10 research outputs found


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    Perunurnan Produktivitas jeruk dapat dipengaruhi oleh ketidak seimbangan hara pada tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor pembatas kadar hara N. P. K dan Mg serta perbaikan keseimbangan hara tanaman melalui rekomendasi pemupukan di Kecamatan Cluring. Metode pengkajian menggunakan DRIS (Diagnosis and Recomendation Integraed System) untuk menganalisis interaksi kadar hara dalam tanah dan jaringan tanaman jeruk. Analisis daun dalam menetapkan N menggunakan metode Kjeldahl dengan cara pengabuan basah H2SO4, sedangkan P, K dan Mg dengan pengabuan basah HNO3 dan HClO4. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai norm n/p, n/k, k/p, n/mg, p/mg dan k/mg berturut turut adalah 7.63, 1.50, 5.36, 14.81, 1.88 dan 9.90. Nilai rata-rata indeks hara N. P. K dan Mg di kebun jeruk berproduktivitas optimum berturut-turut adalah (-0.39), (-0,07), (-1.56) dan 7.38. Hara pembatas pada sebagian besar kebun jeruk berproduktivitas rendah - sedang adalah hara nitrogen dan fosfor. Urutan hara yang harus diperbaiki pada kebun jeruk berproduktivitas rendah (<22.5 ton/ha) hingga sedang (22.5 – 27.5 ton/ha) berturut-turut adalah nitrogen, fosfor dan kalium. Rekomendasi pupuk untuk musim selanjutnya pada kebun jeruk berproduktivitas rendah adalah Urea 239.13 Kg/ha, SP36 338.89 Kg/ha dan ZK 80 Kg/ha, sedangkan pada kebun jeruk berproduktivitas sedang adalah Urea 204.35 Kg/ha, SP36 300 kg/ha dan ZK 170 kg/ha.Kata kunci: Tanaman jeruk, diagram DRIS dan Faktor pembata


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    The composite is a combination of two or more materials that form a bond, in which eachmaterial has different elements and forms a new material. One way to improve themechanical properties of composite materials is by heat treatment T6 consisting of threestages: 1. Solution treatment, 2. Quenching, 3. Artificial aging. The purpose of this study isas a comparison between the influence of type variations and temperature of cooling mediato the change of shape, dimensions, distribution of hardness and microstructure after andbefore T6 process of composite material aluminum 6061-aluminum oxide by squeeze castingmethod. In the process of T6 is done solution heat treatment at temperature 530℃ for 2 hoursand aging at temperature 180 ℃ for 2 hours. Specimen 9 with variations of coolant mediatype (water, brine, and oil SAE 40) and variations of coolant media temperature (roomtemperature, 70℃, dan 110℃). From the result of measurement and testing conducted showthat, changes in shape and dimensions are irregular due to non-uniform cooling rates. Thevalue of hardness increases after the heat treatment process and the value of hardness thatexist in the variation of the type and temperature of irregular cooling media, because it isinfluenced by the internal condition of the material. XRD microstructure testing showed thatall specimens in the compound candidate (Al, MgO, Si, and O) had a percentage value andthe compound formed differently. But the MgO compound affects changes in shape anddimension, If the value of MgO percentage is low then the change of shape and dimensionhas the biggest difference value. While the MgO is high then the change of shape anddimension has the smallest difference valu

    Pelatihan Macrame Sebagai Peningkatan Ketrampilan Masyarakat RT 01 RW 10 Kelurahan Merjosari, Kota Malang

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    Kelurahan Merjosari memiliki penduduk sebanyak 17.842 jiwa pada Tahun 2020 dengan mata pencaharian penduduk kelurahan Merjosari adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil, TNI/POLRI, karyawan swasta, wiraswasta atau pedagang, tani, pertukangan, buruh tani, dan jasa. Data Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Malang menyampaikan bahwa penganguran sebesar 9,65% dari jumlah usia produktif. Dari data yang diperoleh dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa masyarakat belum diberdayakan secara maksimal. Dengan menambah ketrampilan SDM yang ada diharapkan akan meningkatkan kemampuan secara finansial. Jumlah KK di RT 1 RW 10 Kelurahan Merjosari adalah sebanyak 47 keluarga. Beberapa ibu yang dapat mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan adalah 10 orang. Pelatihan diberikan oleh pemateri pengrajin Macrame. Peserta diberikan pengetahuan membuat Macrame untuk simpul yang umum digunakan. Pada saat pelatihan, peserta diberi tali dan benang Macrame masing-masing satu paket. Berdasarkan pelatihan dengan bimbingan pemateri yang telah dilakukan, para peserta pelatihan memulai menganyam benang penggantung pot dan gantungan kunci. Hasil dari kerajinan dapat dibawa pulang untuk contoh apabila akan memperbanyak dan dijual. Kerajinan Macrame dapat dibuat di rumah dan di sela-sela kegiatan ibu-ibu rumah tangga. Selanjutnya penjualan dilakukan menggunakan social media, sehingga sangat flexible untuk ibu-ibu rumah tangga ataupun ibu-ibu pekerja

