108 research outputs found
Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar.
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan.
Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Disampaikan dalam Sidang Senat Terbuka.
Universitas Sebelas Maret.
Pada tanggal 5 Februari 2005
The purpose of this research is to know that teaching used cooperative learning jigsaw type is more effective than conventional mode in learning achievement on accounting for the students at SMAN 2 Karanganyar. The research use experiment method with matched group design way. The population of this research is the students of XI Social Class at SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar. About data collection, in the first skill is used documentation technique. It means taken from the value of sub competence before. The researcher used objective test to measure the students learning achievement. In this research using analize teqnique statistic t-test. Based on the result of the research found the value of Me = 85,057 and Mk = 76,800. Based on account that have been done used t-test found tcount value about 4,715 and ttable value about 1,998, in signifikan step 5% and db = 67. It means that experiment group having average last score rather than control group. Based on the analize, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states “Cooperative learning jigsaw type is more effective than conventional mode in learning achievement on accounting at SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar” is validated and accepted.
Key Words: cooperative, jigsaw, conventional, learning achievement
This study utilized a classroom action research which was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and interpretation, as well as analysis and reflection. Subjects were 42 year XI IPS 1 students at SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. The data was validated using both techniques and methods triangulation. The researcher utilized descriptive quanlitative analysis. The results showed that the implementation of project-based learning model improve the quality of learning in accounting subejct among year XI IPS 1 students in SMA Negeri 3 Sukoharjo. The improvement was in the learning process and from the learning outcomes. The indicators of the learning process are: (1) increasing number of active students during apperception, (2) the involvement of students during the discussion increase, (3) the involvement of students during the discussion, ask questions and opinions increase. In terms of learning outcomes, the indicator is an increasing in student mastery. Keywords: quality of learning, project based learnin
Multi-Role Collaboration of Ministries and Institutions in the Implementation of Agrarian Reform in Indonesia
Agrarian reform is a homework that will not be completed only with sectoral approach. The real agrarian reform is not just dividing and legalizing the land, but making the land parcels have better access. This study used the collaboration theory of Russell M. Linden. The collaborative approach requires institutions tounderstand the basis of collaboration, create relationships, commitment and support among them built by collaborative leadership models. Agrarian reform must make Indonesian society better. Based on Linden’s qualitative descriptive method, there are several steps that can be adopted so as to make it easier to implement agrarian reform. The support of the governor/regent regulations on the above rules which substantially support the agrarian reform program will accelerate the implementation of the program. In addition, the division of roles and functions in the access corridor of reform requires a concrete conceptual foundation, easy to understand and firm in the form of rules that are accepted by all parties. Furthermore, in order to obtain a comprehensive and effective solution, the roles of ministries / institutions, the private sector, the community, NGOs,academics and mass media summarized in stakeholders need to be built systematically so as to eliminate the complexity of agrarian problems in Indonesia
Pemanfaatan Citra Sentinel-2A untuk Estimasi Produksi Pucuk Teh di Sebagian Kabupaten Karanganyar
Penginderaan jauh saat ini telah berkembang sangat pesat, mulai dari bertambahnya citra baru dan gratis untuk diakses siapa saja hingga pemanfaatanya yang kian bervariasi untuk diaplikasian dalam berbagai bidang tak terkecuali bidang perkebunan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah 1) mengkaji akurasi pemodelan hasil estimasi produksi pucuk teh berbasis transformasi indeks vegetasi (NDVI, SAVI, ARVI), 2) mengkaji kemampuan Citra Sentinel- 2A dalam mengkorelasikan antara variabel estimasi produksi (kerapatan tajuk dan pantulan spektral tanaman teh) dengan beberapa transformasi indeks vegetasi dan 3) mengestimasi produksi pucuk teh di perkebunan teh Kemuning tahun 2016. Hasil akurasi perhitungan estimasi produksi pucuk teh yang didapatkan dari pemanfaatan citra Sentinel-2A tahun 2016 ialah sebesar 58.84% dengan RMSE sebesar 201,105 kg/ha. Citra Sentinel-2A mampu mengkorelasikan hasil estimasi produksi pucuk teh dengan beberapa transformasi indeks vegetasi. Korelasi regresi tertinggi yakni pada produktivitas pucuk teh di lapangan dengan transformasi indeks vegetasi ARVI dengan korelasi regresi sebesar 63% yang mengindikasikan hubungan yang kuat antar dua variabel tersebut. Produksi total atau keseluruhan estimasi produksi pucuk teh perkebunan Kemuning bulan oktober tahun 2016 ialah sebesar 215,041 ton
