Dark sector searches at neutrino experiments

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    Despite considerable progress in the understanding of fundamental particles and interactions and the striking predictive power of the Standard Model in collider experiments, some key questions in the understanding of Nature still remain unanswered. What is the origin of neutrino masses? What is dark matter made of? Why is there an imbalance between baryons and anti-baryons in the Universe? These questions call for new physics beyond the Standard Model. For decades, the majority of the experimental effort has been directed to the search for new particles with sizeable couplings to the Standard Model and masses at the TeV scale. However, recent theoretical and experimental developments have brought new attention to the dark sectors, i.e. extensions of the Standard Model at scales below the electroweak scale and which are weakly coupled to the visible sector. In some of these rich dark sector models, it is possible to have dark photons decaying semi-visibly, meaning that the final state contains both visible and invisible particles, making it possible to circumvent current experimental constraints on the masses of the dark photons and mixing with the SM photon. This project will focus on models containing multiple dark fermions, where the lighter of these can be made stable through some additional symmetry that forbids the mixing with active neutrinos, making it a viable dark matter candidate. This model can leave visible signatures in ProtoDUNE detectors, located at CERN. Protons extracted from the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS), with energies up to 400 GeV, can generate a flux of BSM particles that can reach the ProtoDUNE detectors. These are liquid Argon Time Projection Chambers (LArTPCs) constructed to test and consolidate the technologies of the DUNE Far Detector. Thanks to its large volume and the high density of liquid argon, stable particles coming into the detector can interact, leading to an excess of electron recoil

    Effect on the energy market of the potential switching to heat pumps for space heating

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    The main subject of this work is to understand what could happen in the Italian electricity market if a given share of building heating demand had switched from gas to electricity heating devices. The objective is to define the optimal share to switch in terms of minimization of environmental (CO2) emissions. The effects of such switching on the national energy system are analyzed from the financial point of view, depending also on the heating habits of final users. An hourly simulation of the electricity market has been performed by means of a bid stack model (BIDSM) developed at University of Genoa, calculating market prices, power plant generation typology, fuel consumption and global CO2 emissions. All the data are averaged on a national basis and results are reported for two different time schedule of heating requirements of the final users. In each case, the total energy consumption is fixed, and local "degree days" and location energy needs are considered. It seems that the use of heat pumps for building heating is a real option and that the user habits has a little impact on optimal share of switching from gas to heat pumps, at least concerning CO2 emission minimization

    Multimodal treatment for local recurrent malignant gliomas: resurgery and/or reirradiation followed by chemotherapy

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    The therapeutic management of recurrent malignant gliomas (MGs) is not determined. Therefore, the efficacy of a multimodal approach and a combination systemic therapy was investigated. A retrospective analysis of 26 MGs patients at first relapse treated with multimodal therapy (chemotherapy plus surgery and/or reirradiation) or chemotherapy alone was performed. Second-line chemotherapy consisted of fotemustine (FTM) in combination with bevacizumab (BEV) (cFTM/BEV) or followed by third-line BEV (sFTM/BEV). Subgroup analyses were performed. Multimodal therapy provided a higher overall response rate (ORR) (73 vs. 47%), disease control rate (DCR) (82 vs. 67%), median progression-free survival (mPFS) (11 vs. 7 months; P=0.08) and median overall survival (mOS) (13 vs. 8 months; P=0.04) compared with chemotherapy. Concomitant FTM/BEV resulted in higher ORR (84 vs. 36%), DCR (92 vs. 57%), mPFS (10 vs. 5 months; P=0.22) and mOS (11 vs. 5.2 months; P=0.15) compared with sFTM/BEV. Methylated patients did not experience additional survival benefits with multimodality treatment but had higher mPFS (10 vs 7.1 months; P=0.33) and mOS (11 vs. 8 months; P=0.33) with cFTM/BEV. Unmethylated patients experienced the greatest survival benefit with the multimodal approach (mPFS: 10 vs. 5 months; mOS 11 vs 6 months; both P=0.02) and cFTM/BEV (mPFS: 5 vs. 2 months; mOS 6 vs. 3.2 months; both P=0.01). In conclusion, in recurrent MGs, multimodal therapy and cFTM/BEV provide survival and response benefits. Methylated patients benefit from a cFTM/BEV but not from a multimodal approach. Notably, unmethylated patients had the highest survival benefit with the two strategies

    3D scaffolds to model the hematopoietic stem cell niche: applications and perspectives

