56 research outputs found

    Modelling State Dependence and Feedback Effects between Poverty, Employment and Parental Home Emancipation among European Youth

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    Youth is one of the phases in the life-cycle when some of the most decisive life transitions take place. Entering the labour market or leaving parental home are events with important consequences for the economic well-being of young adults. In this paper, the interrelationship between employment, residential emancipation and poverty dynamics is studied for eight European countries by means of an econometric model with feedback effects. Results show that youth poverty genuine state dependence is positive and highly significant. Evidence proves there is a strong causal effect between poverty and leaving home in Scandinavian countries, however, time in economic hardship does not last long. In Southern Europe, instead, youth tend to leave their parental home much later in order to avoid falling into a poverty state that is more persistent. Past poverty has negative consequences on the likelihood of employment.Youth poverty dynamics, trivariate multinomial probit, state dependence, feedback effects, unobserved heterogeneity

    Poverty and living arrangements among youth in Spain, 1980-2005

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    One of the most relevant demographic events in Spain from a recent historical perspective was the baby boom of the 1960s and 1970s. The "adapting to circumstances" of these generations of youth and their families through delayed emancipation and childbearing has been key in preventing a decline in their economic status. The results show that the reduction of the poverty risk among non-emancipated youth for the period 1980-2005 is explained by the fact that an increasing number of young Spaniards live with both employed parents. Thus, emancipation delay is found most in those families that can best afford it. Furthermore, the salaries of young workers remaining in the parental home have become an important factor in reducing their family poverty risk. On the other hand, fertility decline is readily explained by the economic difficulties young couples encounter in sustaining their offspring.Heckman selection probit, living arrangements, youth poverty

    Modelling state dependence and feedback effects between poverty, employment and parental home emancipation among European youth

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    Youth is one of the phases in the life-cycle when some of the most decisive life transitions take place. Entering the labour market or leaving parental home are events with important consequences for the economic well-being of young adults. In this paper, the interrelationship between employment, residential emancipation and poverty dynamics is studied for eight European countries by means of an econometric model with feedback effects. Results show that youth poverty genuine state dependence is positive and highly significant. Evidence proves there is a strong causal effect between poverty and leaving home in Scandinavian countries, however, time in economic hardship does not last long. In Southern Europe, instead, youth tend to leave their parental home much later in order to avoid falling into a poverty state that is more persistent. Past poverty has negative consequences on the likelihood of employment.youth poverty dynamics, trivariate multinomial probit, state dependence, feedback effects, unobserved heterogeneity

    Pobresa juvenil i família a Espanya

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    El retard en l'emancipació residencial dels joves espanyols en les darreres dècades ha demostrat ser clau en la prevenció d'un augment del risc de pobresa juvenil. Els joves s'enfronten a les dificultats econòmiques associades amb la precarietat laboral i l'accés a l'habitatge retardant la sortida de la llar dels pares. La creixent convivència amb ambdós pares ocupats hauria aconseguit disminuir el risc de pobresa juvenil en els darrers anys. D'altra banda, els pares es beneficien cada vegada més del flux econòmic dels fills que treballen i conviuen a la llar, especialment en els casos en què els progenitors són aturats o inactius.El retraso en la emancipación residencial de los jóvenes en las últimas décadas ha demostrado ser clave en la prevención de un aumento del riesgo de pobreza juvenil. Los jóvenes se enfrentan a las dificultades económicas asociadas con la precariedad laboral y el acceso a la vivienda, retrasando la salida del hogar de los padres. La creciente convivencia con ambos padres trabajadores habría conseguido disminuir el riesgo de pobreza juvenil en los últimos años. Por otra parte, los padres se benefician cada vez más del flujo económico de los hijos que trabajan y conviven en el hogar, especialmente en los casos en que los progenitores están parados o inactivos

    Digital inequalities in Europe are underpinned by divides in children’s access, interest and confidence

