56 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Vectors and Vector-Borne Pathogens around Us

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    Introductory Chapter: Antibiotic Use in Animals Today

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    Canine Babesioses in noninvestigated areas of Serbia

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    During the years 2012-2014, a total of 158 outdoor dogs from Pančevo and Đurđevo (northern Serbia) and Niš and Prokuplje (southern Serbia) were submitted to molecular analyses (PCR and sequencing) for canine babesioses. An overall prevalence of 21.5% was found, due to the species Babesia sp. 'spanish dog' (10.1%), B. gibsoni (5.7%), B. canis vogeli (1.9%), B. caballi (1.9%), and B. microti (1.9%). In addition, sequence analysis showed the presence of Hepatozoon canis in a dog from Niš. No significant difference between infected and noninfected dogs was found by age, sex, and place of residence, whereas there was difference regarding the presence of ticks (p<0.005) and application of preventive measures such as applying of antitick drugs/devices. Moreover, a significant difference was established by area: Dogs from Prokuplje showed infection rates (59.1%) higher than dogs from Pančevo (11.9%), Niš (4.5), and Đurđevo (where infected dogs were not found), and a different geographical distribution of the species was found. The presence of so many Babesia species and the first identification of H. canis will allow investigations on the pathogenic role played by each one and suggests entomological studies on the tick species that are more suitable vectors for each of them. Finally, the presence of so many infected dogs offers the opportunity of evaluating the hypothesis of a possible zoonotic role of babesial species affecting dogs

    Lactoferrin and Immunoglobulin G Concentration in Bovine Milk from Cows with Subclinical Mastitis during the Late Lactation Period

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    Background: Lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G in milk have an important role in udder resistance to infection in the involution period. Both proteins express antimicrobial activity- lactoferrin by the binding and sequestration of iron ion; and immunoglobulin G by complement activation, bacterial opsonization and agglutination. Many factors affect lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G concentrations in bovine milk, such as the stage of lactation, milk production, and intramammary infections. The aim of this study was to determine concentrations of lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G in milk from healthy cows and subclinical mastitic cows during the late lactation period, and to evaluate the relationship between them.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 150 quarter milk samples from 41 cows (Holstein-Friesian breed) in late lactation period were reviewed in this study. Milk samples were collected during morning milking, using aseptic techniques in sterile test tubes. From each sample, 0.1 mL of milk was plated on Columbia blood agar base with 5% defibrinated ovine blood, MacConkey agar and Sabouraud dextrose agar and incubated for 24 h - 48 h (bacteria) and 5 days (yeasts, mould) at 37oC. Milk samples for detection lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G concentration were skimmed at 1,400 g for 45 min and stored at -20°C until analysis. Lactoferrin concentration in bovine milk was determined using the Bovine Lactoferrin ELISA Quantitation Set. Milk samples were diluted at a ratio of 1:10,000. Plates were read at 450 nm absorbence values. Immunoglobulin G concentration was determined by the immunodiffusion method using radial immunodiffusion (RID) plates. Milk samples were diluted in a ratio of 1:30. Reading of results was done after incubation for 48 h by measuring the diameter of the precipitation ring. The highest mean lactoferrin concentration was observed in udder quarters infected with contagious pathogens (Streptococcus agalactiae and Staphylococcus aureus), while the highest mean immunoglobulin G concentration was detected in milk samples where minor mastitis pathogens (coagulase-negative staphylococci and Corynebacterium spp.) were isolated. Milk samples where Staphylococcus aureus was isolated had the lowest immunoglobulin G concentration, and the lowest lactoferrin concentration was observed in samples infected with enviromental pathogens (Streptococcus dysgalactiae).Discussion: This study showed that lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G concentrations are higher in milk samples from subclinical mastitic cows than in milk from normal lactating cows. Lactoferrin concentrations in milk samples from udder quarters infected with major mastitis pathogens were significantly higher than in milk infected with minor mastitis pathogens. The lowest concentration of immunoglobulin G was detected in milk samples where Staphylococcus aureus was isolated, while the highest immunoglobulin G concentration was observed in milk samples from quarters infected with minor mastitis pathogens. Lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G concentrations were significantly and positively correlated in all milk samples. This means that cows with high lactoferrin concentrations have high immunoglobulin G concentrations. In quarter milk samples infected with Staphylococcus aureus, lactoferrin and immunoglobulin G concentrations were negatively correlated. The cause of these findings could be the suppression of local immune response of mammary gland

