1,025 research outputs found

    ETEKOS experimental ecosystem

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    A description is given of an experimental ecosystem, or Etekos, which was developed at the Moscow University. The experiment lasted about one year, and the results obtained are itemized

    ETEKOS experimental ecological system

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    The problem of changes in the ecology resulting, for example, in increases in water temperature because of discharges from large thermal power plants is considered. An experiment creating a model of such an ecological system is described

    Non-reciprocal light scattering by lattice of magnetic vortices

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    We report on experimental study of optical properties of two-dimensional square lattice of triangle Co and CoFe nanoparticles with a vortex magnetization distribution. We demonstrate that intensity of light scattered in diffraction maxima depends on the vorticity of the particles magnetization and it can be manipulated by applying an external magnetic field. The experimental results can be understood in terms of phenomenological theory.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of pattern-formation of metallic microparticles in poorly conducting liquid

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    We develop continuum theory of self-assembly and pattern formation in metallic microparticles immersed in a poorly conducting liquid in DC electric field. The theory is formulated in terms of two conservation laws for the densities of immobile particles (precipitate) and bouncing particles (gas) coupled to the Navier-Stokes equation for the liquid. This theory successfully reproduces correct topology of the phase diagram and primary patterns observed in the experiment [Sapozhnikov et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. v. 90, 114301 (2003)]: static crystals and honeycombs and dynamic pulsating rings and rotating multi-petal vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Схема коррекции сигналов для комбинационных устройств автоматики на основе логического дополнения с контролем вычислений по паритету

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    Simpler than known structure of the system with error correction in calculations is proposed based on duplication and triplication of blocks with majority principle of choosing the values of signals. It is advisable to use the new fault-tolerant structure for automation devices with combinational logic. In fault-tolerant structure synthesis, the parity method is used to establish the fact of a fault in the main logic unit and the logical complement method is used determine incorrectly calculated output functions and to generate signals for their correction. The method also allows to adjust the values of incorrectly calculated functions. Structural diagram and description of error correction system are given. The synthesis algorithm of control equipment is described with minimization of the technical implementation complexity. The experiment results with control combinational circuits are given, confirming the high efficiency of proposed system structure with error correction.Предложена более простая структура системы с коррекцией ошибок в вычислениях, чем известные структуры, основанные на дублировании и троировании блоков с мажоритарным принципом выбора значений сигналов. Новую отказоустойчивую структуру целесообразно использовать для устройств автоматики с комбинационной логикой. При синтезе отказоустойчивой структуры применяется метод паритета для установления факта возникновения неисправности в контролируемом объекте и метод логического дополнения для определения неправильно вычисленных выходных функций и формирования сигналов для их коррекции. Приведена структурная схема системы с коррекцией ошибок и дано ее описание. Представлен алгоритм синтеза контрольного оборудования с минимизацией сложности его технической реализации. Результаты экспериментов с контрольными комбинационными схемами подтверждают высокую эффективность применения предложенной структуры системы с коррекцией ошибок

    Investigando la educación en educación con el caso de M.M. Sistema educativo de Speransky

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    M.M. Speransky is a famous Russian public and political figure. However, his activities were not limited to political issues. His pedagogical activity is studied poorly. The basic principles of the younger generation upbringing were laid during the seminar period, which coincided in time with the pedagogical activity by M. Speransky. The success of Speransky’s pedagogical system is evidenced by the fact that he was invited as an educator to the royal family. The basic principles of Speransky's pedagogy were the following ones: the authority of a teacher, but the lack of authoritarianism, the interaction with a student in the search for the right educational solutions, the attachment to the students and responsibility for them.M.M. Speransky es una famosa figura pública y política rusa. Sin embargo, sus actividades no se limitaron a cuestiones políticas. Su actividad pedagógica es poco estudiada. Los principios básicos de la educación de la generación más joven se establecieron durante el período del seminario, que coincidió en el tiempo con la actividad pedagógica de M. Speransky. El éxito del sistema pedagógico de Speransky se evidencia por el hecho de que fue invitado como educador a la familia real. Los principios básicos de la pedagogía de Speransky fueron los siguientes: la autoridad de un maestro, pero la falta de autoritarismo, la interacción con un estudiante en la búsqueda de las soluciones educativas correctas, el apego a los estudiantes y la responsabilidad por ellos

    Categoría de “educación” en M.M. Sistema educativo Speransky

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    M.M. Speransky is a famous Russian public and political figure. However, his activities were not limited to political issues. His pedagogical activity is studied poorly. The basic principles of the younger generation upbringing were laid during the seminar period, which coincided in time with the pedagogical activity by M. Speransky. The success of Speransky’s pedagogical system is evidenced by the fact that he was invited as an educator to the royal family. The basic principles of Speransky’s pedagogy were the following ones: the authority of a teacher, but the lack of authoritarianism, the interaction with a student in the search for the right educational solutions, the attachment to the students and responsibility for them.M.M. Speransky es una famosa figura pública y política rusa. Sin embargo, sus actividades no se limitaron a cuestiones políticas. Su actividad pedagógica es poco estudiada. Los principios básicos de la educación de la generación más joven se establecieron durante el período del seminario, que coincidió en el tiempo con la actividad pedagógica de M. Speransky. El éxito del sistema pedagógico de Speransky se evidencia por el hecho de que fue invitado como educador a la familia real. Los principios básicos de la pedagogía de Speransky fueron los siguientes: la autoridad de un maestro, pero la falta de autoritarismo, la interacción con un estudiante en la búsqueda de las soluciones educativas correctas, el apego a los estudiantes y la responsabilidad por ellos

    Способ построения семейства кодов с суммированием с наименьшим общим количеством необнаруживаемых ошибок в информационных векторах

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    The research results of the methods for formation of separable sum codes with the minimum number of undetectable errors in data vectors are presented. A formula for counting the number of undetectable errors in data vectors and codes family properties are given. A universal method for formation of such codes is shown, which makes it possible for each value of the data vector length to obtain a whole family of codes that also have different distributions of undetectable errors by type and multiplicity. An example of codes formation, methods for analyzing characteristics, code comparison are presented. A method for synthesizing coders of developed sum codes is suggested. Изложены результаты исследований способов построения разделимых кодов с суммированием с наименьшим общим количеством необнаруживаемых ошибок в информационных векторах. Приведены формулы подсчета числа необнаруживаемых ошибок в информационных векторах и свойства данного класса кодов. Представлен универсальный способ построения таких кодов, дающий для каждого значения длины информационного вектора возможность получения целого семейства кодов, обладающих к тому же различными распределениями необнаруживаемых ошибок по видам и кратностям. Приведены примеры построения кодов, методология анализа их характеристик, а также дано сравнение кодов между собой. Предложен метод синтеза кодеров разработанных кодов с суммированием