396 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompensasi dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kepuasan Kerja pada PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Bandung

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    Penelitian ini menguji pengaruh kompensasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja pada karyawan. Data mengenai kompensasi, lingkungan kerja, kepuasan kerja karyawan diperoleh melalui pembagian kuesioner kepada responden karyawan PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk Bandung. Data yang diperoleh tersebut selanjutnya dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode path analisys, metode deskriptif, metode verifikatif, uji validitas dan uji reabilitas. Hasil pengujian statistik pada variabel-variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kompensasi terbukti berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, lingkungan kerja terbukti berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja, kompensasi dan lingkungan kerja terbukti berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap kepuasan kerja karyawan. &nbsp

    Propulsi Kapal dalam Tinjauan Uji Model

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    Daya tahanan kapal berhubungan dengan daya mesin yang dibutuhkan suatu kapal untuk mencapai kecepatan yang diinginkan. Sehingga prediksi tahanan kapal sangatlah penting untuk dilakukan sebelum kapal tersebut dibangun. Setelah dilakukan prediksi tahanan kapal maka perlu diprediksi kebutuhan daya mesin atau prediksi powering, Di Laboratorium Hidrodinamika hal ini dilakukan dengan pengujian self propulsion test. Pada uji ini akan diketahui interaksi antara bentuk badan kapal dan desain propeller yang terpasang. Dengan memvariasikan variabel pengujian maka akan diketahui tenaga mesin yang optimum dari kecepatan kapal yang direncanakan serta diketahuinya efektifitas desain propeller yang akan terpasang di kapal. Pada tulisan ini disajikan tentang uraian penentuan tenaga mesin pada sebuah kapal melalui uji model

    Implementasi Directed Acyclic Word Graph Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Blow the Bridge Pada Web Crawler Untuk Indexing Web

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    Dengan kemungkinan begitu banyaknya kata yang kembar atau sama dalamsebuah halaman web, pemeriksaan setiap kata yang kembar dengan memanfaatkanpemeriksaan dalam database secara teori akan membuat kinerja tueb crawlingmenjadi kurang efektif. Oleh karenanya, kata-kata yang terdapat dalam sebuahhalaman web perlu untuk diperiksa dan dipilah dalam memori utama denganmemanfaatk an Directed Acy clic Word Graph sebelum masuk pada database sebagaidaftar kata. Analisis dilakukan pada dat a-dala indexing web dan kecepat an searchinguntuk melihat potensi Directed Acy clic Word Graph pada 5oo dokumen web yang adadi internet. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh antara lain, penggunaan Directed AcyclicWord Graph pada 5oo dokumen yang diujicobakan dapat menghemat jumlah katahinggahampir g6%odarijumlah data semula, sedangkan pencariankatapadaDirectedAcyclic Word Graph dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti kecepatan perangkatkeras, jumlah URLyang ditemukan, panjangkatayangdicari, dan sering atautidaknyakata tersebut muncul pada satu kedalaman tertentu

    Developments of thick-metal inductors and applications to reactive lumped-element low-pass filter circuits

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    Strong demands for smaller, cheaper, and multifunction wireless systems have put very stringent requirements on passive devices, such as inductors and capacitors. This is especially true considering the size and weight of most radio frequency (RF) transceivers are mainly due to passives. RF micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) passives are addressing this issue by offering lower power consumption and losses, higher linearity and quality (Q)-factors, potential for integration and miniaturization, and batch fabrication. These advantages position RF MEMS passives as good candidates to replace conventional passives. Further, they also open an opportunity for using the passives as building blocks for lumped element-based RF circuits (e.g. Flters, couplers, etc.) which could replace the more-bulky distributed-element circuits. This thesis presents the design, simulation, fabrication using the deep X-ray lithography process, and testing of thick-metal RF inductors and their applications to lumped-element low-pass Filter (LPF) circuits. The 70-um tall single-turn loop inductors are structurally compatible to a pre-existing RF MEMS capacitor concept and allow the two device types to be fabricated together. This compatibility issue is crucial if they would be used to construct more complex RF circuits. At a 50-Ohm inductive reactance point, test results show Q-factors of 17- 55, self-resonant frequencies (SRF) exceeding 11 GHz, and nominal inductances of 0.4- 3 nH for 1-loop inductors and Q-factors of 11- 42, SRFs of 4- 22 GHz, and inductances of 0.8- 5.5 nH for 2-loop inductors. Further, test results reveal that high conductivity metals improve the Q-factors, and that low dielectric-constant substrates increase the SRFs. In terms of LPFs, measurements show that they demonstrate the expected third-order Chebyshev response. Two nickel Filters on a quartz glass substrate show a 0.6-dB ripple with 3-dB frequencies (f-3dB) of 6.1 GHz and 11.9 GHz respectively. On an alumina substrate, they exhibit a 1.4-dB ripple with f-3dB of 5.4 GHz and 10.6 GHz respectively. The filters are 203- 285 um tall and feature 6- 6.5 um wide capacitance air gaps. These dimensions are different than the original designs and the filter performances were shown to be somewhat sensitive to these discrepancies. Compared to a distributed approach, the lumped-element implementations led to an area reduction of up to 95%

