31 research outputs found


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    U radu se daju rezultati istraživanja migracija u seoskom području Republike Hrvatske. Cilj je istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na iseljavanje seoskog stanovništva Republike Hrvatske. Istraživanje je provedeno 2007. godine na uzorku od 914 ispitanika dobi od 24 do 45 godina u seoskom području Republike Hrvatske. Odabir naselja i ispitanika bio je slučajan. Provedeno istraživanje pokazuje da su najveće poteškoće života u hrvatskom seoskom području gospodarske naravi, manjak zaposlenja, slaba mogućnost izbora zanimanja i niža zarada u odnosu na zaposlenje u gradu. Petina ispitanika nije zadovoljna uvjetima seoskog života i namjerava se iseliti. To je zabrinjavajući pokazatelj budući da se radi o populaciji koja je u pravilu završila proces obrazovanja i većinom osnovala obitelj. Najviše mogućih iseljenika, što je bilo i za očekivati, je iz gospodarski nerazvijenih područja Republike Hrvatske. Daljnja depopulacija hrvatskog sela bila bi pogubna, a njene najveće posljedice bile bi: prevelika urbanizacija, posebice velikih gradova, daljnji neravnomjerni razvitak Republike Hrvatske te nedovoljno iskorištenje prostornog, proizvodnog i ljudskog potencijala. S obzirom na strateški cilj ulaska Republike Hrvatske u Europsku uniju, navedeno predstavlja bitno ograničenje njene uspješne prilagodbe europskoj ekonomskoj integraciji. Iseljavanje seoskog pučanstva može se spriječiti prvenstveno povećanjem zaposlenosti i dohotka te stvaranjem takve fizičke i društvene infrastrukture u seoskom području koja će bitno poboljšati životne uvjete seoskog pučanstva. Seoska područja, poglavito gospodarski nerazvijena, nemaju dovoljno vlastitih mogućnosti za ubrzanje razvoja odnosno za nužno smanjivanje razlika u kakvoći življenja prema gradskim područjima. Zbog toga je nužno da njihov razvojni proces više nego dosada potpomogne Država osmišljenim mjerama regionalnog razvoja, uz svekoliku potporu lokalne uprave i samouprave. U tome bi svoj znatan obol trebalo dati novo-osnovano Ministarstvo za regionalni razvoj.The paper presents results of the research study on migrations in rural areas of the Republic of Croatia. The aim was to determine factors influencing migrations of rural population in Croatia. The research was carried out in 2007 on 914 respondents from 25 to 45 years of age. The rural communities and respondents were selected on a random basis. The study results indicate that the major difficulties in rural life in Croatia are of economic nature: lack of employment opportunities, inadequate choice of profession and lower income in comparison with employment in urban areas. One fifth of the respondents is not satisfied with conditions of rural life and intends to leave villages. This is a very disturbing indicator, since it refers to population, which in general, has finished education and started a family. As we expect, the largest number of potential migrants comes from economically underdeveloped Croatian areas. Further depopulation of Croatian villages would have dramatic effects, and the worst consequences would be excessive urbanization, especially of large cities, further uneven development of the Republic of Croatia, and insufficient utilization of spatial, production and human resources. Since the strategic Croatian goal is to become a member of the European Union, this is a major obstacle to its successful adjustment to the European economic integration. The migration of rural population could be prevented primarily by increase in employment and income opportunities and creation of such physical and social infrastructure in rural areas that would considerably improve living conditions for rural population. The rural areas, particularly underdeveloped, have no adequate capacities for intensification of its development and diminishing differences in their quality of life compared to urban areas. Thus, the state support is increasingly required by introducing measures of regional development with complementary support of the local government. The newly founded Ministry of Regional Development is therefore inevitable in this process

    Explosion Pressure Design Criteria for New Seals in U.S. Coal Mines

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    Seals are used in underground coal mines throughout the United States to isolate abandoned mining areas from the active workings. Prior to the Sago Mine disaster in 2006, mining regulations required seals to withstand a 140-kPa (20-psig) explosion pressure (30 CFR4 75.335(a)(2)). However, Program Information Bulletin No. P06-16 issued by MSHA on July 19, 2006 [McKinney 2006], requires seals to withstand a 345-kPa (50-psig) explosion pressure. The recently enacted MINER Act requires MSHA to increase this design standard by the end of 2007. This report provides a sound scientific and engineering justification to recommend a three-tiered explosion pressure design criterion for new seals in coal mines in response to the MINER Act. The recommendations contained herein apply to new seal design and construction in U.S. coal mines

    Fire and explosion properties of oil shale /

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    Bibliography: p. 37-39.Mode of access: Internet

    Rapid (grab) sampling during full-scale explosions - microscopic and analytical evaluation /

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 16).Mode of access: Internet

    Compendium of Structural Testing Data for 20-Psi Coal Mine Seals

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    This report presents nearly all structural data available from explosion tests of 20-psi mine ventilation seals and concrete-block ventilation stoppings that were conducted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health during 1997-2008. Although the seals tested were designed to meet the former federal 20-psi pressure design standard, the structural information contained herein on these seal tests will facilitate the analysis and design of coal mine seals that meet the new explosion pressure design criteria of 50 and 120 psi as set forth in the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)\u27s final rule on Sealing of Abandoned Areas. The seal testing data are organized into six broad categories of seal structures based on the materials used and the construction method for those 20-psi seals: 1. Concretelike materials with steel reinforcement and reinforcement bar anchorage to rock; 2. Pumpable cementitious materials of varying compressive strengths with no steel reinforcement and no hitching; 3. Articulated structures such as solid-concrete-block seals and ventilation stoppings made of solid and hollow-core concrete blocks; 4. Polymer and aggregate materials without hitching; 5. Wood-crib-block seals with or without hitching; 6. Articulated structures such as lightweight blocks with or without hitching. This summary contains data on 52 different structures in the above categories - 44 seals and 8 ventilation stoppings. The structural data sets include the applied loading on the tested seal represented by a pressure-time curve and, when available, the measured seal response represented by a displacement-time curve. The structural data sets enable the calibration and verification of numerical models of seal behavior at the 20-psi level, which may then facilitate future structural analyses of seal designs for the new 50- and 120-psi explosion pressure design criteria

    Diagnostics of sealed coal mine fires /

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    Bibliography: p. 25.Mode of access: Internet

    Size scaling of gas explosions : Bruceton Experimental Mine versus the Lake Lynn Mine /

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    Bibliography: p. 23.Mode of access: Internet