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    Recent research on digital inequalities has focused predominantly on the differences in internet use and digital competencies, while indirectly assuming that inequalities in access to devices and internet connection have been superseded to a large extent. Yet, the coronavirus pandemic showed a different reality when images of children sitting outside fast-food restaurants trying to get connected to be able to do their schoolwork went viral on social media. It quickly became apparent that not all children in Europe are equally able to take advantage of online opportunities raising concerns about the consequences of digital deprivation on children’s education, social connectedness, and leisure activities. For www.parenting.digital, Sara Ayllón discusses her recent work on digital inequality in Europe and the role of multiple disadvantages on children’s prospects

    Discriminación salarial de género y pobreza en Cataluña

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    Este trabajo analiza los beneficios de la eliminación de la discriminación salarial de género en la erradicación de la pobreza en Cataluña. A partir de los datos de la Encuesta de Condiciones de Vida (ECV) para el período entre 2005 y 2009, calculamos una distribución contrafactual de los ingresos de los hogares en la que las mujeres son remuneradas por sus características igual que los hombres. Los resultados nos permiten predecir una reducción del riesgo de pobreza para el conjunto de la población catalana de entre un 1,5 y un 2 %, siendo los niños (y especialmente los adolescentes) algunos de los colectivos más beneficiados. A la luz de los resultados, argumentamos que las medidas que intentan igualar la posición de las mujeres y los hombres en el mercado de trabajo, deberían contemplarse como una política más de lucha contra la pobreza.This paper discusses the potential of eliminating gender wage discrimination in the eradication of poverty in Catalonia. Based on data from the Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) for the period between 2005 and 2009, we estimate a counterfactual distribution of household income in which women are paid for their characteristics equally than men. The results predict a poverty risk reduction for the Catalan population of between 1.5 and 2 %. Children and especially teenagers are amongst the groups who benefit the most. In light of the results, we argue that policies that intend to make women’s position in the labour market the same as men should be regarded as anti-poverty measures.España. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación ECO2010-21668-C03-0

    The unequal opportunity for skills acquisition during the Great Recession in Europe

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    This paper is the first to investigate the extent to which the high levels of Joblessness resulting from the Great Recession across Europe have translated into higher school attendance among youth. Using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from the EU-S ILC for 28 countries, we establish a robust counter-cyclical relationship between rising unemployment rates and school enrolment. The same is true of transitions back to education. Our analysis by subgroups reveals a worrying trend, with youths who have the most disadvantaged backgrounds (measured by low household income) less likely to enrol in tertiary studies when unemployment rises. Keywords: Unemployment, school enrolment, transitions back to education, youth, Great Recession, EU-SIL

    Digitally Deprived Children in Europe

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has completely changed the need for internet connectivity and technological devices across the population, but especially among school-aged children. For a large proportion of pupils, access to a connected computer nowadays makes the difference between being able to keep up with their educational development and falling badly behind. This paper provides a detailed account of the digitally deprived children in Europe, according to the latest available wave of the European Union - Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC). We find that 5.4% of school-aged children in Europe are digitally deprived and that differences are large across countries. Children that cohabit with low-educated parents, in poverty or in severe material deprivation are those most affected

    Caracterización de la privación y de la pobreza en Catalunya

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    Este trabajo contribuye a la escasa literatura sobre la evaluación multidimensional del nivel de bienestar de los individuos más desfavorecidos de nuestra sociedad. Se distingue claramente entre pobreza monetaria y privación multidimensional, para proceder entonces a su cuantificación y caracterización empleando una base de datos nueva (PaD) para Cataluña y utilizando, por vez primera, una metodología que nos permite considerar de forma conjunta la pobreza y la privación. Nuestros resultados empíricos deberían informar a la política social. Aportamos evidencia nueva sobre viejas y nuevas relaciones entre situaciones de desventaja económica y características de los individuos, algunas de las cuales invitan a reconsiderar viejas concepciones. This paper contributes to the scarce literature on the multidimensional assessment of the well-being of the worse off individuals. We document and characterise monetary poverty and multidimensional deprivation using a new database (PaD) for Catalonia. The econometric methodology we employ allows for a join analysis of poverty and deprivation, which has not been seen before. Our empirical findings should be informative for social policy. We provide new evidence on old and new relations between situations of economic disadvantage and individual characteristics, some of which invite to reconsider old conceptions.privación, pobreza,análisis multidimensional, logit multinomial, PaD