20 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Facebook dan Brand Performance Pipa Merek Rucika terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen di PT. Laksamanakarya Adiyasa

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    Significant development of technology has driven changes from conventional communication to modern and digital one, and nowadays sales conducted through internet have flourished. Even, not only well-known brands are sold through internet media. Therefore, companies can use selling strategies through internet media, supported by brand performance from products to boost consumer buying interest. This thesis used quantitive and associative research methods aimed to discover how big the influence of social media Facebook and brand performance of pipe brand Rucika is against consumer buying interest. Respondents in this research were the customers of PT Laksamanakarya Adiyasa. Samples were determined using questionnaire technique to respondents, interview, and documentation. To prove and analyze the foregoing, literary study, field study, reliability test, validity test, and hypothesis test were conducted. The result indicates that: 1) Social media Facebook has no influence over consumer buying interest. It is concluded from the result of T test to social media Facebook as variable X1 namely 0.756 which is ≥ 0.05. 2) Brand performance influences consumer buying interest. It is concluded from the result of T test of variable X2 to Y namely 0.014 which is ≤ 0.05. 3) Social media Facebook and brand performance influence consumer buying interest. It is concluded from the result of F test by calculating variables X1 and X2 against Y namely 3.163 which is ≥ F table 3.114, then it is concluded that all hypotheses are accepted

    Pengaruh Foto Dan Video Produk Terhadap Jumlah Pengunjung Di Media Sosial Pada UMKM Di DKI Jakarta

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    Berbagai cara promosi dilakukan oleh para penjual agar produk jualannya dibeli oleh pelanggan, baik secara offline atau online. Banyak pembeli yang tertarik untuk membeli produk hanya dengan melihat foto-foto produk atau video yang lewat di beranda social media, e-commerce, flyer, dan lain-lain, sehingga cara membuat foto yang menarik atau video produk yang menggelitik ini dibutuhkan ilmu tentang photography, karena mungkin masih banyak para penjual membuat foto produk ala kadarnya, padahal tampilan foto atau video yang menarik bisa membuat pelanggan atau calon pembeli untuk memutuskan melakukan pembelian. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas foto atau produk yang akan digunakan sebagai promosi demi meningkatkan penjualan secara offline atau online, Dinas Perindustrian, Perdagangan, Koperasi, Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (PPKUKM) DKI Jakarta berkolaborasi dengan Institut Ilmu Sosial dan Manajemen STIAMI mengadakan pendampingan kepada pelaku UKM binaan DKI Jakarta atau Jakpreneur dalam berbagai bidang (disiplin ilmu), dan salah satunya bidang  Foto dan Video Produk. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif yang hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa foto dan video produk  dapat meningkatkan pengunjung di media sosial, terutama penjualan online, dan disarankan foto produk dibuat lebih besar

    Mengkonstruksi Nalar Dan Kompetensi Maqashid Syariah Menuju Fikih Kontemporer Progresif

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    Aktualisasi maqashid approach yang menjadi tren fikih kontemporer membutuhkan nalar maqashid syariah (الفكر المقاصدي). Dan juga menuntut adanya kompetensi implementasi konsep maqashid syariah untuk mentransformasi maqashid dari konsep teoritis kepada praktek aktual dalam konstruksi hukum fikih. Kegagalan aktualisasi maqashid syariah, baik pada tahapan istinbath dan analisis (اجتهاد استنباطي), maupun pada tahapan tanzil dan implementasi hukum (اجتهاد تنزيلي), dapat muncul karena lemahnya nalar maqashid seorang faqih, atau tidak terpenuhinya kompetensi aktualisasi maqashid syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan konstruksi nalar maqashid syariah dan kompetensi maqashid approach. Supaya penerapan konsep maqashid syariah secara aktual berada on the trade. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif penelitian ini berupaya menjelaskan konstruksi dasar nalar maqashid syariah dan kompetensi yang harus dimiliki, agar qualified untuk mengoperasikan maqashid syariah. Nalar dan pemikiran yang berorientasi pada maqashid syariah lahir melalui pemahaman yang mendalam terhadap maqashid syariah, terutama kaidah dan prisip dasar konsep metodologi maqashid syariah. Adapun kompetensi aktualisasi maqashid dalam proses ijtihad fikih selain menuntut terpenuhinya kualifikasi ijtihad juga harus menguasai kompetensi teoritis (ملكة تنظيرية) dan kompetensi teknis (ملكة تنزيلية) aktualisasi maqashid syariah


