12 research outputs found

    Evidence Of Chemotaxis By Quantitative Measurement Of The Force Vectors Of Trypanossoma Cruzi In The Vicinity Of The Rhodnius Prolixus Midgut Wall Cell

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    In this work we used a methodology to study chemotaxis of Trypanossoma cruzi (T. Cruzi) in real time using an Optical Tweezers system. Trapped beads were used as a force transducer for measuring forces of the same order of magnitude as typical forces induced by flagellar motion. Optical Tweezers allowed real time measurements of the force vectors, strength and direction, of living parasites under chemical or other kinds of gradients. This seems to be the ideal tool to perform observations of taxis response of cells and microorganisms with high sensitivity to capture instantaneous responses to a given stimulus. We applied this methodology to investigate the T. cruzi under distinct situations: the parasite alone and in the presence of its insect-vector Rhodnius prolixus (R. prolixus). © 2009 SPIE.7400http://www.who.int/tdr/diseases/chagas/diseaseinfo.htmlAnna, B., Carole, A.P., Eukaryotic chemotaxis at a glance (2008) J. Cell Science, 121, pp. 2621-2624Laszlo, K., Chemotaxis: The proper physiological response to evaluate phylogeny of signal molecules (1999) Acta Biol Hung, 50, pp. 375-394Law, A.M.J., Aitken, M.D., Continuous-flow capillary assay for measuring bacterial chemotaxis (2005) Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 71, pp. 3137-3143Khan, S., Jain, S., Reid, G.P., Trentham, D.R., The fast tumble signal in bacterial chemotaxis (2004) Biophys. J., 86, pp. 4049-4058Neuman, K.C., Chadd, E.H., Liou, G.F., Bergman, K., Block, S.M., Characterization of photodamage to escherichia coli in optical traps (1999) Biophys. J., 77, pp. 2856-2863Bleul, C.C., Farzan, M., Choe, H., Parolin, C., Clark-Lewis, I., Sodroski, J., Springer, T.A., The lymphocyte chemoattractant SDF-1 is a ligand for LESTR/fusin and blocks HIV-1 entry (1996) Nature, 382 (6594), pp. 829-833. , DOI 10.1038/382829a0Nagasawa, T., Hirota, S., Tachibana, K., Takakura, N., Nishikawa, S., Kitamura, Y., Yoshida, N., Kishimoto, T., Defects of B-cell lymphopoiesis and bone-marrow myelopoiesis in mice lacking the CXC chemokine PBSF/SDF- 1 (1996) Nature, 382, pp. 635-638Nelson, R.D., Quie, P.G., Simmons, R.L., Spontaneous migration of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes and monocytes, chemotaxis under agarose-new and simple method for measuring chemotaxis and (1975) J. Immunol., 115, pp. 1650-1656Blair, D.F., How bacteria sense and swim (1999) Annu. Rev. Microbiol, 49, pp. 489-522Rao, C.V., Glekas, G.D., Ordal, G.W., The three adaptation systems of bacillus subtilis chemotaxis (2008) Trends Microbiol, 16, pp. 480-487Barros, V.C., Oliveira, J.S., Melo, M.N., Gontijo, N.F., Leishmania amazonensis: Chemotaxic and osmotaxic responses in promastigotes and their probable role in development in the phlebotomine gut (2006) Exp. Parasitol., 112, pp. 152-157Pfeffer, W., (1888) Unters. Botan. Inst., 2, pp. 582-661. , TubingenAdler, J., A method for measuring chemotaxis and use of the method to determine optimum conditions for chemotaxis by escherichia coli (1973) J. Gen. Microbiol., 74, pp. 77-91Alves, C.R., Albuquerque-Cunha, J.M., Mello, C.B., Nogueira, E.S.G.D.N.F., Bourguingnon, S.C., Souza, W.D., Azambuja, P., Gonzalez, M.S., Trypanosoma cruzi: Attachment to perimicrovillar membrane glycoproteins of rhodnius prolixus (2007) Experimental Parasitology, 116, pp. 44-52Fontes, A., Giorgio, S., De Castro Jr., A.B., Neto, V.M., De Pozzo, L.Y., Marques, G.P., Barbosa, L.C., Cesar, C.L., Determination of Femto Newton forces and fluid viscosity using optical tweezers - Application to Leishmania amazonensis (2005) Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 5699, pp. 419-425. , DOI 10.1117/12.586427, 59, Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules and Cells: Fundamentals and Applications II

    Fine structure of the male accessory glands of Triatoma rubrofasciata (De Geer, 1773) (Hemiptera, Triatominae)

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    Male of Triatoma rubrofasciata has four elongated sac-like reproductive mesodermic accessory glands, lined by an inner single layer of secretory cells, with basal plasma membrane infolds and short apical microvilli, and externally enveloped by a thin visceral muscle layer. The secretory cells have a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondria, and secretory granules. In one day old adult the gland cells are poorly developed, presenting small, electron-transparent secretory granules scattered among the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, whereas in three days old adult these cells have the cisternae of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum varing size degree, filled with granular electrondense content. In five days old males the secretory granules increase in diameter, being released to the gland lumen. Therefore, there is an increase of the secretory activity according to male maturation

    Scanning electron microscopy study of the egg of Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii Lutz, 1904 (Diptera : Culicidae)

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    Morphological details are provided for the dorsal and ventral surfaces of loth extremities and the micropylar area of eggs of Haemagogus (Haemagogus) capricornii Lutz, captured in the Biological Reserve of Tingua, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The eggs were observed by scanning electron microscopy with a morphometrical analysis of the main structures. The outer chorionic cells on the ventral surface were extremely regular, such as those observed in Hg. equiuus and Hg. janthinomys. The tubercles present differences in form, size, and distribution. Filaments to attach to the substrate were observed in this species

    Cdte And Cdse Quantum Dots Cytotoxicity: A Comparative Study On Microorganisms

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    Quantum dots (QDs) are colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals of a few nanometers in diameter, being their size and shape controlled during the synthesis. They are synthesized from atoms of group II-VI or III-V of the periodic table, such as cadmium telluride (CdTe) or cadmium selenium (CdSe) forming nanoparticles with fluorescent characteristics superior to current fluorophores. The excellent optical characteristics of quantum dots make them applied widely in the field of life sciences. Cellular uptake of QDs, location and translocation as well as any biological consequence, such as cytotoxicity, stimulated a lot of scientific research in this area. Several studies pointed to the cytotoxic effect against micoorganisms. In this mini-review, we overviewed the synthesis and optical properties of QDs, and its advantages and bioapplications in the studies about microorganisms such as protozoa, bacteria, fungi and virus. © 2011 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.11121166411678Alivisatos, A.P., Semiconductor clusters, nanocrystals, and quantum dots (1996) Science, 271, pp. 933-937Weller, H., Quantum size colloids: From size-dependent properties of discrete particles to self-organized superstructures (1998) Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci, 3, pp. 194-199Almeida, D.B., (2008) Pontos Quânticos Coloidais De Semicondutores II-VI Encapados Com SiO2, , M.S. 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    Trypanosoma Cruzi Quantitative Chemotaxis Characterization By Optical Tweezers

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    [No abstract available]15SUPPL. 2868869Fontes, A., Giorgio, S., De Castro, A.B., Neto, V.M., Pozzo, L.Y., Marques, G.P., Barbosa, L.C., Cesar, C.L., Determination of femtonewton forces and fluid viscosity using optical tweezers: Application to Leishmania amazonensis (2005) Proceedings of SPIE, 5699, pp. 419-42