7 research outputs found

    Higher Education Students’ Assessments towards Gamification and Sustainability: A Case Study

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    : Some academics are pushing for teaching staff to implement didactical practices to obtain sustainable behavior. Moreover, a fundamental element of gamification in all educational stages is the noteworthy effect it has on student motivation. In our study, we examined higher education students’ assessments in the University of Malaga on the design of educational gamification and the teaching criteria that relate to gamification, and its effect on student’s motivation, the applications of gamification, and the attitude towards sustainability. A questionnaire was administered to students studying for degrees in education from the University of Malaga. A total of 187 valid surveys were obtained. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was computed for these data based on an exploratory–confirmatory model and using SmartPLS version 3.3.2. A positive relationship between assessment of students’ motivation and sustainability attitude was found. We found that the opinions of the students about the role of their training and teaching design material in education would affect students’ motivation and the sustainability behavior, although the power of this last construct is moderate

    Pedagogical conceptions about parental violence of teachers and families

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    The objective of this work is to analyze the perceptions of education professionals and families from three secondary schools in the province of Malaga on child to parent violence (CPV) and the variables that affect it. Through a mixed study we focus on the analysis of educational evaluations, parental practices and risk factors, as well as the proposals and protocols regarding CPV. The information was collected through a questionnaire for teachers and in-depth interviews with families. The analysis of the information has been carried out through content analysis, in the qualitative dimension, and descriptive and inferential statistics in the quantitative dimension. The results show the existence of diverse conceptions and socio-educational representations of CPV. There are coincidences between teachers and families on the relevance of establishing norms and limits in the guidelines, both parental in family education, and pedagogical at school. Likewise, a common concern for the activation of CPV mechanisms lies in the increase in addictions in adolescents, family overprotection, the lack of specific action protocols from educational centers, and, finally, a greater presence of the phenomenon in focused single-parent families towards the parents. © 2021 Grupo de Investigacion FORCE. All rights reserved.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las concepciones pedagógicas sobre la violencia filio-parental (VFP) y las variables que inciden en la misma desde las percepciones de profesorado y familias de tres centros de secundaria de la provincia de Málaga. A través de un estudio mixto nos centramos en el análisis de las valoraciones educativas, prácticas parentales y factores de riesgo, así como las propuestas y protocolos en materia de VFP. La recogida de la información se ha realizado mediante un cuestionario al profesorado y entrevistas en profundidad a las familias. El análisis de la información se ha llevado a cabo mediante análisis de contenido temático, en la dimensión cualitativa, y, estadística descriptiva e inferencial en la dimensión cuantitativa. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la existencia de diversas concepciones y representaciones socioeducativas de la VFP. Se desprenden coincidencias entre profesorado y familias sobre la relevancia del establecimiento de normas y límites en las pautas, tanto parentales en la educación familiar, como de índole pedagógica en el centro escolar. Igualmente, una preocupación común para la activación de mecanismos de VFP reside en el incremento de adicciones en adolescentes, la sobreprotección familiar, la carencia de protocolos de actuación específica desde los centros educativos, y, finalmente, una mayor presencia del fenómeno en familias monoparentales focalizadas hacia las progenitoras

    Child to parent violence from an inclusive pedagogical perspective: implications on family and scholar education

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    Child to parent violence (CPV), is considered a social problem of great relevance in recent years, in response to the increase in the number of cases and complaints filed by the parents to their children. It has become an emerging research line in the disciplines of pedagogy, criminology and psychology due to the interest that has raised among scientists and professionals in order to respond from a pedagogical and inclusive approach to family issues. The methodology used in this study was qualitative. Semi-structured ad hoc interviews based on an interpretive paradigm were designed. The sample has been constituted by families of students enrolled in Compulsory Secondary Education in educational centres from the province of Malaga. The issues addressed, have allowed us to know what are the perceptions that families have regarding the CPV, the protection and risk factors associated with it and the parental educational practices that they develop in the education of their descendants. The results show that families have different conceptions about the origins and development of CPV, recognising that the establishment of norms and limits, communication and family cohesion together with education in values, constitute decisive aspects to prevent this type of violence. They also warn the need to promote the design of CPV prevention programs and family education in order to improve coexistence and adequately manage child to parent conflicts.La Violencia filio-parental (VFP) se considera un problema de índole social de gran relevancia en los últimos años atendiendo al incremento de número de casos y a las denuncias interpuestas por los progenitores a sus hijos. Se ha convertido en una línea de investigación emergente en las disciplinas de la pedagogía, criminología y psicología debido al interés que ha suscitado entre los científicos y profesionales con el fin de dar respuesta desde un enfoque pedagógico e inclusivo a las problemáticas familiares. La metodología empleada en este estudio fue de tipo cualitativo. Se diseñaron entrevistas semiestructuradas ad hoc fundamentadas en un paradigma interpretativo. La muestra ha estado constituida por familias de alumnado escolarizado en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria en centros educativos pertenecientes a la provincia de Málaga. Las cuestiones abordadas han permitido conocer cuáles son las percepciones que tienen las familias con relación a la VFP, los factores de protección y de riesgo asociados a la misma y las prácticas educativas parentales que desarrollan en la educación de sus descendientes. De los resultados se desprende que las familias tienen diversas concepciones acerca del origen y el desarrollo de la VFP, reconociendo que el establecimiento de normas y límites, la comunicación y cohesión familiar junto con la educación en valores constituyen aspectos decisivos para prevenir este tipo de violencia. Asimismo, advierten la necesidad de impulsar el diseño de programas de prevención de VFP y de educación familiar con el fin de mejorar la convivencia y gestionar de manera adecuada los conflictos filio-parentales

