189 research outputs found

    Proving strong magnetic fields near to the central black hole in the quasar PG0043+039 via cyclotron lines

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    The optical luminous quasar PG0043+039 has not been detected before in deep X-ray observations indicating the most extreme optical-to-X-ray slope index αox{\alpha}_{ox} of all quasars. This study aims to detect PG0043+039 in a deep X-ray exposure. Furthermore, we wanted to check out whether this object shows specific spectral properties in other frequency bands. We took deep X-ray (XMM-Newton), far-ultraviolet (HST), and optical (HET, SALT telescopes) spectra of PG0043+039 simultaneously in July 2013. We just detected PG0043+039 in our deep X-ray exposure. The steep αox=−2.37±0.05{\alpha}_{ox} = -2.37 {\pm} 0.05 gradient is consistent with an unusual steep gradient Fν∼ναF_{\nu} {\sim} {\nu}^{\alpha} with α=−2.67±0.02{\alpha} = -2.67 {\pm} 0.02 seen in the UV/far-UV continuum. The optical/UV continuum flux has a clear maximum near 2500 {\AA}. The UV spectrum is very peculiar because it shows broad humps in addition to known emission lines. A modeling of these observed humps with cyclotron lines can explain their wavelength positions, their relative distances, and their relative intensities. We derive plasma temperatures of T ∼{\sim} 3keV and magnetic field strengths of B ∼{\sim} 2 ×108{\times} 10^8 G for the line-emitting regions close to the black hole.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics in pres

    Space Astronomy for the mid-21st Century: Robotically Maintained Space Telescopes

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    The historical development of ground based astronomical telescopes leads us to expect that space-based astronomical telescopes will need to be operational for many decades. The exchange of scientific instruments in space will be a prerequisite for the long lasting scientific success of such missions. Operationally, the possibility to repair or replace key spacecraft components in space will be mandatory. We argue that these requirements can be fulfilled with robotic missions and see the development of the required engineering as the main challenge. Ground based operations, scientifically and technically, will require a low operational budget of the running costs. These can be achieved through enhanced autonomy of the spacecraft and mission independent concepts for the support of the software. This concept can be applied to areas where the mirror capabilities do not constrain the lifetime of the mission.Comment: 4 pages, accepted in February 2012 for publication in A

    A long hard look at the minimum state of PG 2112+059 with XMM-Newton

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    XMM-Newton successfully detected the minimum state of PG 2112+059 during a short snapshot observation and performed a long follow-up observation. The high signal-to-noise spectra are modelled assuming different emission scenarios and compared with archival spectra taken by XMM-Newton and Chandra. The PG 2112+059 X-ray spectra acquired in May 2007 allowed the detection of a weak iron fluorescent line, which is interpreted as being caused by reflection from neutral material at some distance from the primary X-ray emitting source. The X-ray spectra of PG 2112+059 taken at five different epochs during different flux states can be interpreted within two different scenarios. The first consists of two layers of ionised material with column densities of N_H ~5 x 10^22 cm^-2 and N_H ~3.5 x 10^23 cm^-2, respectively. The first layer is moderately ionised and its ionisation levels follow the flux changes, while the other layer is highly ionised and does not show any correlation with the flux of the source. The spectra can also be interpreted assuming reflection by an ionised accretion disk seen behind a warm absorber. The warm absorber ionisation is consistent with being correlated with the flux of the source, which provides an additional degree of self-consistency with the overall reflection-based model. We explain the spectral variability with light bending according to the models of Miniutti and Fabian and constrain the black hole spin to be a/M > 0.86. Both scenarios also assume that a distant cold reflector is responsible for the Fe K \alpha emission line. Light bending provides an attractive explanation of the different states of PG 2112+059 and may also describe the physical cause of the observed properties of other X-ray weak quasars.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, A&A latex, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The XMM-Newton view of PG quasars: II. Properties of the Fe K-alpha line

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    The properties of the fluorescence Fe K-alpha emission lines of a sample of 38 quasars (QSOs) observed with XMM-Newton are studied. These objects are included in the optically selected sample from the Palomar-Green (PG) Bright Quasar Survey with an X-ray luminosity 1.3E43<L(2-10 keV)<5.1E45 ergs/s and z<1.72. For each object in the sample, we investigated the presence of both narrow and broad iron lines in detail. A total of 20 out of the 38 QSOs show evidence of an Fe K-alpha emission line with a narrow profile. The majority of the lines are consistent with an origin in low ionization material, which is likely to be located in the outer parts of the accretion disk, the molecular torus, and/or the Broad Line Region. The average properties of the narrow Fe K-alpha emission line observed in the sample are similar to those of Seyfert type galaxies as inferred from recent XMM-Newton and Chandra studies. A broad line has been significantly detected in only three objects. Furthermore, we studied the relationship between the equivalent width (EW) of the iron line and the hard band X-ray luminosity for radio quiet quasars. The analysis indicates that no clear correlation between the strength of the line and the hard X-ray luminosity is present, and our results do not show compelling evidence for an anticorrelation between these two quantities, i.e. the so-called X-ray Baldwin effect.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted by A&

    An X-ray Study of Local Infrared Bright Galaxies

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    We are carrying out detailed study of the X-ray and infrared (IR) properties of a sample of local (d < 70 Mpc) luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs) using XMM-Newton and Spitzer (imaging and spectroscopy). The main goal is to study the extreme processes of star formation and/or active galactic nuclei (AGN) taking place in this cosmologically important class of galaxies. In this proceedings we present the preliminary results obtained from the analysis of the XMM-Newton X-ray images and the X-ray spectral modeling.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in Highlights of Spanish Astrophysics VI, Proceedings of the IX Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society held on September 13-17, 2010, in Madrid, Spai

    X-ray high-resolution spectroscopy reveals feedback in a Seyfert galaxy from an ultra fast wind with complex ionization and velocity structure

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    Winds outflowing from Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) may carry significant amount of mass and energy out to their host galaxies. In this paper we report the detection of a sub-relativistic outflow observed in the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 Galaxy IRAS17020+4544 as a series of absorption lines corresponding to at least 5 absorption components with an unprecedented wide range of associated column densities and ionization levels and velocities in the range of 23,000-33,000 km/s, detected at X-ray high spectral resolution (E/Delta E ~1000) with the ESA's observatory XMM-Newton. The charge states of the material constituting the wind clearly indicate a range of low to moderate ionization states in the outflowing gas and column densities significantly lower than observed in highly ionized ultra fast outflows. We estimate that at least one of the outflow components may carry sufficient energy to substantially suppress star formation, and heat the gas in the host galaxy. IRAS17020+4544 provides therefore an interesting example of feedback by a moderately luminous AGN hosted in a spiral galaxy, a case barely envisaged in most evolution models, which often predict that feedback processes take place in massive elliptical galaxies hosting luminous quasars in a post merger phase.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, to appear on ApJ Letter
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