27 research outputs found

    Atomistic study of the structural and electronic properties of a-Si:H/c-Si interfaces

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    Producción CientíficaWe investigate the structural and electronic properties of the interface between hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) and crystalline silicon (c-Si) by combining tight-binding molecular dynamics and DFT ab initio electronic structure calculations. We focus on the c-Si(100)(1×1)/a-Si:H, c-Si(100)(2×1)/a-Si:H and c-Si(111)/a-Si:H interfaces, due to their technological relevance. The analysis of atomic rearrangements induced at the interface by the interaction between H and Si allowed us to identify the relevant steps that lead to the transformation from c-Si(100)(1×1)/a-Si:H to c-Si(100)(2×1)/a-Si:H. The interface electronic structure is found to be characterized by spatially localized mid-gap states. Through them we have identified the relevant atomic structures responsible for the interface defect states, namely: dangling-bonds, H bridges, and strained bonds. Our analysis contributes to a better understanding of the role of such defects in c-Si/a-Si:H interfaces.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect TEC2011-27701

    Molecular dynamics simulation of the regrowth of nanometric multigate Si devices

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    Producción CientíficaWe use molecular dynamics (MD) simulation techniques to study the regrowth of nanometric multigate Si devices, such as fins and nanowires, surrounded by free surfaces and interfaces with amorphous material. Our results indicate that atoms in amorphous regions close to lateral free surfaces or interfaces rearrange at a slower rate compared to those in bulk due to the discontinuity of the lateral crystalline template. Consequently, the recrystallization front which advances faster in the device center than at the interfaces adopts new orientations. Regrowth then proceeds depending on the particular orientation of the new amorphous/crystal interfaces. In the particular case of 〈110〉 oriented fins, the new amorphous/crystal interfaces are aligned along the 〈111〉 direction, which produces frequent twining during further regrowth. Based on our simulation results, we propose alternatives to overcome this defected recrystallization in multigate structures: device orientation along 〈100〉 to prevent the formation of limiting {111} amorphous/crystal interfaces and presence of a crystalline seed along the device body to favor regrowth perpendicular to the lateral surfaces/interfaces rather than parallel to them.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project TEC2008-06069

    W and X Photoluminescence Centers in Crystalline Si: Chasing Candidates at Atomic Level Through Multiscale Simulations

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    Producción CientíficaSeveral atomistic techniques have been combined to identify the structure of defects responsible for X and W photoluminescence lines in crystalline Si. We used kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to reproduce irradiation and annealing conditions used in photoluminescence experiments. We found that W and X radiative centers are related to small Si self-interstitial clusters but coexist with larger Si self-interstitials clusters that can act as nonradiative centers. We used molecular dynamics simulations to explore the many different configurations of small Si self-interstitial clusters, and selected those having symmetry compatible with W and X photoluminescence centers. Using ab initio simulations, we calculated their formation energy, donor levels, and energy of local vibrational modes. On the basis of photoluminescence experiments and our multiscale theoretical calculations, we discuss the possible atomic configurations responsible for W and X photoluminescence centers in Si. Our simulations also reveal that the intensity of photoluminescence lines is the result of competition between radiative centers and nonradiative competitors, which can explain the experimental quenching of W and X lines even in the presence of the photoluminescence centers.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect TEC2014-60694-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA331U14)Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES) Project No. QCM-2014-3-003

    Atomistic modeling of ion implantation technologies in silicon

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    Producción CientíficaRequirements for the manufacturing of electronic devices at the nanometric scale are becoming more and more demanding on each new technology node, driving the need for the fabrication of ultra-shallow junctions and finFET structures. Main implantation strategies, cluster and cold implants, are aimed to reduce the amount of end-of-range defects through substrate amorphization. During finFET doping the device body gets amorphized, and its regrowth is more problematic than in the case of conventional planar devices. Consequently, there is a renewed interest on the modeling of amorphization and recrystallization in the front-end processing of Si. We present multi-scale simulation schemes to model amorphization and recrystallization in Si from an atomistic perspective. Models are able to correctly predict damage formation, accumulation and regrowth, both in the ballistic and thermal-spike regimes, in very good agreement with conventional molecular dynamics techniques but at a much lower computational cost.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect EC2011-27701

    Molecular dynamics simulations of damage production by thermal spikes in Ge

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    Producción CientíficaMolecular dynamics simulation techniques are used to analyze damage production in Ge by the thermal spike process and to compare the results to those obtained for Si. As simulation results are sensitive to the choice of the inter-atomic potential, several potentials are compared in terms of material properties relevant for damage generation, and the most suitable potentials for this kind of analysis are identified. A simplified simulation scheme is used to characterize, in a controlled way, the damage generation through the local melting of regions in which energy is deposited. Our results show the outstanding role of thermal spikes in Ge, since the lower melting temperature and thermal conductivity of Ge make this process much more efficient in terms of damage generation than in Si. The study is extended to the modeling of full implant cascades, in which both collision events and thermal spikes coexist. Our simulations reveal the existence of bigger damaged or amorphous regions in Ge than in Si, which may be formed by the melting and successive quenching induced by thermal spikes. In the particular case of heavy ion implantation, defect structures in Ge are not only bigger, but they also present a larger net content in vacancies than in Si, which may act as precursors for the growth of voids and the subsequent formation of honeycomb-like structures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project TEC2008-06069)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA011A09

    Temperature effect on damage generation mechanisms during ion implantation in Si. A classical molecular dynamics study

