8 research outputs found

    Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Fatty Acids for Biodiesel Production

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    This paper is devoted to the production of second generation biodiesel via catalytic hydrodeoxygenation of fatty acids. Pd/C catalysts with different metal loading were used. The palladium catalysts were characterized using low-temperature nitrogen physisorption and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. It was revealed that the most active and selective catalyst was 1%-Pd/C which allowed reaching up 97.5% of selectivity (regarding to n-heptadecane) at 100% conversion of substrate. Moreover, the chosen catalyst is more preferable according to lower metal content that leads the decrease of the process cost. The analysis of the catalysts showed that 1%-Pd/C had the highest specific surface area compared with 5%-Pd/C. Copyright © 2016 BCREC GROUP. All rights reservedReceived: 31st July 2015; Revised: 9th December 2015; Accepted: 30th December 2015How to Cite: Stepacheva, A.A., Sapunov, V.N., Sulman, E.M., Nikoshvili, L.Z., Sulman, M.G., Sidorov, A.I., Demidenko, G.N., Matveeva, V.G. (2016). Catalytic Hydrodeoxygenation of Fatty Acids for Biodiesel Production. Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 11 (2): 125-132 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.11.2.538.125-132)Permalink/DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.9767/bcrec.11.2.538.125-132Article Metrics: (click on the button below to see citations in Scopus)

    The Basic Theorem of Temperature-Dependent Processes

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    The basic theorem of isokinetic relationships is formulated as “if there exists a linear correlation “structure∼properties” at two temperatures, the point of their intersection will be a common point for the same correlation at other temperatures, until the Arrhenius law is violated”. The theorem is valid in various regions of thermally activated processes, in which only one parameter changes. A detailed examination of the consequences of this theorem showed that it is easy to formulate a number of empirical regularities known as the “kinetic compensation effect”, the well-known formula of the Meyer–Neldel rule, or the so-called concept of “multi-excitation entropy”. In a series of similar processes, we examined the effect of different variable parameters of the process on the free energy of activation, and we discuss possible applications

    Study of Deactivation in Suzuki Reaction of Polymer-Stabilized Pd Nanocatalysts

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    This work is addressed to the phenomenon of catalyst deactivation taking place during the repeated uses in the reaction of Suzuki-Miyaura (S-M) cross-coupling, which is widely applied in industry for C-C bond formation. Ligandless catalysts based on Pd(0) NPs supported on hyper-cross-linked polystyrene (HPS) of two types (non-functionalized and bearing tertiary amino groups) were studied in a model S-M reaction between 4-bromoanisole and phenylboronic acid. Synthesized catalysts were shown to be highly active under mild reaction conditions. HPS allows stabilization of Pd(0) NPs and prevents their agglomeration and detectable Pd leaching. However, the loss of catalytic activity was observed during recycling. The deactivation issue was assigned to the hydrophobic nature of non-functionalized HPS, which allowed a strong adsorption of cross-coupling product during the catalyst separation procedure. A thorough washing of Pd/HPS catalyst by hydrophobic solvent was found to improve to the big extent the observed catalytic activity, while the replacement of non-functionalized HPS by a one containing amino groups increased the catalyst stability at the expense of their activity