Pemanfaatan Penginderaan Jauh untuk Analisis Potensi Lahan Sawah Padi di Kabupaten Ngawi Jawa Timur
Pemanfaatan lahan disetiap daerah dipengaruhi oleh kondisi fisik maupun nonfisik lahan yang berbeda. Perbedaan tersebut memerlukan adanya analisis untuk mengetahui pemanfaatan lahan yang efektif. Analisis yang dilakukan bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode interpretasi visual Citra Sentinel 2A untuk membantu mengetahui parameter, ditentukan berdasar Peraturan Mentri Pertanian no 79/Permentan/OT.140/8/2013. Penentuan potensi lahan sawah menggunakan teknik matching. Confusion matrix digunakan untuk mengetahui ketelitian hasil interpretasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peta lahan sawah eksisting di Kabupaten Ngawi dengan hasil uji akurasi 90, 58% dan peta potensi lahan sawah yang diperoleh dengan ketelitian 83, 3%. ini penginderaan jauh dapat digunakan untuk ekstraksi data lereng, sebaran lahan sawah eksisting, bahaya longsor, bahaya banjir. Parameter ketersediaan air, drainase, singkapan batuan, kedalaman tanah diperoleh dari pengamatan dan wawancara lapangan dan kesuburan tanah diperoleh dari data kementrian pertanian tahun 2015 untuk Kabupaten Ngawi
Use of Digital Learning Management Systems for Enhancing Cognitive Achievement in Vocational Productive Course
The use of digital technology is increasingly widespread, including in the world of education. Observations in the field found that students' understanding of using digital technology to support learning productive lessons in vocational high schools still needed to improve. The study aims to obtain information about (1) the level of students' understanding of the use of digital learning management systems (DLMS); (2) the level of student perception regarding the availability and quality of DLMS use, and (3) the effectiveness of DLMS implementation in increasing students' understanding of productive subjects. This research is a quantitative study with a proportional random sampling technique. The sample was 194 out of 441 students from three state-owned vocational high schools. Data was collected using questionnaire instruments, observation sheets, and documentation. Data credibility is measured using validity, reliability, normality, and homogeneity tests, while data processing techniques use partial significance tests (t-test) and simultaneous tests (F-test). The research results show that students' understanding of DLMS is quite high, and their perception of the availability and quality of available DLMS is at a good level. This research also found that understanding DLMS and perceptions of DLMS as a learning medium can increase students' cognitive achievement in productive subjects
Efektivitas Penerapan Model Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Mata Pelajaran Akuntansi Siswa Di SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012
The purpose of this research is to know that teaching used cooperative learning jigsaw type is more effective than conventional mode in learning achievement on accounting for the students at SMAN 2 Karanganyar. The research use experiment method with matched group design way. The population of this research is the students of XI Social Class at SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar. About data collection, in the first skill is used documentation technique. It means taken from the value of sub competence before. The researcher used objective test to measure the students learning achievement. In this research using analize teqnique statistic t-test. Based on the result of the research found the value of Me = 85,057 and Mk = 76,800. Based on account that have been done used t-test found tcount value about 4,715 and ttable value about 1,998, in signifikan step 5% and db = 67. It means that experiment group having average last score rather than control group. Based on the analize, it can be concluded that the hypothesis which states “Cooperative learning jigsaw type is more effective than conventional mode in learning achievement on accounting at SMA Negeri 2 Karanganyar” is validated and accepted
Analisis Pengembangan USAha Mikro Kecil Menengah untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi sebagai Upaya Pengentasan Kemiskinan dan Pengangguran Daerah di Kabupaten Ngawi
Pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional sangat ditentukan oleh dinamika dan perkembangan perekonomian daerah, sedangkan perekonomian daerah pada umumnya ditopang oleh kegiatan ekonomi bersakala kecil dan menengah. Unit USAha yang masuk dalam kategori Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan urat nadi penentu perkembangan perekonomian daerah dan nasional. Sektor Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) merupakan USAha yang tangguh di tengah krisis ekonomi yang terjadi.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Populasi sumber adalah UMKM yang ada di Kabupaten Ngawi dengan jumlah sampel 82 dari 467 UMKM yang ada yang tersebar dalam jenis UMKM yang berbeda. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dengan tehnik analisis data menggunakan logika deduksi, dengan membandingkan teori yang melatar belakangi permasalahan.Dari data yang terkumpul diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pengembangan UMKM di Kabupaten Ngawi mampu menjadi faktor pendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah serta membawa dampak positif terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja dalam upaya pengentasan kemiskinan di Kabupaten Ngawi
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