2,248 research outputs found

    Proceso de edición de un manuscrito de Ramón Menéndez Pidal: "Etapas en la vida y obra de Menéndez Pelayo"

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    In 1914, Ramón Menéndez Pidal was invited to give a series of lectures in honor of Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo by the Spanish Cultural Institution of Buenos Aires. The text of these lectures, was rewrited by the author later with the intention of publishing it like a book. The project was aborted and only now it has been resumed in the Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal in order to make a critical edition. This article wants to explain the state of the manuscript as well as summarize its content, its editing problems and the possible solutions that have been raised. This is an announcement of what will be found later when editing is completed.En 1914, Ramón Menéndez Pidal fue invitado por la Institución Cultural Española de Buenos Aires para dar una serie de conferencias en homenaje a Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo. El texto de estas conferencias, en su mayor parte inédito, fue reelaborado por el autor en años posteriores con intención de publicarlo en forma de libro. Dicho proyecto quedó abortado y solo ahora ha sido recuperado en la Fundación Ramón Menéndez Pidal con el objeto de realizar una edición crítica del mismo. Este artículo tiene como objetivo precisamente dar a conocer el estado del manuscrito, así como esbozar su contenido, los problemas de edición que presenta y las posibles soluciones que se han planteado. Se trata de un anuncio de lo que podrá encontrarse más adelante, cuando la edición esté concluid


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    Bulla. Una apuesta radiofónica por el periodismo cultural andaluz

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    Este es un TFG de carácter creativo. La propuesta consiste en un programa radiofónico bautizado como Bulla. El formato es de tertulia y debate. La temática gira alrededor del periodismo andaluz en todas sus facetas, prensa escrita, televisión, radio y diversas piezas audiovisuales. Para concretar más el ámbito de temas a tratar Bulla se especializará en el periodismo cultural, esto es, cine, música, moda, literatura, teatro, arquitectura, videojuegos, flamenco… Bulla busca poner el foco de atención en el periodismo cultural que se está haciendo en Andalucía, así como otorgar protagonismo al trabajo de los y las profesionales del periodismo andaluz. Para ello se ha optado por crear un espacio de debate, donde analizar la situación actual y plantear soluciones, todo ello de la mano de comunicadoras y comunicadores, y periodistas del ámbito cultural. Para la realización de la preproducción de este programa se han aplicado conocimientos y técnicas de varias asignaturas impartidas en el Doble Grado de Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual, las cuales se mencionan en esta memoria. Además, ha sido esencial realizar un trabajo de investigación previo sobre el trabajo, la trayectoria y la experiencia de las y los periodistas involucrados y participantes del programa, así como un breve estudio del periodismo cultural en general, y más concretamente, del que se está realizando actualmente en Andalucía.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisua

    Pedro de Quiroga, El indio dividido. Fracturas de conciencia en el Perú colonial

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    Quince años, con inevitables interrupciones, le ha llevado a Ana Vian Herrero la preparación de esta magnífica edición de los Coloquios de la verdad de Pedro de Quiroga y, especialmente, del estudio que la precede. No es de extrañar, por ello, la considerable extensión del volumen resultante: cuán difícil debe de haber sido la labor de selección de los materiales a incluir después de tan largo y minucioso trabajo de investigación. Pedro de Quiroga, castellano viejo nacido en la primera mitad ..

    Autoeficacia docente y satisfacción laboral en docentes de IE públicas y privadas

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    Ante las actuales demandas educativas, es importante conocer cómo se perciben los docentes a sí mismos y qué creencias tienen acerca de su eficacia profesional, así como qué tan contentos se encuentran con su labor diaria. El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si existe una relación entre la autoeficacia docente y la satisfacción laboral en docentes de instituciones educativas (IE) particulares como estatales. Para ello, se contó con la participación de 120 docentes de Lima Metropolitana y se utilizó la escala de eficacia percibida de los maestros (TSES) y la Escala de satisfacción laboral para docentes (ESLA-Educación), así como una ficha sociodemográfica. Los resultados indican que a nivel global las variables de estudio no están relacionadas. Sin embargo, las áreas de motivación y eficacia percibida para el manejo de aula están relacionadas significativamente. También existe una diferencia significativa entre las creencias de autoeficacia percibida y en la eficacia para la implicación de estudiantes entre profesores de IE particulares y estatales. Además, no hay diferencia significativa entre los docentes con más años de experiencia en sus niveles de autoeficacia. Finalmente, sólo en los docentes que provienen de IE estatales, la eficacia para el manejo de aula se vincula significativamente con el área de motivación de la Escala de Satisfacción Laboral. En conclusión, la motivación para enseñar está vinculada al sentido de eficacia para el manejo de aula en entornos escolares más desafiantes.Given the current educational challenges, is crucial to understand how teachers perceive themselves, especially what kind of beliefs they have about their teaching efficacy, also how plenty they feel with their daily practice. The aim of this study is to determine whether there was a significant correlation between teacher self-efficacy and their job satisfaction. It worked with a sample of 120 teachers from Lima Metropolitana, who were surveyed with the Teacher Self Efficacy Scale (TSES) and Job Satisfaction Scale (ESLA-Educación) as well as a sociodemographic survey. The results indicated that both teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction are not linked. However, efficacy perceived for classroom management is directly related to the motivational dimension. Likewise, self-efficacy beliefs are significantly related to efficacy for students’ engagement among teachers from private and state schools. Besides, there is no significant difference between teachers with more years of experience in their levels of self-efficacy. However, there is a significant difference between motivational dimension and classroom management. Finally, only in teachers from state schools, teacher motivation and self-efficacy as well as efficacy for classroom management are strongly linked

