32 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Teknik Molekuler Untuk Analisis Genetik Tomato Leaf Curl Virus

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    Tomato leaf curl virus (ToLCV) merupakan salah satu virus dalamgenus Begomovirus, famili Geminiviridae, yang menyebabkanpenyakit keriting daun pada tomat. Informasi tentang keragamangenetik ToLCV bermanfaat dalam perakitan tanaman tahan. Kemajuandi bidang biologi molekuler telah menghasilkan beberapa teknikyang dapat digunakan untuk analisis genetik Begomovirus. Teknikmolekuler yang banyak diaplikasikan ialah polymerase chainreaction (PCR). Teknik ini sangat sensitif dan spesifik untukmendeteksi Begomovirus pada tingkat DNA. PCR juga dapatdigunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tingkat keragaman genetik virus.Teknik PCR telah digunakan untuk mendeteksi Begomovirus padatomat (ToLCV) dari sentra produksi di Jawa Timur, Jawa Tengah,Jawa Barat, DI Yogyakarta, dan Sumatera. Kombinasi teknik PCRdengan restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) jugadapat digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi keragaman genetik Begomovirus.Selain itu, teknik sekuensing DNA dapat diaplikasikanuntuk mempelajari identitas dan keragaman genetik isolat-isolatToLCV atau anggota Begomovirus lainnya. Analisis sekuen asamamino menunjukkan adanya keragaman genetik dari isolat-isolatToLCV Indonesia. Isolat-isolat tersebut homolog dengan Ageratumyellow vein virus (AYVV). Dengan teknik modifikasi gen (rekayasagenetik) telah berhasil memanfaatkan gen AV1 (coat protein) dariToLCV untuk menghasilkan tanaman tembakau tahan terhadapToLCV. Teknik modifikasi gen memberikan peluang yang besaruntuk mengembangkan tanaman tomat tahan ToLCV dan berperanpenting dalam pembangunan pertanian modern di masa mendatang

    Teknik PCR Kualitatif untuk Deteksi Produk Rekayasa Genetika Jagung Event BT11 dan GA21

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    In some countries, including Indonesia, labelling of GMO products is mandatory for giving consumers the right to choosebetween GMOs and conventional products. Therefore, development of methodology that can detect a specific geneticallymodified (GM) crops and to verify the absence or presence of GM material in a product including raw materials (e.g. grains)and/or their derivatives is needed. The objectives of this study were to find the most efficient screening methods to detectwhether or not a product is GM material and to develop a specific detection method to identify GM product BT11 and GA21. Inaddition, present study was also aimed to obtain a duplex detection method for both GM products. Two GM-maize, including theBT11 and GA21 lines of maize (Zea mays L.), and one plant, namely NK11 as the nontransgenic control, were used as plantgenetic materials in the event-specific detection of maize. The target gene from each sample was amplified in different reaction(simplex) using both the event specific primer and the endogenous maize reference, Zein, as internal control. Furthermore, induplex PCR, two targets were simultaneously amplified in the same reaction. The results showed that detection method of theGM product obtained from present study enabled us to screen the GM products and specifically the event of BT11 and GA21using simplex and duplex methods. The duplex method is more efficient because it can detect two GM crops in one timecompared to simplex method that only can detect GM crop one by one

    Green Algae Ulva SP. as Raw Material for Biogas Production

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    Ulva sp. is a non edible seaweed and posses a high growth rate. Therefore, this species is potential to be developed as a raw material for biogas production. One important factor on the biogas production is to determine organic loading rate (OLR). The aim of this study was to determine the potential of Ulva sp. as a raw material for biogas and to find out the optimum loading rate in the process of biogas production. Biogas production was carried out in the digester with a capacity of 22 l that was made of fiber and equipped with a manual stirrer and gas flow meter to measure gas production. Parameters analised were pH, COD, TSS, VSS, and gas composition. Organic loading rates used in this study were 0.5, 1, 1.5, and 2 kg COD.m-3.day-1. The results showed that the optimum loading rate was 1.5 kg COD.m-3.day-1. In the loading rate of 1.5 kg COD.m-3.day-1, we obtained the highest biogas production rate of 12.14 l/day with methane content of 42.96%, average COD removal of 51.97%, and methane production of 0.33 l/g COD