    Gambaran Intervensi Perawat dalam Asuhan Keperawatan Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru di Rumah Sakit

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    Introduction: The nurses’ role within nursing care of tuberculosis patients in hospitals is  very important. Nurses problem are preparing nursing interventions in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis rarely use the standard Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC). Independent nursing interventions are not in accordance with the diagnoses established by nurses, so the impact on the implementation needed by patients is not in accordance with the problems occured. Collaborative intervention is mostly carried out by nurses compared to independent intervention. Nurses must arrange nursing interventions based on the standard of nursing diagnoses that are enforced. The objective study was to describe the interventions compiled by nurses at the hospital.Methods: Research design was qualitative research with observational approach. Sample was 100 nurse’s documentastions  of  pulmonary tuberculosis patient  in TB MDR ward. Data analysis used language and text analysis with content analysis. Results: The results research was the highest 10 interventions written by nurses is intervention about observe general condition of patient was 83 times, collaboration with  doctor’s therapy was 54 times, give comfort position was 54 times, give therapy was 47 times, check vital signs regulerly was 40 times, give oxigen was 34 times, advise to bedrest was 30 times, teach  to effective cough was 25 times, Give position semi fowler was 15% times, and teach to deep breath was 15 times. Conclusion: Nurses must improve their skills and knowledge in preparing treatment plans, because the interventions that have been prepared have not been optimal for dealing with patient problems in hospitals. Interventions to improve patient knowledge and abilities in the management of the disease are important to give to patients.


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    A CONSTRUCTION OF INSTRUMENTATION FLOWCHART AND PIPING SYSTEM FOR TEST CIRCUIT OF RESEARCH REACTOR SYSTEM. A construction of instrumentation flowchart and piping system for test circuit of research reactor system has been conducted. The aim of the construction is to study the cooling process of primary and secondary cooling system of nulcear research reactor. Basic construction of this work is the requirement of primary and secondary cooling system of research reactor G.A. Siwabesy. The primary cooling water flow rate is 431 liter/hour at the heat exchanger, with outlet and inlet water temperature are 42oC and 41oC respectively. The secondary cooling water is taken fro, the cooling tower having flow rate 172 liter/hour, with outlet and inlet water temperature are 37oC and 32oC respectively. Austenit stainless steel pipe is used with the nominal composition of 18% Cr-8% Ni.B31.1 standard it is called A376/TP304 or SS 304. The pipe diameter is 1 inch, schedule 40S. Some types of valves are used to control the flow: gate valve, butterfly valve, solenoid valve, and check valve that are controlled using electric and manual method. From this design, the flowchart of instrumentation and piping is produced and usually called piping and instrumentation diagram.  PEMBUATAN DIAGRAM ALIR INSTRUMENTASI DAN PEMIPAAN UNTAI UJI SISTEM KENDALI REAKTOR RISET .Telah dilakukan pembuatan diagram alir sistem instrumentasi dan pemipaan untai uji sistem kendali reaktor riset. Tujuan dari pembuatan diagram alir adalah untuk mempelajari proses pendinginan primer dan sekunder sebuah reaktor riset. Dasar pembuatan dari sistem instrumentasi dan pemipaan ini adalah requirement sistem pendingin primer dan sekunder reaktor riset GA.Siwabesy. Laju alir air pendingin primer 431 liter/jam pada alat penukar panas, suhu air pendingin keluar 42oC dan suhu air masuk 40oC. Air pendingin sekunder diambil dari cooling tower dengan laju alir 172 liter/jam. dengan suhu air pendingin yang keluar dari cooling tower 37oC dan suhu air masuk 32oC.Pipa yang digunakan adalah jenis baja tahan karat austenit dengan komposisi nominal 18%Cr-8%Ni. Dalam standar ASME B31.1 disebut dengan pipa A 376/TP 304, atau SS 304. Diameter pipa 1 inch, schedule 40S. Untuk pengaturan aliran digunakan beberapa jenis valve : Gate valve, Buterfly valve, selenoid valve , check valve, yang dikendalikan dengan sistem kontrol secara elektrik maupun manual. Dari rancangan ini dihasilkan gambar diagram alir instrumentasi dan pemipaan atau yang sering disebut Piping & Instrumentasi Diagra


