285 research outputs found

    Negation Detection for Robust Adverse Drug Event Extraction From Social Media Texts

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    Adverse Drug Event (ADE) extraction from user-generated content has gained popularity as a tool to aid researchers and pharmaceutical companies to monitor side effect of drugs in the wild. Automatic models can rapidly examine large collections of social media texts. However it is currently unknown if such models are robust in face of linguistic phenomena such as negation and speculation, which are pervasive across language varieties. We evaluate three state-of-the-art systems, showing their fragility against negation, and then we introduce two possible strategies to increase the robustness of these models: (i) a pipeline approach, using a specific component for negation detection; (ii) an augmentation of the dataset with artificially negated samples to further train the models. We show that both strategies bring significant increases in performance

    A calibration bench to validate systematic error compensation strategies in hole drilling measurements

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    An accurate estimation of the measurement error in the hole drilling method is needed to choose an appropriate level of regularization and to perform a sensitivity analysis on the stress results. Latest release of ASTM E837 standard for the hole drilling method includes a procedure aimed at estimating the standard deviation of the random error component on strain measurements, proposed by Schajer. Nevertheless, strain measurements are also affected to some extent by systematic errors which are not included in the estimation and need to be compensated. For example, an error in the rosette gage factor or in the identification of the zero-depth point systematically affects all strain measurements in a strongly correlated fashion. This paper describes a calibration bench, designed to superimpose a reference bending stress distribution on a given specimen while simultaneously performing a hole drilling measurement. Since the reference solution is known a priori and shares the measurement instrumentation, the hole geometry and the stepping process with the actual residual stress distribution, the bench provides the user with a direct validation of the obtained accuracy. In addition, strategies aimed at compensating systematic errors can be tested on the reference solution and then applied on the residual stress evaluation. Two bias correction strategies are discussed and validated on a 7075-T651 aluminum specimen. It is observed that the imperfect hole geometry and drilling alignment lead to a significant underestimation of stresses near the surface. With the proposed bench, it is shown that this effect can be corrected

    Comportamento a fatica di strutture meccaniche in piena scala: risultati sperimentali e previsioni

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    Il lavoro si propone di presentare le principali attività di ricerca svolte, negli ultimi anni, presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione (DIMNP) dell’Università di Pisa, anche in collaborazione con l’Università di Trento, nel campo della resistenza a fatica delle strutture meccaniche, in particolare per quanto riguarda la conduzione di “test” su componenti in piena scala e la loro interpretazione. Viene quindi condotta un’illustrazione di alcune recenti campagne sperimentali (Es.: giunzioni filettate in acciaio, elementi di sospensione in alluminio, ingranaggi ad elevate prestazioni), alla quale segue una descrizione delle attività di caratterizzazione di base e di modellazione condotte al fine di costituire una adeguata base di conoscenze per la interpretazione. Infine, vengono analizzati i risultati ottenuti, evidenziando alcuni problemi aperti, sia sul piano concettuale che su quello applicativo

    Chasing Hypernyms in Vector Spaces with Entropy

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    In this paper, we introduce SLQS, a new entropy-based measure for the unsupervised identification of hypernymy and its directionality in Distributional Semantic Models (DSMs). SLQS is assessed through two tasks: (i.) identifying the hypernym in hyponym-hypernym pairs, and (ii.) discriminating hypernymy among various semantic relations. In both tasks, SLQS outperforms other state-of-the-art measures

    High temperature fatigue testing of gas turbine blades

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    Abstract With the increasing use of renewable energy sources, Gas Turbines (GTs) are currently required to accomplish more flexible operations for supplying the back-up energy. As a result, thermo-mechanical fatigue issues in the GTs components are emphasized. In this paper, the design of a novel rig for assessing the fatigue behavior in the trailing edge of full scale GTs blades is presented. Based on a detailed Finite Element (FE) analysis of the blade response under thermo-mechanical loads, it is demonstrated that the stress and strain cycles arising in this area during a start-up/shut-down transient can be accurately reproduced by clamping the blade in the shank zone and applying a transversal load to the trailing edge. It is also shown that the stress/strain states can be obtained using a Test Article (TA) extracted from the actual blade. In this configuration, the load magnitude and direction, and the distance of the application point from the blade platform are the test control parameters. A FE model simulating the TA test is developed to determine the test parameters. A tooling for clamping and loading the TA is finally proposed along with a rig apparatus consisting of standard equipment used in material testing

