23 research outputs found

    How Social Media Transforms the Global Market: The Case of Social Commerce

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    The purpose of this article is to figure out how Social Networks change the global trade’s trends and e commerce. Using case-study method, business models analysis and Business Model Canvas construction, it was found out how exactly s-commerce companies, such as Pinduoduo, Facebook* and TikTok, affect the ways of running a business and set the trends for it today. The main sources of information were annual and quarterly reports of the selected companies in the open access via official websites, as well as interviews and a number of scientific publications

    Systematical approach for teaching English Grammar in Primary school

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    . Papīrs bija uzrakstīts ar nolūku izpētīt Sistemisko pieeju angļu valodas Gramatikas apmācībā un to efektivitāti, jo mūsdienās ir prāsības universālas metodes angļu valodas apmācībā izmantošanai, kura varētu nodrošināt secīgu un pakāpenisku valodas apmācību, palīdzot saprast valodas ka sistēmas būtību un sasniegt mērķi apgūt komunikatīvo kompetenci. Pētījumam bija izvirzīta hipotēze: „Jā skolotājs pielieto sistematisko pieeju angļu valodas gramatikas apmācībai, tad pēc četram-piecam mācību stundām skolēni var demonstrēt spēju apzināti izmantot darbības varda laika strukturu runā”. Metode, to specifika un salidzināšana ar citām metodēm tika pētīti ar speciālas literatūras palīdzību un bija veikti attiecīgie teoretiskie secinājumi ka arī izvirzītas tēzes. Praktiskai pētījuma daļai autors izmantoja Konkrētas situācijas (Case study) metodi. Autors izdarīja mēģinājumu ieviest petījamas metodes principus apmācībā 5. klasēs. Lai savāktu datus, autors veica aptauju ka arī interviju. Aptaujai autors izmantoja jautājumu anketu, kura bija iedota skolēniem ar mērķi saņemt no viņiem atgriezenisko saiti attiecībā uz novādītām stundam. Intervija ar 10.-12. klašu skolotāju, ar mērķi uzzināt viņu viedokli par dažādu metožu izmantošanu angļu valodas apmācībā, bija veikta apmācības kursa beigās. Iegūtie dati palīdzēja autoram veikt atbilstošus secinājumus un izvirzīt težus. Apkopotie rezultāti bija prezentēti 8 tēžu veidā. Petījumam izvirzīta hipotēze netika pierādīta. Autors izvirzīja domu, ka iemēsls tam varētu būt pētījuma ierobežojumi. Galvenais ir laika ierobežojums, jā runāt par kursa saskaņošanu ar izvirzīto tām mērķi. Tomēr autors izdarīja secinājumu kā Sistematiskas pieejas principi var būt apvienoti ar Komunikatīvas pieejas principiem un var būt izvirzīta universāla metode ar definējumu:” Valodas ka sistēmas apmācība ļauj to padarīt par lidzekļu komunikacijai”, kura ir vērta apskātīšanas.. The Paper was written by the author with the aim to explore Systemic Approach to teaching English Grammar and its effectiveness since nowadays there is a demand for using universal method which can provide consequent and gradual acquiring of the language leading to the deep understanding of foreign language system and aimed to achieve communicative competence. For the research there was proposed hypothesis: “If the teacher applies systematical approach to teaching grammar then after four-five lessons pupils can demonstrate ability to use sensibly the structure in speech.” The method, its specifics and comparison with the other methods were explored by the author through studying special literature on the issue and afterwards relevant theoretical conclusions were drawn and theses proposed. The author performed also the empirical research- Case study in Secondary school. The author made an attempt to implement the principles of the method into teaching the aspect of Grammar- Present Perfect to 5th Grades. For gathering the data the author used Questionnaire and Interview. Questionnaire was distributed among the learners with the aim to get feedback on the course and the interview with English Teacher of 10.-12.Grades aimed to get the opinion on the principles of methodology for teaching English was led later. The data obtained helped the author to draw conclusions and propose theses.The summarizing results were represented in the way of 8 theses. The hypothesis of the Paper was not verified on practice.The author suggested that the reason for it could be the limitations of the research and the time limitations the author considered to be of the prevailing importance if to connect the course taught with its initial aim. However, the author drew a conclusion that the concept of Systemic Approach can be combined with principles of CLT and the universal method with the definition : “Learning language as a system allows to make it (language) a mean for communication.” is worth consideration

    Subjective Ontology and the Individual’s Lifeworld

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    The author proposes an interpretation of the core role of subjective ontology in the formation of the individual’s lifeworld. It is shown that the actual implementation of the life journey obliges the person to think ontologically, explaining to oneself, basing on the accumulated experience, how the reality is arranged, and building a version of the causes and consequences of his own existence in it. Solving the tasks of self-development and constructing personal life stories, the individual relies upon some ultimate ontologemes (‘fate’, ‘fortuity’, ‘free will’), each of which generates different foci of interpretation of self-experience and defines the individual semantics of possible life events: if the ontology of free will dominates, then self-interpretation is built primarily as an explanation of human deeds; if the person believes in the predetermination of everything by fate, then life fulfillment would be in the focus of his/her consciousness; if everything is dominated by the fortuity, then life is perceived as a set of unpredictable incidents. The assimilated ultimate ontologemes stimulate the prevalence in self-interpretation of one of the mental processes (belief, thinking, intuition) and thus set three possible frames for the interpretation of the life path: fate — fulfillment — belief; fortuity — incident — intuition; free will — deed — thinking. The lifeworld is represented as a pyramid whose top is formed by subjective ontology that performs a system-forming function in relation to it, and its facets are its epistemological, axiological, praxeological and symbolic dimensions

    Investigation of the Effect of Temperature Stabilization in Radiation–Heat Converters Based on a Strong Absorbing Coating

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    Light–heat converters are promising for further development of contact laser surgery. The simplest converter consists of an optical fiber with a strong absorbing layer at the tip. We studied the time dependence of the tip temperature at different CW laser powers and revealed that, in several seconds, the temperature evolution becomes almost power-independent. Mathematical modeling showed that laser ablation of the tip coating is the main reason for this phenomenon

    The influence on biotissue laser resection of a strongly absorbing layer at the optical fiber tip

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    In this paper, we consider a method of laser resection using the silica glass core from which the cladding layer has been removed as the cutting part of a laser scalpel. An absorbing layer coating the silica fiber tip markedly alters its biotissue cutting characteristics. The results of histological studies of skin after exposure to a laser scalpel with and without a strongly absorbing coating (SAC) at a wavelength of 0.97μm show that resection using a coated scalpel is more sparing. When an uncoated scalpel was used, skin injury was more apparent in both its surface spread and the depth of structural damage, resulting in poorer tissue regeneration


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    Abstract -Here we compile and analyze the data on photoaggregation of a model protein carboanhydrase and the main eye lens proteins α -, β -, γ -crystallins under the action of pulsed UV irradiation from a Xe-Cl laser (308 nm) with broad variation of pulse energy density and repetition rate. The aggregation efficacy proves to be a nonlinear function of these parameters and protein concentration. A theoretical model is proposed that qualitatively explains the experimental data. It is shown that N-arm-truncated β A3-crystallin is more prone to UV-induced aggregation than the full-sized protein; such defects caused by mutation or aging may aggravate the development of lenticular opacity. Analyzed is the effect of some low-molecular compounds on the aggregation of β -crystallin and its mixture with α -crystallin. A combination of short peptides prepared on this basis markedly impedes crystallin aggregation and retards the development of UV-induced cataract in rats