99 research outputs found

    Crystallographic studies of bacterial single-stranded DNA-binding proteins

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    Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) from different bacteria ( E.coli, B. abortus, P. mirabilis and S. marcenecens) were crystallised and their structures determined by X-ray crystallography. The overall topology of all four SSB structures are similar. The important residues His-55, which is involved in tetramerization, Trp-40, Trp-54, Trp-88 and Phe-60, which are involved in ssDNA-binding, are sequentially, structurally and conformationally conserved. The four structures do however, show difference in and near their loop regions. Two new cryo-cooling techniques are described. They have been shown to work favorably for SSBs and several other proteins

    Use of dry paraffin oil and Panjelly in the xenon derivatization of protein crystals

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    Structural Insights into the Mechanism of Protein O-Fucosylation

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    Protein O-fucosylation is an essential post-translational modification, involved in the folding of target proteins and in the role of these target proteins during embryonic development and adult tissue homeostasis, among other things. Two different enzymes are responsible for this modification, Protein O-fucosyltransferase 1 and 2 (POFUT1 and POFUT2, respectively). Both proteins have been characterised biologically and enzymatically but nothing is known at the molecular or structural level. Here we describe the first crystal structure of a catalytically functional POFUT1 in an apo-form and in complex with GDP-fucose and GDP. The enzyme belongs to the GT-B family and is not dependent on manganese for activity. GDP-fucose/GDP is localised in a conserved cavity connected to a large solvent exposed pocket, which we show is the binding site of epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeats in the extracellular domain of the Notch Receptor. Through both mutational and kinetic studies we have identified which residues are involved in binding and catalysis and have determined that the Arg240 residue is a key catalytic residue. We also propose a novel SN1-like catalytic mechanism with formation of an intimate ion pair, in which the glycosidic bond is cleaved before the nucleophilic attack; and theoretical calculations at a DFT (B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) support this mechanism. Thus, the crystal structure together with our mutagenesis studies explain the molecular mechanism of POFUT1 and provide a new starting point for the design of functional inhibitors to this critical enzyme in the future

    A critical examination of the recently reported crystal structures of the human SMN protein.

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    A recent publication by Seng et al. in this journal reports the crystallographic structure of refolded, full-length SMN protein and two disease-relevant derivatives thereof. Here, we would like to suggest that at least two of the structures reported in that study are incorrect. We present evidence that one of the associated crystallographic datasets is derived from a crystal of the bacterial Sm-like protein Hfq and that a second dataset is derived from a crystal of the bacterial Gab protein. Both proteins are frequent contaminants of bacterially overexpressed proteins which might have been co-purified during metal affinity chromatography. A third structure presented in the Seng et al. paper cannot be examined further because neither the atomic coordinates, nor the diffraction intensities were made publicly available. The Tudor domain protein SMN has been shown to be a component of the SMN complex, which mediates the assembly of RNA-protein complexes of uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (UsnRNPs). Importantly, this activity is reduced in SMA patients, raising the possibility that the aetiology of SMA is linked to RNA metabolism. Structural studies on diverse components of the SMN complex, including fragments of SMN itself have contributed greatly to our understanding of the cellular UsnRNP assembly machinery. Yet full-length SMN has so far evaded structural elucidation. The Seng et al. study claimed to have closed this gap, but based on the results presented here, the only conclusion that can be drawn is that the Seng et al. study is largely invalid and should be retracted from the literature

    Structural characterization of PaaX, the main repressor of the phenylacetate degradation pathway in Escherichia coli W: A novel fold of transcription regulator proteins

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    15 p.-8 fig.-2 tab.PaaX is a transcriptional repressor of the phenylacetic acid (PAA) catabolic pathway, a central route for bacterial aerobic degradation of aromatic compounds. Induction of the route is achieved through the release of PaaX from its promoter sequences by the first compound of the pathway, phenylacetyl-coenzyme A (PA-CoA). We report the crystal structure of PaaX from Escherichia coli W. PaaX displays a novel type of fold for transcription regulators, showing a dimeric conformation where the monomers present a three-domain structure: an N-terminal winged helix-turn-helix domain, a dimerization domain similar to the Cas2 protein and a C-terminal domain without structural homologs. The domains are separated by a crevice amenable to harbour a PA-CoA molecule. The biophysical characterization of the protein in solution confirmed several hints predicted from the structure, i.e. its dimeric conformation, a modest importance of cysteines and a high dependence of solubility and thermostability on ionic strength. At a moderately acidic pH, the protein formed a stable folding intermediate with remaining α-helical structure, a disrupted tertiary structure and exposed hydrophobic patches. Our results provide valuable information to understand the stability and mechanism of PaaX and pave the way for further analysis of other regulators with similar structural configurations.This research was funded by the following sources: Grants PID2019-105126RB-I00, PID2022-139209OB-C21 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/and ERDF A way of making Europe), TED2021-129747B-C22 (AEI/10.13039/501100011033/NextGenerationEU/PRTR) and CIBER-Consorcio Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBERES, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain) to JMS; grants PID2020-115331GB-100 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and CRSII5_198737/1 (Swiss National Science Foundation) to JAH; grant PID2021-128751NB-I00 (MICINN/AEI/FEDER/UE) to IU, and grant RYC2021-030916-I by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación to RM. VMH-R was supported by a FPU PhD fellowship from Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.Peer reviewe