    Evaluasi on TIME Performance Pesawat Udara Di Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara Menggunakan Aplikasi Flightradar24

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    On time performance is a situation when the time of departure and arrival time of aircraft in accordance with a predetermined. On time performance is important because an aircraft has a value when the aircraft is in the air. This study tried to investigate the on time performance of domestic flights served by the Lion Air airline at Husein Sastranegara Airport, in Bandung. Aircraft actual data were obtained using flightradar24 application program while the aircraft daily flight schedules were given by PT Angkasa Pura II, the airport operator. The evaluation was performed on the aircraft time performance data of February 2015. The results showed that the average delay in the arrival of the aircraft is 44.31 minutes with a standard deviation of 44.54 minutes and the average departure delay in that month is 42.37 minutes with a standard deviation of 37.40 minutes. It can be concluded from this study that the Lion Air flight services at Husein Sastranegara Airport, Bandung, in February 2015 were not on time

    Evaluasi Pengembangan Terminal Penumpang Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara

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    Husein Sastranegara Airport is located in Bandung. This airport has experienced growth in numbers of passengers and the number of passengers has exceeded the capacity of passenger terminal, so that the development of a passenger terminal is needed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the compliance of Husein Sastranegara Airport\u27s passenger terminal development to the criteria of the Indonesia National Standard (SNI) 03-7046-2004, about Passenger Terminal at Airports. The design of passenger terminal development is compared with the criteria stated in the SNI 03-7046-2004. The results show that the design of passenger terminal development does not fulfill the passenger terminal area needed for the design life of 20 years because there is a lack of area and facilities

    Workload Evaluation Towards the Dodol Workers From Dryer Section in Buleleng Bali

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    Penglatan village, one of the villages in Buleleng Regency-Bali, is the center of dodol industry, with a number of makers up to 44 small group makers, on which each group consisting of 6 to 8 workers. Dodol is a sweet snack that has been sold to many regions in Bali as well as to modern markets such as minimarkets or supermarkets and Bali souvenir shops. In Bali, dodol has become one of the traditional snacks used for offering in the religious ceremony. The making process of dodol consisted of several processes, which were dough making, cooking, packaging/wrapping, and lastly, drying. The drying process was done by the workers through the natural method by utilizing the traditional tool to spread the dodol on the bamboo mat on which afterward, continued by drying them in the sun. The kind of drying process can cause ergonomic problems such as pain in the neck, shoulder, back, lower back, head, and hands. As a result, it can decrease work productivity as well as product quality

    Homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation

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    We present a method for two-scale model derivation of the periodic homogenization of the one-dimensional wave equation in a bounded domain. It allows for analyzing the oscillations occurring on both microscopic and macroscopic scales. The novelty reported here is on the asymptotic behavior of high frequency waves and especially on the boundary conditions of the homogenized equation. Numerical simulations are reported

    Klasifikasi Objek Dalam Visi Komputer Dengan Analisis Diskriminan

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    A robotic sensor system is always supported by a computer system called 'computer vision'. The important conceptof computer vision is object classfifi cation. In this study two algorithms for object classifi cation in this system will becompared. Firstly, A simple method that do not need complex computation and that considered as an informal method iscalled binary tree decision structure. This method is based on modest caracteristic decriptors of an object such as verticalline, horizontal line or ellipse line. Unfortunately this method has weakness in recognize an image that contaminated by anoise. Secondly, a more formal method with high variability descriptors. In this contect a multivariate statistical approachnamed discriminant analysis is proposed as an alternative for object classifi cation. This method is operated by computationof a function called Fisher discriminant function that can be used for separating an object. From the data simulation andanalysis for calssifi cation of two object i.e. screw and bolt and three objects i.e. alphabet T,O and S it can be shown thatdiscriminant analysis approach can classify an object better than binary decision algorithm. The superority of discriminantmethod is especially seen when this method is applied for classifi cation of a noisy image of object
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