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are responsible for the production of blood and immune cells during life. HSC fate decisions are dependent on signals from specialized microenvironments in the bone marrow, termed niches. The HSC niche is a tridimensional environment that comprises cellular, chemical, and physical elements. Introductorily, we will revise the current knowledge of some relevant elements of the niche. Despite the importance of the niche in HSC function, most experimental approaches to study human HSCs use bidimensional models. Probably, this contributes to the failure in translating many in vitro findings into a clinical setting. Recreating the complexity of the bone marrow microenvironment in vitro would provide a powerful tool to achieve in vitro production of HSCs for transplantation, develop more effective therapies for hematologic malignancies and provide deeper insight into the HSC niche. We previously demonstrated that an optimized decellularization method can preserve with striking detail the ECM architecture of the bone marrow niche and support HSC culture. We will discuss the potential of this decellularized scaffold as HSC niche model. Besides decellularized scaffolds, several other methods have been reported to mimic some characteristics of the HSC niche. In this review, we will examine these models and their applications, advantages, and limitations143FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2013/17227-

    Learning from the past, intervening in the present: the role of conservation science in the challenging restoration of the wall painting Marriage at Cana by Luca Longhi (Ravenna, Italy)

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    The paper discusses the case study of the Marriage at Cana, a sixteenth century wall painting located in Ravenna and executed by Luca Longhi. A multi-analytical approach based upon OM, SEM–EDS, μ-Raman, μ-FTIR and biological analyses was selected to investigate the painting technique and the state of preservation of the artwork, compromised by a severe alteration. Data demonstrated that the artwork was executed with a dry painting technique: a siccative oil was used as binder, while indigo, lead white, carbon black, ochres, vermilion and red lead were identifed as pigments. Biological analyses clearly allowed identifying Eurotium halophilicum as the fungus responsible for the white patina compromising the painted surface and, according to this result, Biotin T was selected as the most efective biocide to stop the biological attack. The precarious conditions in which the painting was, attributable to previously performed interventions and to the conservation environment, laid the groundwork for a challenging restoration conducted in 2016. Scientifc analyses better clarifed the kind of materials employed in the execution on the artwork, as well as how the previous restoration was carried out; furthermore, analytical data methodologically supported phases of the intervention like cleaning, flling of the lacunae and pictorial retouching, as products were selected on the basis of their afnity to original materials and painting technique. This study will hopefully encourage refections on how a synergic dialogue between conservation science and restoration can represent an important reference point for interventions to be conducted with scientifc criteria and suitable methodology, in the light of the shared vision and common goal of transferring patrimony to future generation

    Sustainable Magnetic Materials (from Chitosan and Municipal Biowaste) for the Removal of Diclofenac from Water