    Epizootiološko-epidemiološki značaj parazitskih infekcija divljih kanida

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    The family of wild canids belongs to the order Carnivora and comprises 16 genuses that are distributed in most countries all over the world. The most important endoparasitic diseases of wild canids are toxocariasis, uncinariasis, capillariasis, trichinellosis, echinococcosis, cestodiasis, opisthorchiasis, and alariasis. Ectoparasites that most often exist as parasites in wild canids are mites, fleas, ticks and scabies.Wild canids have a large epizootiological-epidemiological significance since they are hosts to parasites that cause certain vector diseases, the most important of which are leishmaniasis, ehrilichiosis, babesiasis, borreliosis, dirofilariasis, bartonellosis, and hepatozoonosis. The increased frequency of interaction between domestic and wild canids steps up the risk of the appearance, spread, and maintaining of the disease in domestic dog populations. Observed from the aspect of the biological and ecological risk, that can be caused by zoonotic infections, the knowledge of the etiology and epizootiology of parasistic infections of wild canids is of particular importance for the region of the Republic of Serbia.Familija divljih kanida pripada redu Carnivora (mesojedi) i obuhvata 16 rodova, koji su rasprostranjeni u većini zemalja sveta. Najznač ajnije endoparazitoze divljih kanida su toksokaroza, uncinarioza, kapilarioza, trihineloza, ehinokokoza, cestodoze, opistorhoza i alarioza. Ektoparaziti koji najčešće parazitiraju kod divljih kanida su krpelji, buve, pavaši i šugarci. Divlje kanide imaju veliki epizootiološko-epidemiološ ki značaj, s obzirom na to da kod njih parazitiraju uzročnici izvesnih vektorskih bolesti, od kojih su najvažnije lajšmanioza, erlihioza, babezioza, borelioza, dirofilarioza, bartoneloza i hepatozoonoza. Poveć anje učestalosti interakcije između domaćih i divljih kanida, poveć ava i rizik za pojavu, širenje i održavanje bolesti kod populacije domaćih pasa. Posmatrano sa aspekta biološkog i ekološkog rizika, koji može biti prouzrokovan zoonoznim infekcijama, poznavanje etiologije i epizootiologije parazitskih infekcija divljih kanida, od posebnog je značaja za region države Srbije

    Consensus statement on the epidemiological situation and expected frequency of canine vector-borne diseases in Serbia

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    The current issue of Veterinarski Glasnik (Vol 74, No 2) is dedicated to canine vectorborne pathogens (VBP) and vector-borne diseases (VBD) in Serbia. All published reviews and original papers indicate the amount of research done in Serbia and the amount of collected and analysed data is high for the majority of topics, inviting us to summarise all the findings in a consensus statement that we hope will be of importance for practitioners who are in constant contact with dogs in Serbia and for researchers who should continue to develop this field of investigation

    Seroprevalencija infekcije izazvane uzročnikom Anaplasma phagocytophilum kod pasa u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini, Srbija.

