14 research outputs found

    Parity and gestational age are associated with vaginal microbiota composition in term and late term pregnancies

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    Background Vaginal microbiota and its potential contribution to preterm birth is under intense research. However, only few studies have investigated the vaginal microbiota in later stages of pregnancy or at the onset of labour. Methods We used 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing to analyse cross-sectional vaginal swab samples from 324 Finnish women between 37-42 weeks of gestation, sampled before elective caesarean section, at the onset of spontaneous labour, and in pregnancies lasting >= 41 weeks of gestation. Microbiota data were combined with comprehensive clinical data to identify factors associated with microbiota variation. Findings Vaginal microbiota composition associated strongly with advancing gestational age and parity, i.e. presence of previous deliveries. Absence of previous deliveries was a strong predictor of Lactobacillus crispatus dominated vaginal microbiota, and the relative abundance of L. crispatus was higher in late term pregnancies, especially among nulliparous women. Interpretation This study identified late term pregnancy and reproductive history as factors underlying high abundance of gynaecological health-associated L. crispatus in pregnant women. Our results suggest that the vaginal micro biota affects or reflects the regulation of the duration of gestation and labour onset, with potentially vast clinical utilities. Further studies are needed to address the causality and the mechanisms on how previous labour, but not pregnancy, affects the vaginal microbiota. Parity and gestational age should be accounted for in future studies on vaginal microbiota and reproductive outcomes. Funding This research was supported by EU H2020 programme Sweet Crosstalk ITN (814102), Academy of Finland, State Research Funding, and University of Helsinki. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.Peer reviewe

    The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota

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    Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naïve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naïve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005–0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naïve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments

    The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota

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    Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naïve patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naïve throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005–0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naïve ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments

    The gut fungal and bacterial microbiota in pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease introduced to treatment with anti-tumor necrosis factor-α

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Pediatric inflammatory bowel disease (PIBD) is a globally increasing chronic inflammatory disease associated with an imbalanced intestinal microbiota and treated with several treatment options, including anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), such as infliximab (IFX). Up to half of the patients do not respond to the drug and there are no methods for response prediction. Our aim was to predict IFX response from the gut microbiota composition since this is largely unexplored in PIBD. The gut microbiota of 30 PIBD patients receiving IFX was studied by MiSeq sequencing targeting 16S and ITS region from fecal samples collected before IFX and two and six weeks after the start of treatment. The response to IFX induction was determined by fecal calprotectin value < 100 µg/g at week six. The bacterial microbiota differed significantly between response groups, with higher relative abundance of butyrate-producing bacteria in responders compared to non-responders at baseline, validated by high predictive power (area under curve = 0.892) for baseline Ruminococcus and calprotectin. Additionally, non-responders had higher abundance of Candida, while responders had higher abundance of Saccharomyces at the end of the study. The gut microbiota composition in PIBD patients could predict response to IFX treatment in the future.Peer reviewe

    Bacterial and Fungal Profiles as Markers of Infliximab Drug Response in Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Tulehdukselliset suolistosairaudet (IBD) Crohnin tauti (CD) ja haavainen paksusuolentulehdus (UC) ovat maailmanlaajuisesti lisääntyviä sairauksia, joihin liittyy muuntunut suoliston mikrobisto. Infliksimabi (IFX) on TNF-alfan estäjä, jota käytetään IBD:n hoidossa, vaikkakin kolmas osa potilaista voi jäädä ilman hoitovastetta tai menettää sen. Luotettavia testejä hoitovasteen ennustamiseksi ei ole vielä saatavilla. Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena oli selvittää potilaiden ulosteen bakteerit, sienet ja hiivat infliksimabihoidon aikana sekä etsiä hoitovastetta ennustavia mittareita IBD potilailta. Tutkimuksessamme 72 IBD-potilasta (25 CD ja 47 UC) aloitti infliksimabihoidon ja heitä seurattiin vuoden ajan hoidon aloituksesta tai hoidon keskeytykseen saakka. Potilaiden ulostenäytteistä määritettiin sekvensointia hyödyntäen erikseen suoliston bakteerit (16S rRNA geenistä) sekä hiivat ja sienet (ITS1 geenin alueesta). Mikrobiston profiilit määritettiin ennen hoidon aloitusta, 2, 6, 12 viikkoa sekä 1 vuosi hoidon aloituksen jälkeen. IFX hoidon vaste määritettiin kolonoskopialla ja kliinisesti 12 viikon hoidon jälkeen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että potilaiden ulosteen bakteerit sekä sienet ja hiivat erosivat merkittävästi toisistaan infliksimabihoitovasteen mukaan jo ennen hoidon aloitusta. Potilailla, jotka eivät saaneet vastetta hoidosta, oli vähemmän lyhytketjuisia rasvahappoja tuottavia bakteereja erityisesti Clostridia-luokasta sekä enemmän tulehdusta aiheuttavia bakteereja ja sieniä mm. Candida-suvusta. Tämä tulos testattiin bakteerien osalta myös ennustetestillä (ROC), joka erotti toisistaan ne potilaat, jotka saivat hyvän vasteen ja ne, jotka eivät saaneet vastetta (area under the curve > 0.8). Tulosten perusteella ulosteen bakteerit ja hiivat voisivat sopia ennustaviksi mittareiksi IBD-potilaiden infliksimabihoidon vasteen ennustamiseen.Peer reviewe