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    Producción CientíficaWe have studied the temperature effect on the damage generation mechanisms in silicon, suppressing the influence of dynamic annealing. We have done dedicated classical molecular dynamics simulations to determine how the ballistic mechanism and the thermal spikes are affected by temperature. We have quantified the minimum energy required to permanently displace an atom from its lattice position by a ballistic collision. We have found that the displacement energy threshold does not change appreciably with temperature. However, when subthreshold energy is simultaneously deposited in several neighboring particles in a finite volume, i.e. when thermal spikes occur, there is an enhancement of the generation of damage with increasing temperature. In high energy recoils both mechanisms are combined, and it results in an increase of the generated damage with temperature.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect TEC2011-27701

    Concurrent characterization of surface diffusion and intermixing of Ge on Si: A classical molecular dynamics study

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    Producción CientíficaThe surface diffusion and intermixing of Ge ad-atoms over Si (001) 2 × 1 substrates using classical molecular dynamics (CMD) simulations are characterized here. Several interatomic potentials, parametrizations, and parameter mixing rules are contemplated. A novel simulation scheme is devised to characterize the effective frequency of surface diffusion and intermixing events overcoming the inherent difficulties related to their interdependency in heteroepitaxial systems. The effective energy barriers of these events encompass different atomistic mechanisms weighted by their occurrence probabilities. The overall description of surface diffusion and intermixing based on Stillinger–Weber (SW) potential is in agreement with ab initio calculations and experimental observations, though some atomistic details differ. This study is extended to Si(001) substrates with stressed Ge monolayers grown on top. It is found that Ge ad-atom dynamics is accelerated with respect to the case of the pure Si substrate and that diffusion across dimer rows is mainly mediated by the atomic exchange of the Ge ad-atom with a Ge atom on the surface.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Project No. TEC2017-86150-P)Junta de Castilla y León (Project No. VA097P17

    A detailed approach for the classification and statistical analysis of irradiation induced defects

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    Producción CientíficaNew criteria are presented for the classification and statistical analysis of defects from irradiation cascades that allow a more detailed description of the diversity of damage, especially amorphous regions. Classical molecular dynamics simulations are used to analyze the damage produced by 2 keV Si recoils annealed at 1000 K for 1 ns. Based on a density grouping criterion of elementary defects (displaced atoms and empty lattice sites) the non-uniformity of local defect density within damage regions is revealed. The density criterion is able to distinguish dense damage regions which evolve independently upon annealing (although they are connected by some defects), while keeping small and compact regions unaltered. Damage regions are classified according to the size, net number of defects and compactness, calculated by averaging the distance among all defects, parameters that have a direct impact on their stability.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect TEC2011-27701

    Generation of amorphous Si structurally compatible with experimental samples through the quenching process: A systematic molecular dynamics simulation study

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    Producción CientíficaThe construction of realistic atomistic models for amorphous solids is complicated by the fact that they do not have a unique structure. Among the different computational procedures available for this purpose, the melting and rapid quenching process using molecular dynamics simulations is commonly employed as it is simple and physically based. Nevertheless, the cooling rate used during quenching strongly affects the reliability of generated samples, as fast cooling rates result in unrealistic atomistic models. In this study, we have determined the conditions to be fulfilled when simulating the quenching process with molecular dynamics for obtaining amorphous Si (a-Si) atomistic models structurally compatible with experimental samples. We have analyzed the structure of samples generated with cooling rates ranging from 3.3 1010 to 8.5 1014 K/s. The obtained results were compared with experimental data available in the literature, and with samples generated by other state-of-the-art and more sophisticated computational procedures. For cooling rates below 1011 K/s, a-Si samples generated had structural parameters within the range of experimental samples, and comparable to those obtained from other refined modeling procedures. These computationally slow cooling rates are of the same order of magnitude than those experimentally achieved with pulsed energy melting techniques. Samples obtained with faster cooling rates can be further relaxed with annealing simulations, resulting in structural parameters within the range of experimental samples. Nevertheless, the required annealing times are on the order of microseconds, which makes this annealing step non practical from a computational point of view.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Proyect TEC2014-60694-P and TEC2017-86150-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA097P17 and VA119G18

    Insights on the atomistic origin of X and W photoluminescence lines in c-Si from ab initio simulations

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    Producción CientíficaWe have used atomistic simulations to identify and characterize interstitial defect cluster configurations candidate for W and X photoluminescence centers in crystalline Si. The configurational landscape of small self-interstitial defect clusters has been explored through nanosecond annealing and implantation recoil simulations using classical molecular dynamics. Among the large collection of defect configurations obtained, we have selected those defects with the trigonal symmetry of the W center, and the tetrahedral and tetragonal symmetry of the X center. These defect configurations have been characterized using ab initio simulations in terms of their donor levels, their local vibrational modes, the defect induced modifications of the electronic band structure, and the transition amplitudes at band edges. We have found that the so-called I3-V is the most likely candidate for the W PL center. It has a donor level and local vibrational modes in better agreement with experiments, a lower formation energy, and stronger transition amplitudes than the so-called I3-I, which was previously proposed as the W center. With respect to defect candidates for the X PL center, our calculations have shown that none of the analyzed defect candidates match all of the experimental characteristics of the X center. Although the Arai tetra-interstitial configuration previously proposed as the X center cannot be excluded, the other defect candidates for the X center found, I3-C and I3-X, cannot be discarded either.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (project TEC2011-27701 and TEC2014-60694-P)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación – Ref. VA331U14)Red Española de Supercomputación (project QCM-2014-3-0034