5 research outputs found

    Pathogenic ability and saline stress tolerance of two Fusarium isolates from Odontesthes bonariensis eggs

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    Background Several fungal species represent a potential risk to embryos ofOdontesthes bonariensis(Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1835), a euryhaline freshwater fish that lives in the Pampean inland waters and has potential economic relevance. Aims To identify two fungi isolated fromO. bonariensiseggs exposed to saline conditions and to characterize their pathogenicity and tolerance to sodium chloride solutions. Methods The isolates were identified by morphological features, and a preliminar phylogenetic analysis using sequences of translation elongation factor 1-alpha (EF-1伪) and calmodulin (CAM) was performed. Koch's postulates were tested to identify the causative agent of fungal infection. The influence of NaCl on the fungal growth was evaluated in in vitro assays. Results The isolates LPSC 1001 and 1002 were identified as representatives of the genusFusarium, and belonging to theFusarium incarnatum-Fusarium equisetispecies complex (FIESC) and theFusarium solanispecies complex (FSSC), respectively. Histological observations on eggs exposed in vitro to both isolates in infectivity assays confirmed the ability of the fungal isolates to penetrate to egg's chorionic membrane, leading to the death of embryos. Increasing NaCl concentration in the culture medium reduced the growth of the isolates LPSC 1001 and 1002, being completely inhibited at 160 and 120g/l NaCl respectively. Conclusions The isolates LPSC 1001 (FIESC) and 1002 (FSSC) were identified as fungal pathogens toO. bonariensiseggs. The use of NaCl solutions as antifungal treatment was not effective to control the infection with these strains.Antecedentes Diversas especies de hongos pueden representar un riesgo importante para los embriones deOdontesthes bonariensis(Cuvier & Valenciennes 1835), un pez de agua dulce eurihalino que vive en las aguas interiores pampeanas y tiene una relevancia econ贸mica potencial. Objetivos Identificar dos especies de hongos de huevos deO. bonariensisexpuestos a condiciones salinas y caracterizar su patogenicidad y tolerancia a las soluciones de cloruro de sodio. M茅todos Se identificaron los aislamientos por sus caracter铆sticas morfol贸gicas, y se realiz贸 un an谩lisis filogen茅tico preliminar utilizando secuencias de traslaci贸n del factor 1 alfa elongaci贸n (EF- 1伪) y calmodulina (CAM). Se llevaron a cabo los postulados de Koch para identificar el agente causante de la infecci贸n f煤ngica. La influencia de NaCl sobre el crecimiento f煤ngico se evalu贸 en ensayos in vitro. Resultados Se identificaron los aislamientos LPSC 1001 y 1002 como representantes del g茅neroFusarium, y pertenecientes al complejo de especiesFusarium incarnatum-Fusarium equiseti(FIESC) y al complejo de especies deFusarium solani(FSSC), respectivamente. Las observaciones histol贸gicas en los huevos expuestos in vitro a ambos aislamientos en los ensayos de infectividad confirmaron la capacidad de estos para penetrar en la membrana cori贸nica, lo que condujo a la muerte de los embriones. El aumento de la concentraci贸n de NaCl en el medio de cultivo redujo el crecimiento de los aislamientos LPSC 1001 y 1002, quedando completamente inhibidos a 160 y 120g/l de NaCl, respectivamente. Conclusiones Se identificaron los aislamientos LPSC 1001 (FIESC) y 1002 (FSSC) como hongos pat贸genos para los huevos deO. bonariensis; el uso de soluciones de NaCl como tratamiento antif煤ngico no result贸 eficaz para el control de la infecci贸n con estas cepas.dia y mes probable de publicai贸

    From environmental burden to valuable resource- a fungal reduction of phytotoxicity of grape pomace waste

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    The main objective of this paper was to analyze the transformation of grape pomace by a fungal strain isolated from leaf-litter and assess if it can be a successful pretreatment method for the grape pomace waste

    Fungal transformation of grape pomace- analysis using GCxGC-MS

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    The main goal of this study was to analyze the transformation of grape pomace by six different fungal strains and assess if it can be a successful pretreatment method for the grape pomace waste

    From environmental burden to valuable resource- a fungal reduction of phytotoxicity of grape pomace waste

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    The main objective of this paper was to analyze the transformation of grape pomace by a fungal strain isolated from leaf-litter and assess if it can be a successful pretreatment method for the grape pomace waste