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    A CONSTRUCTION OF INSTRUMENTATION FLOWCHART AND PIPING SYSTEM FOR TEST CIRCUIT OF RESEARCH REACTOR SYSTEM. A construction of instrumentation flowchart and piping system for test circuit of research reactor system has been conducted. The aim of the construction is to study the cooling process of primary and secondary cooling system of nulcear research reactor. Basic construction of this work is the requirement of primary and secondary cooling system of research reactor G.A. Siwabesy. The primary cooling water flow rate is 431 liter/hour at the heat exchanger, with outlet and inlet water temperature are 42oC and 41oC respectively. The secondary cooling water is taken fro, the cooling tower having flow rate 172 liter/hour, with outlet and inlet water temperature are 37oC and 32oC respectively. Austenit stainless steel pipe is used with the nominal composition of 18% Cr-8% Ni.B31.1 standard it is called A376/TP304 or SS 304. The pipe diameter is 1 inch, schedule 40S. Some types of valves are used to control the flow: gate valve, butterfly valve, solenoid valve, and check valve that are controlled using electric and manual method. From this design, the flowchart of instrumentation and piping is produced and usually called piping and instrumentation diagram.  PEMBUATAN DIAGRAM ALIR INSTRUMENTASI DAN PEMIPAAN UNTAI UJI SISTEM KENDALI REAKTOR RISET .Telah dilakukan pembuatan diagram alir sistem instrumentasi dan pemipaan untai uji sistem kendali reaktor riset. Tujuan dari pembuatan diagram alir adalah untuk mempelajari proses pendinginan primer dan sekunder sebuah reaktor riset. Dasar pembuatan dari sistem instrumentasi dan pemipaan ini adalah requirement sistem pendingin primer dan sekunder reaktor riset GA.Siwabesy. Laju alir air pendingin primer 431 liter/jam pada alat penukar panas, suhu air pendingin keluar 42oC dan suhu air masuk 40oC. Air pendingin sekunder diambil dari cooling tower dengan laju alir 172 liter/jam. dengan suhu air pendingin yang keluar dari cooling tower 37oC dan suhu air masuk 32oC.Pipa yang digunakan adalah jenis baja tahan karat austenit dengan komposisi nominal 18%Cr-8%Ni. Dalam standar ASME B31.1 disebut dengan pipa A 376/TP 304, atau SS 304. Diameter pipa 1 inch, schedule 40S. Untuk pengaturan aliran digunakan beberapa jenis valve : Gate valve, Buterfly valve, selenoid valve , check valve, yang dikendalikan dengan sistem kontrol secara elektrik maupun manual. Dari rancangan ini dihasilkan gambar diagram alir instrumentasi dan pemipaan atau yang sering disebut Piping & Instrumentasi Diagra


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    Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Existing Structures Using the Rapid Visual Screening Method in Malang City

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    Indonesia is characterized by its volcanic mountain ranges and bordered by several tectonic plates. This geographical setup makes Indonesia susceptible to both tectonic and volcanic earthquakes. The Indonesian National Standardization Body issued the latest earthquake regulations in 2019, leading to changes in the seismic hazard values used as reference in seismic design. As a result of these regulation changes, seismic load designs have been updated. While these regulations are applicable to the planning of new buildings, it’s equally important to assess existing structures to determine if they can withstand the updated seismic loads. This research focuses on evaluating the vulnerability of older buildings constructed before the implementation of the new earthquake regulations. The assessment method employed is Rapid Visual Screening (RVS). This study was conducted in Malang City, as it falls within an area of moderate to high seismicity. After conducting the RVS method, a numerical analysis was performed on a sample of buildings for comparison. The research findings indicate that the examined buildings are still capable of withstanding the updated seismic loads

    Hubungan Peran Tim Pencegahan dan Pengendalian Infeksi (Tim PPI) dan Fasilitas Cuci Tangan dengan Kepatuhan Cuci Tangan Perawat

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    Introduction: Health care associated infections (HCAIs) are infections that patients get during hospitalization. The most effective prevention of HCAIs is hand washing. Hand washing compliance behavior is still quite low. Nurses' hand washing compliance needs to be improved by optimizing the role of the Infection Prevention and Control Team (PPI team) and adequate hand washing facilities. Research related to the role of the PPI team and existing hand washing facilities still shows mixed results, therefore it is interesting to study.Methods: This study used a descriptive correlational design that aims to determine the relationship between the role of the PPI team and hand washing facilities with nurses' hand washing compliance. The research sample consisted of 204 nurses who were taken at simple random, data collection using questionnaires and observation sheets. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions for the role of the PPI Team variable and 5 questions for the variable hand washing facilities and 11 statements for observing nurse handwashing compliance.Results: The results showed that nurses who obeyed hand washing were 88% and did not comply with 12%, the role of the PPI team performed well at 97.5% and not good 2.5% and the availability of hand washing facilities were considered good at 97.5% and not good 2,5%. The results of the Chi-Square test showed that there was a significant relationship between the role of the PPI team and nurses' hand washing compliance (P = 0.0001) and there was a significant relationship between the completeness of hand washing facilities and nurses' hand washing compliance (P = 0.007).Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, nurses are expected to be able to maintain and improve hand washing and transform these good habits for other health teams, patients, families, and visitors. In addition, the PPI team must continue to work optimally and the hospital can provide complete hand washing facilitie