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    Granulocytic anaplasmosis in dogs is a disease that is distributed worldwide, caused by the pathogen Anaplasma phagocytophilum. This disease is transmitted by ticks of the Ixodes genus. So far, no data have been published about the presence and prevalence of dog infections with A. phagocytophilum in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Republic of Serbia proper. The aim of this seroepidemiological research was to determine the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to the agent A. phagocytophilum in the population of dogs in Vojvodina, Serbia. This seroepidemiological research involved 84 randomly selected dogs from the area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. Aiming to determine the presence of antibodies of class G to the agent Anaplasma phagocytophilum, we used the indirect immunofluorescence antibody test (IFAT). By applying IFAT, in the area of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Serbia, specifi antibodies of class G to agent A. phagocytophilum were found in the serums of 13/84 dogs, which points to a seroprevalence of 15.5 %. The detection of antibodies to the agent A. phagocytophilum in the dog population in the area of the Autonomous Province Vojvodina is the basis for further epidemiological, clinical and diagnostic research of this infection.Granulocitna anaplazmoza pasa proširena je diljem svijeta, a prouzročena je vrstom Anaplasma phagocytophilum. Prenosi se krpeljima roda Ixodes. Do sada u Autonomnoj Pokrajini Vojvodini i Republici Srbiji nema objavljenih podataka o prisutnosti i raširenosti infekcije pasa uzročnikom A. phagocytophilum. Cilj je ovoga seroepidemiološkog istraživanja da se utvrdi seroprevalencija IgG protutijela za A. phagocytophilum u populaciji pasa u Vojvodini, Srbija. Ovim seroepidemiološkim istraživanjem, obuhvaćena su 84 nasumično izabrana psa s područja Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine. U cilju utvrđivanja prisutnosti protutijela razreda IgG za A. phagocytophilum rabljen je test indirektne imunofl uorescencije (IFAT). Primjenom IFATa, na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine, Srbija, utvrđena su specifična protutijela IgG na uzročnika A. phagocytophilum u serumu 13 pasa, što predstavlja seroprevalenciju od 15,5 %. Dokaz protutijela za A. phagocytophilum u populaciji pasa na području Autonomne Pokrajine Vojvodine osnova je za daljnja epidemiološka, klinička i dijagnostička istraživanja ove infekcije

    Koncentracija laktoferina u mlijeku krava tijekom involucije mliječne žlijezde s različitim bakteriološkim nalazima.

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    Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein of the transferrin family, present in high concentrations in secretions from the mammary glands during the involution period, and has antimicrobial ability. To determine lactoferrin concentrations in bovine milk with different bacteriological findings, 151 quarter milk samples were collected on a dairy farm of the Holstein-Friesian breed in Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia. Classical microbiological methods were used for bacteria isolation, and ELISA analysis was used for lactoferrin concentration quantification. The most common isolated bacteria in bovine milk samples were Corynebacterium spp. (32.45%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (4.64%) with lactoferrin concentrations of 6.0497 ± 1.6774 mg/mL and 5.2961 ± 1.3633 mg/mL, respectively. The lowest mean value of lactoferrin concentration was observed in uninfected quarters and quarters infected with environmental pathogens, while the highest concentration of lactoferrin was in udder quarters infected with Streptococcus agalactiae. One in four milk samples where Staphylococcus aureus was isolated had much lower lactoferrin concentrations (1.1736 mg/mL) than the other three samples (6.2089 ± 0.5016 mg/mL), which requires further research.Laktoferin, glikoprotein koji veže željezo, pripadnik porodice bjelančevina transferin, prisutan je u visokoj koncentraciji u sekretu mliječne žlijezde tijekom involucije i posjeduje antimikrobnu sposobnost. Radi utvrđivanja koncentracije laktoferina u mlijeku krava s različitim bakteriološkim nalazima, prikupljen je 151 pojedinačni uzorak mlijeka na farmi holštajn-frizijske pasmine na području Autonomne pokrajine Vojvodine Republike Srbije. Za identifikaciju bakterija korištene su klasične mikrobiološke metode i ELISA za određivanje koncentracije laktoferina. Najčešće izdvojene bakterije u uzorcima mlijeka krava bile su Corynebacterium spp. (32,45%) s koncentracijom laktoferina 6,0497 ± 1,6774 mg/mL i koagulaza negativni stafilokoki (4,64%) s koncentracijom laktoferina 5,2961 ± 1,3633 mg/mL. Najniža srednja vrijednost koncentracije laktoferina zabilježena je u negativnim četvrtima vimena i četvrtima inficiranim bakterijama iz okoliša, dok je najviša koncentracija laktoferina bila u četvrtima vimena inficiranima vrstom Streptococcus agalactiae. Jedan od četiriju uzoraka mlijeka gdje je bio izdvojen Staphylococcus aureus imao je znatno nižu vrijednost laktoferina (1,1736 mg/mL) od ostala tri uzorka (6,2089 ± 0,5016 mg/mL), što zahtijeva daljnja istraživanja