    Short communication: Characterization of a monoclonal antibody for Îş-casein B of cow's milk1

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    A monoclonal antibody (antik-B) against an oligopeptide of 23 AA corresponding to the region 131-153 of bovine kappa-casein (kappa-CN) B was generated using the Human Combinatorial Antibody Library (HuCAL) technology. Both AA substitutions distinguishing kappa-CN A and B are located in that region (positions 136 and 148). In this study, the reactivity of antik-B to milk samples collected from cows previously genotyped as CSN3*AA, CSN3*AB, and CSN3*BB was tested. According to Western blot results, antik-B recognized kappa-CN B and it showed no cross-reactivity toward kappa-CN A and other milk proteins. Furthermore, a modified Western blot method, urea-PAGE Western blot, was set up to assess the reactivity of antik-B toward all isoforms of kappa-CN B. In conclusion, antik-B was specific to kappa-CN B in milk and it seemed to be reactive toward all its isoforms

    Tetracyclines in COVID-19 patients quarantined at home: Literature evidence supporting real-world data from a multicenter observational study targeting inflammatory and infectious dermatoses

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    Tetracyclines (TetraC) are widely used in dermatology for both inflammatory and infectious dermatoses; recently both in vivo and in vitro studies started to suggest also a potential antiviral effect. During COVID-19 outbreak, several dermatological patients contracted SARS-CoV-2 experiencing only mild symptoms, but no protocol were approved. A multicenter prospective observational study that enrolled COVID-19 patients visited with teledermatology and undergoing TetraC was performed. About 38 adult outpatients (M/F: 20/18, age 42.6 years [21-67]) were enrolled. During the TetraC treatment, symptoms resolved in all patients within 10 days. Remarkably, ageusia and anosmia disappeared in the first week of TetraC treatment. TetraC seem a promising drug to treat COVID-19 outpatients with mild symptoms

    Joint statement on the role of respiratory rehabilitation in the COVID-19 crisis: the Italian position paper.

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    Due to an exponential growth of the number of subjects affected by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the entire Italian healthcare system had to respond promptly and in a very short time with the need of semi-intensive and intensive care units. Moreover, trained dedicated COVID-19 teams consisting of physicians coming from different specialties (intensivists or pneumologists and infectivologists), while respiratory therapists and nurses have been recruited to work on and on with rest. However, due to still limited and evolving knowledge of COVID-19 disease, there are little recommendations for need in respiratory rehabilitation and physiotherapy interventions. The presentation of this manuscript is the result of a consensus promoted by the Italian societies of respiratory health care professionals who contacted pulmonologists directly involved in the treatment and rehabilitation of COVID-19. The aim was to formulate the more proper and common suggestions to be applied in different hospital settings in offering rehabilitative programs and physiotherapy workforce planning in COVID-19 patients. Two main areas of intervention were identified: organization and treatment, which were described in this paper to face with the emergency

    Plethysmographic Loops : a Window on the Lung Pathophysiology of COPD Patients

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    Plethysmographic alveolar pressure-flow (Palv\u2013F) loops contain potentially relevant information about the pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but no quantitative analysis of these loops during spontaneous breathing has ever been performed. The area of the loop\u2019s inspiratory (Ains) and expiratory portion (Aexp), and the difference between the end-expiratory and end-inspiratory alveolar pressure (\u394Palv) were measured in 20 young, 20 elderly healthy subjects, and 130 stable COPD patients. Ains and \u394Palv increased by 55 and 78% from young to elderly subjects, and by 107 and 122% from elderly subjects to COPD patients, reflecting changes in mechanical heterogeneity, lung-units recruitment/derecruitment, and possibly air trapping occurring with aging and/or obstructive disease. Aexp increased by 38% from young to elderly subjects, and by 198% from elderly subjects to COPD patients, consistent with the additional contribution of tidal expiratory flow-limitation, which occurs only in COPD patients and affects Aexp only. In COPD patients, Aexp and \u394Palv showed a significant negative correlation with VC, FEV1, IC, and a significant positive correlation with RV/TLC. The results suggest that the analysis of plethysmographic Palv\u2013F loops provides an insight of the pathophysiological factors, especially tidal expiratory flow-limitation, that affect lung function in COPD patients
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