    The basis for non-canonical ROK family function in the N-acetylmannosamine kinase from the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus

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    In environments where glucose is limited, some pathogenic bacteria metabolize host-derived sialic acid as a nutrient source. N-Acetylmannosamine kinase (NanK) is the second enzyme of the bacterial sialic acid import and degradation pathway and adds phosphate to N-acetylmannosamine using ATP to prime the molecule for future pathway reactions. Sequence alignments reveal that Gram-positive NanK enzymes belong to the Repressor, ORF, Kinase (ROK) family, but many lack the canonical Zn-binding motif expected for this function, and the sugar-binding EXGH motif is altered to EXGY. As a result, it is unclear how they perform this important reaction. Here, we study the Staphylococcus aureus NanK (SaNanK), which is the first characterization of a Gram-positive NanK. We report the kinetic activity of SaNanK along with the ligand-free, N-acetylmannosamine-bound and substrate analog GlcNAc-bound crystal structures (2.33, 2.20, and 2.20 Å resolution, respectively). These demonstrate, in combination with small-angle X-ray scattering, that SaNanK is a dimer that adopts a closed conformation upon substrate binding. Analysis of the EXGY motif reveals that the tyrosine binds to the N-acetyl group to select for the "boat" conformation of N-acetylmannosamine. Moreover, SaNanK has a stacked arginine pair coordinated by negative residues critical for thermal stability and catalysis. These combined elements serve to constrain the active site and orient the substrate in lieu of Zn binding, representing a significant departure from canonical NanK binding. This characterization provides insight into differences in the ROK family and highlights a novel area for antimicrobial discovery to fight Gram-positive and S. aureus infections

    The BC component of ABC toxins is an RHS-repeat-containing protein encapsulation device

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    The ABC toxin complexes produced by certain bacteria are of interest owing to their potent insecticidal activity(1,2) and potential role in human disease(3). These complexes comprise at least three proteins (A, B and C), which must assemble to be fully toxic(4). The carboxyterminal region of the C protein is the main cytotoxic component(5), and is poorly conserved between different toxin complexes. A general model of action has been proposed, in which the toxin complex binds to the cell surface via the A protein, is endocytosed, and subsequently forms a pH-triggered channel, allowing the translocation of C into the cytoplasm, where it can cause cytoskeletal disruption in both insect and mammalian cells(5). Toxin complexes have been visualized using single-particle electron microscopy(6,7), but no high-resolution structures of the components are available, and the role of the B protein in the mechanism of toxicity remains unknown. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of the complex formed between the B and C proteins, determined to 2.5 angstrom by X-ray crystallography. These proteins assemble to form an unprecedented, large hollow structure that encapsulates and sequesters the cytotoxic, C-terminal region of the C protein like the shell of an egg. The shell is decorated on one end by a beta-propeller domain, which mediates attachment of the B-C heterodimer to the A protein in the native complex. The structure reveals how C auto-proteolyses when folded in complex with B. The C protein is the first example, to our knowledge, of a structure that contains rearrangement hotspot (RHS) repeats(8), and illustrates a marked structural architecture that is probably conserved across both this widely distributed bacterial protein family and the related eukaryotic tyrosine-aspartate (YD)-repeat-containing protein family, which includes the teneurins(9). The structure provides the first clues about the function of these protein repeat families, and suggests a generic mechanism for protein encapsulation and delivery

    Use of dry paraffin oil and Panjelly in the xenon derivatization of protein crystals

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    Determinants of backbone packing in globular proteins: An analysis of spatial neighbours

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    This study attempts to examine the pattern and variability of backbone packing density in protein structures. A carefully selected non-redundant data set of known protein structures is analyzed in terms of amino-acid composition and the preference of individual amino acids to fall into regions of low, medium or high density depending on the number of observed non-sequence spatial neighbours. The relationship of the backbone packing density to a number of properties such as the hydrophobicity, non-bonded energies and secondary structural features of the amino acids are examined. The correlation between the average percentage composition and the percentage composition in regions corresponding to different levels of packing density of the proteins is evaluated. These studies are extended to the family of globins whose amino-acid sequences have diverged retaining the same three-dimensional structure during evolution. The significance of high-backbone-density regions in this family has become apparent as due to helix/helix packing. Further, the variation in the amino-acid composition in different contact regions of globin proteins follows the same pattern found for the general data set