    Analisis Sidik Jari DNA Plasma Nutfah Kedelai Menggunakan Markah SSR

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    Accuracy is an important issue for plant germplasm identification, especially forvarietal conformation, registration, and plant protection. A study was conducted to determine genetic variation in 96 soybean accessions based on variation in size and number alelles using fluorescently-labeled SSR (Simple Sequence Repeat) markers on a capillary-electrophoresis DNA analyzer. This technology can be used to measure sizes of DNA fragments accurately and the genotyping protocol can be automated in a high-throughput manner. In addition, the germplasm as a whole can be further analyzed to measure the amount of genetic diversity and to identify agronomically-important genes or alleles for variety improvement. Results of the study indicated that nearly all the soyben accessions tested showed unique DNA fingerprints or genetic identities. The rare alleles (frequency <5%) that might have the potential in the variety improvement program had also been detected. Identification of the 96 soybean accessions using 10 SSR markers had detected 116 alleles, ranging between 7-19 alleles per locus, with the value of PIC (Polymorphism Information Content), reflecting the value of frequency and allele variation) 0.703. The tendency for clustering together of the allelles in certain groups of the improved soyben varieties indicating that there were close genetic relationships among them. In addition, molecular differences between two accessions having the same names but with different number of registrations were detected. Furthermore, the presence of two soybean accessions with different names but having the same molecular identity was also identified

    Genome-Edited Plants and the Challenges of Regulating Their Biosafety in Indonesia

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    Genome editing is a precise breeding technique to improve plant properties by editing specific genes that regulate desired trait. Genome editing techniques can be designed so that the resulting plant does not contain foreign genes and the resulting changes in DNA sequences cannot be distinguished from products obtained by conventional gene mutations which have been considered as safe and therefore unregulated. Thus, genome editing products in some countries are also not specifically regulated as GM products even though their assembly process uses recombinant DNA and genetic transformation. Brazil, likeIndonesia ratified the Cartagena Protocol, but it issued a special  regulation that provides dispensation for several types of genome editing products and exempts them from regulations that apply to transgenic plants. The steps taken by other countries in regulating genome editing products can be taken into consideration in drafting regulations in Indonesia, in order to create a conducive environment that supports the use of this potential technology while at the same time provides assurance regarding its safety to human health and the environment. The purpose of this review was to provide information onthe development of genome editing technologies in plant breeding, analyze its risks compared to that of conventional breeding, and compare its biosafety regulation in various countries to provide some considerations for drafting regulations on the risk assessment of genome editing products in Indonesia, as a ratifying country of the Cartagena Protocol

    Respon Padi Transgenik CV. Nipponbare Generasi T1 Yang Mengandung Gen Oryza Sativa Dehydration-response Element Binding 1a (Osdreb1a) Terhadap Cekaman Salinitas [Response of T1 Generation Transgenic Rice CV. Nipponbare Containing an Oryza Sativa Dehydration-response Element Binding 1a (Osdreb1a) Gene to Salinity Stress]

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    Salinity is one of the abiotic constraints in the cultivation of rice crop. One of the reasons agricultural land becomes saline is due to the intrusion of seawater into the mainland as a result of global climate change. Dehydration-responsive element binding (DREB) gene is a plant -specific transcription factor gene that have important role in regulating plant responses to abiotic stresses, including high salinity. Transgenic rice plants cv. Nipponbare carrying OsDREB1A gene have been generated. However, study of the response of putative transgenic plants to salinity has not been done. The research objective is to study the response of T1 generation Nipponbare-OsDREB1A transgenic rice plants to salinity stress. The result showed that the response of putative transgenic rice Nipponbare-OsDREB1A to salinity stress 25 mM and 150 mM NaCl indicated a level of tolerance varies from highly sensitive to highly tolerance. These variations were possibly occurred because of the segregation state of the T1 generation transgenic rice. Based on damage symptom scoring and PCR analysis provided information that transgenic rice plant cv. Nipponbare-OsDREB1A which showed positive PCR had a very high tolerance to salinity stress 150 mM compared with non-transgenic rice cv. Nipponbare