125 research outputs found

    Testimonios del desastre. Periodistas y escritores en los campos de batalla [Reseña]

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    Televisión Española y la Transición democrática: la comunicación política del cambio (1976-1979)

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    Ficha técnica: Virginia Martín Jiménez Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid Valladolid, 2013 335 pp. ISBN: 978-848448-745-

    La cuestión autonómica a través de la prensa: el debate de la LOAPA (1981)

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    El proyecto que se presenta analiza el debate autonómico que desembocó en la Ley Orgánica de Armonización del Proceso Autonómico (LOAPA) a través de ABC y La Vanguardia. El periodo de estudio abarca desde el 23 de febrero de 1981 hasta el 15 de agosto de ese mismo año. Utilizando como técnica el análisis de contenido, el objetivo principal del estudio es examinar qué argumentos y posiciones adoptaron los diarios en el proceso autonómico que se estaba fraguando en España.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea, de América. Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadMáster en Investigación de la Comunicación como Agente Histórico-Social2020-07-152020-07-1

    The crime of drug trafficking in the Spanish legal system. A review of some of the most important issues of current criminal regulation

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    El presente artículo realiza una breve exposición sobre la regulación penal española en relación al delito de tráfico de drogas y los preceptos aplicables a aquellas personas que delinquen como consecuencia de su drogodependencia. Si bien existe una vinculación entre drogas y delincuencia, no existe unanimidad sobre cuál es el mecanismo que debe utilizar el Estado para hacer frente a dicho consumo y tráfico, el legislador español ha optado por una regulación amplia del delito de tráfico de drogas, lo cual resulta ciertamente excesivo. Es por ello, que se analizará la regulación de este delito en el artículo 368 del Código Penal de español.This article makes a brief presentation on the Spanish criminal regulation in relation to the crime of drug trafficking and the precepts applicable to those people who commit crimes as a result of their drug dependence. Although the existing link between drugs and crime there is no unanimity on what is the mechanism that the State should use to deal with such consumption and trafficking, the Spanish legislator has opted for a broad regulation of the crime of drug trafficking, which results certainly excessive. That is why the regulation of this crime will be analyzed in article 368 of the Spanish Criminal Code

    Sentence comprehension before and after 1970: Topics, debates and techniques

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    [EN] Language Down the Garden Path traces the lines of research that grew out of Bever's classic paper. Leading scientists review over 40 years of debates on the factors at play in language comprehension, production, and acquisition (the role of prediction, grammar, working memory, prosody, abstractness, syntax and semantics mapping); the current status of universals and narrow syntax; and virtually every topic relevant in psycholinguistics since 1970. Written in an accessible and engaging style, the book will appeal to all those interested in understanding the questions that shaped, and are still shaping, this field and the ways in which linguists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, and neuroscientists are seeking to answer them

    Journalism in Democracy: A Discourse Analysis of Twitter Posts on the Ferrerasgate Scandal

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    This research analyses the discourse on Twitter surrounding the "Ferrerasgate" scandal involving the Spanish journalist Antonio García Ferreras, director and host of the television show Al Rojo Vivo (La Sexta, Spanish TV channel). It examines the main object of criticism, the tone of the discourse, the argumentation made by users, as well as the existence of hate in their rhetoric. The tweets included in the study’s sample (N = 2,846), posted between 5 and 15 July 2022 and extracted on 16 July 2022, were examined in two complementary phases. The first entailed a quantitative content analysis of the messages and the second analysed whether hate speech was found in the sample as a whole. The Sketch Engine tool was used to determine whether "crypto hate speech" existed in the sample as a whole, and to whom it was targeted. The results reveal that "Ferrerasgate" sparked a debate that spilt over into journalism across the board, calling into question the media’s role in a democracy. The most prominent arguments were the condemnation of misinformation, lack of independence, and absence of professionalism in the journalism sector. It should be noted that most of the messages were destructive in tone; hate was found in the tweets analysed, although these did not represent a high percentage in relation to the total sample

    Scotland or Catalonia? The Spanish newspapers about the Scottish referendum for 2014

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    El presente artículo analiza los discursos que se esgrimieron en las principales cabeceras de la prensa española sobre el referéndum por la independencia de Escocia. Utilizando como técnica el análisis de contenido cualitativo, el objetivo primordial de este estudio es examinar cómo fue representado el debate que generó el 18 de septiembre, así como las comparaciones argumentales que los diarios realizaron entre la cuestión independentista escocesa y catalana. La investigación que se presenta explora un campo novedoso y abre nuevas áreas de trabajo sobre el nacionalismo, el independentismo y el papel de los medios en la conformación de opiniones.The present paper analyses the discourses that were held in the main Spanish newspapers about the Scottish referendum for the independence. Using a qualitative content analysis technique, the aim of this paper is to examine the debate generated the 18th September and the comparisons that they made between the Scottish and Catalan independence issue. This paper explores a new and current topic in order to open new research areas of nationalism, independence and the role of the media in the public opinion

    The press as a historical agent against nationalism, decentralization and autonomy (20th century)

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    The beginning of the end of Adolfo Suárez. Press and television faced with the Andalusian autonomous process (1980)

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    El presente artículo interpreta el debate político y mediático que se generó en 1980 a raíz del proceso autonómico en Andalucía. La metodología se basa en un análisis de contenido cualitativo de los editoriales y de los artículos de opinión que se publicaron en El País y ABC, junto a un examen del papel que jugó Televisión Española en el desarrollo del autogobierno en dicha región. Las conclusiones de esta investigación revelan la complejidad del caso andaluz, su protagonismo en la esfera periodística y su influencia en la crisis del Gobierno, que acusó su indefinición a la hora de abordar la cuestión.This paper provides an interpretation of the polítical and media debate that took place in Andalusia regarding the process of power devolution (the “autonomous process”) in 1980. The methodology is based on the qualitative analysis of the articles and editorials published in the national dailies El País and ABC, combined with a review of the role played by the public broadcaster Televisión Española, during the abovementioned process. The conclusions of this investigation reveal the complexity of the Andalusian case, as well as the prominent media coverage it received and its influence on the crisis of the Spanish Government, at the time affected by its lack of definition in addressing this burning issue