    Nalaz specifičnih antitela protiv Leptospira interrogans u krvnom serumu goveda

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    U petogodišnjem periodu na području devet opština Južnobačkog regiona serološki je ispitano 24208 uzoraka krvnih seruma goveda, što čini 31,18 posto od ukupnog reproduktivnog fonda goveda. Uzorci su ispitani metodom mikroskopske aglutinacije, živim antigenima 9 serotipova leptospira: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa, L. sejroe, L. tarassovi, L. australis, L. bataviae, L. canicola i L. hardjo. Specifična antitela protiv leptospira utvrđena su kod 286 ili 1,18 posto uzoraka seruma goveda. Nivo seroprevalencije infekcije izazvane leptospirama na godišnjem nivou bio je od 2,56 posto do 0,05 posto. Najveći broj seropozitivnih grla iznosio je 151 grlo, ili 3,54 posto i ustanovljen je u opštini Novi Sad. Tokom posmatranog perioda kod goveda je dijagnostikovano prisustvo četiri serotipa leptospira: L. pomona, L. icterohaemorrhagiae, L. grippotyphosa i L. hardjo. Najzastupljeniji serotip je L. hardjo 41,02 posto, dok su serotipovi L. grippotyphosa 34,61 posto, L. icterohaemorrhagiae 14,74 posto i L. pomona 9,61 posto dijagnostikovani u nižem procentu. Zapažen je trend porasta broja inficiranih grla leptospirama za 0,195 posto na godišnjem nivou. Na osnovu prikazane analize može da se predvidi sa verovatnoćom od 95 posto da će leptospiroza kod goveda za naredni period u Južnobačkom epizootiološkom području biti u intervalu od 0,09 posto do 3,50 posto.Serological investigations were performed on 24,208 samples of cattle blood serum, representing 31.18% of the reproductive cattle fund in the teritory of nine municipalities in the Southern Backa region over a period of five years. The samples were examined using the method of microscopic agglutination, with live antigens of nine leptospira serotypes: L.pomona, L.icterohaemorrhagiae, L.grippotyphosa, L.sejroe, L.tarassovi, L.australis, L.bataviae, L.canicola, and L.hardjo. Specific antibodies against leptospira were established in 286 or 1.18% samples of cattle serum. The level of seroprevalence of leptospira infection at an annual level ranged from 2.56% to 0.05%. The biggest number of seropositive cattle were registered in the municipality of Novi Sad – 151 cattle, or 3.54%. In the course of the observation period, the presence of four serotypes of leptospira were diagnozed in catle: L.pomona, L.icterohaemorrhagiae, L.grippotyphosa, L.hardjo. The most represented serotype was L.hardjo, 41.02%, while the serotypes L.grippotyphosa (34.61%), L.icterohaemorrhagiae (14.74%) and L.pomona (9.61%) were diagnozed in smaller percentages. An increasing tendency was observed in the number of cattle infected with leptospira at an annual level of 0.195%. On the basis of the presented analysis, it can be predicted with a probability of 95%, that leptospirosis in cattle will appear within the range of 0.09% to 3.50% in the epizootiological region of Southern Backa in the coming period