    Student profiles and child to parent violence: identification through hierarchical linear modeling

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    Child-to-Parent Violence (CPV) is an emerging line of research in the disciplines of psychology and pedagogy, given its current impact. This type of violence has experienced a remarkable increase in the number of cases in recent years in all segments of youth, which has been aggravated by the pandemic situation. The aim of this study was to identify the profiles that can be found in Spanish Andalusian youths in relation to CPV, taking into account cognitive, social and affective aspects, as well as the son's and daughter's own violent behaviour. In order to respond to this main objective, an analysis of the psychometric properties of the ad hoc questionnaire used to collect information was carried out. A sample of 478 adolescents from three schools in Andalusia (Spain) was studied. The cluster analysis shows a group with difficulties in handling and resolving family conflicts, and a second group with greater conflict management capacity. This study concludes on the importance of parenting style and family dynamics as key elements in preventing the triggering of CPV-associated behaviours

    Curricular Sustainability: A View from the Contributions of Teaching Staff at the University of Malaga

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    The purpose of this study has been to know the perceptions and competencies of professionals in education at the University of Malaga in the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development. Following a qualitative methodology, ad hoc semi-structured interviews have been designed based on an interpretative paradigm. The sample has been made up of teachers corresponding to the Degree in Primary Education and Social Education of the University of Malaga. The questions addressed have allowed us to assess the extent to which university professors have integrated the speech of the sustainability on their professional role, as well as the relationships between the university and the need to work an education committed to improving and respecting the environment. Among some of the results obtained, the existence of difficulties in systematically working on sustainability stands out, due to the lack of specific training. Favourable attitudes have been observed in the teaching staff towards introducing changes in their practice aimed at the transversal integration of sustainability, either looking for epistemological links or connections or, where appropriate, emphasizing greater prominence to the acquisition of practical skills in the student learning process. As with other studies, it is clear the importance of interdisciplinary work, permanent training and a predisposition to research.El propósito de este estudio ha sido conocer las percepciones y competencias de los profesionales de la educación de la Universidad de Málaga en la puesta en práctica de la Educación para el Desarrollo Sostenible. Siguiendo una metodología cualitativa, se han diseñado entrevistas semiestructuradas ad hoc fundamentadas en un paradigma interpretativo. La muestra ha estado constituida por docentes del Grado en Educación Primaria y Educación Social de la Universidad de Málaga. Las cuestiones abordadas han permitido valorar en qué medida el profesorado ha integrado el discurso de la sostenibilidad en su rol profesional, junto a las relaciones establecidas entre la universidad y la necesidad de trabajar una educación comprometida con la mejora y el respeto al entorno. De los resultados se desprenden ciertas dificultades para trabajar sistemáticamente la sostenibilidad, originadas por la carencia de una formación específica, aunque han podido apreciarse actitudes favorables en el profesorado para su integración transversal, bien sea buscando conexiones epistemológicas o enfatizando un mayor protagonismo a la adquisición de competencias prácticas en el proceso de aprendizaje del alumnado. En la misma línea que otros estudios, queda patente la relevancia otorgada al trabajo interdisciplinar, la formación permanente y la investigació

    A qualitative study on the intercultural educational sensitivity of the professors at the university of malaga (Spain)

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    This paper deals with the intercultural sensitivity of professors of Educational Sciences at the University of Malaga (Spain). The methodological approach of the study was qualitative, and the research techniques for data collection were in-depth interviews. The main technique for analyzing the information was content analysis. The results of the study show that the majority of university teachers identify interculturality as a value and a pedagogical proposal of great importance. Thus, there is a need to promote intercultural competences and a critical view of culture. In conclusion, the study highlights the existence of difficulties in developing interculturality, which requires a change towards comprehensive training and education in values in the university context

    Applications of Gamification in the Context of Higher Education. A Theoretical Approach

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    Gamification is a learning technique through which the mechanism of games is transferred to the educational environment. The ultimate aim of gamification is to improve students’ results. In recent years, the union between the digital aspect and gamification has made the latter achieve great popularity due to the advantages it brings to the teaching and learning processes. On the other hand, the Higher Education stage is undergoing important changes in recent years, including the implementation of new methodologies and new methodological techniques, among which gamification stands out. The main objective of this paper is to address the role of gamification in Higher Education through the existing scientific literature and research on this topic. The aim is to offer an overview of what gamification consists of and how it influences all the agents involved in the university stage. Likewise, to show the characteristics of this technique as well as its advantages and disadvantages and different ways of implementation in the classroom through various devices, tools and materials