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Untuk mengetahui Apakah lingkungan kerja, disiplin, dan motivasi berpengaruh secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bank Jatim Cabang Bawean. Pada penelitian ini, populasi yang di ambil adalah seluruh seluruh karyawan pada bank Jatim Cabang Bawean. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 35 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan kuesioner dan dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear berganda. berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui lingkungan kerja, disiplin, dan motivasi berpengaruh secara parsial maupun simultan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Bank Jatim Cabang Bawean. Serta total pengaruh yang diberikan variabel independent terhadap variabel dependent sebesar 57,4%

    Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Sistem Ganjil Genap Dalam Mengatasi Kemacetan Di Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Road congestion is a major problem for the City of Jakarta due to the high volume of private vehicles on the road, especially along office roads such as Jalan MH Thamrin, Gatot Subroto and Sudirman area, so that the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, through the Jakarta Transportation and Transportation Agency, issued a public policy that limits the use of private vehicles with an odd-even system. This study aims to determine the impact of implementing this policy in reducing congestion. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through in-depth interviews with several key informants. The results show that the implementation of this policy has gone well, distances on protocol roads have become shorter, congestion has decreased, and the use of public transportation has begun to increase. However, in its implementation, there are still some obstacles, such as violations by the community and some residents who have more than two private vehicles with different police numbers, so that the results of this implementation are less than optimal. The negative impact of this policy is the discovery of people who falsify their vehicle registration number. Meanwhile, the positive impact is that in the long term this policy will increase the shift of people to use public transportation

    Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (C-LSTM) For Multi Product Prediction

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    The retail company PT Terang Abadi Raya has a solid commitment to supporting distributors of LED lights and electrical equipment who have joined them, helping to spread their products widely in various regions. To face increasingly intense market competition, it is essential to produce high-quality products to win the competition and meet consumer demands. To achieve this, efficient production planning is necessary. The Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory (C-LSTM) method is used in this study to forecast product sales at PT Terang Abadi Raya. The research results show that C-LSTM has the potential to predict sales effectively. Evaluation is conducted using Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE). The calculations reveal that the smallest values are obtained at epoch 10, with an MAE of 0.1051 and a MAPE of 22% in the testing data. For the cable data, the smallest values are found at epoch 100, with an MAE of 0.0602 and a MAPE of 44% in the testing data. The Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) method with ten neurons produces the most minor errors during training


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    This research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of policies for integrated administrative service/ PATEN in District Town Cimanggis, Depok City.  Research using qualitative methods to describe and analyze the objective. The results showed that the effectiveness has not met the minimum standards, but in general the community felt a change was quite good with one-stop service.Several things that make service ineffective namely the unavailability of the service manual , the fees charged , the suggestion box as an evaluation , an online registration facility , which has not been scheduled service personnel and their dependence on the head section that is hindering the speed of service.Some efforts have been made to improve the effectiveness is improving the competence of personnel , implementing e - PATEN and the need for city government's commitment to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation PATEN in District CimanggisThis research was conducted to determine the effectiveness of policies for integrated administrative service/ PATEN in District Town Cimanggis, Depok City.  Research using qualitative methods to describe and analyze the objective. The results showed that the effectiveness has not met the minimum standards, but in general the community felt a change was quite good with one-stop service.Several things that make service ineffective namely the unavailability of the service manual , the fees charged , the suggestion box as an evaluation , an online registration facility , which has not been scheduled service personnel and their dependence on the head section that is hindering the speed of service.Some efforts have been made to improve the effectiveness is improving the competence of personnel , implementing e - PATEN and the need for city government's commitment to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation PATEN in District Cimanggi


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    The development of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) is important to obtain Village Funds. With business motivation training, digital digital era business development and basic accounting training to managers of Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes), it is hoped that they can increase BUMDes income. Implementation of Community Service and Service (PkM) by providing business motivation material, digital business insight material and interactive basic accounting training and inviting participants to directly practice. The PkM will be held for 4 hours on Wednesday, November 27 2019 in Wanaherang Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor Regency. The training participants consisted of BUMDes managers, youth leaders and PKK representatives. The results of PkM show new enthusiasm and insight in the business world in the digital era as well as provide new knowledge in simple recording of business results to facilitate financial reportin