    Quantitative Fecal Microbiota Profiles Relate to Therapy Response During Induction With Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha Antagonist Infliximab in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Background The role of intestinal microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases is intensively researched. Pediatric studies on the relation between microbiota and treatment response are sparse. We aimed to determine whether absolute abundances of gut microbes characterize the response to infliximab induction in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. Methods We recruited pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease introduced to infliximab at Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki. Stool samples were collected at 0, 2, and 6 weeks for microbiota and calprotectin analyses. We defined treatment response as fecal calprotectin value Results At baseline, the intestinal microbiota in the treatment responsive group (n = 10) showed a higher absolute abundance of Bifidobacteriales and a lower absolute abundance of Actinomycetales than nonresponders (n = 19). The level of inflammation according to fecal calprotectin showed no statistically significant association with the absolute abundances of fecal microbiota. The results on relative abundances differed from the absolute abundances. At the genus level, the responders had an increased relative abundance of Anaerosporobacter but a reduced relative abundance of Parasutterella at baseline. Conclusions High absolute abundance of Bifidobacteriales in the gut microbiota of pediatric patients reflects anti-inflammatory characteristics associated with rapid response to therapy. This warrants further studies on whether modification of pretreatment microbiota might improve the outcomes. Lay Summary We studied absolute and relative abundances of fecal microbiota in relation to response to induction therapy with infliximab in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. We discovered that a high absolute abundance of anti-inflammatory Bifidobacteriales at baseline associated with response.Peer reviewe

    The Effect of Antibiotics on the Infant Gut Fungal Microbiota

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    Antibiotics are commonly used drugs in infants, causing disruptions in the developing gut microbiota with possible detrimental long-term effects such as chronic inflammatory diseases. The focus has been on bacteria, but research shows that fungi might have an important role as well. There are only a few studies on the infant gut fungal microbiota, the mycobiota, in relation to antibiotic treatment. Here, the aim was to investigate the impact of antibiotics on the infant gut mycobiota, and the interkingdom associations between bacteria and fungi. We had 37 antibiotic-naive patients suffering from respiratory syncytial virus, of which 21 received one to four courses of antibiotics due to complications, and 16 remained antibiotic-naive throughout the study. Fecal samples were collected before, during and after antibiotic treatment with a follow-up period of up to 9.5 months. The gut mycobiota was studied by Illumina MiSeq sequencing of the ITS1 region. We found that antibiotic use affected the gut mycobiota, most prominently seen as a higher relative abundance of Candida (p < 0.001), and a higher fungal diversity (p = 0.005-0.04) and richness (p = 0.03) in the antibiotic-treated infants compared to the antibiotic-naive ones at multiple timepoints. This indicates that the gut mycobiota could contribute to the long-term consequences of antibiotic treatments

    Quantitative Fecal Microbiota Profiles Relate to Therapy Response During Induction With Tumor Necrosis Factor α Antagonist Infliximab in Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    BACKGROUND: The role of intestinal microbiota in inflammatory bowel diseases is intensively researched. Pediatric studies on the relation between microbiota and treatment response are sparse. We aimed to determine whether absolute abundances of gut microbes characterize the response to infliximab induction in pediatric inflammatory bowel disease. METHODS: We recruited pediatric patients with inflammatory bowel disease introduced to infliximab at Children's Hospital, University of Helsinki. Stool samples were collected at 0, 2, and 6 weeks for microbiota and calprotectin analyses. We defined treatment response as fecal calprotectin value <100 µg/g at week 6. Intestinal microbiota were analyzed by 16S ribosomal RNA gene amplicon sequencing using the Illumina MiSeq platform. We analyzed total bacterial counts using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and transformed the relative abundances into absolute abundances based on the total counts. RESULTS: At baseline, the intestinal microbiota in the treatment responsive group (n = 10) showed a higher absolute abundance of Bifidobacteriales and a lower absolute abundance of Actinomycetales than nonresponders (n = 19). The level of inflammation according to fecal calprotectin showed no statistically significant association with the absolute abundances of fecal microbiota. The results on relative abundances differed from the absolute abundances. At the genus level, the responders had an increased relative abundance of Anaerosporobacter but a reduced relative abundance of Parasutterella at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: High absolute abundance of Bifidobacteriales in the gut microbiota of pediatric patients reflects anti-inflammatory characteristics associated with rapid response to therapy. This warrants further studies on whether modification of pretreatment microbiota might improve the outcomes.publishedVersionPeer reviewe