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    [EN] The photodegradation of an aqueous solution of diclofenac (DCF) has been attempted in the presence of hydrogen peroxide and organic/inorganic hybrid magnetic materials under simulated and real solar light. The hybrid magnetic materials have been prepared via coprecipitation synthesis starting from iron(II) and iron(III) inorganic salts in the presence of bioderived organic products (i.e., chitosan or bio-based substances isolated from commercially available composted urban biowastes) acting as stabilizers of the iron-containing phase. In addition to the as prepared hybrid materials, the corresponding materials obtained after a pyrolytic step at low temperature (550 degrees C) have been tested. The obtained results evidenced the capability of the materials to activate hydrogen peroxide at mild pH promoting DCF (photo) degradation. All the materials feature also as adsorbents since a decrease of DCF is observed also when working in the dark and in the absence of hydrogen peroxide.This work was realized with financial support for academic interchange from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange project, funded by the European Commission H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 within the framework of the research project Mat4treaT (Project number: 645,551). Politecnico di Torino is gratefully acknowledged for funding project Starting Grant RTD (project number: 54_RSG17NIR01).Nisticò, R.; Bianco Prevot, A.; Magnacca, G.; Canone, L.; García-Ballesteros, S.; Arqués Sanz, A. (2019). Sustainable Magnetic Materials (from Chitosan and Municipal Biowaste) for the Removal of Diclofenac from Water. Nanomaterials. 9(8):1-14. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano908109111498Applying the Circular Economy Lens to Waterhttp://circulatenews.org/2017/01/applying-the-circular-economy-lens-to-water/Petrie, B., Barden, R., & Kasprzyk-Hordern, B. (2015). A review on emerging contaminants in wastewaters and the environment: Current knowledge, understudied areas and recommendations for future monitoring. Water Research, 72, 3-27. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2014.08.053Bethi, B., Sonawane, S. H., Bhanvase, B. A., & Gumfekar, S. P. (2016). Nanomaterials-based advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment: A review. Chemical Engineering and Processing - Process Intensification, 109, 178-189. doi:10.1016/j.cep.2016.08.016Andreozzi, R. (1999). Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) for water purification and recovery. Catalysis Today, 53(1), 51-59. doi:10.1016/s0920-5861(99)00102-9Oturan, M. A., & Aaron, J.-J. (2014). Advanced Oxidation Processes in Water/Wastewater Treatment: Principles and Applications. A Review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 44(23), 2577-2641. doi:10.1080/10643389.2013.829765Ghatak, H. R. (2014). Advanced Oxidation Processes for the Treatment of Biorecalcitrant Organics in Wastewater. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 44(11), 1167-1219. doi:10.1080/10643389.2013.763581Richardson, S. D., & Ternes, T. A. (2017). Water Analysis: Emerging Contaminants and Current Issues. Analytical Chemistry, 90(1), 398-428. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.7b04577Minella, M., Marchetti, G., De Laurentiis, E., Malandrino, M., Maurino, V., Minero, C., … Hanna, K. (2014). Photo-Fenton oxidation of phenol with magnetite as iron source. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 154-155, 102-109. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2014.02.006Nadejde, C., Neamtu, M., Hodoroaba, V.-D., Schneider, R. J., Paul, A., Ababei, G., & Panne, U. (2015). Tannic acid- and natural organic matter-coated magnetite as green Fenton-like catalysts for the removal of water pollutants. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 17(12). doi:10.1007/s11051-015-3290-0Nadejde, C., Neamtu, M., Hodoroaba, V.-D., Schneider, R. J., Paul, A., Ababei, G., & Panne, U. (2015). Green Fenton-like magnetic nanocatalysts: Synthesis, characterization and catalytic application. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 176-177, 667-677. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.04.050Munoz, M., de Pedro, Z. M., Casas, J. A., & Rodriguez, J. J. (2015). Preparation of magnetite-based catalysts and their application in heterogeneous Fenton oxidation – A review. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 176-177, 249-265. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2015.04.003Palma, D., Bianco Prevot, A., Celi, L., Martin, M., Fabbri, D., Magnacca, G., … Nisticò, R. (2018). Isolation, Characterization, and Environmental Application of Bio-Based Materials as Auxiliaries in Photocatalytic Processes. Catalysts, 8(5), 197. doi:10.3390/catal8050197Franzoso, F., Nisticò, R., Cesano, F., Corazzari, I., Turci, F., Scarano, D., … Mártire, D. O. (2017). Biowaste-derived substances as a tool for obtaining magnet-sensitive materials for environmental applications in wastewater treatments. Chemical Engineering Journal, 310, 307-316. doi:10.1016/j.cej.2016.10.120Nisticò, R., Cesano, F., Franzoso, F., Magnacca, G., Scarano, D., Funes, I. G., … Parolo, M. E. (2018). From biowaste to magnet-responsive materials for water remediation from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Chemosphere, 202, 686-693. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.03.153Nisticò, R., Franzoso, F., Cesano, F., Scarano, D., Magnacca, G., Parolo, M. E., & Carlos, L. (2016). Chitosan-Derived Iron Oxide Systems for Magnetically Guided and Efficient Water Purification Processes from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 5(1), 793-801. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.6b02126Nisticò, R., Celi, L. R., Bianco Prevot, A., Carlos, L., Magnacca, G., Zanzo, E., & Martin, M. (2018). Sustainable magnet-responsive nanomaterials for the removal of arsenic from contaminated water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 342, 260-269. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.08.034Standard Methods Online Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewaterhttp://standardmethods.org/Amat, A. ., Arques, A., Beneyto, H., Garcı́a, A., Miranda, M. A., & Seguı́, S. (2003). Ozonisation coupled with biological degradation for treatment of phenolic pollutants: a mechanistically based study. Chemosphere, 53(1), 79-86. doi:10.1016/s0045-6535(03)00450-8Pérez-Estrada, L. A., Malato, S., Gernjak, W., Agüera, A., Thurman, E. M., Ferrer, I., & Fernández-Alba, A. R. (2005). Photo-Fenton Degradation of Diclofenac:  Identification of Main Intermediates and Degradation Pathway. Environmental Science & Technology, 39(21), 8300-8306. doi:10.1021/es050794