    A psycho‑educational intervention programme for parents with SGA foetuses supported by an adaptive mHealth system: design, proof of concept and usability assessment

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    Background: Technology-based approaches during pregnancy can facilitate the self-reporting of emotional health issues and improve well-being. There is evidence to suggest that stress during pregnancy can affect the foetus and result in restricted growth and preterm birth. Although a number of mobile health (mHealth) approaches are designed to monitor pregnancy and provide information about a specific aspect, no proposal specifically addresses the interventions in parents at risk of having small-for-gestational-age (SGA) or premature babies. Very few studies, however, follow any design and usability guidelines which aim to ensure end-user satisfaction when using these systems. Results: We have developed an interactive, adaptable mHealth system to support a psycho-educational intervention programme for parents with SGA foetuses. The relevant results include a metamodel to support the task of modelling current or new intervention programmes, an mHealth system model with runtime adaptation to changes in the programme, the design of a usable app (called VivEmbarazo) and an architectural design and prototype implementation. The developed mHealth system has also enabled us to conduct a proof of concept based on the use of the mHealth systems and this includes data analysis and assesses usability and acceptance. Conclusions: The proof of concept confirms that parents are satisfied and that they are enthusiastic about the mHealth-supported intervention programme. It helps to technically validate the results obtained in the other stages relating to the development of the solution. The data analysis resulting from the proof of concept confirms that the stress experienced by parents who followed the mHealth-supported intervention programme was significantly lower than among those who did not follow it. This implies an improvement in the emotional health not only of the parents but also of their child. In fact, the babies of couples who followed the mHealth-supported programme weigh more than the babies of couples under traditional care. In terms of user acceptance and usability, the analysis confirms that mothers place greater value on the app design, usefulness and ease of use and are generally more satisfied than their partners. Although these results are promising in comparison with more traditional and other more recent technology- based approaches.MCIN/AEI PID2019-109644RB-I00Andalusia Ministry of Health (Junta de Andalucia-Spain) PC-0526-2016052

    The Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Neuromuscular Disorders: Moving Beyond Movement

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    Neuromuscular disorders (NMDs) affect 1 in 3000 people worldwide. There are more than 150 different types of NMDs, where the common feature is the loss of muscle strength. These disorders are classified according to their neuroanatomical location, as motor neuron diseases, peripheral nerve diseases, neuromuscular junction diseases, and muscle diseases. Over the years, numerous studies have pointed to protein homeostasis as a crucial factor in the development of these fatal diseases. The ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) plays a fundamental role in maintaining protein homeostasis, being involved in protein degradation, among other cellular functions. Through a cascade of enzymatic reactions, proteins are ubiquitinated, tagged, and translocated to the proteasome to be degraded. Within the ubiquitin system, we can find three main groups of enzymes: E1 (ubiquitin-activating enzymes), E2 (ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes), and E3 (ubiquitin-protein ligases). Only the ubiquitinated proteins with specific chain linkages (such as K48) will be degraded by the UPS. In this review, we describe the relevance of this system in NMDs, summarizing the UPS proteins that have been involved in pathological conditions and neuromuscular disorders, such as Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), or Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), among others. A better knowledge of the processes involved in the maintenance of proteostasis may pave the way for future progress in neuromuscular disorder studies and treatments.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad RTI2018-098645-B-10

    Monitoring of Transplanted Liver Health by Quantification of Organ-Specific Genomic Marker in Circulating DNA from Receptor

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    Background: Health assessment of the transplanted organ is very important due to the relationship of long-term survival of organ transplant recipients and health organ maintenance. Nowadays, the measurement of cell-free DNA from grafts in the circulation of transplant recipients has been considered a potential biomarker of organ rejection or transplant associated complications in an attempt to replace or reduce liver biopsy. However, methods developed to date are expensive and extremely time-consuming. Our approach was to measure the SRY gene, as a male organ biomarker, in a setting of sex-mismatched female recipients of male donor organs. Methods: Cell-free DNA quantization of the SRY gene was performed by real-time quantitative PCR beforehand, at the moment of transplantation during reperfusion (day 0) and during the stay at the intensive care unit. Beta-globin cell-free DNA levels, a general cellular damage marker, were also quantified. Results: Beta-globin mean values of patients, who accepted the graft without any complications during the first week after surgery, diminished from day 0 until patient stabilization. This decrease was not so evident in patients who suffered some kind of post-transplantation complications. All patients showed an increase in SRY levels at day 0, which decreased during hospitalization. Different complications that did not compromise donated organs showed increased beta-globin levels but no SRY gene levels. However, when a donated organ was damaged the patients exhibited high levels of both genes. Conclusion: Determination of a SRY gene in a female recipient's serum is a clear and specific biomarker of donated organs and may give us important information about graft health in a short period of time by a non-expensive technique. This approach may permit clinicians to maintain a close follow up of the transplanted patient